Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kravick.4906


Anyone who has ever played vanilla WoW will understand what this means. For those that haven’t, watch this very short video first. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX1dPTAQ5_U

Let me start by saying that I have a level 76 necromancer. I haven’t quite hit 80 on the necromancer yet, but by the time I hit level 10 I knew there was just something off about this class. The entire time while I was leveling I’d look around me and see other classes 3 shotting mobs while I always had to work extra hard for my kills. Last weekend I was turned down for a CoF story mode group on the basis that necromancers are a broken class and I’d just slow them down if they took me. I was honestly surprised beyond belief when I was told this. Last weekend Anet didn’t have these forums up so I couldn’t really confirm or deny if what he was saying had any merit or if he was just talking out of hiskitten A guild mate last night told me that Anet finally opened up class forums here. I’ve just spent the last hour reading various threads here. Especially these gems.



So basically, that guy who denied me the CoF group last weekend wasn’t talking out of hiskittenafter all. Based on this list of bugs alone he was perfectly valid in denying me a spot in his group. I can’t see why anyone would want to take along a class this undeniably broken with them to dungeons. This whole time I’ve been using Plague Signet in dungeons thinking I was actually helping my group, when in reality all I’ve been doing is hurting myself. I had no idea my damage was so lackluster in comparison to other classes (more on that below). Don’t even get me started on minions.

I decided to do a little bit of research on my own. A side project of sorts. For the last 4 days I’ve been leveling a warrior. I got to level 55 today. I am sad to report that the difference is like night and day. Unfortunately, the warrior is extremely one sided and boils down to equip greatsword, press 2, win. EXCEPT WARRIORS DO IT SO WELL! Whole groups of mobs mowed down in seconds with Hundred Blades alone. If anything happens to survive I just hit Bladetrail and finish them off in one move.

Necromancers sadly remind me of warlocks from vanilla WoW. It was my first class in that game as well. I seem to be cursed to always pick the broken class at the launch of any game. Generally the warlock in WoW was regarded as a free kill in PVP and the worst of the worst when it came to running instances/raids. The ONLY reason anyone took a warlock for raiding was because of their soulstone res ability and curse of elements. Most guilds I knew only ever took 1 warlock with them. The term “X got warlocked” was often used on Blizzards forums to refer to when a class ability was nerfed.

Of course Blizzard eventually fixed warlocks and, for a time, they became unstoppable killing machines themselves, but that was a year and a half after the fact. These changes only came when Blizzard revamped all class abilities and talents across the board for the Burning Crusade expansion. I don’t want to go through that again. Problems like these aren’t going to go away any time soon. Its going to take time to rebalance and fix this many issues. Lots of time. Time I don’t feel like wasting on. I’m not going to wait around for several months to a year hoping and waiting for the developers to finally decide how they’re going to fix whats obviously broken this time around. I know that Anet isn’t Blizzard. Actually, no, thats not entirely true. A lot of the Anet talent splintered from Blizzard just before WoW released and probably worked on vanilla WoW.

I’m not even so sure I want to even continue playing any more at this point, though. Warriors are just too mind numbingly easy to play for me to make that class my main. I mean I really really love the feel and concepts of the necromancer class (or at least how its supposed to work anyway). I really really want to continue playing the necromancer, but I refuse to play another handicapped class again. It was way to frustrating and the aggravation was not worth it. I want to love the necromancer, but in their current state, necromancers are beyond pathetic.

I’d like to say that Anet has made a great game here, but there are some serious problems with Necromancers. Not just glaring issues. I’m talking oozing puss filled gangrene infected wounds that need serious medical attention kind of problems.

Stuff goes here.

(edited by Kravick.4906)

Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: Outlaw.4078


Don’t know anything about Vanilla WoW but I was really looking forward to playing Necro in GW2. I’ve been playing it for well over 300+ hours and I do like the class. However, I think I’m going to just take a break from GW2 for a bit until they resolve the numerous issues Necros have so I won’t be learning to play the wrong way and developing bad habits.

Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Im sorry but it seems someone didnt play affliction~ Also necros are more like a combination between DKs (beefy, pretty strong controll and pull) and Druids (yes druids, you have DS and Lich or Plague and mostly supportive ground targeted abilites) if you really wanna compare GW2 with a sadly lore killed game.
True some traits and numbers need tweaking (i actually made a whole “my rework of necro” post), but so do some other classes. Only thing thats mind boggling is that a-net didnt fix all the bugs necros have…

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: Darkorical.9213


I love my necro I only occasionally have issues with it and I think those were mob balance issues rather than necro issues. while leveling I actually made the comment “Oh its not so bad they are only 5 levels above me” and I was serious. I enjoy working for a kill. I run with all minions and flesh golem. I like standing back with a staff dropping aoe then running in and switching to dagger to melee with my minions if minions die I hit f1 and keep right on attacking without worrying about my HP while my cool downs expire then coming out running back a ways resummoning stuff and diving back in.
or if IM feeling lazy I stay back and switch between staff and scepter depending on cool downs.

In dungeons I swap my heal to well of blood and my elite to … the one with the turrets and fight however I feel like it. and if things are going espically bad Ill swap another minion for signet of undeath.
I just ran the level 40 dungeon in explorable (save the butler branch) tonight with guildies and I didn’t have any harder time at it than any of them.

Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: Husy.9834


Ok i never played Vanilla WoW Either (Hated WoW) but i do have an opinion here.
Necromancer’s are NOT weak i’m level 67 Currently, and have used each of the other classes, they are all strong in their own way, depending on your trait points, or how you’re using necro, is probably why you were having difficulties, Like Honestly, with Dungeon specs i can keep my whole team alive by just Pressing 2 with daggers on (Life Siphon), so i don’t know why a team wasn’t choosing you.

Also, i actually think that necro’s are the strongest class (My opinion) The way I’ve Spec’d my traits i hardly ever die, and if i’m about to die, F1, then if that goes down, i’ve got the extra damage from traits and a couple minions up, and i rally instantly,
With my Minions up i do 2 things i either use Staff or Axe/Warhorn on my second set, and i usually go in, use my 3-4 combo with staff, change to daggers, 4,5, and everything’s dead, this usually happens in about 2-5 seconds Tops and a group of monsters are dead by the end of it, or If i’m using axe/warhorn and double daggers, all i do is 3 4 5, with axe and warhorn equip’d, then change to daggers, and yet again 4,5 and the foe is dead, and if it happens to be a veteran, i use Life Siphon and just kill it at the end. with minions up, always having double daggers as a choice, i can take things down in around 2-5 seconds at the same level as me and it’s usually a group of things.

without minions up, and changed Traits, i can take them down in around 1-3 seconds, since i spec for Power and Precision, and just mow them down in an instant, and usually use 2 Signets for the passives, Power and Speed, and always have the speed’s signet passive to heal me, and i use my Well of Blood if i’m about to die.

To be Honest, the proffesions are usually what you’re most used to, or play the best, for me i suck at elementalist, but a friend of mine is ownage with his, and i found them the weakest, while he found necro the weakest, we’ve realized that it’s just the way people play, so if i was you, i’d get to level 20 with each Prof and find out which you play/use the rest, So far i haven’t found trouble getting parties for Dungeons not sure why you did.

Sea of Sorrows
[TS] Team Shatter

(edited by Husy.9834)

Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: Outlaw.4078


I don’t believe the Necro is weak by any means. What’s bothering me is the extent to which it is bugged at the moment. I LOVE playing the class but not being able to do things that I SHOULD be able to do according to tooltips or being held back by things I can’t control (like Minion AI and glitched events/skill points) is making me want to wait until things get fixed before picking the game up again.

Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: They are hashes.4523

They are hashes.4523

Update your link to necromancer bug compilation:

We reached the 5001 characters limit reporting the bugs, and had to create a new thread.

Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: Disconnected.9253


I snickered at the mushroom video… so true.

I thought necro was nifty and not too bad (poor damage, but pretty high survivability with MM/VM builds)… but then I rolled a guardian and started facerolling things of up to 3lvls above me with less than half the buttons used that my necro does.

