Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tozen.9814


I have a level 80 Thief but have been trying to level up a Ranger lately. I’m level 56, but so far am finding that all of my ranged damage options are pretty lackluster. That’s when I compare it to the huge damage I can put out on my Thief with Dual Pistols, and I know that even that gets laughed at in regards to serious damage.

Axes and shortbow seem geared towards condition damage, which is still pretty mediocre. Longbow damage feels slightly weaker than using plain auto-attack on my thief pistol. =P

Does it get better? I’m running sword or GS pretty much all the time these days, but there are many difficult opponents to fight where ranged damage would be useful. Is stacking power, precision, and crit the way to go?

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Hermit.2391


no bro it does not get better, i have a lvl 57 ranger and bottom line it still sucks

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: The Spiral King.2483

The Spiral King.2483

No, it doesn’t get better. Power rangers are, have been, and will continue to be stymied at every turn by Anet. Also, if you’re not going full zerk with the LB, don’t even bother, it’s laughable damage otherwise. It’s still laughable damage with zerk, but at least you might get that one guy on the edge of a zerg who is afk or forgot how to use his A and D keys.

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Crampz.9120


It’s really about personal preference. Is it the most powerful class in the game? Probably not. Does it have a lot of range? I would say 1,200 are more than decent. Can Anet do something to beef up the ranger? Most defiantly! But in the end, it all boils down to what you like. Keep what you like, throw away what you don’t and you’ll have a good time playing

@Hermit I honestly don’t think you have enough merits to answer this question. I’m just calling them how I see it tbh. Lvl 57 ranger telling an lvl 56 ranger that it doesn’t get better, purely off of personally experience (I presume) is laughable. XD

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Serraphin Storm.2369

Serraphin Storm.2369

Range damage in general is lower than melee couple that with 30% of our damage coming from our pets. So with that said you wont see big numbers. You have to consider your pet damage and your attack speed.

If you want to use long bow then a power set up is best. With sb you can run either power or conditions but the best approach is rampages and go for a bleeder crit build while using k9’s or spider to cc your target so you can flank.

As a ranger you have to play defensively but aggressively at the same time. Does it get better yes it does.

As a Ranger you need atleast a 25 or 30 point trait. You wont get that until lvl 60. But more importantly you will learn to over come your weakness’s and exploit the strengths and weakness of other classes. Dps is not as important as learning the fore mentioned skill sets.

In order to properly understand the big picture,
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Crampz.9120


^^^^And this ladies and gents in a true hunter! Let us throw him/her a MOOT!! I’ll bring the ale kegs! XD

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


The SB has medium damage, but is good for kiting and a no-go in dungeons. The LB is just for those “do-not-touch” dungeon bosses. The axe however deals pretty good damage, especially with combo fields and (for your pet) RaO. It requires however at least 2 targets to be effective. But to be honest, even against one target + a horn buff makes it stronger than the SB due its passive damage.

I keep going Sword/Axe + Axe/Horn in dungeons as a permaswapper for tons of buffs.

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nusku.3941


No, it doesn’t get better. Also, if you’re not going full zerk with the LB, don’t even bother, it’s laughable damage otherwise. It’s still laughable damage with zerk, but at least you might get that one guy on the edge of a zerg who is afk or forgot how to use his A and D keys.

Zerker on ranger, really considering that?sigh typical noob.

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Kilger.5490


Not sure whats considered high in peoples minds, but its possible to get 3-4k hits with long bow on auto, and 12k rapid fire while still being fairly tanky.

While leveling I couldnt use longbow/gs, but at 80 its much improved with all the traits and proper gear.

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bambula.3649


Xyonom plz drop the mainhand axe :>
S/wh s/d s/a

Orga for [WUMS]

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ultravalefor.5038


If you want to go Power and ranged, I’d say focus on a few things. Absolutely go zerker armor. Note all this advice is for WvW, I never touch the other modes:

Longbow’s highest damage dealing skill is Point Blank Shot, you need to use it as often as possible and it needs to crit as often as possible. If you save it as just your survival skill to help get out of trouble you are cutting all the damage out of the weapon. Use 3 as your “get out of bad situations” button it’s better now for that anyway.

Only use Rapid Fire on stealthers or people very close to you. You basically want to use 1 until you can use 4 again. 111111 …. 4 …. 111111elevenone!1 ….. 4. Simple!

