(edited by Heartlust.6140)
What EXISTING weapon would you like on Necro?
I want torch. Could have a source of burning without going 30 deep into spite.
I second the torch but it should have a spectral fire effect rather than regular fire and be designed to work with spectral skills.
I would also like to see the spear for land use – sort of like a naginata. Give it medium-short range and cleave with bleeds (maybe weakness, too) but no targetable AoE to differentiate it from the scepter, yet give conditionmancer an alternative main. Staff could use something to compete with it in the 2-handed category but I am not 100% in favor of the long sword or hammer. I do not want the spear to be a duplicate of the warrior’s long sword so no combat mobility skills or channels. It cannot compete with scepter so range should be shorter and, aside from the bleeds, it should apply different conditions. Adding torment, darkness, and chill to the spear skills would be perfect.
Guns just do not seem very applicable… unless it is a blow-gun to poison the snot out of the opponent.
(edited by Anchoku.8142)
Yes, I’ve been thinking about a spectral fire torch as well. Hopefully for main hand so it would be a tad unique considering it’s an off hand wep for all other professions iirc. I’d actually like it more if didn’t even apply burning.
I dream of the day we can use Twilight or this torch which basically SCREAMS necromancer.
(edited by Heartlust.6140)
I like the idea of a torch that doesn’t actually apply burning, but is an AoE weapon.
Greatswords for AoE in-your-face sustain, and Hammer for close range control.
I’d really like to see pistols though, a few people have thrown out the ideas of off-hand weapons being able to summon minions, I’d love to see off-hand Pistol “shoot” Jagged Horrors (spawn them at the target), up to a small limit of 3 or so.
To elaborate on Bhawb’s “torch that doesn’t actually apply burning,” I would like it to apply AoE Protection, AoE condition draw, and either a combat mobility skill like a short range teleport in the faced direction or an AoE “spectral” mode converting allies within the field into ghosts unable to take damage but also unable to do damage.
I have a feeling that the last ability (or anything like it) wouldn’t likely be implemented. Its just too troll-y and I don’t know of many good abilities in any game that function like it (terrain changers like Jarvan ult are the only I can think of).
Wouldn’t mind ANET adding a green coloured aura exclusive to necromancers that would siphon health whenever we got hit and increase health gain from spells for just a few seconds. Would be great casting that as an AoE from the torch or GS, finally giving out some (noticeable) benefits to party members. Would also help the currently weak vampire builds.
I would love to see the shield added to our arsenal. Give us a block and something weird and wacky.
At the moment I would like to see less GS in the game.
We don’t need any more off hands,we need a melee weapon with a cleave.So if we can’t get a 2h Axe,give us a Hammer or GS.
We don’t need any more off hands,we need a melee weapon with a cleave.So if we can’t get a 2h Axe,give us a Hammer or GS.
Yeah, at this point i’d take any 2h wep.
mace with added minion boons on attack.
I’d like a sword. For aesthetics + cleave for my powermancer.
Greatsword… moving towards the deathknight playstyle… like staff only made for damage, chilling – torment – maybe burning every 3rd auto-attack, life force generation and Lupicus-like shadowstep towards a location (not a target).
Fun ideas… don’t think they are balanced though… but yeah.
Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.
I really like the idea of a hammer.
I am just imagining the #5 skill being like grasping dead, only instead of bleeds, it does an immobilize. (Like hands appear, and grab hold of target. Would be really cool)
And for the love of god, a hammer could give us a good, reliable blast finisher!!!!!!!
Maybe the number 2 skill would be, channel into your hammer for 2 seconds, chilling foes nearby, and at the end, a PBAoE happens (Blast finisher of course) that fears foes for .75 seconds.
Or just a blast finisher that doesn’t have a mega 45 sec CD would make me so happy.
Insight: I play my necro a lot less in WvW when running with a coordinated group, because when they ask for people to blast for heals and might, I feel totally useless, and like a thief for taking some might and heals from others blasting.
Anywho, just my thoughts on the matter. xD
To me the necro is a caster class, so adding more melee weapons that act like melee weapons is going down the wrong path.
But if they do it in the same vein as offhand dagger (which really acts like a casting weapon), then I think it would fit. So instead of a melee cleave on a sword/hammer/etc., it would be an AoE (or pbAoE) effect.
But please: no GS laserbeams.
Hammer. Like guy in colossus fractal.
