Tricks/bugs that a necro can exploit
One cool one that I like:
If you are traited for reaper’s protection and use Dark Spear (Spear 5) the self-induced knockdown from pulling yourself to your target will cause aoe fear at your new location, giving you fear on command.
Nice underwater trick!!
A few aa bleeds + BiP + that combo (terror of course) = 10k dmg alone
1v2 are very possible underwater both for power and conditionmancer. Always avoid aquamans though.
Spectral Walk
On use 1 – set point at which you’ll teleport back to if you use skill a second time within 8 seconds. Gain swiftness 30s.
On use 2 – teleport back to location at which skill was initially used if within 8 second window (still spectral trail appearing when you move).
Use this to negate falling damage, as the teleport resets your velocity to zero.
Once you’re near the ground double tap spectral walk to reset your velocity to 0 and take no falling damage (or at least not die).
I just let DS eat my falling damage
Member of (DARK) on NSP
Necro is a lifestyle choice… Don’t be afraid of the (DARK)
Spectral Walk
On use 1 – set point at which you’ll teleport back to if you use skill a second time within 8 seconds. Gain swiftness 30s.
On use 2 – teleport back to location at which skill was initially used if within 8 second window (still spectral trail appearing when you move).
Use this to negate falling damage, as the teleport resets your velocity to zero.
Once you’re near the ground double tap spectral walk to reset your velocity to 0 and take no falling damage (or at least not die).
Well known trick and it doesnt actually do a full reset it just puts the counted fall to 0 (you will take damage counting teleport location as the point from which you take fall damage).
I just let DS eat my falling damage
Member of (DARK) on NSP
Necro is a lifestyle choice… Don’t be afraid of the (DARK)
About the falling damage. DS can also eat the fall in fractals, where harpies push u of platforms. i think it can also take the jade maw laser.
it basically counts as an extra life.
About the falling damage. DS can also eat the fall in fractals, where harpies push u of platforms. i think it can also take the jade maw laser.
it basically counts as an extra life.
It can take Jade Maw laser, but not reliably. Most likely to work if your life force is full.
Never had it work on harpy knockback, though. Usually I then end up dead instead of downed if I popped death shroud.
Interesting… If I use DS with any life force at all while falling in the harpy fractal, I get teleported back, with no life force left, to the spot where you are normally downed, but I am always alive. Never really tried to use DS to eat the maw lazer, I would rather just dodge it.
—Wrong— Deleted info.
(edited by Rennoko.5731)
Rennoko, Unless they fixed that overnight I have to say that you are incorrect. The damage taken while in death shroud never splashes over into your actual HP. I use this all the time to jump off of the bridge at Hills. So long as you can pop DS prior to taking the falling dmg, it will just remove all of your life force not doing any additional damage.
I use this occasionally when I am outnumbered in a fight to jump off of a ledge that normally would kill someone, then I watch as the lemmings whom are fighting me jump over to chase, waiting for them to splat so i can get my loot is awesome
Anyhow I just wanted to point that out, any damage from a single hit (like Falling damage) will reduce your life force pool, however if you run out of life force, the damage does not splash over into your health pool.
If that is the case, then it has been changed from the last time I tried to do that about 3 months ago. Since it is sort of like sticking your hand on a hot frying pan, I guess I can give it another try.
Spectral-shute has worked since 3-4 patches ago, but I will give this a try again. So any distance as long as I am in DS form I won’t die?
I would assume yes, I mean the particular fall I referenced is quite far indeed and I make it every time :P Now, I have never tried using the spectral walk trick, although I am willing to try it. You know, a Necro shouldn’t ever fear death :P
Yep, I am completely wrong.
I swear I tested that at least 3-4 times back months ago and I never lived.
I stand corrected though…. however this makes me feel less happy about spectral-shute as I don’t even need that anymore…
Can anyone else confirm if this has always been the case, or was this changed in an update patch sometime? I know DS has always prevent damage overflow, but falling always worked through that for me historically.
I will edit my wrong post, thanks for the correction.
I know for a fact this isn’t how use to work. How it use to work is: if a fall would take your life force down to zero while in death shroud you would insta die. So this ‘change’ is new
Thank goodness I am not going crazy. I wonder when it was updated…
It’s a very nice buff, I believe it applies to any damage source.
I know for a fact this isn’t how use to work. How it use to work is: if a fall would take your life force down to zero while in death shroud you would insta die. So this ‘change’ is new
Yes, that is how it used to work, but it is different now. As long as you are in Death Shroud when you hit, you take no “real” damage to your HP bar.
I know for a fact this isn’t how use to work. How it use to work is: if a fall would take your life force down to zero while in death shroud you would insta die. So this ‘change’ is new
Yes, that is how it used to work, but it is different now. As long as you are in Death Shroud when you hit, you take no “real” damage to your HP bar.
This is correct, I used it in the Straits of Devestation this afternoon. I appeared in the midst of an area, ran out of it, and leaped then realized it was a very far fall. I hit DS, and landed with no damage taken and no LF.
Now if we could only get DS stomp and rez back XD
Member of (DARK) on NSP
Necro is a lifestyle choice… Don’t be afraid of the (DARK)
DS was changed some months back, it’s a nice buff and makes the necro the best base jumper in the game
I guess those who play WvW picked up on the change quite quickly due to the amount of cliffs and others missed the change.
The buff to DS also caused some problems (utility bar lagg) But overall it’s a really great change. I think it’s a bug and it’ll get fixed next patch.
Aralon Scutum – Charr Healing Guardian
Far Shiverpeaks! – Guild of Tweakers [GoT]
The buff to DS also caused some problems (utility bar lagg) But overall it’s a really great change. I think it’s a bug and it’ll get fixed next patch.
Not quite. The utility bar lag issue started with the January 28 patch. The “Death Shroud BASE jump” has been around for at least a month before that.