And the most important thing you can know about Power+ranged Ranger, is that our hardest hitting ranged attack is not on longbow at all, it’s on offhand Axe and you should try it. Path of Scars.

Try chaining a Point Blank Shot crit into a Path of Scars crit, see how you like those numbers. Just be aware that you don’t want to stand still while executing this combo in case you push the target out of the range of your follow up move. Keep closing in.

Phaynel – recently voted the hottest Ranger in GW2 by everyone
married to Railspike the Red Alpha Golem
[PiNK] Toast Forever.

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Averberg.1758


i think i do ok damage i do 15k rapid fires and 2-3k normal shots i dont know what people are talking about

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bambula.3649


lol i deal more dmg with sword auto and my attack rate is much higher..dont know how you can call this dmg Oo

Orga for [WUMS]

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Veron.8645


I don’t think anybody is really addressing OP’s question since they are comparing Longbow/Shortbow/Axe on ranger to general melee weapon damage across all professions. OP wants a comparison to Thief Pistol/Pistol.

I do not have any math to back up this statement, but I think the reason OP finds ranger ranged weapons to be worse than Unload is because a thief can burst a lot of damage out of Unload (because initiative) but then have to wait for initiative to regenerate. Ranger weapons do not really have any equivalent burst, but probably do at least comparable sustained DPS. Frontloaded bursting is a profession mechanic for thieves because of initiative and when comparing with other professions’ DPS, some care needs to be taken.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Xyonom plz drop the mainhand axe :>
S/wh s/d s/a

And if I get struck? :s I mean if I somehow get down to 20% making it too risky to melee for a few moments. I mean if it’s easy why not sword only but if it isnt? ö.ö I hate bows

i think i do ok damage i do 15k rapid fires and 2-3k normal shots i dont know what people are talking about

15k over 3 or 4 sec? Basic attack dps of 2.5k crit? That’s more than terrible …

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Serraphin Storm.2369

Serraphin Storm.2369

Considering that this does not include pet damage its fine. I mean really what do other class range attacks do.

In order to properly understand the big picture,
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bambula.3649


xyonon if your drop low hp stay on with your mates, if you drop alone far away from the rest no one got a benefit if you lie their, problem is you can take aggro and than all moby run crazy in the room..bad for everyone

if you drop happens, press 1 like hell wait for 3 and get a low hp target and call it, better than to rezz someone up

Orga for [WUMS]

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: paleeshi.1924


Isn’t LB doing overall better damage than P/P? I’m looking strictly at the base skill damage at lvl 80 without gear and traits. Plus LB skills seem to scale better with power.

The only skills on P/P that deals better damage are Unload and Sneak Attack (which won’t be used much anyway if you are a P/P build)… And since Unload cost a lot of initiatives I’m kind of inclined to believe that LB would do more damage in the long run, without doing all the math, but I could be wrong of course.

Putting aside the question which weapon set deals more damage, I’d say it’s important to think of the context as well.. If you are often running melee and swap to ranged only when you must then I’d say thief any day. But if your purpose is to stay at range and put pressure on your enemies (WvW/Zergs) then I’d pick LB zerker Ranger. Despite that you get a damage loss not being able to use pet, you still have advantage of keeping yourself at long distance and doing pretty decent damage. It won’t be about doing most damage, but more about pressuring from distance.

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bambula.3649


for pve, the thief can stay the range that he want and got the same dps, so he can get all group buffs.

and for wvw the thief can take the better escape and burst utilities with lower cd than the ranger

so for booth the thief got the better points..and if you want range dps take a staff ele or granate engi :>

Orga for [WUMS]

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Myrmix.5460


No, rangers can’t do decent dmg. You can forget power-based builds, they are just a joke, compared to other classes.
We can do a little bit better condition damage, but other classes like mesmer, engineer, thief, necromancer are much better at this.
We don’t have any burst dmg (rapid fire is a joke: with luck 20k dmg in 4,5 secs, IF the enemy doesn’t dodge), our pet has a bad KI (needs 5 secs to do ANYTHING if swapped infight, you can easily kite it)
So, yeah. Ranger is useless, compared with other classes, that’s why some groups even don’t want rangers in pve/wvw-groups. The only thing we maybe are good at is immobilising (frost, traps, etc), but you can counter that easily with condition removal.
Most argue, that Rangers are very good at movement. Might be true, but every thief and warrior can move faster, kite better than ranger, and guardian even got better traits while dodging.
I don’t know who is responsible for ranger-balance, but he/she should look for a new job.

