(edited by Bababu.3852)
10k Autoattack Longbow PvE Build +WvW fun
Dat dmg,i didnt even know that LB can make that dmg..Thats only in Pve and WvW tho,in pvp its less than 5k most of the times..LB has some problems without a doubt but it can make a lot of dmg,thats for sure.
Im pretty sure that this thread will be ignored,to many qqers in Rangers forums
If you enjoy glass cannon cannon more power to ya brother.
Umm… I’m gone shooting white rabbits for 166k…
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
Lol if this is the video I think it is, some redditors were ripping on him for running glass. Other’s were ripping on him for having people in his party. Neither camp realized that it’s best to run glass cannon with party support…I think you did well. You formed a gank squad where there is a natural gap to close to defeat the bursty LB ranger. Isn’t that what everyone on this forum wants?
Also, the reddit thread proves the Fundamental Theorem of the Ranger: that God himself could cure disease upon every autoattack and the ranger would still be looked at with disdain. People would QQ “not only is the autoattack only curing 60 diseases per minute, only noobs and casuals play ranger…kill the huntards!”
These same people will cry about “what the ranger has to give up to burst” while—in the same sentence—saying ranger has no good traits or slot skills anyways. Amazing, the duality of thought. Doublethink is plus plus good!
(edited by Chopps.5047)
Hits are nice, but I’d never go GC in WvW, unless I wanted to make some numbers for lulz. Also, tentacles on Maw have some stupidly low armor.
Still, nice to see ppl keep thinking, not just saying “meta is what it is, there are no more builds for rangers”.
Hits are nice, but I’d never go GC in WvW, unless I wanted to make some numbers for lulz. Also, tentacles on Maw have some stupidly low armor.
Still, nice to see ppl keep thinking, not just saying “meta is what it is, there are no more builds for rangers”.
i used to have that build when i started out, ofc, LB was weaker back then. But bottom line is; if you want to use that build you got TWO options in WvW (i only play WvW so i only comment on WvW stuff)
1 – run in a small strike team
2 – defend forts/keeps
In those two, you will outshine ANY class with ease. Outside of those two roles, you are at the mercy of the opponents level of stupidity.
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
Yep tentacles are my favourite On Bosses the dmg with the balanced build will be around 3-5k on AAs.
My opinion to Ranger traits:
Marksmanship: This is the kittening best and worst tree in the game. You got 3 slots but you could use 7. There are so many good skills in there.
Skirmishing: You want the 30% crit dmg and precision. But the tree itself is not related to crit at all, despite your pets, which die too fast in dungeons. So this tree is kitten, but you need it.
The rest is pretty much a tanky pvp tree stuff and i wont cover that.
But looking at other classes, for example the Warrior you can’t go for 300 precision 30% crit and 300 power. Some other classes can but then imo their skill tree is far from the rangers. It’s just such a good combo the 30/30 ranger tree and imo you have to skill it in PvE.
Put Spotter into Skirmishing, where it belongs, put some other stuff from Marksmanship in there aswell and we got some superior skill trees.
While all people cry about the ranger, i think he is a good dps in PvE but there are still better ones.
Precision procs companion’s might…those two go together, also, rabid armor and bleeds on crit synergize well with traps…but that’s all I can think of
(edited by Chopps.5047)
@ Chopps: yes you’re right. But i was talking from a PvE view and there condition dmg sucks ( not gonna explain why, it takes too long). Therefore :
crit bleed = bad
companions might = still the best out of all synergises well but pet dies too fast in dungeons (therfore kinda bad but still one of the best //i use this also)
Pets prowess = good but still pve pets die
Quick draw = sounds cool, but your main dmg source with bows is your AA, therefore kinda OK but not superior.
Now if you compare all these “kinda ok, BUT” skills with the great ones in Marksmanship.
Spotter: Inc crit for group
Steady focus = more dmg for group
Signet mastery = more dmg
Signet of the beastmaster = more dmg
Eagle Eye = more dmg and kinda have to take with longbow
Piercing arrows = have to take vs mob groups
Remoreless = never took it but 20 stacks vulnerability vs mob groups everytime one of them dies sounds good aswell.
As you can see from a Pve /longbow perspective all those godlike skills in tree 1 are far better than the useless Pet related ones in the crit tree.
