necromancer needs fixes BIGTIME
oh and we have to trait 30 points to get 3s stability with DS which we cant even stomp in , but eles can in kittenform? gg
it’s suppoosed to die in the water, it’s not a water skill
Lol it dies in any form of water even ankle deep water
Did we really need another one of these posts,
Please direct future whine posts here:
Also quotes like
“elite skills useful but useless” is personal oppinion and not reflected by the community as a whole
Other parts of your post include outdated info that has since been hotfixed
I’m perfectly happy with the necromancer in its current state, yes we have bugs but so do many classes
Lets try and keep these posts constructive yes?
Lol got shocked for a sec thought you were a moderator had to go up and check……. Anyways thanx for the link
no it doesn’t it can swim on the surface too.
Did we really need another one of these posts,
Short answer, yes.
Long answer, yes, cause we need feedback about our class being fixed. And I mean, all of the big bugs, not just two minor 5 point traits.
Creating 700 identical thread (which get swallowed up very quickly in the mass of crap posted here) will not get issues fixed quicker.
Compiling your ‘complaints’ into one thread, or using the handy sticky at the top of the sub-forum would be far more constructive.
Better yet use the handy search function, everyone of the OP’s points has been previously raised…. and guess what you didn’t get feedback from the developers on those either.
Community Coordinator
Hello everyone.
As Savan correctly states, there are already some open threads at the moment where you can contribute with your own feedback about these issues; the bugs here mentioned have been covered already and it is indeed more effective for the dev team to have all your feedback concentrated in one place rather than scattered all around the subforum.
We proceed now to close this thread.