About Ranger/Druid Improvement Ideas.

About Ranger/Druid Improvement Ideas.

in Ranger

Posted by: sheiun.3290


I’m just came here general to talk about idea what could be improvement for Druid/Ranger general as despite they keeping nerfing/nerfing/nerfing and one day it’s gone flush out!. I really hope Arenanet please listen this idea if you can! & I mean look at the final ESL Esport PRO league Finals 4 Revenant, DH, Scrapper, Tempest, Reaper & Druid nothing literally at all 0000000.. Anyway, let’s get back to the what I was talking about.


  • BristleBack give back +25% damage and just remain it forever you can fix the 20-15shot but 25% put it back. Give them more HP Boost in PvP, WvW say 15-20% so they wouldn’t die that super incredible quick, despite being so low in pvp Health it just too fast they die out at times even I heal can’t keep up certain times of it. No not like PVE health lower than that



*Moment of Clarity give them to what 100% was original it wasn’t that super OP….

  • Wildness Survival: Share of Anguish maybe instead 1 minutes recharge I say give it 30s?. It help Ranger/Druid alot as it get CC away from it.
  • Companion Defense: Give it 5s rather 2s still remain the dodge roll for protection boon.

Nature Magic:

*Allies Aid give it around kitten recharge rather than 85s think as “Search and Rescue” when you rework the skills & lower the recharge!.

*Evasion Purity try give it lower recharge down from 10s-5s if you can rather than just buff Vigorous Training increasing the second Vigor boon.

*Nature’s Vengeance: instead just giving boons and larger radius when spirit-activated why not give them "Spirit Bond’ that allow spirit following you that back in the past ranger what use to have it!?. It what make ranger spirit great adding that and perhaps +100% buff more health to spirit make it 200%!.


*Celestial Being perhaps give it buff for healing an ally to 2 instead 1 1/4s to increase Celestial avatar energy bar and damage to 1.

*Live Vicariously: Please remove this trait it still one the horrible trait I’ve seen switch to something else and perhaps adding recharge 6s make it something useful change it like an example Nature magic: Fortifying Bond rather you share with your pets that you get our own boons you share with an ally instead about radius 360! also affected by boon duration & Lingering magic trait!

*Druid Clarity: Perhaps give it 6s resistance boon when enter Celestial Avatar so the Condition Bomb can’t just restack again Crowd Control condition out crap on going Celestial Avatar on and no Recharge!! Addin please!.

*Natural Mender: I said perhaps give it buff from 2%-3%? so x5 is 15% outgoing heal effectiveness!.


*Shortbow: I really hope you can reconsidered these back in those day I want it rebuff again where it was original at 900-1200 range & make it Shortbow useful again+ it never was super OP so i don’t know why nerf the range of it!


*Celestial Avatar: I was thinking if you can give them 6s stability boon when they enter Celestial Avatar so that when they enter trying heal people crap out they wouldn’t get CC train everytime & Druid clarity buffing 6s Resistance.

*Signet of the Wild: I putting this just for remove the whole thingy Giant process when being transform rather I just want a normal size with given addin no transformation & that goes being said same to Marksmanship: Enlargement too!.

*All Traps: I want the old traps to be back emplacement ground target where you can put it anyway you like rather be at your own feet character. It make super great what an old ranger trap build use to be with range 600!. Please I hope you can given back & removing the healing spring trigger radius it make horrible while have to wait somebody step in and receive the healing spring I’ve rather be just put down and 10s you receive it

Optional(Only) new profession skills F6-F7:

*Flare: set a flare around the place location revealing enemy for 2s when they step in remain forever reveal till out and next attack will be unblockable x3 for 6s. Recharge 15s, duration 6s, Range 600 and Radius effect 360!.

*Nature Unbound: Teleport to the location and gain a Shroud of Unbound for 6s. Any ally or enemy that step in will given 1 condition each per 2s and boon 1 each per 2s when they step in your Shroud of Unbound. Recharge 30s, duration 6s, Range 1200 and radius effect 360.