The rest are all traps/PvP skills which i wont cover/consider taking in a PvE longbow build.
Use a Devourer in dungeons with Companion’s Might. If you’re running RaO, it’s the best pet. For one it has the highest toughness. Two it’s ranged. Three the poison cloud ticks also give you might. Four, its autoattack counts as 2 hits.
Then I just use River Drake for the rest of the time.
Quick Draw is better for Longbow than Short-bow. You’re right on a Short-bow build. You’re mainly using the autoattack for damage and the other abilities are utility. You’re dead wrong on a Longbow build though. The autoattack is just filler between the 2 and 3 abilities. The more you can use those two the more damage you do. And with the buff that 2 just got…yes channelling it DOES more damage than autoattack.
An Insane(ly Intelligent) Genius!
“Did you just tell me the rules? Never tell me the rules!”
@ Fade:
Longbow: I want to see the math for that statement ! I haven’t played for a while so i still think 1 deals more than 2 :P
3 is of course a skill you want to keep on cooldown, but in a good group you wont be the only one applying vulnerability. So its ofc good for this one.
Pets: I use red moa/stalker for might and fury buff, as stated in the guide i have to keep my fury buff 100% of the time all by myself.
I use drakes vs aoe groups, but for the rest i pretty much never use ranged pets.
I feel like they die anyways in dungeons or fractals.
About the Devourer im gonna test this one out
EDIT: Devourer now favourite pet :P pretty cool indeed didn’t think about that at all.
(edited by Bababu.3852)
I run GC 100% of the time. Thought about changing it, but while zerging in WVW you can do some major damage with the LB, thus more badges for me.
Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Good when you make love with it. Bad when you make crack.
3 shotting people in WvW with a longbow auto.. who’d have thought? :O
As long as you can keep people off of you, can just murder people with this build.
Added to the compilation thread! (I wish the author would post the build here himself though XD)
Doing It With Style
uhm, also you may want to look into running Sword+Torch, IF you are not too fond of melee fights.
let me explain
Torch gives you a nice firefield, from which you can set people aflame using LB
If in a pinch (enter melee combat), you can use Sword#2 to buy some range, then swap to LB4 for more range and then burst them down with QZ and LB2.
Although clunky, Sword 2 can be a great escape tool, as it offer you 1200m of adjustable “runaway” angles.
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
Meh, I don’t let my pets die like that, fotm 36+ (i’ve done 48), pets not dying. Although I always max my AR because I like being immune to avoidable damage. I think the only encounter I have trouble keeping pets alive on is the first Grawl boss and that’s only because I typically take cats to burst down shaman, then they die vs the Champion. Usually I’m running drakes or devourers and they do fine. Very good sustain, good damage, good choices.
I link to gw2guru, because the formatting here kinda sucks
I will try another computer later but with this one your videos are washed out. Can’t see your build either unless I join some German site ?
@jubskie: I can’t even find the function to quote in this forum. It’s really so confusing, and in my opinion not enjoyable at all to read guides here. Because everything is in the same size and color.
@Chopps: Yep i learned today Devourer is cool :P But i need to use moa in the build to maintain my crit chance. I would anyways consider playing a shortbow build in fractals.
@ Forzani: The videos are anyways just gameplay footage, or high crit montages. You won’t learn anything from them I have no idea why they are washed out for you. But i will post a short guide here if people ask to :/
I used no german sites at all for this guide, at least i cant remember .
This is what I get when I click on your build box
@ Forzani: Oh lol ! You should click on the link underneath,where you clicked. The “build” you are clicking on is just an image that i uploaded on that german site.
@ Forzani: The videos are anyways just gameplay footage, or high crit montages. You won’t learn anything from them
I have no idea why they are washed out for you. But i will post a short guide here if people ask to :/
I used no german sites at all for this guide, at least i cant remember .
oh, I will learn something from the video . I will want to see how activated Wild and Hunt work and how the damage is distributed…IE a 1 trick pony or sustained damage.
Guildhead is tough to follow. Your link to it doesn’t show crit chance…crit damage etc…or the pets you use. Might just be my computer though.
I see you added the builds with a different editor…nice. Looks much better.
