[Video] Necro vs kiting LB ranger

[Video] Necro vs kiting LB ranger

in Necromancer

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765



How to fight a kiting LB ranger.

Just some ways to do it.

Not exhaustive.

Just thought I should also add that my first signet of spite and later my dagger 4’s blind both caused him to miss his knockbacks lol…

I have fought better kiting rangers…and lost mostly…and barely won at times…but I thought this ranger was very close to as tough as they get…


Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)

[Video] Necro vs kiting LB ranger

in Necromancer

Posted by: mistsim.2748


you should always win this fight, no matter what. currently glassbow is a bad spec against anyone who’s not afk, and it’s hardcountered by a lot of things (good shatter mesmers, basically any good d/p thief, condi necros like yourself and condi rangers, Nike warriors if theyre good, etc.). only the bads complain. I have hundreds of hours on my glassbow btw.

HOWEVER, 6/6/6/0/0 will be very strong with Quickdraw and Wilderness Knowledge when the new specs come out. watch out for that one. if you think glassbow is difficult now, just wait.

[Video] Necro vs kiting LB ranger

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


Nice tutorial! Longbow rangers have become fairly rediculous in WvW to the point where their existence in a skirmish makes them the most threatening foe on the battlefield. On one hand, I’m happy to see Rangers become good, I’m also very annoyed by how threatening they are and how hard it can be to approach them.

Necromancer Rights Advocate
Restart WvW: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Clean-The-Slate/first#post6208959

[Video] Necro vs kiting LB ranger

in Necromancer

Posted by: Oslaf Beinir.5842

Oslaf Beinir.5842

I hate the wolf+Krytan hound/snow owl pet combo…any other pet combo is more manageable

the SoS counter pressure is quite good though but I rarely ever slot it

Get In The Van Yo[PR] -Play on Far Shiverpeaks/Gunner’s Hold/Vabbi

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

[Video] Necro vs kiting LB ranger

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lynnie.7213


Nice video. 10/10

Necromancer – Ranger WvW/Spvp/Pve/Build/Guide videos:

[Video] Necro vs kiting LB ranger

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


1/4 of the vid is random text. The rest includes insta spite signet, missing most of the transfers and pretty much every staff skill against a signet of the hunt ranger.

[Video] Necro vs kiting LB ranger

in Necromancer

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


you should always win this fight, no matter what. currently glassbow is a bad spec against anyone who’s not afk, and it’s hardcountered by a lot of things (good shatter mesmers, basically any good d/p thief, condi necros like yourself and condi rangers, Nike warriors if theyre good, etc.). only the bads complain. I have hundreds of hours on my glassbow btw.

HOWEVER, 6/6/6/0/0 will be very strong with Quickdraw and Wilderness Knowledge when the new specs come out. watch out for that one. if you think glassbow is difficult now, just wait.

hmm I dont know if he was a full glass ranger…he seemed to have some form of condi cleanse…emphatic bond? and i saw him fight a dragon-finisher thief and he didn’t take too much damage from the thief’s auto and also the ranger won. he seemed to be tankier than a glassbow.

Nice tutorial! Longbow rangers have become fairly rediculous in WvW to the point where their existence in a skirmish makes them the most threatening foe on the battlefield. On one hand, I’m happy to see Rangers become good, I’m also very annoyed by how threatening they are and how hard it can be to approach them.

Thanks! I also find rangers extremely threatening. the ranger in the video, I thought he kited well, but his pet choice was not the most threatening against a necro. As pointed out by Oslaf in his post. He was also unlucky/less skilled to not notice the blind on him and wasted two of his LB knockbacks which might just have killed me.

I hate the wolf+Krytan hound/snow owl pet combo…any other pet combo is more manageable

the SoS counter pressure is quite good though but I rarely ever slot it

I’ve fought kiting wolf+hound LB rangers and they are a terror. both pets can stun you, PLUS one can fear and one can immobilize. that is a hell lot of control on a no-stability necro. Usually against these rangers I am forced to use my elite plague early to gap close and negate most of their early pet + LB combos. Hard to win, but still possible!

