(edited by Aupheus.9038)
[WvW] Critmancer Build (Power + Condition)
I am done with anet. Their crap optimization and crap game balancing AND their bugged classes dont deserve our time. In addition their end game is nothing but a kittening grind. What a kittening joke
@Gryph – I hear yah!
I couldn’t have said it better myself. It has been what I’ve been discussing with my guild for quite some time and you said it perfectly. We just have to work 2x as hard to output the same type of results.
My biggest issue at the moment is the slow projectile speed of Staff. Makes me want to rage.
Keep the faith, because if there is one thing I’ve learned from 15 years of MMOs is it is cyclical. Those that were on the top will find themselves on the bottom and those on the bottom usually find themselves at some point on top. Necros just happened to be on top at the worst time (right before release).
@Sprawl – It has been calculated many times in the early pages of the bug compilation thread. I’m pretty sure it does stack and it is multiplicative not additive. I’ll need to re-check I’ve been overloaded at work recently.
80 Necromancer – Zintair
This is a pretty solid build for WvW, Just a few points to make.
You mentioned being a bit iffy about stack sigils, but a full stack 12% (or something near that) crit chance, so on my build I have a off hand with the flat crit chance bonus, as well as a rare version with the stacking sigil. In large group fights you can pretty easily build up your stack, but I usually play solo or with a few guild mates, and just build up the stack before switching weapons and heading out.
If you want absolutely all the precision you can get then you can try maintenance oil (the huntsman potion), as even though the description claims it buffs power, its simply a text error, it buffs precision (you should get over 100 precision out of it), since you lose it on down I wouldn’t bother during large fights though. (Also it’s very cheap to make, its 1 t6 dust + water for 5(?) potions.)
Lastly, I would seriously suggest at least trying spiteful spirit (retaliation) over reaper’s might, as I find the damage you inflict with retaliation much greater then the added might, as you simply take to long to stack it. (Also it’s a decent way to turn a 100 blades/pistol whip/other burst skill here against them if you can’t cc/evade).
Lastly, I would seriously suggest at least trying spiteful spirit (retaliation) over reaper’s might, as I find the damage you inflict with retaliation much greater then the added might, as you simply take to long to stack it. (Also it’s a decent way to turn a 100 blades/pistol whip/other burst skill here against them if you can’t cc/evade).
I have noticed a world of difference with the Perception sigil. Between that and my Sigil of Fire on my offhand dagger it’s quite a bump in my burst and sustained capabilities.
Thank you so much for the Spiteful Spirit suggestion. That was the last vestige of Might stacking that I had. I’ve been looking for something of an OH KITTEN button and Retaliation will work perfectly!
Thanks for the advice! Super eager now to try this out muahahah!
80 Necromancer – Zintair
can you reassume your build in a calculatour build? I would see traits, jewels, runes at the end
UPDATED: Nov 23, 2012 Critmancer current setup
Sigil of Perception in the staff
Sigil of Earth and Fire on Scepter Dagger
Rune of Krait x3 Rune of Affliction x3
Armor: Boots / Legs / Hands / Shoulders are Prec Tough Cond || Rampager Chest || Knight Helm
Jewelery: Berserker earrings / Rampager Rings and Amulet
Food: Mango Pie
+250 Prec brings me to about 62% crit
80 Necromancer – Zintair
(edited by Zintair.1987)
why are you using two proc sigils on the same set? they share a single CD so it’s not efficient to run two.
why are you using two proc sigils on the same set? they share a single CD so it’s not efficient to run two.
Really? so the 5 second GCD is shared by both? Well that sucks lol! Where did you read this info, not that I don;t believe you it does make perfect sense I just never tested.
If this is the case I am going to probably put a base 5% crit rune on the Scepter. Will update when I see where the gap is in my build. As of right now Fire > Earth.
80 Necromancer – Zintair
why are you using two proc sigils on the same set? they share a single CD so it’s not efficient to run two.
Really? so the 5 second GCD is shared by both? Well that sucks lol! Where did you read this info, not that I don;t believe you it does make perfect sense I just never tested.