Also, I don’t see how you have 100% crit chance.
Ah yes forgot that, ill add it here too.
The math is the following.
Berserker stats = ~60%
Fury =20%
Sigil of accuracy = 5%
Spotter = ~ 7%
Bufffood = ~10%
There you go , add a warrior into your group or anything that gives you precision and you can leave something else out.
But yeah that’s pretty much all in the gw2 guru guide.
For the 1trick pony part :
In the videos most of the kills are stomps, because i wanted to show how high you can crit.(1trick pony) Once your signet of the wild runs out (8sec) you will deal ofc 25% less dmg, and you will notice that. But you can still do 4-6k autoattacks with longbow without the signet.
I will probably upload a video later on with real footage of me fighting stronger enemys. I got such clips aswell but i mainly made this video for enjoyment, and i think videos are there to enjoy, and i dont enjoy watching a 3minute fight where pretty much nothing happens because both people are tanky as hell.
(edited by Bababu.3852)
It’s always fun to do some good damage. I tweaked the build a bit to better represent WvW in small man or zerg surfing. I wouldn’t have enough skill to pull this off as a solo roamer.
I know you will be targeted by Thieves and Warriors who look for vulnerable people off to the side. You need to be able to get away and relocate when needed. Thus the GS….Lightning Reflexes and Entangle. I would also have Doggie waiting on cooldown to get into the fight for a knockdown or immobilize. I really like your idea of the Moa and it’s group Fury. That’s why I didn’t include RaO. The Moa will give you fury 50% of the time. The pets are there to serve me. They won’t enter the fight until someone is on me.
There are still a couple of changes I could do but would have to play around with it. IE Barkskin over Empathic Bond.
Might try this again for the giggles
Fun build I tried it in spvp but you really need your team to group and pray a thief doesn’t wanna mess with you.
I rather use piercing shots + eagle eye. 1500 range sniping freaking kittenes on the back lanes.
@Forzani: It’s mainly a fun build, that i use to run and one or 2shot them and if they refuse to die, i try my best to kill them with GS, or kite them with longbow. If they are skilled they most likely kill me, but i dont care i just want to have some good fun^^
I prefer using Wolf + snow leopard in WvW, the leopard because it deals freakin dmg with signet of the hunt on it’s first attack (7k dmg) and still hase some cc that i need.
Wolf – Use this instead of the kryta hound. Once you are downed use your 2 to stop the finisher, swap to your wolf let him attack and knock the next finisher down, activate the fear for the next finisher, and use 2 agian for the next finisher. The fear got nerfed in the last patch but still its so awesome.
I would not recommend using moa at all in WvW ^^ If you anyways run around with a group get the crit buff from them.
RaO: I use this mainly for the Fury buff and when i run around solo i need it. And i rarely use Entangle because i anyways onehit them or i dont and then i gotta be lucky ^^
Overall i think your build is a better wvw fighting oriented build, but it doesn’t crit that high :P
@Elprimo: Good Lord i’d never play this in sPvP ^^
Yeah i’d like to take piercing arrows, but then i would loose 25% more dmg. And for a good crit you need that ^^ I basically just skilled everything that increases my dmg.
(edited by Bababu.3852)
Longbow: I want to see the math for that statement ! I haven’t played for a while so i still think 1 deals more than 2 :P
It’s kind of shady business.
Rapid fire takes like 4.8 seconds and to exceed it’s numbers autoattack would have to be getting in 5 attacks in that same timeframe. Which seems approachable on paper, but because of the 1/4th second hidden aftercast on auto-attack it only just barely doesn’t get there.
No wonder people want a burst skill, that’s just kind of lame.
And it’s not like the increase is anything to write home about.
(edited by Vox Hollow.2736)
@Forzani: It’s mainly a fun build, that i use to run and one or 2shot them and if they refuse to die, i try my best to kill them with GS, or kite them with longbow. If they are skilled they most likely kill me, but i dont care i just want to have some good fun^^
I like your style
One thing I have heard conflicting information about is Signet of the Hunt activation when you use Rapid Fire. Some say the 150% only applies to the first hit of rapid fire…others say it works on the entire channel of rapid fire. I tried a short test awhile ago and it looked to me it only applied to the initial shot….not the channel.