Sword or greatsword. We are designed as the most in your face and aggressive caster but both mesmer and ele have better melee options.
Great sword, most definitely great sword. I’m drooling just thinking about it.
id like to have an offhand axe so i can go dual wield.
Would love to see sword and greatsword
It would be awesome if the sword had a leap finisher
Greatsword because I have a twilight in my bank that isn’t being used :-p
I don’t agree with the most of people claiming the GS as a necromancer weapon, it’s another design flaw. (Necromancer isn’t a kittening Death Knight, exorcize your mind corrupted by WoW).
At least it shouldn’t be used for meleeing, but as a caster weapon, a catalyst.
I agree with the torch (just with the prerequisite of having a spectral/evil look) and somehow with a one-handed sword having ranged spells, so not used for melee attacks.
I also totally agree with the idea of making a weapon working together with the Minion thematic, both to summon or to support them (healing them, boosting their damage [consider the old “Order spells”Order of Apostasy, Pain, Undeath, Vampire from GW1], et similia).
Do not forget we also need weapons working together with Wells, Marks and Death Shroud. We need more Synergy.
PS: As ronpierce promoted on another thread, i agree with the idea of having “bundles” like those from the Engineer (or Ritualist in Gw1) which takes in consideration the theme of the flesh mutation or demonic flesh, maybe approaching to the Vampiric or Corruptor themes..
(edited by Luke.4562)
I don’t agree with the most of people claiming the GS as a necromancer weapon, it’s another design flaw. (Necromancer isn’t a kittening Death Knight, exorcize your mind corrupted by WoW).
At least it shouldn’t be used for meleeing, but as a caster weapon, a catalyst.Agree with the torch (just with the prerequisite of having a spectral/evil look) and somehow with a one-handed sword having ranged spells, so not used for melee attacks.
I also totally agree with the idea of making a weapon working together with Minion thematic, both summoning, or supporting them.
Do not forget we also need weapons working together with Wells, Marks and Death Shroud. We need more Synergy.
Melee cleave is the only type of weapon that would work with wells. We are the only class that doesnt have a melee cleave option, except engi. But engi has nades which are pretty good at all ranges. We have plenty of ranged weapons, we dont need another ranged mainhand. Anet said they plan to release all weapons for all classes but I think giving us a melee cleave option should be the first thing they do as its the the one really strong weapon role that we dont have an option for.
I don’t agree with the most of people claiming the GS as a necromancer weapon, it’s another design flaw. (Necromancer isn’t a kittening Death Knight, exorcize your mind corrupted by WoW).
At least it shouldn’t be used for meleeing, but as a caster weapon, a catalyst.I agree with the torch (just with the prerequisite of having a spectral/evil look) and somehow with a one-handed sword having ranged spells, so not used for melee attacks.
I also totally agree with the idea of making a weapon working together with the Minion thematic, both to summon or to support them.
Do not forget we also need weapons working together with Wells, Marks and Death Shroud. We need more Synergy.
Greatsword on caster class was a introduced to me first back in 2000something, in the gold old days of Gothic I… which was one of the best initial RPGs of all times.
How i miss my necromancer with Uriziel 2h weapon… those were the days…
So yeah… Deathknight, giv NAOOOO !
Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.
I disagree with people saying GS and other close up weps would be out of character on a caster class. Just look at what they did with Mesmers and their greatwords, it’s really creative, and i’m sure they could make it fit on us considering we’re the “full-on” damage caster out of the three (although we arent even above ellies, which is sad)
Creative weapon and profession combos just makes everything more interesting when looking at our options. Consider something like Warriors using stakitten as quarterstakitten , wouldn’t that be creative?
Hoping the same with GS on necromancers, although this is all wishful thinking! (Personally hoping for more of a power + viable siphon GS than condi, but anything would be good really)
I think a hammer might be fun, if only to pay homage to Necromancer Munne
Otherwise, torch or off-hand axe would be pretty cool as well.
SHIELD – When I see a shield, I tend to marry the idea of stability with the defensive aspects of a shield. So maybe powers based on Stability and Protection?
Also, there are no light armor users that use shield (Elementalist utility conjure excluded), so the idea of shield being exclusive to the Necro appeals to me.
(This is also a selfish wish because I have the Grinning Shield skin, and would love to use it with my Necro)
My second choice(s) would be Mace. Again, this is a selfish wish, as I would love to use ‘Kevin’ with ‘Adam’ on my Necro.
