[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Paprikaspice.8462


I believe it’s every 60 seconds, not 30. And the condition for this occurring is that you have to cross the 50% health barrier? I would say that’s not something that’s reliable.

Not reliable? That’s when you need it the most.

You’re right though. I goofed with the timing.

Well if it worked where it proc’d if it was off CD and you were under 50% health, then that would be true, but it actually procs when you cross the 50% barrier based on how it is worded.

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

It procs if you are under 50% hp as well, mate. You can verify this in the mists if you’d like a little more comfort than my word on it.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Why u no use Nature protection instead of regen duration ??

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Miiro.3124


interesting builds for sure, i actually ran one of them last night in spvp just messing around. Im still unsure what i will do with my ranger in WvW though. I go based on how the class feels more than numbers. But numbers dont lie so they are great too. thanks for posting Faux.

[SAV] Miiro 80 Ranger
Jade Quarry Champion Hunter
Solo/Small man WvW

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


heya faux..how are you getting protection up besides the rolls and the on damage trait?

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: racta.4250


Interesting build. I just finished my RRR suit right before the leaked changes, so I’m a little annoyed because I was enjoying it a lot. The passive heal ticks were really awesome.

Your condition alternate in the OP, it drops the passive heals and instead adds more protections to the mix instead. Also in the exchange, you get a spammable regen and swiftness. I am understanding that all correctly? And since you have a way to get swiftness up near always, is signet of the hunt worthless? I am guessing so, but that means I have to be pressing guard every 15s while running around, so no more eating and playing…

[Bush] – Dragonbrand

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I already tried this build before you posted, it’s to much spamming and all of that is taken away by 1 necro skill. If the shouts ability to give regen and swiftness were a 1200 range then i’d say this wouldn’t be that bad.

It all comes down to if you want to be a boonbot and just give poeple healing. Turn fast-cast ground targeting on to help with the spamming, but it’s still too much.

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Toby.2357


Nice idea and awesomly long buffs, but to much trouble. Someone make a trap based build <3 thank you <3

Level 80 Kudzu Ranger – SFR

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

@chokolata I am using nature’s protection :x

@miiro Glad you like it!

@hyjaxxx They come from the Runes of the Forge

@racta I’ve already switched back to my old habit of using Signet of the Hunt and swapping quickly right before combat as needed. Try that or combining it with warhorn (if you are power-based) for less spam upkeep. Also I suggest replacing your middle slot with it just in case you accidentally get caught in combat. The constant swiftness isn’t necessary, and you don’t really need 100% uptime on regeneration either. It’s more of a thing you can apply as needed which is what I’ve already kind of backed off to doing.

@tricare and @toby Yeah I feel it’s an issue too. In all honesty, this isn’t my favorite way to play… it’s just effective is all. I’d suggest looking into alternatives to boon spamming (such as using a warhorn offhand) if you are running with a group. The regens only need to be applied as needed, so again like I said in the last comment, you don’t absolutely need to be spamming the shout every 12 seconds.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


I’ve tried the build, played around with it for awhile, and ended up going 0/0/30/25/15, which has been a trait setup that’s been around since near launch. It still works no problem.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Nobody.3158


I liked hyjaxxx’s use of runes of altruism since it’s pretty strong with the new focus on boons (and boon share with pet) though it’s less protection up time compared to forge. Still, despite whatever rune choice, I have to ask, what is the benefit of using the new boon ranger variants over guardians?

All I can think of currently – a water field (that rangers may or may not be able to blast depending on pets) and perhaps a fear (on a long enough recharge to be immaterial for comparison purposes) if you still use canines. Swiftness isn’t normally in short supply – at least in WvW. For roaming, it helps but I find I rely on weapon mobility far more if I need to get from A to B quickly. The regen from shouts overlaps some with healing spring (and others) though healing spring does offer a host of other benefits being a water field + vigor trait. The spammable shout means rangers will outlast some forms of boon stripping but completely kill any hopes of winning other match ups. From the small amount of playing that I have done, “Guard” also stops other actions momentarily and this is pretty noticeable like others have mentioned (or at least I think they did.)

