"Balanced" Ideas to fix the ranger

"Balanced" Ideas to fix the ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: AlexRD.7914



I know this topic has been created a gazillion times under different titles, but most of them had overpowered abilities that upon seeing them made me laugh. Things like:
Increase the shortbow’s damage by 30% and increase their speed to 0.3s.

What i’m looking forward to do here, is create a list on how to improve some of the useless traits we have and add some synergy between them.
I want you guys to provide me with feedback, on how these traits are overpowered, or what other changes you think would be great.

  • Marksmanship tree:
    I think the minors were too focused on opening strikes, something that should have been only the first minor. So, i’d probably make it like this:
    First minor: You and your pet gain opening strikes.
    Second minor: Opening strike always critical hits
    Third minor: Signet of the Beastmaster effect here
    II- Increases duration applied by you and your pet by 15%
    V- Apply immobilize instead of cripple
    IX- Three stacks of might, for 10 seconds.
    X- 10% instead of 5%, the longbow currently equals in damage to the shortbow without the bleed at top distance, so we need to improve the raw damage of the longbow to make it worth it.
  • Skirmishing tree:
    This is the tree with traits that need very little work. I think though, that the pet traits would be better suited in the beastmastery tree. BUT, i digress.
    II- Increase the bleed duration to 3 seconds at least
    V- Increase the might duration to 4 or 5 seconds
    VI- Fix it as it currently gives 13% more or less
    XII- Attack of opportunity now lasts an entire channeled skill ( like rapid fire )
    Also, trapper’s defense seems to me like a trait that no one uses, so switch it with something that heals conditions whenever you use a healing ability or something like that.
  • Wilderness Survival tree:
    II- Maybe protection along with swiftness would be better?
    III – 90 seconds seems to be too much for what it does, reduce it to 30 seconds.
    V- Remove it and make pet’s condition damage scale off our own
  • Nature Magic tree:
    Second Minor: Boons your pet gets are also shared with you, i had in mind something like sharing the jaguar’s stealth ( you get out of stealth when you hit though ).
    Third Minor: Your damage increases with the amount of spirits you have out
    IV – Spirits can move and follow you and have twice as much health
    VII – Increase this effect, the enemy should regret killing spirits
    IX – Increase in 10% instead of 5%, same issue with the longbow

I’ll update this once i get more ideas, but it would be great if you guys gave your ideas, so i could create a list that the devs can actually look at and get ideas from.
Please tell me when the ideas are too overpowered.

(edited by AlexRD.7914)

"Balanced" Ideas to fix the ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: AlexRD.7914



"Balanced" Ideas to fix the ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


i smell more ideas in the direction of 30% more shortbow dmg, because some of them you posted already are way out of hand. (10% vulnerability together and guaranteed critical hit from you AND your pet in ONE trait, which can be instant reset with another trait on every kill. Imagine it with a valkyrie set, why even go for precision. Did you ever compared other classes Traits or do you just consider it bad because you dont like it in general?)

Most people complaining about balance and especially ranger never even took a bit time to think about balancing issues a little, always ONLY complaining about lack of dmg, wanting to deal equal dmg as thieves and warriors, but not even considering that we deal it on 1.5k range, and no matter how much you complain about our lack of dmg even WITH the pet dps added, it is NOT supposed, and WILL NEVER go as high as a thieves burst combo, because their combo is melee, and we have kitten 1.5k range.

Most complaints about ranger come from people comparing them to thieves and warriors anyway, so i might as well too.

So just for christ’s sake, if you want to bring “realistic and balanced” ideas for balancing, STOP comparing anything to what is currently best in it. Stop comparing our burst with thieves/ warriors, stop comparing our survivability with guardians/eles, stop comparing our Support capability with Guardians/Necros, ect ect.

"Balanced" Ideas to fix the ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: AlexRD.7914


Rocklin, i read my post twice now, and i don’t think i have made a single reference to any other classes, nor did i compare a thief’s burst, because i understand that they are supposed to excel in that area.

Also, i’m not complaining about balance. The word balance there, was for the new ideas i had to fix some of the broken traits we have. I mean, sure a ranger can do well in PvP or whatever, but that’s because he only picks one of the few traits that work or are decent.

This thread is basically a request with ideas on how to fix those useless traits.

I don’t think you even read my post.

Edit: Also, what are you talking about? Of course you need to go for precision, or do you pretend to kill someone with the first strike alone?

(edited by AlexRD.7914)

"Balanced" Ideas to fix the ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


what i mean is, you wouldnt consider many of our traits so broken or “bad” if you compared them to what other classes have, and not only with their good ones, because they have just as many “useless” traits.

Of Course i agree the bugged Traits should get fixed, but id rather say that most of our Traits are rather powerful (just some of them are in the completely wrong trees, like traps) opening strike on you + your pet, start a fight with hunters shot (or a normal shot for the crit followed by a hunters shot) → 20 stacks of vulnerability right at the start of a fight, yes please.

"Balanced" Ideas to fix the ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: AlexRD.7914


I see what you mean and have updated the marksmanship traits to be in two minor traits instead of three.

Thanks for the feedback. This is what i’m looking forward to.