Aggro Problems after patch?

Aggro Problems after patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Odie.5142


So, I log on this morning and my little down loader goes and does his thing, so I go and get a cup of coffee and wait since I live in the sticks and my nets suckish. Then… I begin to play my Ranger… All excited to start a new zone, I head off and sick my brown bear on some unsuspecting Skritt… It runs straight for me; well that as weird. So I move on to the next mob, same thing. The next mob, same thing. I’m not even engaging mobs and they are attacking me, not my pet.

I’ve heard aggro mechanics change at higher levels so I go to Queensdale. The same thing. Not even shooting/attacking them myself, and they are COMPLETELY ignoring my pet. If they do engage my pet, it’s 1-2 arrows to rip them off.

:( ?

Aggro Problems after patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Moakist.5268


Kite well and kite often.

But no, it’s not your imagination. I had to switch off bear to something else.

The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Aggro Problems after patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Odie.5142


Well that sucks, hopefully not a “fix” and merely a bug.

Aggro Problems after patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Osiris.3094


yea i noticed that a couple of days ago. My bear is actually the pet that can hold them off the most. My wolf can’t hold any aggro anymore.

Aggro Problems after patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Knote.2904


From what I’ve played of my ranger that sounds like a good thing.

I was tired of mobs being GLUED to my pets all the time and just ripping them apart.

No matter what I did I was invisible. Could dance naked wiggling my worm at em and they’d still go “KILL THAT DEVOURER”.

If it’s true, it’s probably to force rangers to kite like other classes need to.

Aggro Problems after patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Elydian.1763


I agree with Knote. However, if they’re going to do that they need to fix pets attacking on the move, else say goodbye to a bunch of DPS.

Aggro Problems after patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Moakist.5268


I agree with Knote. However, if they’re going to do that they need to fix pets attacking on the move, else say goodbye to a bunch of DPS.


The Fayth – Ferguson’s Crossing

Aggro Problems after patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


Some mobs (especially the risen) totally ignore your pet and go right for you, even when you send in your pet first. It’s annoying.

Aggro Problems after patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Odie.5142


Your sediments are understandable Knote, and on a semblence of a level I agree with you. However, there are quite a few problems with the implementation if it was in fact an intended change.

Our ranged weapons do give us a pretty modest ability to kite, probably better than almost every other proffession(axe included). BUT, our ranged weapons do however have stipulations on them that require more positioning than any other class, be it flanking on the SB, or the range DMG increase on the LB. With no pet aggro, while still possible via circle straifing, cold/barred trap and what have you, become more difficult.

Also, why have pets intended to tank, with tanky stats, that do less damage, if in fact you never wanted them to tank in the first place? inb4 “but they aren’t tanks! They are just more survivable!”

Can we go Mellee? Sure. Are our options at Mellee as good as other classes? Not even close. Sorry but a mediocre GS with a sword that stunlocks me onto a mob are in no way comparable to the mellee setups that other classes have. Because other classes have strong mellee options, they are not required to “kite” like we are. If you want to argue this, go try and face tank a vet event mob, solo, then hop on a war/Gaurd/Thief. We just aren’t as strong, period.

You said we should have to kite. As it is, we are the only class that really has too. Sure other classes have ranged abilities and can hold S and call it kiting if they want. But, and let me emphasize this —-in order for a ranger to use his ranged weapons at maximum potential, he must be mobile, be it flanking or creating range-— Now, other class can kite, but have a level of control(and lack of baggage) which allows them to use their ranged weapons effectively in a solo PvE environment… Our control? WAS our pet, now we’ve lost that element, and the other tools we have just arent up to snub(even if PvE mobs are keyboard turners, they still face rush).. An Ele, War, whatever, doesn’t need to be behind or at max range to be at their best. Dodge, pew pew, cripple, S, pew, is not sufficient when trying to flank constantly even with 2 “gasp” immos on a long CD.

Consider also, Necromancers and Mesmer. I haven’t had time to test it but I asked in chat and got a few responses, they didn’t seem to be having the same problem with minions/clones. I’ll be checking it out when I get home in the morning, but like I said I personally haven’t looked into it, if anyone can, feel free. But if that’s the case, why did only 1/3(excluding ele/thief for my lack of knowledge on how elementals/GoT behave) classes with “meat shields” get punished?

All that said, I’m all for an aggro nerf so that veteran mobs don’t stick to my bear all day long while I rip off 25 stacks of bleed and RaO to god tier pet DMG. But to have aggro non existed from the get go is just flat out wrong, and it in now way shape or form excentuates the mechanics that this class was founded on. This just all seems Katty-wompus.

I forgot to add about pets inability to attack moving targets. Also, for those of your who want to kite all day, No one told you that you had to send your pet In first, you could just run in guns blazing and rip all the aggro you wanted from the get go, but now that element of choice is gone. Nothing big, you know, just what this game was built around.

Aggro Problems after patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


I haven’t noticed any difference but I’m so far just running around in level ~55 areas, so it may change once I face the Risens.

Aggro Problems after patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: King Lemming.2015

King Lemming.2015

Another problem with this is that it completely invalidates the shortbow as a viable PvE weapon. It really needs to apply bleeds no matter what.

Aggro Problems after patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: MeGaZlo.9516


Hehe… Now ranger have no normal pve weapon at all =P