If this is the case I am going to probably put a base 5% crit rune on the Scepter. Will update when I see where the gap is in my build. As of right now Fire > Earth.
The wiki states in the Sigil notes: “A single cooldown is shared by all sigils.” But it also says that ‘on crit’ sigils can stack, so maybe you’d go two Fire?
If you have a decent crit chance (which you do), then just run one crit sigil + sigil of force/perception/other sigil here that doesn’t involve a CD of any sort. 2 crit sigils don’t stack additively, so they’ll give you diminishing returns on the 2nd sigil, so its not really worth it in my opinion.
Hello, I am new to the game and have found necromancer to be the most fun and dynamic class. Your build seems very fun to play, but i do not quite understand the nuances of it. Does power add to damage of bleeds, or will only plus to condition damage do so? Also, I believe i read somewhere that bleeds cannot crit, so I am wondering why you put an emphasis on what seems to be two contradicting play styles. Is the power and crit mainly just for death shroud spamming once the dots are up? Thank you for your help.
Power does affect bleed strength. If you ever try using Blood is Power, note the damage you do before; then after. As for percision…its to add a secondary form of damage and or offense so your not simply slapping bleeds on a person on waiting for them to die.
A common issue some come into like noted in WvW; or SPvP. You make yourself a one trick pony and rely on simply trying to bleed people to death but if you can’t outlast a person to simply dot them to death…then your pretty much useless. This build posted is more to give yourself some versatility so your not pigeon holing yourself into one strat in battle and can supplement your offense other ways.
Power doesn’t effect the damage conditions, its the might that Blood is power gives that does.
I don’t believe bleed duration duration and scepter duration stack in the spite line, so might want to re-spec that.
Those don’t stack? Well gee, I’d appreciate confirmation on this. I have one useless trait then(
Power does affect bleed strength. If you ever try using Blood is Power, note the damage you do before; then after. As for percision…its to add a secondary form of damage and or offense so your not simply slapping bleeds on a person on waiting for them to die.
A common issue some come into like noted in WvW; or SPvP. You make yourself a one trick pony and rely on simply trying to bleed people to death but if you can’t outlast a person to simply dot them to death…then your pretty much useless. This build posted is more to give yourself some versatility so your not pigeon holing yourself into one strat in battle and can supplement your offense other ways.
incorrect. Blood is Power gives you stacks of might, which is a two part buff that adds power and condition damage. read the tooltip carefully. Don’t get confused that power adds to bleed. it doesn’t.
I don’t believe bleed duration duration and scepter duration stack in the spite line, so might want to re-spec that.
Those don’t stack? Well gee, I’d appreciate confirmation on this. I have one useless trait then
Spite adds condition duration. The curses Grandmaster trait modifies scepter durations. Two seperate modifiers. They will stack, but it is a percentage on a percentage. Either way, I’ve found the weakness trait to be more useful than the scepter trait.
Have a question, don’t see much people here using the following, just wanted to get feedback from you fellas and see if I’m heading the right path.
Armor : TA Set ( Power + Precision + Condition Damage )
Sigil: Superior Sigil ( the one with + 10 every kill to condition damage )
Aim is to deal an intense amount of condition damage / damage using aoe in WvW. I understand I have 0 + to toughness or vit and will be kind of soft but I am willing to sacrifice that for the damage I’ll gain from the Power + Precision + C.D. build. Am I going down the right path or am I not considering something?
Any feedback / opinions / violent reactions are all accepted and taken into consideration. Thank you very much
Just to get back to a few people!
@TheBuffaloMan – Power will not add damage to the bleeds only stacks of Might (+ power + Condition damage) or + condition damage will increase your bleed and poison damage.
The purpose of this build was to satisfy a couple of letdowns I found when doing a FULL CONDITION build.
I scaled the build around the two weapon sets I found to be the most effective in WvW.
Scepter and Staff.
Playing in DAOC and WAR I have undergone my fair share of keep sieges and I understood which classes and which type of utility skills would be effective.