Nice video. 10/10

You’re too kind! Personally I thought your own tutorial vs the medi guard video was way more organized and informative than mine. if mine is a 10/10, yours is a 20/10. At least twice as good as mine!

1/4 of the vid is random text. The rest includes insta spite signet, missing most of the transfers and pretty much every staff skill against a signet of the hunt ranger.

I thought of not replying to your comment since it seems you are being overly critical without offering anything constructive. Constructive criticism is welcome… But giving you the benefit of doubt, here’s my reply:

1) random text = i won’t insist anyone to like it or not, just how I wanted to open my video

2) insta spite signet = if you meant it as a criticism, here is why I like to open fights with it:
- I can gauge my opponent’s level early. if he dodges it, he is probably good. if not, then probably not that good.
- Even decent/good players don’t expect a SoS opening from a necro and seldom dodge/dodge in time
- I could fear then spite or count 2 dodges and spite but that’s not really my style

3) missing most of the transfers = I don’t think I missed any apart from my staff marks. My plague signet hit and so did my dagger 4.

4) missing most of my staff marks = Admittedly I am an average necro and I am going to miss things. I hope though that you give credit to the ranger for some of those misses because he used his roll back utility skill that took me by surprise as I was spamming the marks on him and the marks missed him.

5) signet of the hunt ranger = is something wrong with using signet of the hunt?

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

[Video] Necro vs kiting LB ranger

in Necromancer

Posted by: Oslaf Beinir.5842

Oslaf Beinir.5842

Signet of the hunt is a passive movement speed signet with a bad active

if you see a ranger running it it is likely a free kill. Rangers got some of the best signets in the game and that one chose not to slot something better.


The fight might have turned out differently with either signets replacing signet of the hunt

Get In The Van Yo[PR] -Play on Far Shiverpeaks/Gunner’s Hold/Vabbi

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

[Video] Necro vs kiting LB ranger

in Necromancer

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


Signet of the hunt is a passive movement speed signet with a bad active

if you see a ranger running it it is likely a free kill. Rangers got some of the best signets in the game and that one chose not to slot something better.


The fight might have turned out differently with either signets replacing signet of the hunt


Actually I felt that signet of the hunt was great for this ranger’s build and playstyle.
He is essentially a shoot and kite ranger and the movement speed from the signet gives him the ability to kite much better against me in combat.

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

[Video] Necro vs kiting LB ranger

in Necromancer

Posted by: mistsim.2748


if he had condi removal and no SoR, then likely he was 6/x/x/6/x for survival of the fittest. I used to run that as it’s fairly sturdy against condis. you get all the extra vit from the traits. that is another popular LB power build, and hits as hard as glassbow with the right gear. he still has no excuse for running signet of hunt though.

the main thing about killing glassbows is constant aggression while you move into them, and correct dodging of RF, pointblank shot, hunter’s shot, canine tackle, etc. do you run nightmare runes? landing one or two fears should secure the kill. you had trouble because you missed your first doom.

[Video] Necro vs kiting LB ranger

in Necromancer

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


if he had condi removal and no SoR, then likely he was 6/x/x/6/x for survival of the fittest. I used to run that as it’s fairly sturdy against condis. you get all the extra vit from the traits. that is another popular LB power build, and hits as hard as glassbow with the right gear. he still has no excuse for running signet of hunt though.

the main thing about killing glassbows is constant aggression while you move into them, and correct dodging of RF, pointblank shot, hunter’s shot, canine tackle, etc. do you run nightmare runes? landing one or two fears should secure the kill. you had trouble because you missed your first doom.

hmmm actually rewatching the video it does seem like he didn’t have any condi removal.
I asked for the ranger’s advice in their thread and actually I think the general sentiment is that signet of hunt is pretty good if they don’t have other forms of movement speed since as a LB ranger they need the MS to reposition.


and I wonder why I missed my first fear? was I out of range? XD
and i use traveler runes =D

