80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
Please add your ideas here as well.
Please, give to Ranger button “Kill all enemies in 3000 radius”, instacast and 10 sec CD
Thank you.(yes, this is sarcasm after reading 1st post)
I don’t see a Ranger in your signature brother.
no room left ’Lchr’ nickname...
no room left
‘Lchr’ nickname…
Do you feel your Ranger is on par with your other classes? I havn’t played the Engineer yet, though fighting them I feel they’re weaker than the Ranger. Although out of the other classes I chose to gear up in Exotics, they all play way better than my Ranger under most circumstances, but most importantly groups. My Ranger brings very little to a group.
Warrior – Much better damage (easily twice as much), faster revives on downed players, perma Swiftness, perma Fury, Perma Regen, Perma 3 stacks of Might, 10% bonus damage to crit hits, and the list could go on.
Guardian – Better damage (easily 50% more damage), pulsing group regen, access denying abilities (blocks a lot of damage to friendlies), a variety of boons, condition cures for the entire group, and the list could go on.
Mesmer – Much better damage (easily twice as much), Staff build allows me to transfer all boons on me, to my entire group (amazing combined with Chaos Storm and Chaos Armor), SEVERAL COMBO FIELDS to improve the groups damage, Null Field, stealth for the entire group, or a portal to surprise your foes, and the list could go on.
Thief Special Note: I do not like the Thief in PvE, but WvW they add; Much better damage (easily three times as much, potentially four times as much), stealth for the entire group to surprise your foes, the best scouting ability in the game, and the list isn’t really big for the Thief.
no room left
’Lchr’ nickname...
Do you feel your Ranger is on par with your other classes? I havn’t played the Engineer yet, though fighting them I feel they’re weaker than the Ranger. Although out of the other classes I chose to gear up in Exotics, they all play way better than my Ranger under most circumstances, but most importantly groups. My Ranger brings very little to a group.
Engineer? So-so... I didnt feel the power in the Engineer, really. Sure, you can put on flamethrower (with 3 targets AOE-limit, LOL) or grenade kit running with zerg and thinking you are useful, but in fact... you are not... But in the PVE at the events you can easly tank a tons of mobs (with vampire food, sure) and get a tons of loot
Fully agree with your comparsions with warrior, guardian and thief. My mesmer is low (30 only and I dislike him) so will not say anything
Elem deals just kittening crazy AOE damage and cool utilities to group. Maybe he is really squishee (in Berserk) but he have good survive skills and even often downed states ’ok’ for me if I know, that my Firerain easly hits for 5k damage per 1 fireball from the sky.
(edited by SilverWF.4789)
I just love bow/pet classes - my Squig Herder in the Warhammer Online was my most likely class (even when he was nerfed like a peice of... you know)
And there is no analogues over Ranger: Warrior with bow looks ugly. Thief? Maybe, but...
So, I playing ranger sometimes, anyway
A lot of these changes would be awesome, but would cause the ranger to be so OP that it would shift balance. The only ones I agree with are:
— F2 abilities are very slow to cast, with very long recast times. As it is now, landing a Howl, or a Breath Weapon is near impossible for moving targets. They should be instant cast.
— Pets just are not smart. The Mesmers illusions are a lot smarter. If someone steatlhs on a Ranger pet, he stands there saying; “duh”, and will not react once they come out of stealth, but a Mesmer’s illusions will wait for the target to unstealth, and IMMEDIATELY go after them.
I just love bow/pet classes – my Squig Herder in the Warhammer Online was my most likely class (even when he was nerfed like a peice of… you know)
And there is no analogues over Ranger: Warrior with bow looks ugly. Thief? Maybe, but…
So, I playing ranger sometimes, anyway
hehe, I loved my Squig Herder in WAR.
Remember the Morale 3 Ability that increased the Squig Herder Pet to massive size and caused him to kill people.
I use to watch my Spiked Squig kill people in like 5 seconds…was so funny..
I just love bow/pet classes – my Squig Herder in the Warhammer Online was my most likely class (even when he was nerfed like a peice of… you know)
And there is no analogues over Ranger: Warrior with bow looks ugly. Thief? Maybe, but…
So, I playing ranger sometimes, anywayhehe, I loved my Squig Herder in WAR.