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: paleeshi.1924


I forgot to mention one thing thief vs ranger when it comes to range…

Well first off, Ranger has much greater range, and 2nd, arrows pierce if you trait.. I know you can trait for 50% bounce on bullets, but yeah…

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: grom.5239


Too many people who just don’t know say the damage is bad, it’s decent, check out Brazil’s build guide and 4 min cof1 run with only rangers, sword horn is ace atm… long bow every slates… and they are again wrong, LB has a purpose, long range, if you trait for it, berserker gear and stand max range to get the best damage from it you can hit for 3-4k per auto attack, and up to 16k Rapid fire. Don’t misunderstand, LB is not good in dungeons where you should stick with your group, but exploration, and esp world boss events it’s amazing. People also forget pets contribute a huge portion of rangers damage.

Short answer, Yes, if you do your research and play them right.

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: CRrabbit.1284


it depends. If you are talking about PVE, ranger’s long range damage is OK, but not decent.
If you are talking about PvP /WvW, ranger’s long ranger damage is a joke.

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Akisame.9508


Too many people who just don’t know say the damage is bad, it’s decent, check out Brazil’s build guide and 4 min cof1 run with only rangers, sword horn is ace atm… long bow every slates… and they are again wrong, LB has a purpose, long range, if you trait for it, berserker gear and stand max range to get the best damage from it you can hit for 3-4k per auto attack, and up to 16k Rapid fire. Don’t misunderstand, LB is not good in dungeons where you should stick with your group, but exploration, and esp world boss events it’s amazing. People also forget pets contribute a huge portion of rangers damage.

Short answer, Yes, if you do your research and play them right.

I wish people would stop giving false or incomplete information. Your auto attack does not do 3-4k damage, it can CRIT for 800 – 4k damage. There is a difference, you don’t always crit and not all crits are high because I’ve gotten some really small crits that makes me want to cry! Also, Rapid fire normally gives you the same amount of damage as you would get using skill #1 auto fire if you where using skill #1 at max range. This is why you only use rapid fire when your up close. Problem is as a range player, you should NOT be up close, you should be at range. Problem we have is we only have one skill that gives us breathing room, that will push the attacker away from us, this one skill is on a very LONG cd and is easily blockable and I’ve had it bounced back at me. Meanwhile, your target will normally have at least 2 gap closers. So, no matter what you do, you can’t keep your range from the target because there are WAY to many gap closers in this game. Hell, warrior’s have like 4 gap closers which is why they are considered to have the best mobility in the game. And for those that say this is not counting pet damage, please remember, pet’s can NOT hit moving targets. In WvW pets are dead in the first two second of any zerg fight because of area effect damages. Pets, especially birds, do not fly up keep walls or down keep walls to attack your target, so many, many, many, many, (to many) times, you have 0 pet damage when the pet is suppose to provide 30% of your damage in a fight.

If you ask “can ranger’s do decent ranged damage?” the truth is, in our current state, If you want to sacrifice survivability for higher damage, then yes, Ranger’s can do ‘decent’ ranged damage. We are not the best at the ranged damage but we are decent. In our current state, if you want some survivability, then the answer is No, Ranger’s do NOT do decent ranged damage. If Anet was to remove pets and give ranger’s back their 30% damage then the answer would most likely be Yes, ranger’s do decent and most likely exceed in ranged damage. However, that is a wet dream that would never bear fruit I’m afraid.

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


^ I think Akisame has a point.

Rangers can do decent ranged dmg, but not viable since too much survivability is sacrificed to reach that decent dmg.

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Norjena.5172


In PvE? NO!
Ele Staff can do more then 12k dps (yes DPS not burst, not a single skill). 6k AA + 6k Lavafont are easy to get. Fullbuffed much more.
Not including Icebow/Staff Fire 5.

Engineers can do more range dps just by using rifle 1. Grenades or SD + Toolbelt will do much more dps then a ranger can do.

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Akisame.9508


In PvE? NO!
Ele Staff can do more then 12k dps (yes DPS not burst, not a single skill). 6k AA + 6k Lavafont are easy to get. Fullbuffed much more.
Not including Icebow/Staff Fire 5.

Engineers can do more range dps just by using rifle 1. Grenades or SD + Toolbelt will do much more dps then a ranger can do.

Ele’s can do some insane damage. A couple of nights ago in WvW we where defending a keep and it looked like the zerg that was attacking had a line of zerker ele’s that meteor showered the wall and wiped about half of us out before we could dodge out of the way. It was nasty, I was down in like three hits from what I saw.

