Astral Force nerf yet again.

Astral Force nerf yet again.

in Ranger

Posted by: Swagger.1459


Still don’t see what’s the problem here deleting the AF generation piece of crap.

When the druid is in CAF does not do any damage, only heal and CC. There is no AF, just a cooldown like now.

True, but evidently being able to go into CA for 15s every 10s is producing too many bunker builds that are crapping all over Anet’s Esportz pipe dream or overheal regen would still be a thing since it basically bypassed the AF ar anyway.

AF is Anet’s hamfisted way of slowing down our use of CA heals and literally everything they do to make it “balanced” in pvp cascades through the rest of the game in terrible ways.

About the only way I can see AF getting removed is if they replace it with some kind of penalty to being in CA mode.

Something that actively incentivizes jumping in, throwing out a lunar impact and then hopping out to avoid lingering for too long.

The problem with this idea is there isn’t much you can do that will prevent bunker abuse in pvp but maintain raid viability.

Anet created a sub-class that can only really ever exist in 1 game mode at a time and probably only ever will since they have absolutely dug their heels in on splitting pvp/pve functionality in most cases.

The “bunker” stuff is what I predicted/felt in one of my threads. The reticle aim Druid heal spec is bad except to make a super self-healing build (as we can see happened and is quickly being killed off) and stationary team healing at pve bosses feet.

The ultimate problem is not in AF, it’s a lot of other stuff. Look at my thread for better/more balanced ways to fix up Druid for all types of gameplay. There are possible options to do Druid justice for every game mode and I believe my general ideas would help accomplish that.

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

Astral Force nerf yet again.

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

On this change. I remembe reading before that druid was meant to be a burst healer NOT a sustain healer. Ventari revenants and things like aura tempests are the sustained healers.

If that is there plan. Then we should be making suggestions on how to make that a reality.

How do we make druid a burst healing class while still having ventari revenants and aura tempests be MORE effective as sustain healer. And no buffing those two through the roof isn’t the awnser.

CAF from what I understand is meant to be a rare thing. Something you use ONLY when things are going badly. When without it your team is guaranteed to die. Its supposed to be on the level of an elite skill.

The problem with making CAF a rare, burst heal is that they want to force us to use healing power. Outside of CAF, healing power is worthless. We sabotage our own build 90% of the time to get more out of the other 10%. This is not good design.

the penalty is already there and if you play druid you already should know this: Our heal skills do not directly heal us. The only one that heal us is the CAF#4.



You can’t heal yourself very well if you’re being focused and trying to heal a teammate. But, in all honesty, lack of stability is already pretty crippling to CAF. There is no need for all of this, especially when we have reapers using shroud constantly, which gives them obscenely high effective health and stability. I never have half the problems with druids that I have with reapers and heralds.

Just to be clear, I don’t personally think that simple 15s in and 10s out Avatar actually needs a penalty.

The point I’m trying to get across is that Anet thinks it does. The fact that they take no more than 24-48 hours to nerf anything that lets people effectively ignore the AF bar is plenty telling of this.

If we are going to get rid of Astral Force, something else will end up having to take it’s place mechanically.

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Astral Force nerf yet again.

in Ranger

Posted by: Swagger.1459


On this change. I remembe reading before that druid was meant to be a burst healer NOT a sustain healer. Ventari revenants and things like aura tempests are the sustained healers.

If that is there plan. Then we should be making suggestions on how to make that a reality.

How do we make druid a burst healing class while still having ventari revenants and aura tempests be MORE effective as sustain healer. And no buffing those two through the roof isn’t the awnser.

CAF from what I understand is meant to be a rare thing. Something you use ONLY when things are going badly. When without it your team is guaranteed to die. Its supposed to be on the level of an elite skill.

The problem with making CAF a rare, burst heal is that they want to force us to use healing power. Outside of CAF, healing power is worthless. We sabotage our own build 90% of the time to get more out of the other 10%. This is not good design.

the penalty is already there and if you play druid you already should know this: Our heal skills do not directly heal us. The only one that heal us is the CAF#4.



You can’t heal yourself very well if you’re being focused and trying to heal a teammate. But, in all honesty, lack of stability is already pretty crippling to CAF. There is no need for all of this, especially when we have reapers using shroud constantly, which gives them obscenely high effective health and stability. I never have half the problems with druids that I have with reapers and heralds.