Unfortunately in my opinion I do not feel the Conditionmancer in WvW brings enough to the table in a small group atmosphere. Well what did it lack? IMO It lacked that punch to make the conditions a real threat.
Conditions are only a threat when DPS is actually being done. This class in order to shine as an individual in my opinion was to back away from the minions and lifesteal and move into a more … PROACTIVE roll.
I start off usually with stacks built I double checked my crit its 64% at full 250 stack precision (Superior Sigil of Perception). I also have the trait for +10% damage to my marks.
Staff marks on a 2-4 hit (Always save #5 for people about to be stomped or utility. its dmg is crap compared to its effectiveness). If they all crit it can do 1300/1100/2500 (4900). Just numbers I’ve seen they have scaled up and down as per peoples armor / class / level.
Depending on what they are doing I now at least have a starting point to start really applying conditions. These conditions are now either being applied with -5k health or they healed. Either way you started the fight off ahead.
Now you have either your scepter or DS. I recommend Scepter just because Staff Marks also regen Life force. Huge for sustainability.
It is very complex to play. The entire time you are:
Managing Cooldowns on the staff
Managing Cooldowns on DS (hold long before I can Fear / Transfer?)
*A note with DS. Since you have such High Crit to start and you traited Fury and Retal when you enter DS you now have the opportunity to let off a couple painful crit shots while retaling all damage against. 3k 3k 3k swap out and now priority is to remember your Staff cooldowns to start regaining Lifeforce.
Keeping conditions stacked with the Scepter. Keep them spread off a grouped up target.
Using Wells at critical times (group of rezzers)
Managing the conditions you apply on yourself in conjunction with others applying to best utilize your heal. (by far one of the most complex and difficult meta games I’ve found while actively trying to DPS with such small UIs.)
I get crazy every once and a while and will put Bone Fiend instead of Well. Now I have a pet that can immobilize for soloing. Still got my Burst staff and Condition scepter. Got DS to survive/DPS and now I am not really such a weak Necro anymore…
Mesmers suck. Period.
80 Necromancer – Zintair
(edited by Moderator)
Have a question, don’t see much people here using the following, just wanted to get feedback from you fellas and see if I’m heading the right path.
Armor : TA Set ( Power + Precision + Condition Damage )
Sigil: Superior Sigil ( the one with + 10 every kill to condition damage )Aim is to deal an intense amount of condition damage / damage using aoe in WvW. I understand I have 0 + to toughness or vit and will be kind of soft but I am willing to sacrifice that for the damage I’ll gain from the Power + Precision + C.D. build. Am I going down the right path or am I not considering something?
Any feedback / opinions / violent reactions are all accepted and taken into consideration. Thank you very much
I rolled this when I first entered WvW. I think I am still the only person in the ENTIRE GAME of my time on Fort Aspenwood and WvW who uses Twilight Staff. I also got the gear to start. And it was decent until the players really broke the classes in.
Here are the specific numbers and realities of why that won’t work.
1) Actual ticking bleed damage takes a crap % from your +condition damage stat. If you have 1000 Condition damage you tick for 100 dmg ROUGHLY. When you reach 15-1600 condition damage your bleeds now tick for 160.
The issue now becomes twofold.
A) The Necro just physically can’t apply bleeds as fast as other classes. Now how many of that 25 capped stack will be yours and you will have applied before it reached 25?
B) Conditions are just to easy to remove. And if you remove 1 bleed you remove them all.
The lastest little tidbit I’ll share is that sometimes you just need to get to close to rely on a good Epidemic that can only spread to 5 people as your “Big Boy” move. Then you sit there and spam on one target and will always just be assisting other people kill. You will never feel like you have accomplished anything. 1 passive cure negates ALL your stat’d DPS. Not working as intended IMO.
80 Necromancer – Zintair
Have a question, don’t see much people here using the following, just wanted to get feedback from you fellas and see if I’m heading the right path.
