What EXISTING weapon would you like on Necro?
Elementalist can loan both great sword and hammer. I feel like access to summoned weapons should imply the weapon type ought to be limited so the summoning class has another reason to dedicate a utility slot for it. That is one reason I prefer a spear for land use. How would Necromancers feel if other professions had access to half a dozen mobile weapon platforms? I get that the slills would be different if Necro had access to torch, GS, hammer and everything else but it comes down to how much functional similarity is really necessary between professions.
Elite Summon Scythe – summons a scythe at target location and in your hand (a la Ele summon) and gives new 1-5 skills. Basically an awesome melee aoe weapon.
Wouldn’t really gel with any Necro traits or style but it’d be fun.
Maybe if we got greatsword or hammer the attacks would have a scythe animation like staff’s and it’d be an aoe reaping attack.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
1h swords would be swell as well, especially if we can get them on both main hand and off hand.
Greatsword as a melee based cleaving power weapon. Give it a skill or two that consume life force or have greater effects with more LF so it could be an ideal weapon for builds that don’t make much use of DS. Also, give it a land version of Deadly Catch.
Also, land based spears.
Greatsword as a melee based cleaving power weapon. Give it a skill or two that consume life force or have greater effects with more LF so it could be an ideal weapon for builds that don’t make much use of DS. Also, give it a land version of Deadly Catch.
Also, land based spears.
Deathly Catch would be great on land, never thought of that! We have spectral grasp, but it’s just single target and is a bit buggy.
Yeah I would want greatsword or hammer for a 2 handed cleaving type of weapon. Necro lacks this really and I think it would work well if it was a up close styled gameplay. Battlemage maybe power build with a LF drain or even lifesteal.
Was a bit bored and this is how I would think a GS could have it’s skills for Necro.
Skill 1 – Auto Attack, 3 strike attack, 3rd attack does a life steal. This attack cleaves.
[Vile Touch] – Slash your for
[Shadow Strike] Strike your foes with this attack. Gain 2-4% Lifeforce on this attack.
[Lifebane Strike] – Strike your foe and heal 60-100 per attack (or per enemy? OP? cap = 5)
Skill 2 – [Barbs] Some range attack that would cripple maybe?
Skill 3 – [Bitter Chill] A Dash/jump forward with an attack and chill target or area (ranger/warrior inspired) (Negative side would mean you NEED to take this weapon in a way for pvp maybe?)
Skill 4 – [Mark of Subversion] For 3 seconds you become invulnerable, you will lifesteal for a certain amount when enemies hit you or gain lifeforce.
Skill 5 – [Reaping of Dhuum] Spin around for 4-5 seconds dealing some damage and taking 1 boon from enemies and 1 condition from allies in the area to yourself each second.
Some of these could be OP but it is just ideas i quickly came up.
If I could choose a new weapon for the skills above also (/offtopic in a way :p) I would want a scythe or warscythe/polearm if want to say that a scythe isn’t used for fighting.
Edit – @Seras If they don’t have any thought of bringing scythes as a main weapon to GW2 this would be perfect… I would love a Scythe (my favourite weapon) on a necro even if it was a summoned weapon.
(edited by Nijjion.2069)
Defenitely greatsword, a power weapon with cleave, lifesiphon and something like deadly catch. Besides, we need a trait then for greatsword that lets the life+siphon done with it scale with its damage, the higher the damage, the higher the healing you get.
Want to wear Twilight on necromancer
Besides, it would be great if they added a special effect to kraitkin so that it could transform into a staff on land.
Greatsword, Twilight would look insane! I don’t think its out of character either- we can use axes and daggers so why not swords?
Just mentioned this earlier
I was mulling over what I’d like to see for Necro Pistol/Pistol. The idea is the main hand is a conditionmancer theme. The off-hand has some possibilities for bunkers by creating minons. Paired up they should just smoothly mesh
- Withering Shot (normal shot with necromantic colors/FX) – 60% chance to randomly apply a condition: crippled (4 seconds), torment (4 seconds), vulnerability (4 seconds), or Weakness (4 seconds).
