What to u think of this build?

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


this is my idea for my build, so What to u think of this build, i want to be sustain damage type, dose it need a bit change or is it good? & for what it is god for? PVE PVP WvW or for all 3?


What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Which amulet goes with this build?
You can try to build a Power/Conditions hybrid.

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: hackks.3687


I think you might be going about it backwards.

first decide on the format: PvE, PvP, or WvWvW.

then decide on the role you’re trying to fill

that makes it easier to decide on what weapons/utilities/traits/runes/etc to use

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


I think you might be going about it backwards.

first decide on the format: PvE, PvP, or WvWvW.

then decide on the role you’re trying to fill

that makes it easier to decide on what weapons/utilities/traits/runes/etc to use

i said sustain damage type/role

i so some1 with similar build, used S/D & staff he was in WvW i think cause there was meany players like team of players VS another team of players, he used staff for AOE condition & then switched back to S/D,that guy had curses 30 that i remember but rest came from my head + i asked opinion from some1 in guild

(edited by Sugram.3106)

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Which amulet goes with this build?
You can try to build a Power/Conditions hybrid.

i think amulet with con, i try’d power con hybrid with ele, power gives ferry little so i’m not sure, i think it’s not that good

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: hackks.3687


I think you might be going about it backwards.

first decide on the format: PvE, PvP, or WvWvW.

then decide on the role you’re trying to fill

that makes it easier to decide on what weapons/utilities/traits/runes/etc to use

i said sustain damage type/role

sustained dmg against who/what/where?

if you read the Post Your Build thread you’ll see that people explain the purpose of the build before giving the details. that way you can understand the build choices they made. throwing some tactics together and picking a pair of weapons, then asking “what will this work for?” is going about it backwards.

does that make sense?

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


I think you might be going about it backwards.

first decide on the format: PvE, PvP, or WvWvW.

then decide on the role you’re trying to fill

that makes it easier to decide on what weapons/utilities/traits/runes/etc to use

i said sustain damage type/role

sustained dmg against who/what/where?

if you read the Post Your Build thread you’ll see that people explain the purpose of the build before giving the details. that way you can understand the build choices they made. throwing some tactics together and picking a pair of weapons, then asking “what will this work for?” is going about it backwards.

does that make sense?

well i have not taught of all details cause right new i’m only interested in build so i only picked a pair of weapons & traits, so i did not just picked a pair of weapons, i also picked also traits

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


it’s really late otherwise would ve typed more but this build is all over the place just look up a good condition build with corrupt boon and epidemic mark of blood is good go for rune of earth so you can make a dodge combo switch weapon stack dots switch to staff mark of blood dodge again.. that way you can stack tons of dots in a short armount of time

try the combo on the training dummie im not a big condition build guy but i used staff 2 dodge switch weapon to sceptre in vicinity of target sceptre 2 then 5 then spam 1 that should rack you up quite a few dots in a short time.. im 100% sure theres a better rotation for it tho.. like i said not a big fan of conditions here.

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheAgedGnome.7520


this is my idea for my build, so What to u think of this build, i want to be sustain damage type, dose it need a bit change or is it good? & for what it is god for? PVE PVP WvW or for all 3?


Very similar to my build, with slightly different trait and skill choices:

I use Knights armor & Runes of the Undead. Its been a good all-around build for PVE, but I don’t PVP or WVW so I can’t speak to those.

Stealth nerfs are the perfect fertilizer for mistrust.
PVE Power and Support Build

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


this is my idea for my build, so What to u think of this build, i want to be sustain damage type, dose it need a bit change or is it good? & for what it is god for? PVE PVP WvW or for all 3?


Very similar to my build, with slightly different trait and skill choices:

I use Knights armor & Runes of the Undead. Its been a good all-around build for PVE, but I don’t PVP or WVW so I can’t speak to those.

it says bad link for some reason, maybe u can make new link
i will consider ur build & ur opinion when i see ur build

i have 1 thing in common with this guy whos video link is below, curses 30, he uses S/D in WvW & also switches to Staff in WvW when he feels its necessary, it shows his build & gameplay, he uses 10 points for Spite but i think its useless, well its useless if he did it to get power, even 30 points to spite is useless to spite if he just wanted to increase power, power is useless for DPS/CON/SUSTAIN DAM build, it gives so little to it, well that’s my opinion, maybe some people disagree

i’m not sure about my build & hes build but i can say for sure that this play stile he has works in PVE & also WvW as this video shows