Remember the Morale 3 Ability that increased the Squig Herder Pet to massive size and caused him to kill people.
I use to watch my Spiked Squig kill people in like 5 seconds…was so funny..
I played a Ranger in EQ1, EQII, etc, but really couldn’t get into the pet classes in War, and really hated the Squig Herder. That might have been because my group had me playing healers since EQII, and I really couldn’t get into another role for awhile now. Now that most of my group isn’t playing MMOs due to new businesses, I’m back to playing a different role.
A lot of these changes would be awesome, but would cause the ranger to be so OP that it would shift balance. The only ones I agree with are:
— F2 abilities are very slow to cast, with very long recast times. As it is now, landing a Howl, or a Breath Weapon is near impossible for moving targets. They should be instant cast.
— Pets just are not smart. The Mesmers illusions are a lot smarter. If someone steatlhs on a Ranger pet, he stands there saying; “duh”, and will not react once they come out of stealth, but a Mesmer’s illusions will wait for the target to unstealth, and IMMEDIATELY go after them.
That would be a start, but they should do more. I wouldn’t expect them to do everything I’ve mentioned, but I think half of it would help a ton, and not shift the balance at all.
Anyone know when the February update will be? Hopefully before the end of the month.
Would be cool if the February patch was mid month, but chances are it will be an end of the month patch.
I’m going to guess it will be more of a march patch
edit: because I called it lol
(edited by loopi.7913)
I’m going to guess it will be more of a march patch
I hope not, that would kind of suck. Even if they do nothing for the Ranger, we still need a big WvW patch.
My old idea about pet.
Aggressive mode.
F1 Attack(Passive.)/Get’em!!(Active) : Attack is auto atk.
Get’em!! : Forceful Attack reveange for master.
(30sec CD.)More %Hp Master loss more painful bite…
F2 pet skill…
F3 Come back(Passive.)/Watch out!!(Active.) : Come back run back to master(And start ATK when master open atk again).
Watch out!! : Order pet to evade and gain +10%Dmg for next 2ATK.(15sec CD.)
peaceful mode.
F1 detect(passive)/Search and destroy(Active) : range1000 detect enemy cloaking in range who’s come in range will got spot and get condition"Detect" 15sec will leave footprint when out of range.
Search & destroy : Swiffness+Fury(5sec) run to victim if target got attack when heve condtion"detect"Any Pet attack to victim will alway interrup and crippled.(25Sec CD.)
F2 pet skill…
F3 Stay still/Hide :Stay Still : Do nothing jocking back to master.
Hide : Pet will camoflage. 30sec CD for order hide again.
F4 swap pet…
Not a bad idea. Not sure why pet commands were put into the Rangers utilities; (Guard, Sickem, etc) instead of placed as “F” abilities, F1, F2, F3, etc much like the Mesmers F1-F4 abilities, which gives more utility to the Mesmers illusions, without having to spend precious utility slots.
I just love bow/pet classes – my Squig Herder in the Warhammer Online was my most likely class (even when he was nerfed like a peice of… you know)
And there is no analogues over Ranger: Warrior with bow looks ugly. Thief? Maybe, but…
So, I playing ranger sometimes, anywayhehe, I loved my Squig Herder in WAR.
Remember the Morale 3 Ability that increased the Squig Herder Pet to massive size and caused him to kill people.
I use to watch my Spiked Squig kill people in like 5 seconds…was so funny..
I played a Ranger in EQ1, EQII, etc, but really couldn’t get into the pet classes in War, and really hated the Squig Herder. That might have been because my group had me playing healers since EQII, and I really couldn’t get into another role for awhile now. Now that most of my group isn’t playing MMOs due to new businesses, I’m back to playing a different role.
Squig always cracked me up, Mainly because Certain points in the game it was really good.
At the start of the game a lot of people dismissed the class but the Spiked Squig was insane back then, It had a Ramped up dot that honestly no one paid attention to until the dodge of the dot started to tic, It was basically delayed like 3 or 4 seconds but then would instantly apply at once and you’d just eat things like BW’s alive.