Armor : TA Set ( Power + Precision + Condition Damage )
Sigil: Superior Sigil ( the one with + 10 every kill to condition damage )Aim is to deal an intense amount of condition damage / damage using aoe in WvW. I understand I have 0 + to toughness or vit and will be kind of soft but I am willing to sacrifice that for the damage I’ll gain from the Power + Precision + C.D. build. Am I going down the right path or am I not considering something?
Any feedback / opinions / violent reactions are all accepted and taken into consideration. Thank you very much
I rolled this when I first entered WvW. I think I am still the only person in the ENTIRE GAME of my time on Fort Aspenwood and WvW who uses Twilight Staff. I also got the gear to start. And it was decent until the players really broke the classes in.
Here are the specific numbers and realities of why that won’t work.
1) Actual ticking bleed damage takes a crap % from your +condition damage stat. If you have 1000 Condition damage you tick for 100 dmg ROUGHLY. When you reach 15-1600 condition damage your bleeds now tick for 160.
The issue now becomes twofold.
A) The Necro just physically can’t apply bleeds as fast as other classes. Now how many of that 25 capped stack will be yours and you will have applied before it reached 25?B) Conditions are just to easy to remove. And if you remove 1 bleed you remove them all.
The lastest little tidbit I’ll share is that sometimes you just need to get to close to rely on a good Epidemic that can only spread to 5 people as your “Big Boy” move. Then you sit there and spam on one target and will always just be assisting other people kill. You will never feel like you have accomplished anything. 1 passive cure negates ALL your stat’d DPS. Not working as intended IMO.
First off, just would like to thank you so much for opening this thread and for taking the time to help mine and others questions.
You know after reading what you posted, it does make sense that after throwing every aoe skill we have at an area wont really down an enemy but more like bother them, really is sad.. Hopefully one day they fix this in their patches, I wont reroll on another toon or what, will still stay strong in the necro class, I love the skills and concept and for me seems more interesting than the others by far ( besides mesmers ).
Regarding the build, I understand to focus on this build for all condition is indeed a waste, but If i had to use an AoE build for WvW, the type that places me at the back of the group casting spells against groups and not single enemies (disregarding any care for 1 on 1 combat ), if this was the case would basing it on this build still be appropriate or “do-able”? Staff skills + The wells + poison cloud ( forgot name ).
Have a question, don’t see much people here using the following, just wanted to get feedback from you fellas and see if I’m heading the right path.
Armor : TA Set ( Power + Precision + Condition Damage )
Sigil: Superior Sigil ( the one with + 10 every kill to condition damage )Aim is to deal an intense amount of condition damage / damage using aoe in WvW. I understand I have 0 + to toughness or vit and will be kind of soft but I am willing to sacrifice that for the damage I’ll gain from the Power + Precision + C.D. build. Am I going down the right path or am I not considering something?
Any feedback / opinions / violent reactions are all accepted and taken into consideration. Thank you very much
I rolled this when I first entered WvW. I think I am still the only person in the ENTIRE GAME of my time on Fort Aspenwood and WvW who uses Twilight Staff. I also got the gear to start. And it was decent until the players really broke the classes in.
Here are the specific numbers and realities of why that won’t work.
1) Actual ticking bleed damage takes a crap % from your +condition damage stat. If you have 1000 Condition damage you tick for 100 dmg ROUGHLY. When you reach 15-1600 condition damage your bleeds now tick for 160.
The issue now becomes twofold.
A) The Necro just physically can’t apply bleeds as fast as other classes. Now how many of that 25 capped stack will be yours and you will have applied before it reached 25?B) Conditions are just to easy to remove. And if you remove 1 bleed you remove them all.
The lastest little tidbit I’ll share is that sometimes you just need to get to close to rely on a good Epidemic that can only spread to 5 people as your “Big Boy” move. Then you sit there and spam on one target and will always just be assisting other people kill. You will never feel like you have accomplished anything. 1 passive cure negates ALL your stat’d DPS. Not working as intended IMO.
First off, just would like to thank you so much for opening this thread and for taking the time to help mine and others questions.