Just to be clear, I don’t personally think that simple 15s in and 10s out Avatar actually needs a penalty.

The point I’m trying to get across is that Anet thinks it does. The fact that they take no more than 24-48 hours to nerf anything that lets people effectively ignore the AF bar is plenty telling of this.

If we are going to get rid of Astral Force, something else will end up having to take it’s place mechanically.

Edit- There does not need to be any new mechanics in place of AF. The built in drawbacks to CAF are big enough “mechanics”. Lack of damage and no access to any “oh crap I need to move” ability… It’s easy to force a player out of CAF form and that’s the balancing factor.

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

(edited by Swagger.1459)

Astral Force nerf yet again.

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

On this change. I remembe reading before that druid was meant to be a burst healer NOT a sustain healer. Ventari revenants and things like aura tempests are the sustained healers.

If that is there plan. Then we should be making suggestions on how to make that a reality.

How do we make druid a burst healing class while still having ventari revenants and aura tempests be MORE effective as sustain healer. And no buffing those two through the roof isn’t the awnser.

CAF from what I understand is meant to be a rare thing. Something you use ONLY when things are going badly. When without it your team is guaranteed to die. Its supposed to be on the level of an elite skill.

The problem with making CAF a rare, burst heal is that they want to force us to use healing power. Outside of CAF, healing power is worthless. We sabotage our own build 90% of the time to get more out of the other 10%. This is not good design.

the penalty is already there and if you play druid you already should know this: Our heal skills do not directly heal us. The only one that heal us is the CAF#4.



You can’t heal yourself very well if you’re being focused and trying to heal a teammate. But, in all honesty, lack of stability is already pretty crippling to CAF. There is no need for all of this, especially when we have reapers using shroud constantly, which gives them obscenely high effective health and stability. I never have half the problems with druids that I have with reapers and heralds.

Just to be clear, I don’t personally think that simple 15s in and 10s out Avatar actually needs a penalty.

The point I’m trying to get across is that Anet thinks it does. The fact that they take no more than 24-48 hours to nerf anything that lets people effectively ignore the AF bar is plenty telling of this.

If we are going to get rid of Astral Force, something else will end up having to take it’s place mechanically.

There are already big drawbacks to being in CAF… Damage and no access to “oh crap I need to move” ability… It’s easy to force a player out of CAF form.

Again, I realize that it wouldn’t be over powered to remove AF. It’s Anet that thinks this.

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Astral Force nerf yet again.

in Ranger

Posted by: Swagger.1459


On this change. I remembe reading before that druid was meant to be a burst healer NOT a sustain healer. Ventari revenants and things like aura tempests are the sustained healers.

If that is there plan. Then we should be making suggestions on how to make that a reality.

How do we make druid a burst healing class while still having ventari revenants and aura tempests be MORE effective as sustain healer. And no buffing those two through the roof isn’t the awnser.

CAF from what I understand is meant to be a rare thing. Something you use ONLY when things are going badly. When without it your team is guaranteed to die. Its supposed to be on the level of an elite skill.

The problem with making CAF a rare, burst heal is that they want to force us to use healing power. Outside of CAF, healing power is worthless. We sabotage our own build 90% of the time to get more out of the other 10%. This is not good design.

the penalty is already there and if you play druid you already should know this: Our heal skills do not directly heal us. The only one that heal us is the CAF#4.



You can’t heal yourself very well if you’re being focused and trying to heal a teammate. But, in all honesty, lack of stability is already pretty crippling to CAF. There is no need for all of this, especially when we have reapers using shroud constantly, which gives them obscenely high effective health and stability. I never have half the problems with druids that I have with reapers and heralds.

Just to be clear, I don’t personally think that simple 15s in and 10s out Avatar actually needs a penalty.

The point I’m trying to get across is that Anet thinks it does. The fact that they take no more than 24-48 hours to nerf anything that lets people effectively ignore the AF bar is plenty telling of this.

If we are going to get rid of Astral Force, something else will end up having to take it’s place mechanically.

There are already big drawbacks to being in CAF… Damage and no access to “oh crap I need to move” ability… It’s easy to force a player out of CAF form.

Again, I realize that it wouldn’t be over powered to remove AF. It’s Anet that thinks this.

I’m sorry, I did I speed read while distracted.

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

Astral Force nerf yet again.

in Ranger

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

its still really easy to build up af. having af regen when ppl are at full hp is ridiculous. if you disagree, then its too bad this isnt going to change back cuz you are complaining.