They changed it afterwards to honestly make it worse in my opinion but it was still a very good pet, Another thing that made it great was it took advantage of whatever Group Damage Proc Buffs you had in a group…so if you had Sorcs/DoK’s you instantly made that Spiked Squig a death machine…..
Also people back then tended to load up completely on Ballista Stat and ignore Weaponskill (a lot of people did that with multiple classes, ignoring Weaponskill, I always found that to be an amazing stat)
I started usually running very high Weaponskill so I ignored lots of armor, and that worked for a very long time (even on my Shadow Warrior it worked great) until they added the RR81-100 Ranks with the new gear sets.
After that armor and the stats simply outpaced our damage, I never got to RR100 to see if it changed any, but I noticed a massive damage drop when people started getting to that gear level.
ranger is bottom of the barrel in wvw, bringing nothing useful for the team (except maybe barrage). a well done spirit buff could change this.
A well done rework could change this.
Unfortunately, they’re apparently going to nerf AoE’s. So I guess we’ll be bringing nothing useful for the team unless we’re going to see some major Ranger updates in the next patch.
We won’t. It would give us a chance at killing daddy’s favorite, the warrior.
I just love bow/pet classes – my Squig Herder in the Warhammer Online was my most likely class (even when he was nerfed like a peice of… you know)
And there is no analogues over Ranger: Warrior with bow looks ugly. Thief? Maybe, but…
So, I playing ranger sometimes, anywayhehe, I loved my Squig Herder in WAR.
Remember the Morale 3 Ability that increased the Squig Herder Pet to massive size and caused him to kill people.
I use to watch my Spiked Squig kill people in like 5 seconds…was so funny..
I played a Ranger in EQ1, EQII, etc, but really couldn’t get into the pet classes in War, and really hated the Squig Herder. That might have been because my group had me playing healers since EQII, and I really couldn’t get into another role for awhile now. Now that most of my group isn’t playing MMOs due to new businesses, I’m back to playing a different role.
Squig always cracked me up, Mainly because Certain points in the game it was really good.
At the start of the game a lot of people dismissed the class but the Spiked Squig was insane back then, It had a Ramped up dot that honestly no one paid attention to until the dodge of the dot started to tic, It was basically delayed like 3 or 4 seconds but then would instantly apply at once and you’d just eat things like BW’s alive.
They changed it afterwards to honestly make it worse in my opinion but it was still a very good pet, Another thing that made it great was it took advantage of whatever Group Damage Proc Buffs you had in a group…so if you had Sorcs/DoK’s you instantly made that Spiked Squig a death machine…..
Also people back then tended to load up completely on Ballista Stat and ignore Weaponskill (a lot of people did that with multiple classes, ignoring Weaponskill, I always found that to be an amazing stat)
I started usually running very high Weaponskill so I ignored lots of armor, and that worked for a very long time (even on my Shadow Warrior it worked great) until they added the RR81-100 Ranks with the new gear sets.
After that armor and the stats simply outpaced our damage, I never got to RR100 to see if it changed any, but I noticed a massive damage drop when people started getting to that gear level.
I was mostly a Knight who’s pirmary job was to protect a Bright Wizard. When the Bright Wizard wasn’t on, I was an impossible to kill Rune Priest.
My secondary account had a low level Squig Herder, that every time I logged onto him, I just couldn’t get the feel of the class. I don’t remember why. So I would play my Choppa for a change of pace.
ranger is bottom of the barrel in wvw, bringing nothing useful for the team (except maybe barrage). a well done spirit buff could change this.
A well done rework could change this.
Unfortunately, they’re apparently going to nerf AoE’s. So I guess we’ll be bringing nothing useful for the team unless we’re going to see some major Ranger updates in the next patch.
We won’t. It would give us a chance at killing daddy’s favorite, the warrior.
Where is the information on this?
I think people are looking to deep into the AoE nerf, and are seeing something there, that may not be, with as little information that has been given us.
