Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: oshilator.4681


I’m hoping against hope that this wasn’t intended & somebody (preferably not Roy) reverts/tweaks these AF changes.

As of right now, Druid is clunky & next to useless.


Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Aidenwolf.5964


Can’t build astral force without staff and it vanishes before your eyes in seconds if you don’t use it. Fail.

Buy To Play Guild Wars 2 2012-2015 – RIP
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


I really hope this is a bad bug…

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Gilgalas.7860


At work right now, but reading this, it looks like I won’t even give a try to the druid until it gets at least 2 strong updates (just as other elite spec gots, except for Scrapper)

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: ProtoMarcus.7649


I fail to see the logic behind this change. AF is extremely slow to generate, HIGHLY depends on staff, they added a CD to the transform, and the Astral skills are very underwhelming. Also, forget about the celestial form glyphs… The Risk vs Reward is really awful.

I’m sadly quite disappointed at the Druid’s current state, please Irenio, you’re my only hope

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


Pretty much killed Druid for me. This class can’t seem to avoid “one step forward, two steps back” development choices.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Photinous.4628


RIP Druid. Without a staff, the druid is basically worthless since AF generation is abysmal. With a staff, the Druid does absolutely no damage. It serves absolutely no place in PvP right now, and probably the same in all the other modes.

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


To top it off, staff 1 sounds like a annoying submarine radar or something now.

lol I suggested the sound to change since it sounded like grape stomping before. I haven’t heard the new version yet. I’m currently just happy it changed.

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Relshdan.6854


awful, chicken kitten nerf……having ill thoughts on whichever dev decided this.

Chaos Organ (Ele), Pistol Opera (Thief), Modular Man (Eng)
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


When I played Druid I didn’t use CA, so I wouldn’t miss it anyway, but it sounds horrible. Forget about trait-ing for it too then, if it’s as bad as you all say (I believe you).

Staff is pretty nice for mobility and not being reflected, so I’ll probably still use it.

Druid still brings some nice traits to the table… right? Guys? Well maybe just Natural Stride and Ancient Seeds now.

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


Lingering Light is “super strong” (I wont say OP). it’s basically blinds for everyone, including yourself. on a 3s ICD. that’s with every new INSTANCE of heals. u can use warhorn, staff 2, staff 1, whatever. not to mention u can also spam blinds in avatar.

(edited by mistsim.2748)

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Lingering Light is broken OP. it’s basically blinds for everyone, including yourself. on a 3s ICD. that’s with every new INSTANCE of heals. u can use warhorn, staff 2, staff 1, whatever. not to mention u can also spam blinds in avatar.

lol, including yourself?

Remember it’s a GM trait and that for an elite spec. Don’t be too quick in calling it OP. Some non-elite spec GM traits can give an entire party 25 stacks of might.

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


lol, including yourself?

meaning that when you heal yourself, you blind on next attack and heal for 600 without any healing power. same applies to anyone receiving your heals. I don’t think many understand how strong this is.

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

lol, including yourself?

meaning that when you heal yourself, you blind on next attack and heal for 600 without any healing power. same applies to anyone receiving your heals. I don’t think many understand how strong this is.

That is the best trait Druid has for PvP/WvW, by far.

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Wolfs Shadow.7234

Wolfs Shadow.7234

back to the reaper

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Sandzibar.5134


lol, including yourself?

meaning that when you heal yourself, you blind on next attack and heal for 600 without any healing power. same applies to anyone receiving your heals. I don’t think many understand how strong this is.

That is the best trait Druid has for PvP/WvW, by far.

Roy nerf in 3 2 …

Looking forward to testing it when I get back from work.

I had thought to go Druidic Clarity / Celesital Shadow / Ancient Seeds on my Skirm/BM shout build.

Now – given how bad AF apparently generation is, and how we cant maintain a full AF bar moving from fight to fight- it makes traits like Druidic Clarity and Celestial Shadow pretty bad choices.

Will give Cultivated Synergy / Verdent Etchings / Lingering Lights a try instead. Cultivated Synergy has synergy with lingering lights. Verdant etching might be good, but I still think glyphs are in a bad place.

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


lol, including yourself?

meaning that when you heal yourself, you blind on next attack and heal for 600 without any healing power. same applies to anyone receiving your heals. I don’t think many understand how strong this is.