(edited by Sugram.3106)

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


what u see is not my fault, i did not make that big distance between TXT above & below, i guess forum has some kind of bug, 1 time my TXT was bit messed up like 2 words together & some letters missing & i had to restart my writing , this post is off the topic but i hope it wont get deleted like my other posts in other topic what were off the topic

(edited by Sugram.3106)

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Ok where to start…

If this is a PVE/WvW build it seems very confused

Without going into heavy critique mode the following utilities are suspect
1) Corrosive Poisen Cloud – there are better aoe/single target traits
2) Lich Form – you dont gain much from this if your investing into conditon damage opposed to power

The following traits are suspect
1) Focussed rituals – only well of suffering benefits, I would personally invest in two wells to justify this choice though that’s personal oppinion
2) Deathly Invigoration – very supporty trait, if your going support there are better trait setups, if your going dps there are better trait setups – you need to decide what you want to do
3) Path of Might and Master of Terror – are you support/dps, sustain dmg/burst/hybrid dmg/PVE PVP WvW – example if your running PVE sustain dps build then DS is only useful for stacking might/vulnerability to buff bleeds and for a ‘oh kitten’ moment

I would be wary about following youtube videos as they can become out of date quite quickly

Here are some possible builds you may want to try/rotations etc


Please note these are PVE/WvW builds – I assume thats what you were trying to create being that you mentioned rotations

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Ok where to start…

If this is a PVE/WvW build it seems very confused

Without going into heavy critique mode the following utilities are suspect
1) Corrosive Poisen Cloud – there are better aoe/single target traits
2) Lich Form – you dont gain much from this if your investing into conditon damage opposed to power

The following traits are suspect
1) Focussed rituals – only well of suffering benefits, I would personally invest in two wells to justify this choice though that’s personal oppinion
2) Deathly Invigoration – very supporty trait, if your going support there are better trait setups, if your going dps there are better trait setups – you need to decide what you want to do
3) Path of Might and Master of Terror – are you support/dps, sustain dmg/burst/hybrid dmg/PVE PVP WvW – example if your running PVE sustain dps build then DS is only useful for stacking might/vulnerability to buff bleeds and for a ‘oh kitten’ moment

I would be wary about following youtube videos as they can become out of date quite quickly

Here are some possible builds you may want to try/rotations etc


Please note these are PVE/WvW builds – I assume thats what you were trying to create being that you mentioned rotations

i took soul reaping 20 cause some1 say’d life pool is important, is it not important to sustained dam build? i know u did not talk about that but i’m just asking

how about this build, i changet it a little

(edited by Sugram.3106)

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


That build is marginally better, suggest you look at the post I provided

On another note

Swap deathly invigoration for ritual mastery, id grab well of darkness instead of spectral walk

Consume conditions is better for heal

Again you need to decide what you want to do then look at existing builds, like the post I provided

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheWalkingDead.7298


Ignoring the complete and utter lack of grammar in this thread, the original build you had is not very good. It flip flops between condition and power with random utilities that don’t benefit you unless you pick either conditions w/ corruption utilities or power w/ well utilities. Also, throwing random ‘good’ traits and utilities together then calling it a ‘build’, is not how it works.

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


That build is marginally better, suggest you look at the post I provided

On another note

Swap deathly invigoration for ritual mastery, id grab well of darkness instead of spectral walk

Consume conditions is better for heal

Again you need to decide what you want to do then look at existing builds, like the post I provided

i changed my build more a bit

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheAgedGnome.7520


this is my idea for my build, so What to u think of this build, i want to be sustain damage type, dose it need a bit change or is it good? & for what it is god for? PVE PVP WvW or for all 3?


Very similar to my build, with slightly different trait and skill choices:

I use Knights armor & Runes of the Undead. Its been a good all-around build for PVE, but I don’t PVP or WVW so I can’t speak to those.

it says bad link for some reason, maybe u can make new link
i will consider ur build & ur opinion when i see ur build

i have 1 thing in common with this guy whos video link is below, curses 30, he uses S/D in WvW & also switches to Staff in WvW when he feels its necessary, it shows his build & gameplay, he uses 10 points for Spite but i think its useless, well its useless if he did it to get power, even 30 points to spite is useless to spite if he just wanted to increase power, power is useless for DPS/CON/SUSTAIN DAM build, it gives so little to it, well that’s my opinion, maybe some people disagree

i’m not sure about my build & hes build but i can say for sure that this play stile he has works in PVE & also WvW as this video shows

You need to copy/paste the link text. For some dumb reason, ANet can’t handle semicolons in external URLs.