- Hateful Ammo – Extra lifeforce gain based on number of conditions on necromancer. On crit transfers 1 condition from necromancer to target.
- Black Penny (inducted shot) – +3% critical chance and critical damage per unique condition on target.
- Bloodshot – inflicts 3 stack of bleeding (5 seconds). On critical summons a jagged horror at target’s location.
- Final warning (shoots fired into the air) – PBAoE fear
The related trait would be something like~
Boneslinger (Spite Master): Your pistol skill cooldowns are reduced by 20% and your pistol critical chance is increased by 3%
Out of all the weapon ideas popping up lately this one still strikes me as the best one I’ve heard. It even sounds like it would mesh will with existing triats and gear (I’m imagining a Rampager’s setup with Terror and Death Nova).
It even matches with some small bits from Sea of Sorrows if I remember right. I swear there was a bit towards the end where the more powerful undead had pistol shots that had a black corruption effect to them.
How about a GS skill where we slam our sword into the ground and blast a ice field, chilling enemies? (blast finisher) or the same but we siphon hp by X amount of enemies hit.
(edited by Heartlust.6140)
I’d personally see shortbow as a more likely candidate than pistols if we were to get a ranged weapon. As for expanding on the greatsword idea…
- Chain – Three cleaving slashes. Third also steals health.
- PBAoE that also weakens.
- Long cast time single target attack. Steals a boon if it hits.
- Medium range AOE pull (like deadly catch) that chills.
- Conal attack. Damages and steals health based on current life force.
Dont need life steal on a cleave weapon. Taking blood magic life steal traits would be enough. Cleave, so every hit will give 3 ticks of lifesteal.
Personally, I would die for greatswords for our profession. I have no idea how the skills would turn out, but Twilight would be so delicious for our class. It also fits theme in the sense that we are the ‘slow but heavy/tough’ light class that prioritizes damage, but that’s just my opinion. What do you guys think?
But if this ever happen, I’m gonna smash my head on the wall for selling my Dusk Q_Q
(edited by daimasei.4091)
I feel like we already have all the weapons that possibly fit the class. The only one we don’t already have that I could see fits the class is the torch. Perhaps sword as well, but any heavy weapon like hammer or great-sword just feels wrong for the class. I wouldn’t mind seeing another variant of the staff with more focus on power perhaps? I think the staff that we have at the moment isn’t very compelling.
Torch. Would be nice to have access to Burn in some thematic manner that does not involve crits.
Failing that, a Greatsword; could work well if the skills were some dark power based inverse of Guardian Staff:
1: short range cone/wave
2: Lifesteal/corruption orb
3: Crippling mark
4: pbae retaliation buff
5: pull ability
Greatsword, be it as a 1200 range Power Weapon or as a melee cleave weapon.
Or Hammer! Imagine using Entropy on a Necro.
One-handed sword could work as well.
Shield could be interesting, too.
Having even just 1 block would be incredibly useful in some fights in PvE, plus Dagger+Shield is delightfully weird.
Really, to be honest I’d like to see every single weapon on Necro, I just want to see some weapons more and some less!
Having a melee cleaving Power weapon with an AoE pull would be great, but a 1200 Range Power weapon would be nice as well.
Torch. Would be nice to have access to Burn in some thematic manner that does not involve crits.
Failing that, a Greatsword; could work well if the skills were some dark power based inverse of Guardian Staff:
1: short range cone/wave
2: Lifesteal/corruption orb
3: Crippling mark
4: pbae retaliation buff
5: pull ability
I feel like giving more burn to necromancers would make us overpowered in sPvP, and we’re already borderline OP there.
I think the idea is that adding a torch would be accompanied with the removal of burning from Dhuumfire (or removal of Dhuumfire).
That said, our bleed stacking is really weak outside of scpeter/dagger. If necros got a mainhand torch, then it would preclude good bleed stacking if they wanted burning.
I think the idea is that adding a torch would be accompanied with the removal of burning from Dhuumfire (or removal of Dhuumfire).
That said, our bleed stacking is really weak outside of scpeter/dagger. If necros got a mainhand torch, then it would preclude good bleed stacking if they wanted burning.
