Vale Guardian vs Fear
You can, but if you’re specced in to Reaper (why aren’t you specced in to Reaper?) your fears will chill them and they won’t move far.
You can, but if you’re specced in to Reaper (why aren’t you specced in to Reaper?) your fears will chill them and they won’t move far.
Which is why I wish the chill on fear trait wasn’t baseline.
While on the subject of fear and vale guard, can we bring up how fear doesn’t affect the breakbars of the split guys? At least I haven’t seen it work.
While on the subject of fear and vale guard, can we bring up how fear doesn’t affect the breakbars of the split guys? At least I haven’t seen it work.
It is not just fear, I’m pretty sure it is every condition based cc. I find it quite stupid considering we introduced chill, cripple, weakness,… to the breakbar.
Which is why I wish the chill on fear trait wasn’t baseline.
I have aggree to that, chill on fear sounds cool thematically to keep people close but sometimes you just want the distance and then this traits hinders a lot. The thing is though what do we swap it with?
Its only vale guard that soft cc doesn’t work on. Other bosses are fine.