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: apocalypso.4895


If you want to do damage with a ranger stop using lB or SB.
Use Sword/Axe, Greatsword. You’ll need to also use your pet too (Jungle Stalker, Jaguar, Raven, Owl).
Maul can hit for 22k+ and Path of Scars can hit for 25k+ if both hits land however both are quite hard to pull off in real combat situations and anything you get out of your pet beyond 5 might stacks from jungle stalker you have to consider as luck.
If you play smart, it’s actually a fun build to run in a zerg, one shotting distracted people.


(edited by apocalypso.4895)

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Akisame.9508


If you want to do damage with a ranger stop using lB or SB.
Use Sword/Axe, Greatsword. You’ll need to also use your pet too (Jungle Stalker, Jaguar, Raven, Owl).
Maul can hit for 22k+ and Path of Scars can hit for 25k+ if both hits land however both are quite hard to pull off in real combat situations and anything you get out of your pet beyond 5 might stacks from jungle stalker you have to consider as luck.
If you play smart, it’s actually a fun build to run in a zerg, one shotting distracted people.

I have never seen a maul do 22k+. I’ve seen it do 8k, I’ve done 6k myself, but 22k I have never seen. I would love to see the video of that.

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


If you want to do damage with a ranger stop using lB or SB.
Use Sword/Axe, Greatsword. You’ll need to also use your pet too (Jungle Stalker, Jaguar, Raven, Owl).
Maul can hit for 22k+ and Path of Scars can hit for 25k+ if both hits land however both are quite hard to pull off in real combat situations and anything you get out of your pet beyond 5 might stacks from jungle stalker you have to consider as luck.
If you play smart, it’s actually a fun build to run in a zerg, one shotting distracted people.

I have never seen a maul do 22k+. I’ve seen it do 8k, I’ve done 6k myself, but 22k I have never seen. I would love to see the video of that.

11k absolute tops. Which I’ve hit maybe twice ever.
Still, Maul is a pretty brutal attack especially with might/fury stacked.

And @ OP, it depends… To be honest, I find the majority of people have just become conditioned to believe that Rangers are bad when they are infact quite alright. Comparing us to Thieves or Warriors isn’t really fair considering they’re two of the hardest hitting professions in the game.
But if you position yourself properly you can get some pretty good numbers. I don’t know what people consider good damage but with Long Range Shot I hit anywhere from 3 – 5k and up to 17k with Rapid Fire. It’s not the 20k backstabs Thieves hit or the 30k Hundred Blades Warriors hit but if every arrow goes in to your target it can melt them pretty fast. People can call LB “pew pew” all they want but I wouldn’t consider 70% of someone’s health bar “pew pew” just because it sounds like it.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: atheria.2837


Too many people who just don’t know say the damage is bad, it’s decent, check out Brazil’s build guide and 4 min cof1 run with only rangers, sword horn is ace atm… long bow every slates… and they are again wrong, LB has a purpose, long range, if you trait for it, berserker gear and stand max range to get the best damage from it you can hit for 3-4k per auto attack, and up to 16k Rapid fire. Don’t misunderstand, LB is not good in dungeons where you should stick with your group, but exploration, and esp world boss events it’s amazing. People also forget pets contribute a huge portion of rangers damage.

Short answer, Yes, if you do your research and play them right.

I wish people would stop giving false or incomplete information. Your auto attack does not do 3-4k damage, it can CRIT for 800 – 4k damage. There is a difference, you don’t always crit and not all crits are high because I’ve gotten some really small crits that makes me want to cry! Also, Rapid fire normally gives you the same amount of damage as you would get using skill #1 auto fire if you where using skill #1 at max range. This is why you only use rapid fire when your up close. Problem is as a range player, you should NOT be up close, you should be at range. Problem we have is we only have one skill that gives us breathing room, that will push the attacker away from us, this one skill is on a very LONG cd and is easily blockable and I’ve had it bounced back at me. Meanwhile, your target will normally have at least 2 gap closers. So, no matter what you do, you can’t keep your range from the target because there are WAY to many gap closers in this game. Hell, warrior’s have like 4 gap closers which is why they are considered to have the best mobility in the game. And for those that say this is not counting pet damage, please remember, pet’s can NOT hit moving targets. In WvW pets are dead in the first two second of any zerg fight because of area effect damages. Pets, especially birds, do not fly up keep walls or down keep walls to attack your target, so many, many, many, many, (to many) times, you have 0 pet damage when the pet is suppose to provide 30% of your damage in a fight.

If you ask “can ranger’s do decent ranged damage?” the truth is, in our current state, If you want to sacrifice survivability for higher damage, then yes, Ranger’s can do ‘decent’ ranged damage. We are not the best at the ranged damage but we are decent. In our current state, if you want some survivability, then the answer is No, Ranger’s do NOT do decent ranged damage. If Anet was to remove pets and give ranger’s back their 30% damage then the answer would most likely be Yes, ranger’s do decent and most likely exceed in ranged damage. However, that is a wet dream that would never bear fruit I’m afraid.

Just an addendum to your very good post Akisame.:

I wish to heck that Anet would comprehend one thing and one thing alone.

R a n g e – We are supposed to be the experts at range and have an affinity for all things living – especially animals.

We are not best at range and until we are we are not Rangers.

Not keeping all IT jobs here is a major reason IT is so bad HERE. 33y IT 10y IT Security

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: apocalypso.4895


Depends on vulnerability on target, your might stacks and your target toughness (and if they have protection, ofc). The giant has more toughness than a squishy light armor target, so the dmg could be higher (I’ve done 22.6k in wvw in a zerg vs zerg situation without max might stacks, didn’t see how much vulnerability, if any, the target had), but like I said it’s rare to combo it perfectly in a real combat situation.

Edit: Here’s 24.2k Maul


(edited by apocalypso.4895)

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bambula.3649


I wish to heck that Anet would comprehend one thing and one thing alone.

R a n g e – We are supposed to be the experts at range and have an affinity for all things living – especially animals.

We are not best at range and until we are we are not Rangers.

and again..ranger =/= range


Orga for [WUMS]

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


I wish to heck that Anet would comprehend one thing and one thing alone.

R a n g e – We are supposed to be the experts at range and have an affinity for all things living – especially animals.

We are not best at range and until we are we are not Rangers.

and again..ranger =/= range


and again… ranger = range (“Rangers are unparalleled archers” – Anet)

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Norjena.5172


They can use both bows. The ranger is not a archer only, they are some kind of druids too.
So stop about argumenting that the ranger should be the best “ranged” class. Ele Staff is ranged too.
LB needs a buff and/or change to it´s skills, but only to be on par with other ranged weapons.
Sword/GS will and should always do superior dmg. In GW2 melee is always better, because there is no tank. Not fix point where mobs will stay. No range or meleecombat zones.

(edited by Norjena.5172)

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Akisame.9508


For those that say Ranger’s aren’t suppose to be the best at range, ANet not only has the class description saying that ranger’s are suppose to take down their foes at range but in one of the talks they did, they said ranger’s are suppose to be the ‘best’ ranged fighting class in the game. (or something to that effect, if I find the clip I’ll post it).

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: urdriel.8496


For those that say Ranger’s aren’t suppose to be the best at range, ANet not only has the class description saying that ranger’s are suppose to take down their foes at range but in one of the talks they did, they said ranger’s are suppose to be the ‘best’ ranged fighting class in the game. (or something to that effect, if I find the clip I’ll post it).

……a mesmer with a greatsword have the same range than LB without traits,
GW2 common sense.

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Kilger.5490


and again… ranger = range (“Rangers are unparalleled archers” – Anet)

“Unparalleled” is an ambiguous term, you could say we are unparalleled since we can use both long and short bow. There is no parallel to that in the game.

Words are just words. For one I am glad we are decent at melee also.

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: urdriel.8496


and again… ranger = range (“Rangers are unparalleled archers” – Anet)

we are decent at melee also.

decent means we are under average melee damage.

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bambula.3649


and again… ranger = range (“Rangers are unparalleled archers” – Anet)

we are decent at melee also.

decent means we are under average melee damage.

nope, we are fine, not like ele or guard but we are rly okay

Orga for [WUMS]

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: CRrabbit.1284


You know, the biggest problem of our ranges weapon (currently only LB can be considered as a real ranged weapon) is —-— It’s not reliable.
The DPS of LB is OK on non-moving target since it’s a range weapon, BUT it missed too much on moving target.
Anet did increase the velocity of arrows but it’s clearly not enough. As long as you don’t use a super big char (norn/char), you can evade the long range shot 100% at 1200 ranger by just simply vertical moving(go check youtube, hundreds of videos, or you can test it yourself in WvW), an asura can even evade more than 1/2 of rapid fire by only doing this. Then it makes LB a 2nd guardian’s scepter. Guardian has all kinds of powerful melee weapons, but ranger??