I’m pretty sure the Ranger will not be touched, my Theif on the otherhand doing 7k+ with some 9k hits with cluster bomb, I’m pretty sure will be hit by the AoE nerf. Keep in mind they were talking about damage here.
spirit rework. #1 thing rangers need. right now we have no way of supporting our team except for Healing Spring, SoN and warhorn #5
I have thought about spirits, and quite frankly I’m not even sure what to do with them because they’re so weak, it isn’t funny. First, and foremost they die way too fast, even faster than our pets, and secondly the abilities they grant are actually kind of weak in comparison to other professions.
Here is a shot as what to do with Spirits.
Nature’s Vengeance — Activated skills of spirits are cast instantly, are larger and trigger when the spirit is killed.
Spirits Unbound; Special Note: Combine this with Spiritual Knowledge, making them one single trait. — Spirits can move and follow you, while having a 15% better chance of providing their benefits.
Vigorous Spirits — Spirits have twice as much health, and take 50% less damage from AoEs.Frost Spirit
- 35% chance to grant 10% bonus damage on hit.
- 35% chance to cause weakness 2 seconds on hit.Stone Spirit
- 35% chance to grant Protection, 3 seconds on hit.
- 35% chance to grant Stability, 3 seconds on hit.Storm Spirit
- 35% chance to grant swiftness, 8 seconds on hit.
- 35% chance to cause stun, 1 second on hit.Sun Spirit
- 35% chance to cause burning, 3 seconds on hit.
- 35% chance to cause vulnerability, 3 seconds on hit.
I like your suggestions, but they’re far too slight for me. The only way to fix spirits in my eyes is to make them invunerable. Make vigorous spirits do something else. That’s the only way I would even consider them over QZ, Signets or traps.
after thoroughly testing spirits for about 2 weeks, i have to say that spirits of stone, sun and nature are absolutely fantastic. with boon duration runes you can get protection for more than half the time, and with condition damage, your entire group is burning for 2k every 10 seconds.
storm and frost spirits are absolute garbage. and the overall problem with spirits is that they seem to die when you need them the most, i.e. against an approaching zerg or something. 1v1 it’s fine. storm should give fury AND swiftness on proc, and have a much large pbaoe. frost needs to give about +20% damage every 10 seconds and needs to apply to conditions as well, which is currently doesnt.
but man, tromping around with +healing power and my SoN is absolutely amazing. 460HPS + 260 from your HS/regen for the group is 700HPS. that doesnt need any tweaking. i would like SoN to be on a 3 minute CD.
after thoroughly testing spirits for about 2 weeks, i have to say that spirits of stone, sun and nature are absolutely fantastic. with boon duration runes you can get protection for more than half the time, and with condition damage, your entire group is burning for 2k every 10 seconds.
storm and frost spirits are absolute garbage. and the overall problem with spirits is that they seem to die when you need them the most, i.e. against an approaching zerg or something. 1v1 it’s fine. storm should give fury AND swiftness on proc, and have a much large pbaoe. frost needs to give about +20% damage every 10 seconds and needs to apply to conditions as well, which is currently doesnt.
but man, tromping around with +healing power and my SoN is absolutely amazing. 460HPS + 260 from your HS/regen for the group is 700HPS. that doesnt need any tweaking. i would like SoN to be on a 3 minute CD.
There is no way you’re getting 2k ticks on burn, it isn’t possible. A Guardian can keep burning up 100% of the time, all you’ll do with Spirit of the Sun is add to the duration. The damage does not increase when more people apply burn, the duration increases. When you have Guardian, and Elementalist adding burns, ours is kind of an overkill. It doesn’t really add much, if anything at all.
not 2k ticks. 2k per proc =P which is amazing when u think about it. thats with about 1400 condition damage i believe. sure, for focusing targets, it isnt as useful. but for fighting multiple opponents, why not proc multiple burns?
not 2k ticks. 2k per proc =P which is amazing when u think about it. thats with about 1400 condition damage i believe. sure, for focusing targets, it isnt as useful. but for fighting multiple opponents, why not proc multiple burns?
Multiple procs for you? It’s awesome, so long as it doesn’t die. <grins>
I’m not sure if everyone gets our condition damage bonus though, when they proc it. If they do, well……. I just might have to build around that.