That is the best trait Druid has for PvP/WvW, by far.

That does sound pretty excellent. A solid trait for all kinds of situations. Ancient Seeds has a more powerful effect, but it doesn’t always work.

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: LegallyBinding.4937


Any word from Arenanet? Seems really weird they would implement this huge nerf without comment.

Anyways, if this is the way of things I won’t be playing my Ranger in HoT. Hell we’ll see if I even still play HoT. Engineer maybe?

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


Any word from Arenanet? Seems really weird they would implement this huge nerf without comment.

Anyways, if this is the way of things I won’t be playing my Ranger in HoT. Hell we’ll see if I even still play HoT. Engineer maybe?

I dunno, did anyone check twitter?

Look for something like #lolkittenThoseRangers

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Reavan.8753


Any word from Arenanet? Seems really weird they would implement this huge nerf without comment.

Anyways, if this is the way of things I won’t be playing my Ranger in HoT. Hell we’ll see if I even still play HoT. Engineer maybe?

This is my thoughts.
It was super huge for a stealth nerf, devs if yer reading some questions that you could answer if you can.

- is generating AF outside of combat by healing others or your pet with staff, self heal etc, is that not intended by the dev team.
Like do you want us to only generate af in fights?

If true
-Whats the logic behind PVP starting with full AF.

- Is this a bug.

- Are you happy with the possibility of hybrid druids having ok damage and really high sustain compared to other classes, keep in mind we can only do one at a time.

-Is staff going to remain so horrible.

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Chicho Gosho.6507

Chicho Gosho.6507

That’s what we get with 1 beta weekend. Lets just hope that they address the problem quickly.

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Zatoichi.1049


I had a list of things I was going to do when my download completed. Druid was #1, now its off the list for the time being. Very sad day…

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Relshdan.6854


Lets just hope that they address the problem quickly.

they only address buffs quickly. this will stay as is for another 4+ months until the next balance patch.

4 months of useless elite spec.

Chaos Organ (Ele), Pistol Opera (Thief), Modular Man (Eng)
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Relshdan.6854


I posted this in a similar thread, but this is how warriors feel with berserker stance. Adren decay sucks just as much as this.

Getting to enter your elite mode once per fight when the fight is 75% over is not a fun mechanic.

but warriors build adren much qiucker and with all their weapons.

druid must use staff to have any chance of using CF even once.

Chaos Organ (Ele), Pistol Opera (Thief), Modular Man (Eng)
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: BeckaPL.2670


I gotta agree with the complaints on this one. Been testing most of the day and I got enough AF for CAF once and got downed before I could use it to heal myself. The generation of AF is far too low at the moment, even using staff, to justify the degeneration out of combat. It’s utterly ridiculous. I’m hoping it will be fixed cause currently we’re having to deal with: bad resource generation, degeneration out of combat and a cooldown. We’re now the love child of necro and warrior where we got all the bad genes of death shroud and adrenaline.

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


If this is intended, the devs really are conspiring to keep Ranger nonviable in PvP


Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Piedplat.3597


With out the staff, AF is really hard to build source to transform.


/Piedplat Ranger80/Palissade Guardian80/Mystyphika Mesmer80/ ArmataTenebrae[AT] BG

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Yelloweyedemon.2860


After surviving today’s work I get home to find this…

On a serious note I bet this is a bug caused by the 10s cd of AF.

Many other elite specs have problems as well, so I think we should stop the doom & gloom “OMG I’m so done, I’m rolling Revenant” and wait a couple of days to see what’s up.

By all means though, if this is intended the devs are leaving us (druid) out of pretty much every game mode intentionally.

Astral Force dissipates outside of combat

in Ranger

Posted by: Reavan.8753


After surviving today’s work I get home to find this…

On a serious note I bet this is a bug caused by the 10s cd of AF.

Many other elite specs have problems as well, so I think we should stop the doom & gloom “OMG I’m so done, I’m rolling Revenant” and wait a couple of days to see what’s up.

By all means though, if this is intended the devs are leaving us (druid) out of pretty much every game mode intentionally.

Roy got quick on the mark to inform mesmers of their bug. Don’t see whats taking so long.