I confess, I’m not entirely sure what powers/abilities a Necromancer based mace would/could bring to the table, but I like the idea nevertheless.
Torch makes the most sense. Mainhand would make it unique and potentially give burning without Dhuumfire trait. Can’t be too abusive with the burning though. Thinking like a fire shield and a daze/blind the eyes.
Longbow would actually be pretty sweet. But it’d have to be the anti-bow in style. Can’t be used like rangers & warriors. I’m thinking something with the feel of Lich form and thief shortbow, giving aoe effects, spawning minions, dropping marks. Like a long range version of staff but more active. Staff feels too passive so longbow could fire a channelled barrage of acid rain which poisons the area, fire an arrow into the ground which raises a jagged horror, fire a grappling arrow that pulls a target closer or pulls us to them (some much needed mobility), fire a dark arrow that torments a target (more stacks the farther away).
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
Agree with the points made that we already have enough ranged pressure. Currently we have main hand axe and scepter, staff and offhand dagger and focus for ranged attacks. Our only current melee weapons are main hand dagger (single target) and offhand warhorn (melee aoe).
No doubt it would be great if we could get both melee and ranged weapons when new weapons are added but I think the overwhelming consensus in the necro community is that it would be great if we had a melee weapon with cleave. This has the potential to open up another build, likely using life syphon skills. Can you imagine a greatsword combo where you:
1: Throw down a ranged well of suffering
2: Use a greatsword leap into the well that chills the target for 2 s and cleaves for a 1s chill, plus area blindness for the leap finisher with dark field from WoS
3: Get multiple small siphons from vampiric with bloodthirst, potentially vampiric precision
4: Use a whirl finisher in the WoS for more siphon through leeching bolts
5: Etc
I know that the above is not well thought out but was just a little example. It would be great if we could have a melee cleave weapon that is power based and does decent damge but primarily helps keep you in melee through multiple additive siphons. Since necros are masters of conditions, the non-damaging conditions (chill, cripple, blind, etc) could be integrated into the weapon.
My necro is an asura so I’m going with "phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range".
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
Ok, now that does sound fun. I love the idea of a melee, cleaving, life-stealing necro.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
Ok, now that does sound fun. I love the idea of a melee, cleaving, life-stealing necro.
As a side note, imagine if they made well of blood a water field. Throw one down and leap finisher into it. Mmmmmm….
What about Dual Shield? Tank style necro anyone? Mitigation and lifesteal skills with some support added in for spice. Pair that with minions somehow to make them actually effective instead of “oh… they died… too bad.” so it is actually a necromancer again instead of a Condi Vampire.
Perhaps a trait addition that says, “When wielding shield in both hands minions take half damage, half of which is also done to the necromancer.”
Along with the skills on the shields it could make for an interesting playstyle that would be reminiscent of the GW1 Necro because they had to damage themselves to keep their minions alive.
I second the idea of a torch. But it would have to have a spectral glow about it..not your typical orange flame.
It would be nice to see that as an MH and OH weapon.
1: Inflicts 1 second of burning and xx dmg (AA speed of 1/2 second)
2: AOE 2 seconds of blind and 3 stacks of confusion for 3 seconds (3/4 Sec. Cast, 8 sec reuse)
3: AOE 4 seconds burning, and 2 seconds blind (3/4 sec cast, 17 sec reuse)
4: Nether Step: allows the Necro to “stealth” for 4 seconds and casts an AOE cripple for
4 seconds (Insta cast, 20 sec reuse)
5: AOE “Life Siphon” like ability (3/4 sec cast, 3 sec duration pulsing 8 times, reuse 40 sec.)
Tjegra: 80 Norn Necromancer
Mefitic: OTW to 80 Asura Necromancer
MH-sword, partly because we need another melee weapon, and partly because I had an Icy Dragon Sword in GW1 and I want to recreate that look (BRING BACK SCAR ARMOUR TOO! :P )
Seriously though, what the necro needs is a defensive weapon – something like the mesmer’s Staff, focussing on avoidance and disruption rather than debuffs and underpowered regeneration like our own staff. I know ANet have it into their heads that that’s not the necro’s “style”, but staff just isn’t cutting it atm, especially since the Putrid Mark bug/nerf was introduced.
Normal swords (both hands) and Hammer.