While I do agree counterplay and being able to offer better group support is a good thing overall, I’m having trouble finding the silver lining for rangers currently to a degree where it’s often just better to bring another class entirely. To be fair, I was leaning towards this viewpoint even BEFORE the test patch notes were leaked so obviously, there’s some bias that may not be entirely based on facts.

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

Agreed completely Nobody. Rangers need some love, and giving us two spammable boons doesn’t heal all the old wounds.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: GUFF.5692


I ended up trying a Power/Crit Version of this build tonight, zerging with mixed results.

Faux, is it me or is evasive purity not working? Really sucks, because i need all the condi removal i can get since I don’t have EB anymore. I couldn’t get poison to clear at all and for bleeds it seem like only one stack was dropping but I’m not sure on that part. Will test again tomorrow.

Sarhaz [CDS]

I was a ranger before shortbow had 1200m range AND after it didn’t…

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


Faux. Can you put a video up of how the build works in WvW?
I tried your build out, didnt like it. I went back to using the old BM build (10/0/30/0/30) with spiders coz they have good CC and they didnt get nerfed. I have a feeling that certain (old) BM builds with certain pets are still better than the shout build.

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

Sure, give me a day or two. I still haven’t specced any different than before btw aside from moving traits around (in WvW that is). So still running Dwayna for the time being outside of sPvP. Need a couple more dungeon runs to finish getting Forge Runes again.

Also running wolves. I don’t care about pet dps anymore with how much they’ve been nerfed. Those stealthed knockdowns are pretty good.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

(edited by Faux Sheaux.6179)

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: slingblade.1437


Just had a short time to experiment with this build. Is Guard working normally? Anytime I used F1 or F2 the pet came out of stealth. Is there some way to keep the pet in stealth but still control it beyond just putting it in heel (F3)?

Also, maybe this is just a new bug, but I tried Lynx and Eagle and their F2 skills were showing to have applied bleeding (icon below target’s health bar at top of screen), but I didn’t see the normal white numbers flying off the target, and the health bar didn’t seem to be dropping.

As far as Guard being a pain to constantly activate. I use a 2-pedal foot switch and a mouse with 6 buttons on the side. Two quick clicks of one of the pedals activates Guard, and a thumb press on the side of the mouse is programmed for F3. I think that will make it less of a pain than using the keyboard, but yeah, having to do it every 12 seconds or so will still get old.

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


I ended up trying a Power/Crit Version of this build tonight, zerging with mixed results.

Faux, is it me or is evasive purity not working? Really sucks, because i need all the condi removal i can get since I don’t have EB anymore. I couldn’t get poison to clear at all and for bleeds it seem like only one stack was dropping but I’m not sure on that part. Will test again tomorrow.

Evasive purity is supposed to remove poison and blind not poison and bleed.

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Be careful with spending money and time on a build like this. I worry they might add an internal cooldown to the grandmaster trait or increase the cooldown on “Guard”. But if you can afford it, then why not.

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Grayback.7148


Faux, really like this concept.
Unfortunately I don’t think that I’ll get my hands on Runes of the Forge, so I was thinking about something else. Maybe I’m completely wrong here, but what about Runes of Earth, this would lead to:

- +20% protection duration
- 25% to gain 4s protection when hit
- companions defense for the 2s protection
- natures protection for another 5s protection

All the protection with the 20%/30% boon duration form NM.
Spirits still aren’t really good I think, but with the new spiritual knowledge and stone spirit…don’t know how this would work out. I’d run clerics gear, GS – Sword/Dagger. Maybe someone could tell me if this could work out

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Thelm.6591


Say, What do you guys think about this setup?
It’s a slight change from your build using what I used as build as a bit of a base.

