What race is the best?
The asura ‘tiny animations’ racial is pretty OP, but necros don’t have many huge obvious animations to dodge anyway.
Char look the coolest….opinion though
All characters of the same profession have the same stats at the same level regardless of race or gender; however, if you want racial skills that would help your necro in PvE and WvWvW, I would suggest Sylvari that has grasping vines that would keep one of your enemies inside your wells, but overall all the racial skills are fairly bad compare to profession skills.
depends on what you are doing/like I suppose. If you solo in Wvw or sPvp Assura have a pretty sweet racial: Pain Inverter – 5 second Retaliation on a 30 second cooldown. Which means that if you are using Axes at all you have two different retalition skills on seperate cooldowns. Very useful in 1v1s.
Xynobia – Asura – Necro
|Gnaw| |BB| |dO| |SOUL| – NSP
Personally, I think Sylvari add a more sinister view of necromancy because they are plant people that can raise undead minions. House Plants as necros are pretty cool. But the Labrats have to be at least tied for first. Pvp though it doesnt matter as no racial traits are available, but Sylvari do have use of their seed turrets and root.
Guardian – Vindicator Azure
Thief – Labrat Thief
I’d say Sylvari, they’re just the best
As Sylvari I have a panicbutton in “Take Root”. Saved me many times from a lot of dps (from thiefs.
Char look the coolest….opinion though
I agree. Charr just look so kitten good with any profession
As a norn necromancer player I must say that Snow Leopard is AMAZING in WvW. Necromancers don’t have many ways to escape a battle, and Snow Leopard’s stealth and insanely long rush abilities saved my skin countless times from huge zergs.
Heya, i wanna make a necro and worried if one race is better then others. So pls tell me your suggestions. Thx
Asura for the small size dosnt help with Necros as much as other classes (The real factor here is harder to see animations)
Norn Racials dont help other then give you access to another two temporary pets.
Charr, look good as a personal preferance and as far as racials go Warband support is ok, so is Charrzooka for keep sieges, hidden pistol can help in very specific situations.
Human have a number of options, but nothing particularly that stands out though reaper of grenth is pretty cool along with hounds of balthezar.
Sylvari, despite what you may think Necromancers are pretty common. Death is just as important as life in the cycle. But their root skill can be clutch and lock someone down longer. Though if you want immobilise dagger and/or the ranged pet will help there.
In all liklyhood you will never use your racial skills anyways, especialy on a necromancer.
So play what you think looks best and/or has a better story. Read the wiki a bit and even look at your racial armors. (Norn racial Armor is pretty sweet)
I play a sneaky Charr Necro in Ash legion, though I think I should have taken Iron instead :P
You will need to figure out what type of Necro your going to play as and work your build out from there. Power, Condition, Crit or Hybrid all work in differant ways and in differant areas. You will note that Necros dont have alot of AOE power and are more single target.
Two races stand out as a clear benefit to me. (from an offensive standpoint)
1) Pain inverter. synergizes well vs. mesmers, thieves, and warriors.
2) Power suit is awesome… there are some.. certain consumables used in this form that are exceptionally strong (though i will not reveal them in the forums so to avoid getting them nerfed)
3) technobabble is an additional 2s daze on top of warhorn. with runes of the mesmer and warhorn traits, you can pull off a 6-7second stunlock.
1) Your armor looks the best when worn. (big fat norns look good..)
2) Access to snow-leopard elite which gives stealth and mobility. (two things that make the class OP)
No race looks cooler in DS than Charr. Choose your horns wisely, and you’ll look like a death lich warcat.
Also, necros can be a little weak at extreme range, and charzooka can help with that.
After the fractals came out I found myself wishing I had rolled Charr just for the animations. I don’t use my Asura’s racial abilities, even though Pain Inverter is quite good – it confuses enemies around you too.
Asura is clearly the correct answer for all classes, as they are vastly superior to all other races on Tyria.
All of the Asurian colleges agree on this fact, even the Inquest agree.
Any statement to the contrary is most likely Bookah propaganda and should be disregarded.
asura because robot dance = win!