Our bleed stacking is far from weak, our bleeds are what kill people, Dhuumfire, Terror, and all our other conditions only serve to cover the bleeds so they take full effect; but the DPS from Dhuumfire (while nice) doesn’t compare to the 15 stack of bleeds that it covers.
There are only 2 classes in the game that can use Longbow right now. We could use a third, and there is a existing model for a Longbow Necro; The Dark Ranger.
We ARE a pet class after all, and our golem is actually more effective then a lot of Ranger pets ( ;p ). If we do get a Longbow (or shorbow) those arrows better darn well pierce by default or have some nifty aoes attached.
I think the idea is that adding a torch would be accompanied with the removal of burning from Dhuumfire (or removal of Dhuumfire).
That said, our bleed stacking is really weak outside of scpeter/dagger. If necros got a mainhand torch, then it would preclude good bleed stacking if they wanted burning.
Our bleed stacking is far from weak, our bleeds are what kill people, Dhuumfire, Terror, and all our other conditions only serve to cover the bleeds so they take full effect; but the DPS from Dhuumfire (while nice) doesn’t compare to the 15 stack of bleeds that it covers.
Yes, but I did say that outside of Scepter/dagger, it’s weak. We can stack bleeds well, but we need a Scepter to do so. Without it, your biggest stacker is Mark of Blood, and you can only get up to 9 stacks with that alone (assuming max bleed duration).
A torch mainhand that caused burning would mean we would have to choose between burning OR good bleeds..
Torch seems fitting both from possible skills (something with green fire would be awesome) and also lore. Lore wise, the necro is most likely to be delving deep into dark tombs and catacombs, so a torch would seem to be a standard tool for them in my mind.
cause why ? mesmer (and ele elite) already have it! ;p
cause why ? mesmer (and ele elite) already have it! ;p
have it turn into an scythe like the staff animation ? tooo perfect!
Deffo GS.
The idea of having a lifestealing cleave build just smells like pure awesome.
Swooping in on demonic necro wings (Like the ranger only more necro looking)
Cleaving and stealing health
Maybe some nice disruptions.
It could be the new bunker build / pve tank build
Or crazy in your face AoE dps
First of all I’d like something that give us a block/invul (distorsion don’t fit the necro imo).
I don’t know, maybe a torch spectral-like skill would be the best fit.
The other skill should have some kind of offensive condition, ideally vulnerability.
For the offensive something like an heavy, slow and powerful black hammer of death is good enough for me, with some way to sustain the melee damage (better life stealing?).
I already see a black explosion-like effect, similar to ds 5.
I have to agree the torch is the most fitting, I’m confused as to why it wasnt already a necro weapon.
I’m going to have to say Rifle. If you think about it, it is just a hollowed out staff. =þ
Well ok, It doesn’t fit at all, but if we get creative with the skills it might fit in well enough. The skills need to be minion focused that in addition to dealing damage needs to apply regen, protection and might to minions in some way.
Honestly there isn’t a weapon that can’t be made to fit the Necromancer because of how we work right now; everything we use is a ritual tool. As long as they keep up that theme of us not actually poking stuff with sharp objects, but using it as a tool to enact magic, then I really can’t see anything that doesn’t fit.
On a side note, if we do end up with access to all weapons, realize that means we can use the legendaries. I know everyone has noted this for Twilight, but it also means we get access to the bows :P
Why are people saying torch is fitting. Its not. In lore necro has always been about death and ice. Burning was something they added which didnt really fit the flavour of the class. Now that we have it everyone thinks its ok to have a torch. Even if the torch doesnt have burn on it I still dont think it fits. It can be made to fit but thats the same for every weapon.
Why are people saying torch is fitting. Its not. In lore necro has always been about death and ice. Burning was something they added which didnt really fit the flavour of the class. Now that we have it everyone thinks its ok to have a torch. Even if the torch doesnt have burn on it I still dont think it fits. It can be made to fit but thats the same for every weapon.
This is why I dislike the idea of having burning on torch. Now that we got Dhuumfire, people seem to think it fits to just throw burning all over our skills (it doesn’t).