You know after reading what you posted, it does make sense that after throwing every aoe skill we have at an area wont really down an enemy but more like bother them, really is sad.. Hopefully one day they fix this in their patches, I wont reroll on another toon or what, will still stay strong in the necro class, I love the skills and concept and for me seems more interesting than the others by far ( besides mesmers ).
Regarding the build, I understand to focus on this build for all condition is indeed a waste, but If i had to use an AoE build for WvW, the type that places me at the back of the group casting spells against groups and not single enemies (disregarding any care for 1 on 1 combat ), if this was the case would basing it on this build still be appropriate or “do-able”? Staff skills + The wells + poison cloud ( forgot name ).
YES! The benefit of this build is you have decent Attack 2800-3000 and a high crit chance. Wells and Corrosive Poison Cloud are a great DPS addition for the highest concentrated AoE damage.
I ran that build for a short period, my only heavy CON is the reliance on a static position for both your utility skills. WvW and combat in general is so movement oriented that taking two slots on your Utility bar really pigeon holes you into more of a stationary class.
I wanted to avoid this and so I swapped Corrosive Poison Cloud for Signet of Spite. I only use the Signet if I see the opportunity to really overwhelm a class. Don;t forget you can use this on downed people and then Epidemic to any who are attempting to rez. Not to mention the passive Power buff you always get while not using.
@Necro in general
I read on the forums early in the games release that ANET was not interested in performing class changes unless they were really prepared to fix the issues, and basically not apply bandaid hotfixes. Keeping this in mind I looked back over a 15 year MMO background and saw that most companies draft new content before they make any sweeping changes. I;ve of the opinion that changes will be coming but the numbers they are analyzing are showing them design flaws as compared with other classes at the moment. They are both small and LARGE.
You can redesign a class based on conditions when your issues is with conditions in general and how to balance the spectrum of classes who use these conditions in conjunction with the Necro.
Conditions in general need a rework and I think Agony is the first design implementation that reflects their understanding of their original content and ideas and the direction they need to move in to balance it.
80 Necromancer – Zintair
0 20 20 30 0
Staff – Axe or Dagger/whatever
wells boon2con, and vulnerability + physical damage wells
Flesh Golem (for the knockdown, object rampage damage, and the Swagger)
Fear Set runes
Vit/Tough/whatever you want weapons, gear, and acc
This is how to hurt many many butts at the same time with Necro in WvW. You play this as a mobile siege platform with a knockdown pet that can be used to spread conditions with unblockable marks. Swap your speed Sigil and spectral walk for travel and swap your mist form for offensive pressure on large groups.
Single target focus of any kind in WvW does not compare to the epic fire power of this kitten kitten fully operational battle station/noob lawnmower.
Yer welcome.
0 20 20 30 0
Staff – Axe or Dagger/whateverwells boon2con, and vulnerability + physical damage wells
Flesh Golem (for the knockdown, object rampage damage, and the Swagger)
Fear Set runes
Vit/Tough/whatever you want weapons, gear, and accThis is how to hurt many many butts at the same time with Necro in WvW. You play this as a mobile siege platform with a knockdown pet that can be used to spread conditions with unblockable marks. Swap your speed Sigil and spectral walk for travel and swap your mist form for offensive pressure on large groups.
Single target focus of any kind in WvW does not compare to the epic fire power of this kitten kitten fully operational battle station/noob lawnmower.
Yer welcome.
How does the playstyle hold up? So your basically an up front support with survivability and you outlast?
And speed sigil?
80 Necromancer – Zintair
Could you post your stats since you updated on November 23? Are you getting the vitality from your weapons in order to reach 20k health? Thanks for starting this thread. I started out playing a guardian, switching to this necro is a huge change. I have tried a pure power build and pure condition build both are lacking for me. The biggest problem I have had is trying to find a build that works well with a small group as well as with a zerg.