I was told Human Necro’s do more damage. No but seriously…
PC master race!
In all seriousness I think human is the best race for necromancers as it matches the lore the most.
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard
Another vote for Charr.
The only downsides are that the racials aren’t very necro-y and some armor just looks awful on the Charrs.
But…Charrs can look kitten.
If you want to go by usefulness of racial skills, even though racial skills are usually for flavor and they are not as strong as normal skills, I’d say either:
Sylvari: For the root which is decent, and the flower canons which are not bad due to their 1500 range.
Asura: Gives you access to confusion which as a necro you dont have access to normally. Necros have several ways to benefit from having unique conditions on a target and as far as I know burn and confusion are the only 2 they themselves can’t inflict.
For looks…just check armor your self….Though I must say that charr has some of the best caster animations (ironic considering the only charr legion that is into magic is the flame legion, which you cant play)
Asura: Gives you access to confusion which as a necro you dont have access to normally. Necros have several ways to benefit from having unique conditions on a target and as far as I know burn and confusion are the only 2 they themselves can’t inflict.
You can inflict Confusion. You have to combo with Spectral Wall to do so, but you can do it.
Heya, i wanna make a necro and worried if one race is better then others. So pls tell me your suggestions. Thx
Asura for the small size dosnt help with Necros as much as other classes (The real factor here is harder to see animations)
Norn Racials dont help other then give you access to another two temporary pets.
Charr, look good as a personal preferance and as far as racials go Warband support is ok, so is Charrzooka for keep sieges, hidden pistol can help in very specific situations.
Human have a number of options, but nothing particularly that stands out though reaper of grenth is pretty cool along with hounds of balthezar.
Sylvari, despite what you may think Necromancers are pretty common. Death is just as important as life in the cycle. But their root skill can be clutch and lock someone down longer. Though if you want immobilise dagger and/or the ranged pet will help there.
In all liklyhood you will never use your racial skills anyways, especialy on a necromancer.
So play what you think looks best and/or has a better story. Read the wiki a bit and even look at your racial armors. (Norn racial Armor is pretty sweet)
I play a sneaky Charr Necro in Ash legion, though I think I should have taken Iron instead :P
You will need to figure out what type of Necro your going to play as and work your build out from there. Power, Condition, Crit or Hybrid all work in differant ways and in differant areas. You will note that Necros dont have alot of AOE power and are more single target.
wait a second, how did i miss this?!?!
bro, we have the most AoE in the game. get with the timez.
(oh yeah, asura can also have super long uptime w/ retaliation… can you say.. impenetrable tank asura necro?)
Charr because the elites are awesome, battle cry (even though everyone calls foul on it) actually juices up my condition dmg a good bit, not to mention it does affect minions too (critting minions is nice ) and I can get 12 stacks of might and some fury by using blood to power in conjunction, the pistol gives necro a sorely needed combo finisher, plus they look way cooler than the other meat…err i mean races…as a necro.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
Two races stand out as a clear benefit to me. (from an offensive standpoint)
1) Pain inverter. synergizes well vs. mesmers, thieves, and warriors.
2) Power suit is awesome… there are some.. certain consumables used in this form that are exceptionally strong (though i will not reveal them in the forums so to avoid getting them nerfed)
3) technobabble is an additional 2s daze on top of warhorn. with runes of the mesmer and warhorn traits, you can pull off a 6-7second stunlock.Norn:
1) Your armor looks the best when worn. (big fat norns look good..)
2) Access to snow-leopard elite which gives stealth and mobility. (two things that make the class OP)
Asura are good Spvp Necros because of this.
Charr because the elites are awesome, battle cry (even though everyone calls foul on it) actually juices up my condition dmg a good bit, not to mention it does affect minions too (critting minions is nice
) and I can get 12 stacks of might and some fury by using blood to power in conjunction, the pistol gives necro a sorely needed combo finisher, plus they look way cooler than the other meat…err i mean races…as a necro.
Hidden Pistol also gives a very much needed dodge skill and it has a pretty short cooldown.