Traits: 0/15/15/30/10
Companion’s Might (Adept)

Wilderness Survival:
Vigorous Renewal (Adept)

Nature Magic:
Nature’s Bounty (Adept) or Nature’s Protection (Adept)
Evasive Purity (Master)
Nature’s Voice (Grandmaster)

Shout Mastery (Adept)

Healing Spring
Lightning Reflexes / Signet of Renewal
Signet of the Wild
Entangle/Rampage as One

Gear: Cleric’s Armor w/ Celestial Trinkets.

4 Runes of Altruism + 2 Runes of Water for +30% Boon Duration and +3 stacks fo might on heal for alies in the aoe.

GS w/ Sigil of Battle

Sword/Warhorn (Axe?) w/ Sigil of Battle/(not sure?)

My main Goal with this build is to provide lots of boons for my allies and to use AoE Might buffs to increase my pet’s and my damage, seeing as the ranger benefits from AoE Might double since it increases their damage & their pets damage, then with Fortifying Bond in Nature magic your pet gains twice the might from might AoE’s if you’re both in the area.

So yep. What do you folks think?

- Thelm Cyrrian/Erchindas, SBI

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


I ended up trying a Power/Crit Version of this build tonight, zerging with mixed results.

Faux, is it me or is evasive purity not working? Really sucks, because i need all the condi removal i can get since I don’t have EB anymore. I couldn’t get poison to clear at all and for bleeds it seem like only one stack was dropping but I’m not sure on that part. Will test again tomorrow.

You’re right it’s not working I was just testing it it doesn’t remove poision or blind at all.

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: jubskie.3152


Tagging for addition to Compilation Thread later

I’ll edit this later when I add it.

Do you want me to remove your RRR build thread from the list?

Edit: Added to the compilation thread!

Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG] Desolation
Doing It With Style

(edited by jubskie.3152)

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

It’s up to you. Tbh, it’s still viable. The only thing I lost on it was some pet DPS and the quickness on weapon-swap. As far as BM bunker builds go, it’s still really solid, and I’ve been switching back and forth between BTR and RRR all day to compare. I like the new one more despite the maintenance necessary, but it’s definitely still usable.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: DickerKoenig.7895


You wrote (Roaming Power Variation): Sword with “Power” Sigil.

Did you mean Bloodlust?

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: racta.4250


The RRR build definitely still works. You feel the dps nerf to the pets though, or at least I feel like I wasn’t doing as much dps yesterday.

I was thinking of using the runes of the grove as cheap replacements for forge so I can try out this new spec over the RRR.

[Bush] – Dragonbrand

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

You wrote (Roaming Power Variation): Sword with “Power” Sigil.

Did you mean Bloodlust?

Yeah, I did mean that. Brainfart :P Thanks for pointing that out.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: DevO.9854


after a lot of using this in tpvp, at first I was really excited and very competitive. but now that 80% of what I run into is mesmers and necros, it is becoming a struggle. The other classes I feel balanced against and do fairly well.

A bigger issue is its not very fun, I think I’d just like a viable damage build option to go with it. Always playing a bunker style is getting old.

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: achensherd.2735


Switched to this build from 0/10/30/0/30 while keeping my Berserker’s armor with Divinity runes, SB with sigil of Fire, S/WH with Energy/Bloodlust, and Celestial trinkets, and so far I feel like it produces similar results sans pet dps. Guard + Nature’s Voice frees up one skill slot in my case (I was using SotH and SotW, both of which are now somewhat redundant), so now I’m running with HS, Guard, LR, QZ, and RaO. SB range sucks now, but I’m generally running close circles around my targets anyway trying to keep their backs to me, so in practice not much has changed.

I miss all the SB and Jaguar/Raven crits from my previous build, though.

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: KedirakEvo.5719


Hi Faux, dropped by here since you pointed me this way. I’ve been adapting your RRR built into my dungeon play. After reading this entire thread I kinda have an idea what this is all about.