0 20 20 30 0
Staff – Axe or Dagger/whateverwells boon2con, and vulnerability + physical damage wells
Flesh Golem (for the knockdown, object rampage damage, and the Swagger)
Fear Set runes
Vit/Tough/whatever you want weapons, gear, and accThis is how to hurt many many butts at the same time with Necro in WvW. You play this as a mobile siege platform with a knockdown pet that can be used to spread conditions with unblockable marks. Swap your speed Sigil and spectral walk for travel and swap your mist form for offensive pressure on large groups.
Single target focus of any kind in WvW does not compare to the epic fire power of this kitten kitten fully operational battle station/noob lawnmower.
Yer welcome.
not sure how this is any good at killing people, your wells and staff marks wont hit hard and your bleeds wont tick for much.. it’s more of a bunker build
Could you post your stats since you updated on November 23? Are you getting the vitality from your weapons in order to reach 20k health? Thanks for starting this thread. I started out playing a guardian, switching to this necro is a huge change. I have tried a pure power build and pure condition build both are lacking for me. The biggest problem I have had is trying to find a build that works well with a small group as well as with a zerg.
Sigil of Perception in the staff
Sigil of Earth ( which Ill be changing and updating on the post) and Fire on Scepter Dagger
Rune of Krait x3 Rune of Affliction x3
Armor: Boots / Legs / Hands / Shoulders are Prec Tough Cond || Rampager Chest || Knight Helm
Jewelery: Berserker earrings / Rampager Ring Valkrie Ring and Amulet
Food: Mango Pie
+250 Prec brings me to about 64% crit
The added Vitality comes from a Valkyrie Ring I use. My particular play style calls for a bit deeper of a health pool because I have a tendency to be one of the first people attacking and always on the front line if not the front person.
Strange as it sounds playing an aggressive Necromancer has yielded far more benefit than not. Most people don;t even target me to start which is just a terrible idea. That’s one of the perks of this build, if you DO get your full weapon rottions off and DS/Lich you are putting out HUGE sustained damage with conditions on multiple people etc.
80 Necromancer – Zintair
0 20 20 30 0
Staff – Axe or Dagger/whateverwells boon2con, and vulnerability + physical damage wells
Flesh Golem (for the knockdown, object rampage damage, and the Swagger)
Fear Set runes
Vit/Tough/whatever you want weapons, gear, and accThis is how to hurt many many butts at the same time with Necro in WvW. You play this as a mobile siege platform with a knockdown pet that can be used to spread conditions with unblockable marks. Swap your speed Sigil and spectral walk for travel and swap your mist form for offensive pressure on large groups.
Single target focus of any kind in WvW does not compare to the epic fire power of this kitten kitten fully operational battle station/noob lawnmower.
Yer welcome.
not sure how this is any good at killing people, your wells and staff marks wont hit hard and your bleeds wont tick for much.. it’s more of a bunker build
That was my understanding from the Trait Points and Utilities selected. I can see it killing people by sheer outlasting them, but I doubt it “hurts many butts” with Vit Tough stating.
80 Necromancer – Zintair
What you would say the minimum toughness would be for this build? I’m running about 1150 right now and haven’t noticed to many problems but I haven’t been running it very long.
At one point it looks like you were running Rampagers Amulet and rings. Since you replaced the amulet and one ring with Valkyries and that boosted your crit damage% have you noticed a difference in your damage output?
(edited by Jay.4012)
i wont speak for zint but i dont find that very much toughness/vit is needed for WvW. You are almost always running around with 50%+ life force for death shroud and if you want extra survivability you can swap lich form for your elite, which is what I do most of the time. Death shroud + lich form + either warhorn 5 or spectral walk can escape most encounters. I dont even have full exotics yet and using a rather glassy power/prec/cond/tough based gearing i still find myself one of the last alive or few to escape.
0 20 20 30 0
Staff – Axe or Dagger/whateverwells boon2con, and vulnerability + physical damage wells
Flesh Golem (for the knockdown, object rampage damage, and the Swagger)
Fear Set runes
Vit/Tough/whatever you want weapons, gear, and accThis is how to hurt many many butts at the same time with Necro in WvW. You play this as a mobile siege platform with a knockdown pet that can be used to spread conditions with unblockable marks. Swap your speed Sigil and spectral walk for travel and swap your mist form for offensive pressure on large groups.