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Astral Force nerf yet again.

in Ranger

Posted by: Nerthus.3592


its still really easy to build up af. having af regen when ppl are at full hp is ridiculous. if you disagree, then its too bad this isnt going to change back cuz you are complaining.

Sure, spamming #1 on staff isn’t hard…easy to build up…but fast? Nope.
Well, only if you’re DPS oriented Druid. Try to build AF fast in Full Cleric gear, especially in small fights and try Druid not just in PvE, but in PvP as well and I’m not talking about Zerg fights…but if you’ll find it easy too, well then, you’ve got a problem and it’s really a good time to think a bit and remove your Rose Colored Glasses.

Astral Force nerf yet again.

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


this isnt going to change back

Ah, you’re working at Anet I guess?

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Astral Force nerf yet again.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


the penalty is already there and if you play druid you already should know this: Our heal skills do not directly heal us. The only one that heal us is the CAF#4.



Ok, so there is another change, in halloween the lunar impact did not heal the druid that cast it. After seeing that and that live vicariously got nerfed to only heals you once every second not for every target you healed i changed to herald and never looked back.

Ventari will heal itself the same amount every 2 seconds and still drop 8K damage with one skill. I don’t see what the problem is with the druid.

So again: AF must disappear. CAF must became an state the Druid can choose to be in. There is no point to have so much trash to be able to heal.
If the devs need the need to have the AF there just make it work like the rev energy, it recharges itself so the players have another crap to deal with.

And you guys if you really want a class to work with first we must go for the best. If then is overpowered they can, and in my experience they will really fast, add more gates.

But what can not be it is so much bad design in place, so many bad choices and so much abandonment from the developer about the worst and weakest class in game.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Astral Force nerf yet again.

in Ranger

Posted by: Nerthus.3592


So again: AF must disappear. CAF must became an state the Druid can choose to be in. There is no point to have so much trash to be able to heal.
If the devs need the need to have the AF there just make it work like the rev energy, it recharges itself so the players have another crap to deal with.

Exactly, I propose the same, but I’m afraid dev’s won’t like this idea much, they want their classes to be unique, with unique mechanic.

Astral Force nerf yet again.

in Ranger

Posted by: kevvy.5081


We’ll keep voicing our thoughts. Something has to give.

Astral Force nerf yet again.

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


Gaining AF by ‘healing’ someone at full health seems like a bug to me b\c you can’t obviously overheal someone to give then more HP.

That aside, CAF is pretty much worthless as is. There is only 2 really useful skills at 3 and 4. 1,2, and 5 are so situation dependent on no one moving. And who is going to stand still long enough in any game mode so you can shoot a ground targeted heal or wait for 2 seconds for a weak condi clear/ok heal while under pressure from any source. Number 5 skill is a big ‘number 2’ imo for pvp and for pve it I’d upgrade it to a ‘kitten in the pot’ on break bars.

The real issue isn’t that you can’t generate AF by ‘healing’ someone at full health, it’s that CAF just sucks @ss and the whole of the druid spec would be better off without. I’m not sure what the fascination is with giving every profession a ‘form’ is, but it really is unnecessary. It works well for necro but not so much for ranger or warrior.

Druid would have been better with all the traits it currently has sans the CAF/AF related ones and just add more focus on pets, roots, and better aoe heals +boons. This is just my opinion and that’s all that matters to me. Staff is an ok weapon for what it does but I still think that even shortbow is better.

As for the traits, the only ones I find useful are the major that aoe heals when you use your 6 (forgot the name), in the masters it is a choice between the glyph trait or the mobility trait (and that’s if I actually feel like using the glyphs, a couple are fairly useful except for the elite,it’s just stupid, and for the GM trait I’m pretty much stuck on the 15sec root on cc.

That us all……. I think.

Astral Force nerf yet again.

in Ranger

Posted by: sandman.9850


So glad they wasted the resources on making the ranger a kitten healer caster instead of fixing its mountain of core problems.
Ty for the fail Druid

Astral Force nerf yet again.

in Ranger

Posted by: Tavastia.6527


i’ve never seen a dev team with such a widely used product be quite this terrible.

Astral Force nerf yet again.

in Ranger

Posted by: Hax.8701


I recently finished Herald and am finding it very interesting and feel a lot more useful than Druid is right now.

[Bae] Baewatch
Hax Shot