It saddens me, because I really like necro ‘style’ of play. It just needs tweaks in every department (minion AI especially).

Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: mangocheesecake.1487


Necro is buggy and some traits are bad at the moment… but I’ve only ever been denyed into a group once.

I believe thieves and mesmers get denied sometimes too, according to some posts on here and guru, so I’m chalking it up to ignorance only.

There are very successful runs with 2 necros dropping down wells of darkness for control and keeping the team alive. We can “splash” it into aoe blind by finishing our own combo with staff 4. So I think the QQ about the dungeon side of pve is not really necessary.

Terrifying Kitties | SBI | Recruiting Active Players for WvW and PvE
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Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ahlen.7591


Every class says that every class 3 shot mobs. I’ve seen it on every forum.

It’s just grass is greener syndrome.

Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: mangocheesecake.1487


Every class says that every class 3 shot mobs. I’ve seen it on every forum.

It’s just grass is greener syndrome.

There’s some of that, but according to all polls i’ve seen on guru and reddit, necros are the least played class along with engi (sometimes we trade places.)

I think during an interview Anet said they were happy with warrior and that necros needed some love.

Of course we could be more patient as a community. I mean, maybe there’s a big patch coming for necros and they are taking a bit more time with it

fingers crossed.

Terrifying Kitties | SBI | Recruiting Active Players for WvW and PvE
PM Carme, Soji, Taper, or Mrsowrd in game

Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: XerZus.1950


I had so far no problems with my necro in PvE, but I have to admit that we do need some love for sPvP. Right now there is one half way descend build that works for sPvP. I would also love to see at least few fixes and changes the coming week, and not months. That way we won’t feel left out.

Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ahlen.7591


At least our ‘only’ good sPVP build is really good.

Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: Torm.5831


I think its too early to start calling out whats OP or UP. I do feel that Necros are bugged a little more then most classes and could use some love in that department. Also some of the skills of Necros are just not very good/need quality of life improvements. I feel those are the things that we should be focusing are feedback on for right now until people get a better feel for how to pvp.

Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: Thor Rising.7850

Thor Rising.7850

At least our ‘only’ good sPVP build is really good.

I just really don’t want to get locked into running one build to be successful. Also, guardians are super easy to faceroll on compared to my necro.

Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: Haishao.6851


Every class says that every class 3 shot mobs. I’ve seen it on every forum.

It’s just grass is greener syndrome.

No, it’s just that the only class that matter right now is warrior. Other classes are just for fluff since they bring nothing of importance that you cannot do on a warrior. The goal is to kill and warrior do this right away. While we’re dancing around doing sparkly visual effect on our target, warriors have killed 3.

Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kravick.4906


Every class says that every class 3 shot mobs. I’ve seen it on every forum.

It’s just grass is greener syndrome.

I understand what you’re saying, and yes, that does happen a lot. But in this case its not hyperbole. I am not exaggerating when I say I’ve 100% → 0% regular non-veteran mobs with just Hundred Blades alone. Bunch several of these mobs up together and my warrior literally turns into a meatgrinder.

Stuff goes here.

Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: HiSaZuL.2843


Heh… I played warlock from day 1 vanilla wow…. Yeah that was much worse then even necro at its current state. But hey… I’m a stubborn guy that first character I made I also carried as my one and only class that I played(and didn’t delete after few days- weeks tops… I did make a druid when we finished naxx and aq40… but only leveled her when bc came out) until the day I quit… something tells me my stubbornness will be equally painful here. I have great memories of playing an utterly broken and unfinished class then… of a half a year, not even, being op… and then being nerfed with every single patch if not directly then indirectly.

Warloc... I mean, Necromancers are Mushrooms

in Necromancer

Posted by: HiSaZuL.2843


Every class says that every class 3 shot mobs. I’ve seen it on every forum.

It’s just grass is greener syndrome.

I also know get I get plenty of 10k up to 16k being the highest, single hits from thiefs. Warriors can hit pretty hard and consistently and fast on top of that but not for that much in single hit. Anyway…they can still burst in you in 2-3 seconds if you don’t dodge/fear run like your balls are on fire.
So maybe its denial syndrome on your end.