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

[Video] Necro vs kiting LB ranger

in Necromancer

Posted by: Oslaf Beinir.5842

Oslaf Beinir.5842

your first fear did not miss. it landed but your luck was as rotten as a necromancer’s corpse since his EB(pet takes 3 conditions every 10 seconds) activated at that moment. check his spider for terror damage ticks in the vid.
he is likely running 4/4/6/0/0

the ranger also had a useless signet of stone.

now signet of the hunt is not that useful without a GS to make maul a killing blow on the active. even then it isnt as useful as the other 3 signets. for kiting purposes, LB has enough tools to kite and sword/dagger for ranger is an evade and kite set. also every power ranger should get swiftness (and fury depending on traits) on weapon swap to help kite.

signet of renewal would have changed how his battle would have ended with you. it cures 1 condition from the ranger AND the pet every 10 seconds. its active fully cleanses the ranger by having the pet pull all conditions from allies in the area. also breaks stuns. along with EB thats 4 conditions every 10 seconds. its more than enough for a ranger to kill a condi necro but even without it it is possible. the ranger played his cards poorly.

signet of the wild might have also been a game changer since the active gives the ranger and pet stability, damage and movement speed boost. you had no corrupt boon to counter it. passive is a minor health rejuvenation for ranger and pet.

those choices are far superior to hunt signet

i think you might already know this but if a ranger entangles u u better use ds 2 to port to them before u try to transfer the condis since more than likely if they got a wolf on swap they will have it fear u for a deadly combo. ds2+ds3>transfer/heal

about the pig, it has two items it can spawn, stealth/blind item and a plasma for all boons. pet is generally useless after

Get In The Van Yo[PR] -Play on Far Shiverpeaks/Gunner’s Hold/Vabbi

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

[Video] Necro vs kiting LB ranger

in Necromancer

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


your first fear did not miss. it landed but your luck was as rotten as a necromancer’s corpse since his EB(pet takes 3 conditions every 10 seconds) activated at that moment. check his spider for terror damage ticks in the vid.
he is likely running 4/4/6/0/0

the ranger also had a useless signet of stone.

now signet of the hunt is not that useful without a GS to make maul a killing blow on the active. even then it isnt as useful as the other 3 signets. for kiting purposes, LB has enough tools to kite and sword/dagger for ranger is an evade and kite set. also every power ranger should get swiftness (and fury depending on traits) on weapon swap to help kite.

signet of renewal would have changed how his battle would have ended with you. it cures 1 condition from the ranger AND the pet every 10 seconds. its active fully cleanses the ranger by having the pet pull all conditions from allies in the area. also breaks stuns. along with EB thats 4 conditions every 10 seconds. its more than enough for a ranger to kill a condi necro but even without it it is possible. the ranger played his cards poorly.

signet of the wild might have also been a game changer since the active gives the ranger and pet stability, damage and movement speed boost. you had no corrupt boon to counter it. passive is a minor health rejuvenation for ranger and pet.

those choices are far superior to hunt signet

i think you might already know this but if a ranger entangles u u better use ds 2 to port to them before u try to transfer the condis since more than likely if they got a wolf on swap they will have it fear u for a deadly combo. ds2+ds3>transfer/heal

about the pig, it has two items it can spawn, stealth/blind item and a plasma for all boons. pet is generally useless after

icic…or perhaps instead of emphatic bond, shared anguish trait?
I watched the video again and seems like only my fear was transfered, and the ranger had an immune sign on him

I also wondered why the ranger didn’t use his signet of stone especially at the end when I was lifeblasting him. He might just have survived long enough to swap to LB and turn around and end my life XD

Mmm while I agree that the other signets/utility offers much more, but for his particular kiting playstyle, assuming he had no other sources of movement speed boost, which I think he doesn’t, signet of the hunt really allows him to reposition and put himself out of my range quite a few times.

And I went to read up on his pet pig, it has a charge knockback too…on top of giving plasma or invis…that is quite a scary pet actually

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

[Video] Necro vs kiting LB ranger

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


He clearly has swiftness and fury on weapon swap. Signet of the wild is not really that great except in this matchup and then muddy terrain to immobilize you would have been better since necro is naturally so weak to immobilizes. Or just signet of renewal to counter your spite signet.