Good thing is, to switch to your BTR built I dont have to do too much to my equipmment which is apo/settler set and runes. (I’ve placed 2/2/2, dwayna, water and monk runes) for all the regen and boon duration. I use:
-> Healing Springs
-> Wild Signet
-> FireTrap (gotta love the big condition dmg numbers) or Hunt Signet (when i need to kite)
-> frost spirit (take one for the team)
-> Elite : Spirit of nature (once again, take one for the team) / Rampage as 1

Loadout is Axe/Torch (When i need to be in your face situations, fire and bleed dot FTW) and Shortbow (situations when I cant melee, i will position myself accordingly).

Im not able to access gw2 now, but running simulations and numbers in my head, I probably adapt (once again) for my style. A very very interesting thing is, I didnt know by using a traited shout, I can do away with healing spring (sorry team) and Signet of hunt. Too bad only my pet gets the protection.

And as Grayback.7148 mentioned:
- +20% protection duration (from runes of earth)
- 25% to gain 4s protection when hit (from runes of earth)
- companions defense for the 2s protection
- natures protection for another 5s protection

I feel instead of a long duration protection with a cooldown of 60secs, why dont I use traits that offer protection with a CD of only 30? Companion defence isnt long, but if coupled with other runes and traits I think I can get a pretty lengthy duration, with a small boost to duration on demand when i dodge…

Further more, the pet I use are devourers, so I think guard makes them a stationary turret.. no press of f3 and whatnot….

The only question I have in mind is, regeneration duration i get from shouts is it fixed at 10seconds? or does the duration improve with my runes?

And judging @ how tanky Rangers can be with this build, maybe I can swap to rampagers armor for even more DPS?

So to sum it up for our line of defence…
Protection (cooldown of 30seconds)
Troll uguent
Dodge rolls
if all else fails…. RUN (Swiftness)….

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Coarr.3286


here is the varioation i play since “natures voice” is implemented with the newest tweak with the traveler rune update:


75% boon duration
40% condition duration
perma might 10, fury, reg and swiftness
50% protection uptime
might on crit, bleed on crit ( solo heal on crit )

i run this build in a group setup of 3-10 ppl in wvw. for duelling i change axe/torch for a berserker shortbow and the condition duration food for omnoberry ghost. also a change wilderness survival I for III

i have never before played such a strong build. i can handle every class 1on1, but the real strengh is small scale roaming because the support is so freaking good. when i ask my guild who i have to bring to wvw. warrior, guard or ranger they always want my ranger.

[care] Coarr Ix – Ranger
Stomp some Piken!

(edited by Coarr.3286)

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Divine South Paw.5938

Divine South Paw.5938

question regarding the power setup version what weapons will you recommend for zerging which has the ability to hold their own if needed in a 1v1 and also to tag mobs for loot?
Im thinking axe/horn for tagging and speed boost and GS.


[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Raven.9603


i posted the build the OP is suggesting more than 2 months ago:

It works really good. obvious downside is power damage output during condi meta (my build used clerics armor + boon duration runes, before travelers were introduced): there simply isnt enough cleansing in the world to beat a good enemy condi-spammer (engies, mesmers), even with 30 WS, swapping ungent for spring, and dropping LR for SoR. and anyone running perplexity has a good opportunity to destroy you when 1h sword is up.

the upside is, if you combine this with boon duration runes you have almost perma fury and protection ontop of the regen/swiftness. 40 sec of stability from RaO when you choose to slot it, pets that hit like trucks from the shared buffs, sword/gs mobility and the fantastic regen will make you a beast at roaming. you can pick and choose your fights or go frontline in the zerg.

can easily fight and win against multiple power-based opponents.

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

Build was posted 4 months ago :P

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Raven.9603


lol forgive me then, someone necro’d the thread!

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


I hate to necro this thread for a stupid question…but I’m new to this play style with my ranger and I’m interested…

What pets do you run with the cBTR setup…and how do you use them in combat? As I’ve tried running this build, I’ve found it difficult to get my pet on the correct target consistently because of the guard spamming…it ends up being a lot of re-targeting and I doubt my pet is doing much damage.