That said, it would not be hard to make torch fit as a ritual weapon, and not in a forced way, but in a way that actually felt right. Instead of using it as a source of burning, warmth, and light, we could “corrupt” its uses towards the opposite, instead freezing, chilling, and darkening. Give our torches a blue-black “flame” (a-la staff’s particles), and we could essentially use anti-torches, which would completely fit us.
Thematically the torch would make sense as torches, candles and other fires have been used in necromantic rituals all throughout Guild Wars. We wouldn’t have to light people on fire with it but we could easily use it to perform any number dark rituals. In fact I think it would be far more fitting if the torch had no burning, it’s a ritual item not a blunt instrument to beat enemies with.
Main hand sword or GS. For the love of God, just give me melee cleave.
And if they give us a kittening bow before that,
All these people asking for GS for melee cleave, it looks like you guys are just asking for us to be warriors with different skill effects. :P Plus I think greatswords are kind of an overused weapon already, I doubt we’d be ever getting them, but watch as I end up eating my words. Hammer would be boss though, I can see it as a close-range aoe cc-heavy kinda thing.
How about some offhand weapons in the main hand? Main hand warhorn would be SWEET, think about all the damaging frontal cone attacks, there’s some “melee” cleave for ya! Maybe mainhand focus too (as a teleporting spectral-based weapon that synergises with spectral traits)? Maces could use some love as well, and I think Necro is a good candidate for that.
(edited by Looska.2781)
Hammer. Like guy in colossus fractal.
^ This.
2h swords would be cool for a death/shadow knight kinda set-up, but personally, nothing says BA like a gothic 2h mace. Make it slow, make it cleave, and do something new, give it an attack that consumes life force for extra damage!
Dealing conditions melee with a contagious sword while lifestealing. Sounds pretty good to me.
I know everyone has noted this for Twilight, but it also means we get access to the bows :P
Flowers and rainbows! That reminds me how badly I want to skin Flesh Golem as a unicorn! (or an undead chicken)
Think outside the box! Spears and tridents are used other places than just under the sea. Let’s pull them out of the water with new land based abilities.
A spear wielding necro could give us mele range fighting with cleave, some cc options like stun or daze, and maybe a ranged throw attack. I’m envisioning a necromantic boar hunter of sorts.
The trident can keep its ranged magical properties but give us another option in the 1,200 range for people who don’t care to use marks. For some build synergy the skills could be of the coruption type.
Additonally, pulling some weapons out of the water would give some credibility to the persuit of these sorts of legendaries since they’re generally not popular. They’re large 2 handed weapons they’d be great to show off.
Think outside the box! Spears and tridents are used other places than just under the sea. Let’s pull them out of the water with new land based abilities.
A spear wielding necro could give us mele range fighting with cleave, some cc options like stun or daze, and maybe a ranged throw attack. I’m envisioning a necromantic boar hunter of sorts.
The trident can keep its ranged magical properties but give us another option in the 1,200 range for people who don’t care to use marks. For some build synergy the skills could be of the coruption type.
Additonally, pulling some weapons out of the water would give some credibility to the persuit of these sorts of legendaries since they’re generally not popular. They are large 2 handed weapons that would be great to show off.
Flowers and rainbows! That reminds me how badly I want to skin Flesh Golem as a unicorn! (or an undead chicken)
Im pretty sure that you already have your wish… well a turkey, but who really cares.
Why are people saying torch is fitting. Its not. In lore necro has always been about death and ice. Burning was something they added which didnt really fit the flavour of the class. Now that we have it everyone thinks its ok to have a torch. Even if the torch doesnt have burn on it I still dont think it fits. It can be made to fit but thats the same for every weapon.
Im with you,Necros don’t use fire so Torch would be just dumb,also we don’t need anymore off hand weapons
Necros have 0 weapons that cleave,so we need one badly.