So I don’t know how you get the 10k channel.
@Vos Hollow: Well ok o could’ve done that by myself. Thought it’s alot more complicated, but that makes sense, and i tried it ingame. I havent played for a few patches so i was not up to date on the whole rapid fire issue stuff. Because when i stopped playing people said it deals only more dmg on low range
@Forzani: The 10k is not a channel at all it’s a single autoattack. Or did i get something wrong here ?
If i channel rapid fire it’s rarely below 10k lol ^^
And imo the procc only applys to the first hit of rapid fire. but i havent tried it yet.
this is basically showing some crits and stuff in wvw, not skilled enemys, so just watch for the fun
(edited by Bababu.3852)
10k single auto attack ? Hrmm. I guess I should try and see if I can replicate that.
@Forzani little screen for you :
I Actually havent reached 10k yet with my ranger, because i dont want to exceed my powerlevel from 9000!!!!! But seriously it is possible. I guess you can even hit for 12-15k max if you take warrior banners + 25 might stacks + 25 Sigil stacks of might + 25 vulnerability.
As you can see all cooldowns rdy so this is an Autoattack from the Longbow. And i havent got any might stacks, nor did i use my frost spirit (10% more dmg), and i have no weapon sigil might stacks, and no warrior banners. I reached 10k btw with Greatsword 2 attack and its pretty easy ^^
(edited by Bababu.3852)
@Forzani little screen for you :
I Actually havent reached 10k yet with my ranger, because i dont want to exceed my powerlevel from 9000!!!!! But seriously it is possible. I guess you can even hit for 12-15k max if you take warrior banners + 25 might stacks + 25 Sigil stacks of might + 25 vulnerability.As you can see all cooldowns rdy so this is an Autoattack from the Longbow. And i havent got any might stacks, nor did i use my frost spirit (10% more dmg), and i have no weapon sigil might stacks, and no warrior banners. I reached 10k btw with Greatsword 2 attack and its pretty easy ^^
lol I saw that one in your video. Snooze you lose if you lag from the zerg. …one of my favourite things to do (culling the herd)
It is still fantastic damage even though it is an up leveled target.
On lvl 80 berserker Ele this would’ve been around 7-9k dmg. On really tanky targets its ~4k.
Trying it out. So far is a max of 4400 on longshot
@jubskie: I can’t even find the function to quote in this forum. It’s really so confusing, and in my opinion not enjoyable at all to read guides here. Because everything is in the same size and color.
The quote button is the little curved arrow pointing to the left on the bottom right of the screen.
And I hear you on the same size and color thing… I’ve written a few guides here too, and one more annoying thing is the 5k char limit per post >_<
But I made that request because if the post on gw2guru becomes unavailable for some reason, or players behind a firewall can’t access gw2guru, they can still view it here
I actually read your first guide, and it was part of the inspiration for The DDR, A Power Ranger Guide, so thanks for making that
Doing It With Style
The quote button is the little curved arrow pointing to the left on the bottom right of the screen.
I actually read your first guide, and it was part of the inspiration for The DDR, A Power Ranger Guide, so thanks for making that
Oh man i can quote !
Well i liked my first one more than this one now, the formatting of the new one still sucks, i changed it a few times and im still not happy with the looks….
Probably gonna do a real PvE shortbow build, that is more of a group addition and that you can play in every situation. BUT i think the build is too obvious and everyone can think of that by himself, so i see no real reason to do it^^
Probably gonna do a real PvE shortbow build, that is more of a group addition and that you can play in every situation. BUT i think the build is too obvious and everyone can think of that by himself, so i see no real reason to do it^^
Do it anyway You’d be surprised with what people consider obvious. XD
Doing It With Style
(This is more of a theoretical fun build for WvW and not to be taken seriously)
Hmm after seeing this thread I got curious of how much one could actually reach with a single LB auto attack so I did some theorycrafting.
Using full Valkyrie set with runes of the scholar for power and crit dmg and traiting to 30/30/0/10/0 I can reach attack rating of 3825 and crit dmg of 99%.
Now the whole idea would be to charge everything around the opening strike and the superior intelligence to be able to have 2 crits even with the crit chance being at 19%. With the other weapon having the Bloodlust sigil we can get a bit higher with the attack rating and possibly reach the 10k mark when under the effects of the signets and the spirit.
If anyone has a full set of Valkyries and/or is willing to try this out I’d be interested to find out the results.
(edited by Taku.6352)
Man i will definitely try this!
But i’ll need to farm a little first ^^ I guess i should then also take a warrior banner of discipline/strength and a guardian, better 2,with me to stack might to crit kitten high.
But i’d take the bufffood with 10% more crit dmg, in my opinion.
(edited by Bababu.3852)
Changed the food to crit dmg food, and checked that with 25 stacks of might it’s possible to get attack rating of 4600 according to the calculator. (might be higher ingame)
Yeah it is higher ingame. even the +%crit dmg is higher than stated there. But we’ll see
I run a GC build using longbow/GS in WvW. I destroy people. I often will guard camps by myself and can take out 2-3 people at once. I have a Sigil of Fire on my longbow and when it hits, it hits for 4-5K plus your other damage. If it hits with rapid fire, dead people. If I’m running with a zerg, I stay on the perimeter and blast people down. Only class that can burst me down real quick is a GC thief. I’ve tried lots of builds and I’m having the most fun with this.
Are you fricon kidding me? How do you hit anything in wvw with a ranger? Everyone has some sort of evade, survival skill, and as a glass they come up to you, lock you down and you’re dead. in 1 combo. I don’t know if you people are full of bull or what, but there is no way you will kill anything with half a brain as a ranger.
Are you fricon kidding me? How do you hit anything in wvw with a ranger? Everyone has some sort of evade, survival skill, and as a glass they come up to you, lock you down and you’re dead. in 1 combo. I don’t know if you people are full of bull or what, but there is no way you will kill anything with half a brain as a ranger.
Are you speaking about GC ranger or in general?
If 2nd…
Maybe you do it wrong? Movie in my sig proves I can kill ppl. Now I want to see counterargument.
GC/LB as that is what I normally run. Been trying axe instead of LB in spvp and it seems better to me. As far as your video, I don’t see what zerge fights and idiotic players proves? A good warrior will stun lock you and kill you in 2 seconds.. a mesmer will dwindle you down and out do you. A necro will rip you apart. I ganked some weak players as well, doesn’t make my class good.
That long range shot of 9250 is amazing, however I have mixed feelings about this thread. Being a ranger I have this evil ranger whispering from the back of my head how they will never buff damage on the longbow after this. No wonder Jon spoke of the flow of the LB instead of giving it a buff. They must have seen similar numbers during testing. I wonder what they have planned to open up more power builds for rangers though…
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF
That long range shot of 9250 is amazing, however I have mixed feelings about this thread. Being a ranger I have this evil ranger whispering from the back of my head how they will never buff damage on the longbow after this. No wonder Jon spoke of the flow of the LB instead of giving it a buff. They must have seen similar numbers during testing. I wonder what they have planned to open up more power builds for rangers though…
9k is not a lot on an uplvl though. I’ve done it even without stacking signets or spirits so it’s not a good gauge.
Are you fricon kidding me? How do you hit anything in wvw with a ranger? Everyone has some sort of evade, survival skill, and as a glass they come up to you, lock you down and you’re dead. in 1 combo. I don’t know if you people are full of bull or what, but there is no way you will kill anything with half a brain as a ranger.
Its called proper positioning. At least when I play GC, I never put myself in a position where any of the classes you spoke of can get to me. Higher ground, outside of the path of the zergball, taking apart the tail of the zerg…just some of the ways to be successful. And we can escape with ease with our stun breaks and sword or gs to make a quick get away or make space. And remember, maybe 1% of actual players out in WvW are actually elite.
GC/LB as that is what I normally run. Been trying axe instead of LB in spvp and it seems better to me. As far as your video, I don’t see what zerge fights and idiotic players proves? A good warrior will stun lock you and kill you in 2 seconds.. a mesmer will dwindle you down and out do you. A necro will rip you apart. I ganked some weak players as well, doesn’t make my class good.
I showed video, you just keep writting. I guess I’m unlucky then, coz I met maybe few “good warriors” and they still couldn’t kill me. Atm it’s me stunlocking them (3 KDs + fear from pets alone).