I just love bow/pet classes – my Squig Herder in the Warhammer Online was my most likely class (even when he was nerfed like a peice of… you know)
And there is no analogues over Ranger: Warrior with bow looks ugly. Thief? Maybe, but…
So, I playing ranger sometimes, anywayhehe, I loved my Squig Herder in WAR.
Remember the Morale 3 Ability that increased the Squig Herder Pet to massive size and caused him to kill people.
I use to watch my Spiked Squig kill people in like 5 seconds…was so funny..
I played a Ranger in EQ1, EQII, etc, but really couldn’t get into the pet classes in War, and really hated the Squig Herder. That might have been because my group had me playing healers since EQII, and I really couldn’t get into another role for awhile now. Now that most of my group isn’t playing MMOs due to new businesses, I’m back to playing a different role.
Squig always cracked me up, Mainly because Certain points in the game it was really good.
At the start of the game a lot of people dismissed the class but the Spiked Squig was insane back then, It had a Ramped up dot that honestly no one paid attention to until the dodge of the dot started to tic, It was basically delayed like 3 or 4 seconds but then would instantly apply at once and you’d just eat things like BW’s alive.
They changed it afterwards to honestly make it worse in my opinion but it was still a very good pet, Another thing that made it great was it took advantage of whatever Group Damage Proc Buffs you had in a group…so if you had Sorcs/DoK’s you instantly made that Spiked Squig a death machine…..
Also people back then tended to load up completely on Ballista Stat and ignore Weaponskill (a lot of people did that with multiple classes, ignoring Weaponskill, I always found that to be an amazing stat)
I started usually running very high Weaponskill so I ignored lots of armor, and that worked for a very long time (even on my Shadow Warrior it worked great) until they added the RR81-100 Ranks with the new gear sets.
After that armor and the stats simply outpaced our damage, I never got to RR100 to see if it changed any, but I noticed a massive damage drop when people started getting to that gear level.
I was mostly a Knight who’s pirmary job was to protect a Bright Wizard. When the Bright Wizard wasn’t on, I was an impossible to kill Rune Priest.
My secondary account had a low level Squig Herder, that every time I logged onto him, I just couldn’t get the feel of the class. I don’t remember why. So I would play my Choppa for a change of pace.
My Order characters was a Knight of the Blazing Sun and Shadow Warrior. I also ran in a group with multiple BW’s were my job was debuffing and knocking people down (the Warhammer Online Video I have listed has me in it, I was the Knight in the group we were running)
I just love bow/pet classes – my Squig Herder in the Warhammer Online was my most likely class (even when he was nerfed like a peice of… you know)
And there is no analogues over Ranger: Warrior with bow looks ugly. Thief? Maybe, but…
So, I playing ranger sometimes, anywayhehe, I loved my Squig Herder in WAR.
Remember the Morale 3 Ability that increased the Squig Herder Pet to massive size and caused him to kill people.
I use to watch my Spiked Squig kill people in like 5 seconds…was so funny..
I played a Ranger in EQ1, EQII, etc, but really couldn’t get into the pet classes in War, and really hated the Squig Herder. That might have been because my group had me playing healers since EQII, and I really couldn’t get into another role for awhile now. Now that most of my group isn’t playing MMOs due to new businesses, I’m back to playing a different role.
Squig always cracked me up, Mainly because Certain points in the game it was really good.
At the start of the game a lot of people dismissed the class but the Spiked Squig was insane back then, It had a Ramped up dot that honestly no one paid attention to until the dodge of the dot started to tic, It was basically delayed like 3 or 4 seconds but then would instantly apply at once and you’d just eat things like BW’s alive.
They changed it afterwards to honestly make it worse in my opinion but it was still a very good pet, Another thing that made it great was it took advantage of whatever Group Damage Proc Buffs you had in a group…so if you had Sorcs/DoK’s you instantly made that Spiked Squig a death machine…..
Also people back then tended to load up completely on Ballista Stat and ignore Weaponskill (a lot of people did that with multiple classes, ignoring Weaponskill, I always found that to be an amazing stat)
I started usually running very high Weaponskill so I ignored lots of armor, and that worked for a very long time (even on my Shadow Warrior it worked great) until they added the RR81-100 Ranks with the new gear sets.
After that armor and the stats simply outpaced our damage, I never got to RR100 to see if it changed any, but I noticed a massive damage drop when people started getting to that gear level.
I was mostly a Knight who’s pirmary job was to protect a Bright Wizard. When the Bright Wizard wasn’t on, I was an impossible to kill Rune Priest.
My secondary account had a low level Squig Herder, that every time I logged onto him, I just couldn’t get the feel of the class. I don’t remember why. So I would play my Choppa for a change of pace.
My Order characters was a Knight of the Blazing Sun and Shadow Warrior. I also ran in a group with multiple BW’s were my job was debuffing and knocking people down (the Warhammer Online Video I have listed has me in it, I was the Knight in the group we were running)
Nice video, though the screen was cluttered. O.O
Bright Wizards are insanely overpowered. My best friend would melt people beyond belief. His wife kept us healed, and I kept him alive while reducing peoples saves on top of it.
What’s worse, I found a program that would weave for me, so it was a non-issue.
Looks like the patch isn’t going to happen until March.
no balance patch on 26th?
I’m not sure, but I caught a sight of this earlier today.
I just love bow/pet classes – my Squig Herder in the Warhammer Online was my most likely class (even when he was nerfed like a peice of… you know)
And there is no analogues over Ranger: Warrior with bow looks ugly. Thief? Maybe, but…
So, I playing ranger sometimes, anywayhehe, I loved my Squig Herder in WAR.
Remember the Morale 3 Ability that increased the Squig Herder Pet to massive size and caused him to kill people.
I use to watch my Spiked Squig kill people in like 5 seconds…was so funny..
I played a Ranger in EQ1, EQII, etc, but really couldn’t get into the pet classes in War, and really hated the Squig Herder. That might have been because my group had me playing healers since EQII, and I really couldn’t get into another role for awhile now. Now that most of my group isn’t playing MMOs due to new businesses, I’m back to playing a different role.
Squig always cracked me up, Mainly because Certain points in the game it was really good.
At the start of the game a lot of people dismissed the class but the Spiked Squig was insane back then, It had a Ramped up dot that honestly no one paid attention to until the dodge of the dot started to tic, It was basically delayed like 3 or 4 seconds but then would instantly apply at once and you’d just eat things like BW’s alive.
They changed it afterwards to honestly make it worse in my opinion but it was still a very good pet, Another thing that made it great was it took advantage of whatever Group Damage Proc Buffs you had in a group…so if you had Sorcs/DoK’s you instantly made that Spiked Squig a death machine…..
Also people back then tended to load up completely on Ballista Stat and ignore Weaponskill (a lot of people did that with multiple classes, ignoring Weaponskill, I always found that to be an amazing stat)
I started usually running very high Weaponskill so I ignored lots of armor, and that worked for a very long time (even on my Shadow Warrior it worked great) until they added the RR81-100 Ranks with the new gear sets.
After that armor and the stats simply outpaced our damage, I never got to RR100 to see if it changed any, but I noticed a massive damage drop when people started getting to that gear level.
I was mostly a Knight who’s pirmary job was to protect a Bright Wizard. When the Bright Wizard wasn’t on, I was an impossible to kill Rune Priest.
My secondary account had a low level Squig Herder, that every time I logged onto him, I just couldn’t get the feel of the class. I don’t remember why. So I would play my Choppa for a change of pace.
My Order characters was a Knight of the Blazing Sun and Shadow Warrior. I also ran in a group with multiple BW’s were my job was debuffing and knocking people down (the Warhammer Online Video I have listed has me in it, I was the Knight in the group we were running)
Nice video, though the screen was cluttered. O.O
Bright Wizards are insanely overpowered. My best friend would melt people beyond belief. His wife kept us healed, and I kept him alive while reducing peoples saves on top of it.
What’s worse, I found a program that would weave for me, so it was a non-issue.
Only problem with the video is the quality, guy who recorded must not of been able to record higher quality
but yea, BW’s were insane early on, Playing with Fire is a prime example of an ability that shouldn’t of made it out of beta, to bad you had a bunch of kiss kitten nubs who were cozy with the devs in beta…When we brought up numerous balance problems they’d threaten to have you banned from beta for bringing it up.