MH-sword, partly because we need another melee weapon, and partly because I had an Icy Dragon Sword in GW1 and I want to recreate that look
Just had a flashback to my GW1 fiery dragon sword wielding, scarred Necro/War unleashing bleeds, cripples, and life siphoning the crap outta people who had no idea what was going on. Muwahahahahahaha!! I want it all back!
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
I saw a guild use a N/W like that in a world championship quarterfinals once! :p Don’t remember which year and which guild (probably [NR] though), but it was very funny to see, and impressive that they got so high up the ladder with that build!
Traditionally the ‘Necromancer’ is not always a pure caster class. In UO Necromancy was a kind of support magic that could be paired with any discipline including melee. Of course WoW had their death knights. RO also has a kind of death knight called a rune knight. Even in D&D the necromancer could wear light armor without a spell penalty where other casters could not.
Besides that, lets not forget the Rule of Cool.
Who wouldn’t want to see their necro causing havoc with their scythe in melee combat?
Now here is my idea:
Instead of Death Shroud giving a set 5 skills no matter what. Let the Death shroud have a few different skills based on main hand weapon. Leave 3,4,5 alone, but lets say..
Staff 1 is now a melee attack with a swirling 360 degree attack at the end that gains life force for each enemy hit. Staff 2 now sends out ethereal chains that bind the enemy and can be yanked, like the Guard GS skill.
Axe 1 sends out a swarm of locust similar to dagger 4, it bounces between 3 enemies and causes blindness. It doesn’t transfer conditions but it does do more damage. Axe 2 is a high powered spinal shiver that does 2x the damage.
Dagger 1 does lifeblast, Dagger 2 is Death claws. So the old skills/playstyle isn’t lost.
Scepter 1 Does a low power life blast that transfers 1 condition and causes bleeding. Scepter 2 is a reverse blink, that does a aoe bleed and chill around the caster. Like a reverse death claw.
Now here is my idea:
Instead of Death Shroud giving a set 5 skills no matter what. Let the Death shroud have a few different skills based on main hand weapon. Leave 3,4,5 alone, but lets say..
Staff 1 is now a melee attack with a swirling 360 degree attack at the end that gains life force for each enemy hit. Staff 2 now sends out ethereal chains that bind the enemy and can be yanked, like the Guard GS skill.
Axe 1 sends out a swarm of locust similar to dagger 4, it bounces between 3 enemies and causes blindness. It doesn’t transfer conditions but it does do more damage. Axe 2 is a high powered spinal shiver that does 2x the damage.
Dagger 1 does lifeblast, Dagger 2 is Death claws. So the old skills/playstyle isn’t lost.
Scepter 1 Does a low power life blast that transfers 1 condition and causes bleeding. Scepter 2 is a reverse blink, that does a aoe bleed and chill around the caster. Like a reverse death claw.
This thread is about new existing weapons not new skills. Besides I already explained why they would never revamp DS like that in another thread. Its basically combining Necro, ele and warrior class mechanics together. Totally op and unfair.
Please stay on topic guys. Also suggesting mainhand torches and shields is going a bit off topic aswell…
How does that combine ele? That has nothing to do with aspects. I can see it combining warrior and necro though. But if every other class gains a new weapon and we gained new DS skills that would be fair right?
Also, gaining a new weapon IS gaining new skills. That’s all a weapon is, IS 5 new skills. I suggested 6 new skills. So that’s pretty much in line from a development point of view with receiving a new weapon.
Just mentioned this earlier .
I was mulling over what I’d like to see for Necro Pistol/Pistol. The idea is the main hand is a conditionmancer theme. The off-hand has some possibilities for bunkers by creating minons. Paired up they should just smoothly mesh .
- Withering Shot (normal shot with necromantic colors/FX) – 60% chance to randomly apply a condition: crippled (4 seconds), torment (4 seconds), vulnerability (4 seconds), or Weakness (4 seconds).
- Hateful Ammo – Extra lifeforce gain based on number of conditions on necromancer. On crit transfers 1 condition from necromancer to target.
- Black Penny (inducted shot) – +3% critical chance and critical damage per unique condition on target.
- Bloodshot – inflicts 3 stack of bleeding (5 seconds). On critical summons a jagged horror at target’s location.
- Final warning (shoots fired into the air) – PBAoE fear
The related trait would be something like~
Boneslinger (Spite Master): Your pistol skill cooldowns are reduced by 20% and your pistol critical chance is increased by 3%
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Did you ever watch a show called Outlaw Star nike? They had these guns called casters that fired magic bullets. You could get bullets that did all kinds of different things. Your suggestion reminded me of that.