(edited by Banjal.7328)
hammer and/or mace
both are only usable by soldier classes; both could have some cool shadow/spectral effects on attack
longbow sounds like it could be pretty inventive too
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
I want a weapon that summons jagged horrors or wraiths and mostly deals with direct damage. I made a suggestion thread for a great sword or sword+sword to do that, but can’t find the thread(s) anymore. I can at least toss out some ideas.
auto attack- cleave swing-> cleave swing that hits a bit harder-> cleave swing with innate life siphoning (stacks with traited siphoning)
second skill- blink to the enemy causing blind and weakness
third skill- dhuum’s grasp- raise your sword into the air, causing ice to explode below you, damaging and chilling your foes. (gives life force for each enemy hit).
fourth skill-stab your sword into the ground, causing a jagged horror to explode out of the ground at the targeted location. Inflicts cripple on enemies in the AOE.
fifth skill- blood of the master- apply heavy bleeding to yourself, heal allies around you (including yourself) and give them regeneration while damaging your enemies.
replace skill 4 with:
spirit of regret- summon a wraith that generates life force each time it damages a foe. (dies after x amount of time alive).
note that if skill 4 is replaced with the wraith summon, dhuum’s grasp doesn’t generate life force.
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard
(edited by striker.3704)
We mostly seek/need a POWER weapon with CLEAVE, preferably not CLUNKY
My suggestions:
1) Torch – balance reasons : u can get burning, but u lose the condi transfer. Replaced Dhuum, not forced into unfitting traitline
2) MH Sword / Greatsword – for cleaves sake- It is simply a must in this game.
3) Longbow – only 2 classes have it atm – a ranged power weapon, for single target , staff for aoe
4) Dagger revamp – just personaly have hopes here / warr 1h sword is great proof its possible
As I said previously, I’d really like the possibility of a greatsword.
And personally, I dont think it clashes too much with the necro archetype.
Mages DONT have to be the weaklings in the back and I think that during the hype of GW2 the devs mentioned on multiple occasions that they want to break through the normal archetypes and create something new. To allow players to play the way they want to.
Ever since reading this topic I have seen a wide range of comments and opinions, but also alot of people who outright dismiss any posibility because it doesnt fit their beliefs. Having a gs added to the arsenal does NOT force you to play with one. This was the whole point of gw2 when it was in development. Play it your way. If you want to be standing in the back tossing conditions with scepter, be my guest. I want you to enjoy yourself playing this game.
“Sure, but if you want to go in swinging a gs, why not play a warrior, ranger or guardian?” Because I want to play something like a deathly reaver, a lifedrinking wight, a black guard who dominates his/her foes with steel and deathly spells. Sweeping over the battlefields like a plague. I absolutely love this vision! I could be the Witchking or the rest of the Nazgul.
Wouldnt that be frikkin awesome!?
We mostly seek/need a POWER weapon with CLEAVE, preferably not CLUNKY
My suggestions:
2) MH Sword / Greatsword – for cleaves sake- It is simply a must in this game.
Shield – #4 opens a portal, which absorbs attacks. If 3 attacks are absorbed, demon is summoned for 15 seconds. #5 – Necro transforms his shield into unliving being which floats to the target fearing and tormenting all in it’s path.
Torch – range 900. #1 – green fire damages all in line and poisons everything it touches. #2 – Necromancer turns the fire into black flame which blinds and severly damages allies and foes alike. #3 – Necromancer forcibly pushes his torch into the ground which curses it, every animal and plant dies and enemies are crippled, weakened and poisoned. #4 – Necromancer uses the energy of flame to open a portal from which deadly force pulls enemy and tears it causing bleeding. #5 – Necromancer uses energy of flame to summon long dead ghosts to fear every target in range and damages and cripples them.
I’d like to see not only new weapons for necro but also new ideas for skills to be good looking and climatic – death, ghosts, demons, green fires, black fires, wailing >:)
A GS manipulating hp or life force would be neat
A greatsword which caters towards tankier power builds would be great. Put a finisher on it and it would be gorgeous with wells. Cleave is a given and something this class desperately needs.
Obviously magic pistols or magic rifles with magic bullets, for obvious reasons.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs
(edited by CHIPS.6018)
Give me Greatsword and I will start playing again in a heartbeat and get Twilight
Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.
(edited by Zogyark.4597)