Also, I was kind of wondering if it might be less spammy and provide even better defense (when needed) if I were to run “protect me!” instead of guard. I know it’s a much longer cooldown, but I am running traveler runes and don’t need the perma swiftness… it would be more about being able to apply that big defensive boost and regen at the right moment. Maybe I’ll try running protect me in place of lightening reflexes and keep guard.

(edited by Fozzik.1742)

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Ariete.6509


Following Guard with a instant F1/F3, depending on the situation, helps a lot, even though it breaks the pet effect, but since you’re using it for the r
egen+swift, still evens the tradeoff. Also keybinding those commands to more accessible keys helps.

Your protect me idea sounds ok and here’s a suggestion for further optimization: run the 20% shout reduction thus making your pet and regen a bit stronger grab the 33% increase in regen and add sic’em. That way you bring that much burst and another source of regen. That way your regen would be close to permanent. You’d be changing guard to two other shouts that can directly help you more both defensively (added stunbreaker) and offensively (burst from the pet).

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Ariete.6509


Btw, good thing you necro this. Faux Sheaux has gone lazy or just too busy beating up ppl. This deserves an update.

I was looking for an ich to scratch i may take this for a spin with the Rune of the Soldier variant without any other source of condition removal to see how it fares…

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


When I first put this build together, I tried it with runes of altruism just because they were cheap and seemed to make good sense with the build. I wanted to give it a spin before I invested heavily.

I liked the runes of altruism…they worked well as a cheap alternative. Getting AoE might and fury every time you heal…on top of a nice boost to healing power…is a good offensive boost to the boon stacking.

I’m hoping Faux Sheaux is still reading, because I’m very interested in what people are using for pets with this kind of build (and how they are using said pets). I was actually thinking about trying out the porcine pets… tanky to stay alive for the protect me shout and condition removal, plus you get some really nice healing / tanking items from the F2, and a knockdown once in a while.

(edited by Fozzik.1742)

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: atheria.2837


Yea lets make another tank build, because thats what Rangers were made for…

Thanks Anet.

I thought Rangers were supposed to be the masters of DPS. Boy did I get it wrong.

Not keeping all IT jobs here is a major reason IT is so bad HERE. 33y IT 10y IT Security

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: JKLeetro.6935


I tried your build with my own variation. I usually run this build in a small group of 2~5 on WvW being complete nuisance to my enemy zerg :P. My sets are: Soldier and berserker mix for dps + GS&Sword, dagger. My rune set is actually focused on keeping my boon up. Monk, water and traveler runes to make my boon 75%. The reason for it was to get my Guard shout AND rampage’s boon maxed out. RaO, 35 sec of stability, fury, swift is, imo, kitten sexy XD

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Coarr.3286


you should use the horn for the extra fury for your group. also soldier is not needed. i run full zerker with 4x kavalier

[care] Coarr Ix – Ranger
Stomp some Piken!

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: JKLeetro.6935


I would but with my control being so bad, i just cant give up the dagger’s extra evasion same reason with why i use soldier over berserker. my fingers just cant keep up T_T

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Hammurabi.5942


This is a really fun build, helped make ranger interesting for me to play again.

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: BondageBill.4021


Does anyone have any thoughts on how the power variant of this build would work with the new Zeaolts prefix (power, prec, healing)? Basically, you would trade off some toughness from Clerics to gain precision.

“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: BondageBill.4021


Can anyone comment on if this build is good for flipping camps solo?

“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

Does anyone have any thoughts on how the power variant of this build would work with the new Zeaolts prefix (power, prec, healing)? Basically, you would trade off some toughness from Clerics to gain precision.

It should work fine. You’ll just need to be better timed with your dodges since lower toughness is less forgiving.

Can anyone comment on if this build is good for flipping camps solo?

You can facetank unupgraded camps with it. It can take fully upgraded camps too with some practice.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

This is a really fun build, helped make ranger interesting for me to play again.

And that’s awesome lol. I’m going to use that as a testimonial.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


Heya Faux! nice to see youre still helping folks out and making the magic happen for rangers. whats new?

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge