80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
(edited by jkctmc.8754)
Some of the issues with a Ranger as I see it, and would greatly improve the class are as follows:
— F2 abilities are very slow to cast, with very long recast times. As it is now, landing a Howl, or a Breath Weapon is near impossible for moving targets. They should be instant cast.
— Pets just are not smart. The Mesmers illusions are a lot smarter. If someone steatlhs on a Ranger pet, he stands there saying; “duh”, and will not react once they come out of stealth, but a Mesmer’s illusions will wait for the target to unstealth, and IMMEDIATELY go after them.
— Pets are extremely squishy, even with 30 in Beastmastery. The only solution to this I can think of is make them immune to AEs, or take 50% less damage by AEs.
Trait synergy, and/or uselessness. Here are some of the changes I think need to happen.
— Malicious Training; Should not just effect the Rangers pet, but also the Ranger.
— Piercing Arrows should mirror the Warriors Crack Shot; "All arrow attacks pierce targets. Longbow & Shorbow skills recharge 20% faster.
— Pet’s Prowess; Pets do 30% more damage on critical hits. Rangers do 10% more damage on critical hits.
— Companion’s Might; Critical hits grant Might to the Ranger, and the Ranger’s pets.
— Quick Draw; Entering combat with a Longbow, or Shortbow gives the Ranger 1 seconds Quickness. Note: Similar to the Rangers “Opening Strikes”.
— Expertise Training; Pets and the Ranger deal extra condition damage.
— Hide in Plain Sight; Applies stealth for 5 seconds rather than camoflage, allowing the Ranger to move after the CC effects have expired.
— Concentration Training: Boons applied by the Ranger, and the Rangers pets last longer.
— Master’s Bond; Your pet has a bond with you that increases its stats by 10% of the Rangers stats.
Weapon Changes
— Shorbow bleed effect should not require you to flank.
— Longbow auto attack needs to be FASTER.
— Axe “mainhand” attacks should be 1000 range, rather than 900 range, and damage should be increased by 5%.
— Axe “offhand”, Whirling Defense should allow the Ranger to move, just like Dagger Storm allows the Thief to move. The radius of Whirling Defense should be increased by 50%, and damage increased by 5%.
— Torch; Bonfire needs a damage increased by at least 50% on its physical damage.
— Sword auto attack should be revisited, and made more fluid.
Please add your ideas here as well.
(edited by jkctmc.8754)
Its really just mirroring what everyone has been saying.
Its really just mirroring what everyone has been saying.
It’s awesome that others feel the same way. Would be nice if we could get a sit down with a developer, and discuss everything.
(edited by jkctmc.8754)
It would also be nice if some skills actually did what they say in descriotion.
Point Blank Shot doesn’t always knock back as it’s too easily resisted or reflected.
Considering it’s one of our main defence moves on Longbow. Entangle is pretty useless too for the same reasons.
Quick shot and Lightning reflexes.
fix these so that they do what description says , or change description to reflect fact that you will “evade”? in a random direction (usually towards the enemy)
It would also be nice if some skills actually did what they say in descriotion.
Point Blank Shot doesn’t always knock back as it’s too easily resisted or reflected.
Considering it’s one of our main defence moves on Longbow. Entangle is pretty useless too for the same reasons.
Quick shot and Lightning reflexes.
fix these so that they do what description says , or change description to reflect fact that you will “evade”? in a random direction (usually towards the enemy)
I’ve been having issues with Lightning Reflexes doing nothing lately, and/or getting interrupted. I’m not sure what is going on with that skill. If it keeps up, I’ll have to slot another stun breaker in its place.
I’ve been having issues with Lightning Reflexes doing nothing lately, and/or getting interrupted. I’m not sure what is going on with that skill. If it keeps up, I’ll have to slot another stun breaker in its place.
Ye I dont mind getting ganked too much , but it’s annoying when you hit all the right buttons and nothing happens. Something you might excuse on a low end rig on dial up, but not on current specs.
Ranger need a new Weapon with new skills optimized for WvWvW zerg
Maybe a 2H staff with some ranged aoe skills
for example:
a line of trees growing out of the ground, blocking a path
or a spiderweb blocking all projektiles in an area
or summon some doves, bombarding an area with theire dung causing blindness
Rangers need a elite trap too, Entagle is bad is like a 50/50 to trap your enemy in the vines……..
Greatsword and ranger weapon damage in general needs a healthy damage boost. The only decent damage a ranger has at the moment is condition specs.
The greatsword could benefit from a more reliable cripple as well, such as adding a cripple to Swoop or swiftness after Swooping. People can kite you so easily with a greatsword.
Ranged pets should have their range boosted to 1200 and try to maintain that range against whichever target it is put on, instead of derping and following you into melee.
Its really just mirroring what everyone has been saying.
It’s awesome that others feel the same way. Would be nice if we could get a sit down with a developer, and discuss everything.
As if they cared, this and much more has been in the Ranger Bug list since BETA. They do not give a rats kitten about Rangers.
Its really just mirroring what everyone has been saying.
It’s awesome that others feel the same way. Would be nice if we could get a sit down with a developer, and discuss everything.
As if they cared, this and much more has been in the Ranger Bug list since BETA. They do not give a rats kitten about Rangers.
I really hope that changes though. I have some faith, for now.
pets need to give a buff to rangers when they are in passive mode, so they arent such a huge handicap in dungeons/keep takes/keep defense. perferably something that is pet/family specific, eg bears give health, cats give power or something.
you also didnt mention spirits. 30 points just to have spirits move is not acceptable. spirits have 2 hit points, also not acceptable.
It would also be nice if some skills actually did what they say in descriotion.
Point Blank Shot doesn’t always knock back as it’s too easily resisted or reflected.
Considering it’s one of our main defence moves on Longbow. Entangle is pretty useless too for the same reasons.
Quick shot and Lightning reflexes.
fix these so that they do what description says , or change description to reflect fact that you will “evade”? in a random direction (usually towards the enemy)
Quick shot is ment to be fired while “retreating” so you fire while the enemy is behind you and do a 360 while shooting him. thats why when if you shoot while he is in front of you, you are jumping forward..
Seems like there are many posts with similar ideas the majority of the ranger community is on the same page. More survivability, rework spirits skill tree, make pets less squishy and smarter or let us choose to even have them instead just absorbing their damage and skills for our own.
I would love a system where you could improve your pet.
It would be nice if it were added pet armor with visuals and probably weapons like a helmet with blades or something. Would be even better if we could had sigils and runes.
Let the player control the pet with the ranger as escort
And give us an option to stow the ranger perma
A buff when both your pets are dead and on cooldown would be nice, or even a buff or set of buffs when your pet dies, to compensate for the fact that 30% of your damage output is effectively useless for so much of wvw. It could even be only applicable in wvw, which should’t be so hard to code in.
I would add those two:
- Give the ability to pets (or some pets) to be able to track a stealth thief.
- Pet being attacked should not give a speed penalty to the player.
50% less AOE dmg means he dies in 3secs instead of 1.5 secs
50% less AOE dmg means he dies in 3secs instead of 1.5 secs
It would be a start. <grins>
I don’t think pets should be hit by AoEs at all, mainly because it seems they’re not counted in the cap of 5, so in a large scale fight, they’re soaking dozens of AoEs at one time.
I’m probably going to level my 5th 80, a Mesmer for now until the next update. I hope they give great consideration in making solid changes in the Ranger.
I keep thinking about Spirits, and I just can’t think of a good way to fix the Spirits. Every other class has F1-Fwhatever abilities that greatly improve their class, yet the Ranger gets to kind of control their pets, with a crappy F2 pet ability. I still think the pet shouts should have been placed in those spots for us to use.
A big problem i face as condition ranger is that the cats die too fast. I try to buff them with carnivorus appetite and also loud whistle. It is not enough! In a long fight the second cat usually will go down if it has aggro.
As a squishy ranger you want the pets to get aggro fast but it also results in quick loss of pets hp.
What if:
- Pets react immediately on f3 (maby with some protection boon)
- Shorter CD on pet swapping or MORE time reduction on loud whistle
- Also agreeing on smarter pets. They just do what they are told when going into combat after that they kind of live their own life which don’t include “thinking” (or “listening” to your commands at all!)
- What if we had not two pets to swich between but two SETS of pets? Then u could start out with a pair of cats and if needed quickly swap to a set of bears (or whatever)..
Help the rangers! Please donate! :P
I’d like to have point blank shot apply five stacks of bleed as well that cannot be resisted(if the move hits at all).
I’d also like longbow skills to recharge faster and cast faster. I know that we’re not raw damage snipers like warriors but we should at least be thrice as efficient so that we actually have a chance at killing them. Or anyone, for that matter.
Yea pets need looking at but obstruction my bigest issue i mean you have a clear line if site on target and you do not damage yet npc or other plater can ?.
As for Entangaled its to easy to slip out of when you get it says there imobilized thill roots are destroyed but that is not the case Guardian uses binding chains you dont move how is this fair look and fix these plz.
Ranger does good DPS and is OK on conditions, but it has terrible traits and utilities, They should have stealth, because they are basically hunters!
Compared to Thief, Elementallist and Mesmer, utilities and traits, rangers may as well not have them. Needs changing!
Great suggestions, personally I love Ranger either way. But these suggestions would make the profession feel a lot more equal with other professions. I constantly feel under powered, especially with bows. I do Archery in real life and the bows completely disappointed me in GW2… Which I can’t say about many MMORPGS. Most MMORPGS I can instantly fall in love with the bow, and feel right at home. In GW2 using a bow feels like I’m giving myself a huge disadvantage in battle as a Greatsword or Sword will serve me better in a fight than a Longbow…
Great suggestions, personally I love Ranger either way. But these suggestions would make the profession feel a lot more equal with other professions. I constantly feel under powered, especially with bows. I do Archery in real life and the bows completely disappointed me in GW2… Which I can’t say about many MMORPGS. Most MMORPGS I can instantly fall in love with the bow, and feel right at home. In GW2 using a bow feels like I’m giving myself a huge disadvantage in battle as a Greatsword or Sword will serve me better in a fight than a Longbow…
Exactly! I run the ranger all the time. It IS my favorite and it is because of the bow/bet combo. I do not want to “range” with sword and dagger!?? Lol well… As you clearly point out the bow does not feel powerful enough that is why i basically use it just to inflict conditions and grant might and health to my pet. It is “just” a crit machinegun (shortbow user) which i do not rely on to kill my foes.
I come from being a DPS warrior in wow and i loved to go behind the mob and kick his butt litterally. BUT I was envious of the rangers with their pets, their swift movement and all cool stuff. So I decided from start that in GW2 I would be a ranger on my main! I cant say I am dissapointed as a whole but it seems that it is not put together correctly. Like you say the BOW should be our main wep and, looking at the traits it is very little to spend on making the bow “cooler” other than a little bleeding on crits. I started my ranger build with axe/warhorn as secondary and found it useful. But then i tried the sword/torch combo and WOW I could litterally take down 3-4 mobs with just hitting the autoattack and tabbing! They dropped like flies in a wonderful spectacle of fire, colors and death .. THAT is what the bow should do. I did not sign up to be a ranger, so I could equip myself with a sword (and possibly a dagger instead of the torch) and essentially become a warrior with a pet! :-/
As said not too dissapointed but clearly something is wrong! U deal out your condition DPS and foes usually die, if someone can tank well then your cats may even survive…. But I feel there must be made some changes so the build is more versatile (not everyone wants to be a condition DPS machine)… In a large fight all your conditions is actually wasted because of the 25stack limit.
Give us some exciting traits that shines on our bows and make our pets survive and listen. Give us more controll over our pets. The sword/torch combo os straight out too powerfull imo it should be a “omg i am surrounded by warriors i need to stow my bow and get the hell outta here” thing.. maby with a stealth trait in there somewhere.
To finnish off I would like to add that the longbow feels useless, it should be much GREATER to deserve a “2 hand/one sigil” spot. The shortbow should rather be a one-hander (i know u need both hands on a bow but hear me out) and could be combined with something.. i dont know… hanging from your belt giving you some magic tricks in there to light some fires omg that would be amazing! AND then give you a second sigil spot!! It is painfull not to be able to have two sigils when on the bow. It actually sucks really much! At one point i used the sigil of bloodlust on the torch and actuallly went ahead and killed 25 “sillymobs” just to build get 25 stacks of .. eh.. bloodlust!.. Just to then swith to my bow and like “now i am ready” (please dont die…kitten^ i had to use the portal…)
sorry i have writing OCD i know … bYE!!
I suggest that the ranger get one more line with skills above the utilityskills were we could pack in some skills more like the engineers backpack. Were traps, spirits and some other magick could be. This to make the ranger more party-friendly and more creative nature-wise. If the ranger is supposed to be able to make spirits, traps and other nature-magic then we need more skillslots i think.
I would love to know who from anet is actually behind the ranger development, if any. And if they listen to all the advice on this forum. There are some very good ideas here that really, seriously, should be taken seriously. But not a comment in sight.
The ranger from GW was great, but my favourite ranger (and warrior, druid, necro, sorceress/ele and assasin) are still the one from Diablo 2^^ And it shouldnt have to be that as of now in the year 2013. Their ranger (amazone) had spearskills to do kick kitten dmg 1 vs 1 and also killing mobs (Lightning fury). The Multiple shot and Homing arrow is still the greatest coolest bowskills of any game in game history. So much fun! See those waves of arrows.. Fun, i think i am sorry to say, might be a tad lacking when it comes to playing ranger in GW2.
Were is my camouflage/hide in the shadows/cloak/blend in with nature? Poisen arrows, etc.
The druid in D2 was so much fun, their shapeshifting could have been a bit more powerful. But the norn shapeshifting (i am norn ranger) i just.. i dont want to even describe it. It should be fun and viable, but it isnt. It cant be kept up permanently and has looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong recharge^^ Its really just a gimmic not worth its space in the skillbar.
I heard the ranger was two classes put into one and perhaps the best of both worlds suffer a bit from that.
(edited by Avathor.1849)
I want to address the elite skills. I (a charr) was SO happy when i got my first elite skill, the charrzooka! It lasts for… “60 seconds or 15 shots”.. Pick one please. It rarely hits anything that moves so for CC’ing you better be lucky. Therefore i’d prefer the 60 seconds at least (with unlimited shots OR a certain nr of HITS) i find myself usually firing where the mobs WAS. And it replace your other wepons so often I have to stow it before i’ve used all of it… It feels like just a fun gimmick you have to try a couple of times then, ok… not very useful in a “real” fight more something u pull out when hanging out just to show how cool it looks. If you’re supposed to be able to use it effectively it should blast the XXX out of a mob in a few blasts when enabled (not eneble THEN try to get the most out of it). It remind me of a costume fight wep more than a useful skill. But what do i know :P I think maby the inventor is just too amazed with how spectacular it LOOKS and thats it. Then you have the entangling vines! Maby helpful in a tiny situation when surrounded by puny mobs but then it’s better to just bleed them all to death in a couple of secs with your sword/torch combo. Why is it so useless? It’s too easy to get out of/don’t work on BIG mobs/…? Certainly a lot of better pvp players (than me) here have enough to say about THAT skill.. Then it’s between another spirit… (cough) and rampage as one! That is a good skill i’ll admit to that, but ONE good/useful elite skill (ok i have the mistwolfie from the “pay more” edition but i thought i’d leave that out since it’s a skill you pay for! Does not last long enough/dont do enough dps i don’t know. It looks cool though :P)
The ranger is a so essential profession in this sort of games and it really needs looking at. Please Anet if you read this. Start by doing some tweaks and feel it out. Listen to players, do not get too satisfied with your own creations that you forget that actually you are not the ones playing most of the time (i hope lol).
I will happily go through some testing! Try, fail, try something else, use the forums and whatever. I will stick it out in hope of a better ranger at the end!
(Is it me who don’t know where to look or does this game lack a beta server like wow has (or HAD for me rofl)?)
It cant be a coincidense that in my guild with ~40 members there are 3 rangers!!!
It would also be nice if some skills actually did what they say in descriotion.
Point Blank Shot doesn’t always knock back as it’s too easily resisted or reflected.
Considering it’s one of our main defence moves on Longbow. Entangle is pretty useless too for the same reasons.
Quick shot and Lightning reflexes.
fix these so that they do what description says , or change description to reflect fact that you will “evade”? in a random direction (usually towards the enemy)Quick shot is ment to be fired while “retreating” so you fire while the enemy is behind you and do a 360 while shooting him. thats why when if you shoot while he is in front of you, you are jumping forward..
Descriptions says “evade backwards” not “Shoot backwards”- so fix description. In any case , you can only fire in the direction you are facing. Believe me I tried it!
i dont think you have even read the description properly here it is for you reading pleasure..
Fire a quick shot in an evasive retreat. Gain swiftness if the shot hits. This can be used while retreating. link
I also took the time to show you how this skill works here
the skill is working as intended..
i dont think you have even read the description properly here it is for you reading pleasure..
Fire a quick shot in an evasive retreat. Gain swiftness if the shot hits. This can be used while retreating. linkI also took the time to show you how this skill works here
the skill is working as intended..
I use that 360 ‘spin-shot’ all the time, it’s rather cool and many times more useful to rush through your enemy and use it, than to slowly walk backwards and use it!
I love the Ranger in WvW. It’s the “collect your badges” class for me. They’re even easier to kill than Necromancers.
I want to address the elite skills. I (a charr) was SO happy when i got my first elite skill, the charrzooka! It lasts for… “60 seconds or 15 shots”.. Pick one please. It rarely hits anything that moves so for CC’ing you better be lucky. Therefore i’d prefer the 60 seconds at least (with unlimited shots OR a certain nr of HITS) i find myself usually firing where the mobs WAS. And it replace your other wepons so often I have to stow it before i’ve used all of it… It feels like just a fun gimmick you have to try a couple of times then, ok… not very useful in a “real” fight more something u pull out when hanging out just to show how cool it looks
. If you’re supposed to be able to use it effectively it should blast the XXX out of a mob in a few blasts when enabled (not eneble THEN try to get the most out of it). It remind me of a costume fight wep more than a useful skill. But what do i know :P I think maby the inventor is just too amazed with how spectacular it LOOKS and thats it. Then you have the entangling vines! Maby helpful in a tiny situation when surrounded by puny mobs but then it’s better to just bleed them all to death in a couple of secs with your sword/torch combo. Why is it so useless? It’s too easy to get out of/don’t work on BIG mobs/…? Certainly a lot of better pvp players (than me) here have enough to say about THAT skill.. Then it’s between another spirit… (cough) and rampage as one! That is a good skill i’ll admit to that, but ONE good/useful elite skill (ok i have the mistwolfie from the “pay more” edition but i thought i’d leave that out since it’s a skill you pay for! Does not last long enough/dont do enough dps i don’t know. It looks cool though :P)
The ranger is a so essential profession in this sort of games and it really needs looking at. Please Anet if you read this. Start by doing some tweaks and feel it out. Listen to players, do not get too satisfied with your own creations that you forget that actually you are not the ones playing most of the time (i hope lol).
I will happily go through some testing! Try, fail, try something else, use the forums and whatever. I will stick it out in hope of a better ranger at the end!(Is it me who don’t know where to look or does this game lack a beta server like wow has (or HAD for me rofl)?)
It cant be a coincidense that in my guild with ~40 members there are 3 rangers!!!
So charrzooka=rangers longbow?
I forget the name of the trait, but the ability that grants you and your pet 2 seconds of quickness on pet swap needs some tweaking. When you swap, the new pet stands around for at least 1 second doing nothing. That one 1 second of pet idleness + the time it takes for a pet to run to your target means that the quickness applied to pets is ALWAYS wasted. It’s super irritating.
Whether or not it’s feasible, I have no idea – I know nothing about game design – but it’d be nice if, on pet swap, the new pet would instantly appear on the previous pet’s target. This would prevent the 1 second of pet idleness and eliminate the run time, meaning that the pet would actually get some mileage out of those 2 seconds of quickness.
This isn’t strictly a WvW issue, but my WvW build is specifically built around pet survivability and pet damage (to the detriment of my own damage), so I figured I’d drop this suggestion here anyway.
I forget the name of the trait, but the ability that grants you and your pet 2 seconds of quickness on pet swap needs some tweaking. When you swap, the new pet stands around for at least 1 second doing nothing. That one 1 second of pet idleness + the time it takes for a pet to run to your target means that the quickness applied to pets is ALWAYS wasted. It’s super irritating.
Whether or not it’s feasible, I have no idea – I know nothing about game design – but it’d be nice if, on pet swap, the new pet would instantly appear on the previous pet’s target. This would prevent the 1 second of pet idleness and eliminate the run time, meaning that the pet would actually get some mileage out of those 2 seconds of quickness.
This isn’t strictly a WvW issue, but my WvW build is specifically built around pet survivability and pet damage (to the detriment of my own damage), so I figured I’d drop this suggestion here anyway.
While I agree with you.. your fix would break the mechanic of when downed and pet is off attacking or dead.. F4 pet swap and downed skill #3
if the pet ported to where the last one was it would make our downed skill #3 even more unreliable..
i would be in favor of a longer buff on the pet..
ranger is bottom of the barrel in wvw, bringing nothing useful for the team (except maybe barrage). a well done spirit buff could change this.
I forget the name of the trait, but the ability that grants you and your pet 2 seconds of quickness on pet swap needs some tweaking. When you swap, the new pet stands around for at least 1 second doing nothing. That one 1 second of pet idleness + the time it takes for a pet to run to your target means that the quickness applied to pets is ALWAYS wasted. It’s super irritating.
Whether or not it’s feasible, I have no idea – I know nothing about game design – but it’d be nice if, on pet swap, the new pet would instantly appear on the previous pet’s target. This would prevent the 1 second of pet idleness and eliminate the run time, meaning that the pet would actually get some mileage out of those 2 seconds of quickness.
This isn’t strictly a WvW issue, but my WvW build is specifically built around pet survivability and pet damage (to the detriment of my own damage), so I figured I’d drop this suggestion here anyway.
While I agree with you.. your fix would break the mechanic of when downed and pet is off attacking or dead.. F4 pet swap and downed skill #3
if the pet ported to where the last one was it would make our downed skill #3 even more unreliable..
i would be in favor of a longer buff on the pet..
Id be in favor of ditching the kitten pet completely. Instead, lick wounds could summon a mystical pet or a spirit or some kitten that only they come up with to heal our wounds while downed, or summons pet from stable idk. Sick of pet.
ranger is bottom of the barrel in wvw, bringing nothing useful for the team (except maybe barrage). a well done spirit buff could change this.
A well done rework could change this.
Would be nice if they brought the Ranger, and Necromancer up to speed so they’re more competitive in WvW.
ranger is bottom of the barrel in wvw, bringing nothing useful for the team (except maybe barrage). a well done spirit buff could change this.
A well done rework could change this.
Unfortunately, they’re apparently going to nerf AoE’s. So I guess we’ll be bringing nothing useful for the team unless we’re going to see some major Ranger updates in the next patch.
I agree, pets are affected too strongly by AoE and have some issues with targeting. Perhaps the AoE nerf will benefit rangers due to this fact? A lot of people think the AoE nerf will hit rangers but I don’t think it will…AoE for players is already limited to affecting 5 people.
The devs specifically mentioned “seige weapons” and “certain boss fights”. They’re probably going to change it such that siege weapons hit 15 or 20 people; in PvE, they’ll make certain bosses invulnerable or less susceptible to AoE. I don’t think they’d toy with PvP AoE because that could disrupt the entire balance of the skill system. They spent a heck of a long time balancing skills and I know for a fact they aren’t about to blow up all of that work.
Also a thing i would love to see is that the pet’s f2 affects the ranger too for all pets. Then we could create some escape mechanics like the jaguar f2 would give us the possibility to stealth. It could also be a pet with a f2 skill that alow the ranger to instantly be where the pet is. The rangers have already way to little escapes and ways to disengage from fights.
This thread needs a developer in it.
I was hoping to see any kind of dialogue by now. Oh well, I’ll focus on overtime for now.
This thread needs a developer in it.
I second this.
ranger is bottom of the barrel in wvw, bringing nothing useful for the team (except maybe barrage). a well done spirit buff could change this.
A well done rework could change this.
Unfortunately, they’re apparently going to nerf AoE’s. So I guess we’ll be bringing nothing useful for the team unless we’re going to see some major Ranger updates in the next patch.
They implied they might buff single target damage, so I’m hoping they were referring to the ranger. I’m not really holding my breath, though …
What if they made spirits a companion/pet species, functioning purely as a buffer that follows you around.They do not deal damage but they do not take damage either.
I was hoping to see any kind of dialogue by now. Oh well, I’ll focus on overtime for now.
Well, this thread is going in so many different directions…it’s kind of hard to answer anything.
What if they made spirits a companion/pet species, functioning purely as a buffer that follows you around.They do not deal damage but they do not take damage either.
A spirit is supposed to be almost like a banner on steroids. It should be WAY better because it’s killable. I mean, to remove the fact that it can die would completely change the direction of the intended mechanic. I don’t think that’s the direction most people want to go.
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