Single target focus of any kind in WvW does not compare to the epic fire power of this kitten kitten fully operational battle station/noob lawnmower.
Yer welcome.
not sure how this is any good at killing people, your wells and staff marks wont hit hard and your bleeds wont tick for much.. it’s more of a bunker build
That was my understanding from the Trait Points and Utilities selected. I can see it killing people by sheer outlasting them, but I doubt it “hurts many butts” with Vit Tough stating.
It makes more sense when you play WvW at a more competitive level. Rambo in WvW is not going to be capturing towers and keeps, killing siege on the top of walls, supporting the rams with heals and condition/boon swapping, etc… etc…
It is a wonderfully purposed support build in tPvP as well, but tPvP is more fun with control/rez/roamer necro builds.
However, this wells build is a 1vMany build. Which is the only viable meta in WvW. You support siege and push away flanks. And you should note that using the correct wells and reaper’s puts 20 stack of vulnerability down as AoE on top of doing 5 ticks of semi-heavy AoE damage.
And while those wells that heal and do damage and turn boons into conditions…AND stack massive amounts of vulnerability… are down you can use yer mistform to blind storm a HUGE group while your arrow carts cripple and slaughter all of them.
Sorry I started drooling and dozed off.
Just curious to know what your stat numbers are sitting at right now? You have a mix and match of armor which seems strange to me. Do you have a set of preferred stat numbers that you are trying to reach, or just throwing in different pieces to see what happens?
The Prec/Tough/Condi armor you are using is only attainable thru dungeons according to my research (Svanir/Khilborn/Nightmare/Corrupted Orrian). Are the stats you currently hold attainable with crafted gear?
My neccy is almost 80, and I want to test out your build when I get there.
@Zintair i did your build but i do not have 3000 attack.
my stat unbuffed
attack 2711
crit chance 58
crit dmg 32
armor 2142
toughness 1222
health 19072
Just curious to know what your stat numbers are sitting at right now? You have a mix and match of armor which seems strange to me. Do you have a set of preferred stat numbers that you are trying to reach, or just throwing in different pieces to see what happens?
The Prec/Tough/Condi armor you are using is only attainable thru dungeons according to my research (Svanir/Khilborn/Nightmare/Corrupted Orrian). Are the stats you currently hold attainable with crafted gear?
My neccy is almost 80, and I want to test out your build when I get there.
40k Karma Gear and TA Dungeon.
The reality is I took the build from a Conditionmancer to a hybrid and have now started tweaking bits and pieces to my liking.
I know most gamers fall into the habit of keeping stats in sync for example have full armor set of the same type and jewels of similar type.
I broke out of that a little bit and went back to my DAOC days of customizable crafted armor. That’s really what we have here albeit far less customized. Therefore I "Do you have a set of preferred stat numbers that you are trying to reach, ". did this. In this thread if I’m correct we did some napkin math on Crit vs Crit DMG. We found Crit to be far more valuable up to a specific % for diminishing returns. Therefore I swapped a few pieces to keep my crit over 55%.
I lacked Vitality and Condition (duration and dmg) which I then replaced with Runes of Krait and Affliction.
Jewelry I wanted to keep my Crit% higher but also keep a balanced Vit for added Health in both pools. I reached a level I found effective for my play style. This will not be that friendly to larger groups with heavy siege but simple swapping of Utilities can offer utility for all WvW situations.
A simple trait change allows you to swap from Wells which focus off Power and move to Scepter and Corrupt Bone if you are soloing (with 1 trait change). Your stated for a balance and the class Offensive/Defensive by nature.
Ill update shortly with my current unbuffed in game stats.
80 Necromancer – Zintair
Just curious to know what your stat numbers are sitting at right now? You have a mix and match of armor which seems strange to me. Do you have a set of preferred stat numbers that you are trying to reach, or just throwing in different pieces to see what happens?