Stealth nerfs are the perfect fertilizer for mistrust.
PVE Power and Support Build

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Ignoring the complete and utter lack of grammar in this thread, the original build you had is not very good. It flip flops between condition and power with random utilities that don’t benefit you unless you pick either conditions w/ corruption utilities or power w/ well utilities. Also, throwing random ‘good’ traits and utilities together then calling it a ‘build’, is not how it works.

i ton’t flip flops between condition and power, do i have 10 points or more in Spotes? no i ton’t

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


this is my idea for my build, so What to u think of this build, i want to be sustain damage type, dose it need a bit change or is it good? & for what it is god for? PVE PVP WvW or for all 3?


Very similar to my build, with slightly different trait and skill choices:

I use Knights armor & Runes of the Undead. Its been a good all-around build for PVE, but I don’t PVP or WVW so I can’t speak to those.

it says bad link for some reason, maybe u can make new link
i will consider ur build & ur opinion when i see ur build

i have 1 thing in common with this guy whos video link is below, curses 30, he uses S/D in WvW & also switches to Staff in WvW when he feels its necessary, it shows his build & gameplay, he uses 10 points for Spite but i think its useless, well its useless if he did it to get power, even 30 points to spite is useless to spite if he just wanted to increase power, power is useless for DPS/CON/SUSTAIN DAM build, it gives so little to it, well that’s my opinion, maybe some people disagree

i’m not sure about my build & hes build but i can say for sure that this play stile he has works in PVE & also WvW as this video shows

You need to copy/paste the link text. For some dumb reason, ANet can’t handle semicolons in external URLs.

how about this builds


what way is consume condition better from well of blood?

(edited by Sugram.3106)

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Now I have to be very careful here with my choice of words as I have already had one post removed for being too critical.

However, there are a couple of things I need to say

1) There are sufficient resources on this and others sites discussing viable builds – use them, its highly unlikely that your awesome build will be completely revolutionary
2) Experiment with your own build before blindly walking into these forums telling other people to critique your build – any individual with any necro experience can clearly see the original build you provided is very confused i.e. you don’t know what you want to do
3) I have provided you with a helpful post 2 times that outlines the consenus PvE/WvW builds
4) With regards to your last question what way is consume condition better from well of blood? You can answer this by a) running explorable mode dungeons or b) running WvW your call… the outcome should be very clear

No need to alter your build constantly, just do some research and find that build that achieves what your trying to do

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Furthermore your latest build has already been discussed over at GW2 Guru by a helpful necro named Xyi I believe the thread is called Dungeon build (in depth) or something along those lines – its a support aoe pve dps build

Typically you would run it with rampager gear

Again you can find all this out by using the search function/using multiple forums

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Now I have to be very careful here with my choice of words as I have already had one post removed for being too critical.

However, there are a couple of things I need to say

1) There are sufficient resources on this and others sites discussing viable builds – use them, its highly unlikely that your awesome build will be completely revolutionary
2) Experiment with your own build before blindly walking into these forums telling other people to critique your build – any individual with any necro experience can clearly see the original build you provided is very confused i.e. you don’t know what you want to do
3) I have provided you with a helpful post 2 times that outlines the consenus PvE/WvW builds
4) With regards to your last question what way is consume condition better from well of blood? You can answer this by a) running explorable mode dungeons or b) running WvW your call… the outcome should be very clear

No need to alter your build constantly, just do some research and find that build that achieves what your trying to do

i just ask opinions, & i try to be DPS sustained damage, but also DPS support, in GW2 we can play 2 roles & that’s why i have staff, but mostly i agree cause awry1 have different builds & different opinions but i take them under consideration

for some reason i think this build cowers what i’m trying to do if i want to be what i mentioned above

& this dose not seem to have support possibility in it, if i’m wrong then i have a lot to learn, well i ton’t caunt utility skills right new

(edited by Sugram.3106)

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Right well since you don’t want to listen to any advice… think its time I abandon this post

One last correction: You can play 3 roles not 2…

People don’t use staff so they can fill 2 roles, they use staff because it is the best weapon offset for necro period.

Best of luck making your revolutionary build that will totally not have been discussed before

I will say this just one more time, check the sources I provided