So, this is my idea for improvement and & Optional for new profession skills. Feel free to post comment anything negative/positive I appreciate a feedback. Although I wish any Arenanet developer I would hope seeing this thank you and have a nice day

(edited by sheiun.3290)

About Ranger/Druid Improvement Ideas.

in Ranger

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


good suggestion but none of above will be implement or even read through!

you know why …. rhis is ranger forum been playing since closed beta so many people before you had suggested stuff none ( which i know of ) have been actually CONSIDER to improve the gameplay …. all i know is nerf nerf nerf

pet suggestion improve AI since CLOSED BETA its like 3 yrs or so we are still facing this issue until today … for the new players dont bother with suggestions anymore you can search the old post and see it for yourself

About Ranger/Druid Improvement Ideas.

in Ranger

Posted by: rummy.4102


Not to mention all these changes would make druid severely op. We can’t even have ONE really useful skill (SnR) without screams for nerfs.

Guildlord of [Top] (Gate of Madness)

If you don’t get it right the first time, keep on sucking until you do!

About Ranger/Druid Improvement Ideas.

in Ranger

Posted by: BadSanta.6527


druid need amassive buff in dps , you cant take alone tempst, and repaer..

About Ranger/Druid Improvement Ideas.

in Ranger

Posted by: sheiun.3290


@rummy.4102 I won’t says it OP to be honest player nowadays QQing don’t know to dodge zzz and yes DPS too…………………………. We been nerfing for ages how many time 3 years from now and even now up still now it a issue LOL and Hot came also like ranger always still a issue. Of course new play don’t bother or care but for someone like me or @Evilzombie.6801 or someone a older player 2-3 years it still a concern nothing changed yet and it still a issue now!!. I really hope do Anet listen worthwhile heck they don’t even care ……

About Ranger/Druid Improvement Ideas.

in Ranger

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


there’s a reason why some guys will just tell you rollover to other classes

tempest are freaking OP, yeah sure you say about dodge but how about 3 vs 1

i have seen 1 warrior, 1 daredevil and 1 DH fighting against just 1 tempest …. guess what after 5min or so tempest won! yeah sure the guy is skilled water blast and etc dodging here and there but seriously 3 vs 1 and you still walk freely? that’s calling OP

no matter what gear or how skillful you can be that’s 3 vs 1

FOOD for thought

About Ranger/Druid Improvement Ideas.

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrono Scout.3950

Chrono Scout.3950

Longbow needs more conditions. Long Range Shot should apply bleeding. Barrage should apply Bleeding and Torment in addition to crippled.

About Ranger/Druid Improvement Ideas.

in Ranger

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


Longbow needs more conditions. Long Range Shot should apply bleeding. Barrage should apply Bleeding and Torment in addition to crippled.

hell NO ! LB is a power build and should remain to be what it is …. the only thing is buff shortbow give it back to 1200 and dont require you to flank to gain condi damage

About Ranger/Druid Improvement Ideas.

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrono Scout.3950

Chrono Scout.3950

Longbow needs more conditions. Long Range Shot should apply bleeding. Barrage should apply Bleeding and Torment in addition to crippled.

hell NO ! LB is a power build and should remain to be what it is …. the only thing is buff shortbow give it back to 1200 and dont require you to flank to gain condi damage

Yeah, if they’d un-nerf Shortbow I could live with that.

About Ranger/Druid Improvement Ideas.

in Ranger

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


well that’s aint gona happen!

if SB is back to 1200 everyone will use SB rather then LB and history “might” reoccur

About Ranger/Druid Improvement Ideas.

in Ranger

Posted by: Euthymias.7984


Honestly, I doubt they’ll restore the SB’s 1.2k range. If they do touch it though, I’d hope for:

1. Crossfire auto bleeds regardless of flanking, but only does one stack each hit. Deals 2 stacks if flanking

2. Poison volley acts like Rapid Fire (5 shots deployed against one target). Pierces.
Or alternatively, it stays as a spread shot, with each dealing a single stack of poison and leaving a small Poison Field on the first target each projectile hits

3. Quickshot grants superspeed or Swiftness+Vigor regen

4. Crippling shot Immobilizes for 3 seconds (possibly if Flanking) or the shot cripples (for 6s) and also inflicts Weakness. The pet Bleed thing stays about the same.

5. Concussion Shot stays the same, but has a lower cooldown (15 secs)

As for Longbow, just give Barrage a lower cooldown. Its not very damaging, and AoE cripple is pretty weak. Its also one of the few AoEs we have at range, too.

(edited by Euthymias.7984)