The only problem with your idea is we don’t get pirate armor, so the whole undead pirate using pistols is out the window :c
How does that combine ele? That has nothing to do with aspects. I can see it combining warrior and necro though. But if every other class gains a new weapon and we gained new DS skills that would be fair right?
Also, gaining a new weapon IS gaining new skills. That’s all a weapon is, IS 5 new skills. I suggested 6 new skills. So that’s pretty much in line from a development point of view with receiving a new weapon.
Having new DS skills for different weapons is like having attunements. Eles are balanced by only having 1 weapon set. Necros have 2 so they can basically have 2 attunements. And the fact that mainhand controls what those skills are means its like warrior burst skills.
Anyway the thread is about predefined weapons not new skills in general. Were discussing the new weapon people want, not necessarily the skills used on them. Obviously a new weapon will give new skills. Theres plenty of other threads which got turned into completely ridiculous fantasy suggestions in this sub forum. Please refrain from doing the same thing to this one.
To me the necro is a caster class, so adding more melee weapons that act like melee weapons is going down the wrong path.
But if they do it in the same vein as offhand dagger (which really acts like a casting weapon), then I think it would fit. So instead of a melee cleave on a sword/hammer/etc., it would be an AoE (or pbAoE) effect.
But please: no GS laserbeams.
Caster classes in this game =/= wimpy, old, frail man casting spells from miles away from the fight because the first actual attack that comes his way kills him. Necromancers are from the school of Aggression, having melee range options makes complete sense.
Btw, I think they should keep up the current design of where every weapon we use is just a ritual tool to cast spells. I don’t actually think we should hit something with a big sword or hammer, but it is still thematic towards the effects it would cause.
Traditionally the ‘Necromancer’ is not always a pure caster class. In UO Necromancy was a kind of support magic that could be paired with any discipline including melee. Of course WoW had their death knights. RO also has a kind of death knight called a rune knight. Even in D&D the necromancer could wear light armor without a spell penalty where other casters could not.
A few notes, all sorcerer and cleric specializations could use light armor as long as they were tied to a god or non arcane sources of mana. The one special thing was the Pale Master/Necros that used a combination of arcane and life to fuel their skills that could eventually use heavy armor upon turning full undead or a lich. Ofc this kinda changed with the big specialization split in the 3.1 rule patch and was mostly forgotten by 3.5 (the best known/most used/most adored rule set of D&D).
And yes Pale masters used mostly melee touch skills if not specialized in minion summoning.
Did you ever watch a show called Outlaw Star nike? They had these guns called casters that fired magic bullets. You could get bullets that did all kinds of different things. Your suggestion reminded me of that.
The only problem with your idea is we don’t get pirate armor, so the whole undead pirate using pistols is out the window :c
A) Yay for Aisha
B) No engie weapons on necros! Or anything that creates heat. Or uses projectiles.
(edited by Andele.1306)
You would be right it would be like aspects if I wanted every skill to change. But if just skill 1 and 2, or hell just skill 1, changed, then that would be EXACTLY like warrior mechanic. Which isn’t a bad thing. I think trying to make a death shroud that synergizes with every build with only 5 skills is pretty impossible.
Also are you suggesting what I am saying is a ‘ridiculous fantasy’? Because that is pretty low. And who appointed you thread moderator? You could have just left this alone and my comment would have been washed away by every one else’s valuable input.
Edit: Oh alright andele. I never played D&D much but that was something I remember about necros since that is my go to class in any game.
Edit 2: Just to rub it in your realistic face, spoj, I vote for Longbow Necro. Because longbows are awesome, and would essentially make us like the Forsaken Dark Rangers. We could even name our pet golem!
(edited by Lorelei.3918)
Hammer with an AoE blast that turns any affected ambient creature into a minion…
I would really like to see a Hammer option for the Necro, but in that same vein, some better Hammer skins.
I wouldnt pick longbow personally but atleast its on topic and possible.
Elementalist can loan both great sword and hammer. I feel like access to summoned weapons should imply the weapon type ought to be limited so the summoning class has another reason to dedicate a utility slot for it. That is one reason I prefer a spear for land use. How would Necromancers feel if other professions had access to half a dozen mobile weapon platforms? I get that the slills would be different if Necro had access to torch, GS, hammer and everything else but it comes down to how much functional similarity is really necessary between professions.