(edited by CRrabbit.1284)

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: urdriel.8496


and again… ranger = range (“Rangers are unparalleled archers” – Anet)

we are decent at melee also.

decent means we are under average melee damage.

nope, we are fine, not like ele or guard but we are rly okay

we are a medium armor class, with medium hp pool, and average melee damage, and our class mechanic have 30% of our damage, if you hit a player with GS #2 you hit with 70% of your real strenght ,this is the real problem ,30% of our damage is RANDOM.

(edited by urdriel.8496)

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bambula.3649


not for pve, or pets can be alive in most fights, sure some boss attacks/mechanic are not very easy for the pet, but if you know when to doge/swap your pet can be alive in over 90% of the fights and a cat that crits for 4-6k auto attack is not a rnd dmg factor

Orga for [WUMS]

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: urdriel.8496


not for pve, or pets can be alive in most fights, sure some boss attacks/mechanic are not very easy for the pet, but if you know when to doge/swap your pet can be alive in over 90% of the fights and a cat that crits for 4-6k auto attack is not a rnd dmg factor

you talk about PVE, i talk about WvW or Spvp.

In PvE rangers weapon with most dps is the Sword.

PD:if your pet hit for 4-6k you MUST have a BM build and YOUR damage is laughable.

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Kilger.5490


You know, the biggest problem of our ranges weapon (currently only LB can be considered as a real ranged weapon) is —-— It’s not reliable.
The DPS of LB is OK on non-moving target since it’s a range weapon, BUT it missed too much on moving target.

Yea I agree it is a pain in the butt. Sometimes I get a stupid “out of range” message when a moving person is clearly in range, and being hit by the arrow. Then I start hitting them after they have moved even farther away. Thats something i would like fixed.

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


PD:if your pet hit for 4-6k you MUST have a BM build and YOUR damage is laughable.

4-6k with a cat is easy to get with 0 in Beastmastery…

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bambula.3649


PD:if your pet hit for 4-6k you MUST have a BM build and YOUR damage is laughable.

4-6k with a cat is easy to get with 0 in Beastmastery…

yeha 5 secs might on crit 30% more crit dmg, fortify bound and gg
0 points in bm

for wvw and pvp your right, power ranger builds are not so strong like other classes and the dmg is not so good

Orga for [WUMS]

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: urdriel.8496


PD:if your pet hit for 4-6k you MUST have a BM build and YOUR damage is laughable.

4-6k with a cat is easy to get with 0 in Beastmastery…

yeha 5 secs might on crit 30% more crit dmg, fortify bound and gg
0 points in bm

for wvw and pvp your right, power ranger builds are not so strong like other classes and the dmg is not so good

so, you are saying than your cat hit for 4-6k to lvl 80 bosses/mobs with 30%crit damage??pics pls.

Nature magic in a Damage build?

(edited by urdriel.8496)

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: paleeshi.1924


PD:if your pet hit for 4-6k you MUST have a BM build and YOUR damage is laughable.

4-6k with a cat is easy to get with 0 in Beastmastery…

yeha 5 secs might on crit 30% more crit dmg, fortify bound and gg
0 points in bm

for wvw and pvp your right, power ranger builds are not so strong like other classes and the dmg is not so good

so, you are saying than your cat hit for 4-6k to lvl 80 bosses/mobs with 30%crit damage??pics pls.

Nature magic in a Damage build?

No, I think he meant the traits, 1 that gives might on crit and 2nd 30% more crit dmg to pets (Pet’s Prowess).

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: urdriel.8496


PD:if your pet hit for 4-6k you MUST have a BM build and YOUR damage is laughable.

4-6k with a cat is easy to get with 0 in Beastmastery…

yeha 5 secs might on crit 30% more crit dmg, fortify bound and gg
0 points in bm

for wvw and pvp your right, power ranger builds are not so strong like other classes and the dmg is not so good

so, you are saying than your cat hit for 4-6k to lvl 80 bosses/mobs with 30%crit damage??pics pls.

Nature magic in a Damage build?

No, I think he meant the traits, 1 that gives might on crit and 2nd 30% more crit dmg to pets (Pet’s Prowess).

You need 15 points into Nature Magic to have Fortify Bond.