The Prec/Tough/Condi armor you are using is only attainable thru dungeons according to my research (Svanir/Khilborn/Nightmare/Corrupted Orrian). Are the stats you currently hold attainable with crafted gear?
My neccy is almost 80, and I want to test out your build when I get there.40k Karma Gear and TA Dungeon.
The reality is I took the build from a Conditionmancer to a hybrid and have now started tweaking bits and pieces to my liking.
I know most gamers fall into the habit of keeping stats in sync for example have full armor set of the same type and jewels of similar type.
I broke out of that a little bit and went back to my DAOC days of customizable crafted armor. That’s really what we have here albeit far less customized. Therefore I "Do you have a set of preferred stat numbers that you are trying to reach, ". did this. In this thread if I’m correct we did some napkin math on Crit vs Crit DMG. We found Crit to be far more valuable up to a specific % for diminishing returns. Therefore I swapped a few pieces to keep my crit over 55%.
I lacked Vitality and Condition (duration and dmg) which I then replaced with Runes of Krait and Affliction.
Jewelry I wanted to keep my Crit% higher but also keep a balanced Vit for added Health in both pools. I reached a level I found effective for my play style. This will not be that friendly to larger groups with heavy siege but simple swapping of Utilities can offer utility for all WvW situations.
A simple trait change allows you to swap from Wells which focus off Power and move to Scepter and Corrupt Bone if you are soloing (with 1 trait change). Your stated for a balance and the class Offensive/Defensive by nature.
Ill update shortly with my current unbuffed in game stats.
Hey Zintair, I’ve been following this thread of yours for a couple of weeks now and enjoy reading the feedback you have been giving/receiving.
I was just wondering how this Critmancer build would hold up in the toughest/longest dungeon paths in the game such as Arah (since my guild and I basically run through every other dungeon with relative ease). Before I spec my necro with your build, my concerns are mainly regarding the survivability and to a lesser extent the dps tradeoff if you recommend swapping out skills for dungeons.
The Prec/Tough/Condi armor you are using is only attainable thru dungeons according to my research (Svanir/Khilborn/Nightmare/Corrupted Orrian). Are the stats you currently hold attainable with crafted gear?
My neccy is almost 80, and I want to test out your build when I get there.
There is Strong rare armor with CondDmg/Prec/Tough you can buy off the TP.
See my post:
I’m still VERY confused about the gear for this build. This kind of “mixing stuff” doesn’t sound good for me.
How can a mixture of Cond Precision Thoughtness + Rampager do any good? What’s the deal about power and condition damage?
The only thing that this guide needs is a guidance to gear.
Please enlight me.
Hello Zintair,
That’s what i want to see when i’m looking for ideas to refine my build..
You detailed, you explained the playstyle and it’s purpose, the synergies you create between 2 different things. I’m playing a juggernaut warrior for the most part of my time and i feel like my necro fell behind, even though i loved him and played him well. And i had alot of common things in my build, i just never included DS into it but to survive.
Keep up your work, and i’m looking into meeting you in the battlefields
Hey Zintair,
I am very interested in this spec as it really seems to combine the most powerful things the necromancer has – deathshroud burst and condition (spreading).
I altho do not really get the playstyle of this spec by the pure explaination in your postings. I guess you use the staff like 90% of the time and “sometimes” switch to scepter, is that correct? If so, I do not really get the 30 in curses.
Could you clarify that a bit more? I would really like to learn more about this build and its playstyle before i get all the necessary gear for it.
[NO] ~ Ponys Will Never Die
Zintair, your build looks pretty awesome and shows a lot of wvw promise, I’ll check it out for sure.
I’ll probably end up using some variant of it, but it’s nice to have some idea where to start with a necro =]
a build that can soak some of the random and often overwhelming damage directed at you in a wvw setting is pretty valuable, and I agree that putting the focus into flat damage rather than conditions is a better idea.
(edited by SinisterSeven.2781)