I’m not sure, but I caught a sight of this earlier today.
thats wvw features, not balancing. balancing is usually related to spvp and they always do some with bigger releases. anyway i seriously hope at least the aoe nerf makes it into the 26th build. that would solve 50% of the ranger’s problems.
I’m not sure, but I caught a sight of this earlier today.
thats wvw features, not balancing. balancing is usually related to spvp and they always do some with bigger releases. anyway i seriously hope at least the aoe nerf makes it into the 26th build. that would solve 50% of the ranger’s problems.
By now you should know I only care about WvW, and stuff that effects it. <smiles>
It would be very nice if they added in some fixes for the Ranger though, in any patch.
I just love bow/pet classes – my Squig Herder in the Warhammer Online was my most likely class (even when he was nerfed like a peice of… you know)
And there is no analogues over Ranger: Warrior with bow looks ugly. Thief? Maybe, but…
So, I playing ranger sometimes, anywayhehe, I loved my Squig Herder in WAR.
Remember the Morale 3 Ability that increased the Squig Herder Pet to massive size and caused him to kill people.
I use to watch my Spiked Squig kill people in like 5 seconds…was so funny..
I played a Ranger in EQ1, EQII, etc, but really couldn’t get into the pet classes in War, and really hated the Squig Herder. That might have been because my group had me playing healers since EQII, and I really couldn’t get into another role for awhile now. Now that most of my group isn’t playing MMOs due to new businesses, I’m back to playing a different role.
Squig always cracked me up, Mainly because Certain points in the game it was really good.
At the start of the game a lot of people dismissed the class but the Spiked Squig was insane back then, It had a Ramped up dot that honestly no one paid attention to until the dodge of the dot started to tic, It was basically delayed like 3 or 4 seconds but then would instantly apply at once and you’d just eat things like BW’s alive.
They changed it afterwards to honestly make it worse in my opinion but it was still a very good pet, Another thing that made it great was it took advantage of whatever Group Damage Proc Buffs you had in a group…so if you had Sorcs/DoK’s you instantly made that Spiked Squig a death machine…..
Also people back then tended to load up completely on Ballista Stat and ignore Weaponskill (a lot of people did that with multiple classes, ignoring Weaponskill, I always found that to be an amazing stat)
I started usually running very high Weaponskill so I ignored lots of armor, and that worked for a very long time (even on my Shadow Warrior it worked great) until they added the RR81-100 Ranks with the new gear sets.
After that armor and the stats simply outpaced our damage, I never got to RR100 to see if it changed any, but I noticed a massive damage drop when people started getting to that gear level.
I was mostly a Knight who’s pirmary job was to protect a Bright Wizard. When the Bright Wizard wasn’t on, I was an impossible to kill Rune Priest.
My secondary account had a low level Squig Herder, that every time I logged onto him, I just couldn’t get the feel of the class. I don’t remember why. So I would play my Choppa for a change of pace.
My Order characters was a Knight of the Blazing Sun and Shadow Warrior. I also ran in a group with multiple BW’s were my job was debuffing and knocking people down (the Warhammer Online Video I have listed has me in it, I was the Knight in the group we were running)
Nice video, though the screen was cluttered. O.O
Bright Wizards are insanely overpowered. My best friend would melt people beyond belief. His wife kept us healed, and I kept him alive while reducing peoples saves on top of it.
What’s worse, I found a program that would weave for me, so it was a non-issue.
Only problem with the video is the quality, guy who recorded must not of been able to record higher quality
but yea, BW’s were insane early on, Playing with Fire is a prime example of an ability that shouldn’t of made it out of beta, to bad you had a bunch of kiss kitten nubs who were cozy with the devs in beta…When we brought up numerous balance problems they’d threaten to have you banned from beta for bringing it up.
For the life of me, I can’t remember when I quit the game. hah… They did some nerfs to the Bright Wizard, but when I left none of them were really …… that big of a deal. My friend still melted large groups of people.
I’ve never seen a more broken class in any game, ever.
Any recent news for the 26th patch yet?
It really sucks they pushed the WvW patch back to March. Been enjoying my Warrior though, so if they don’t help the Ranger out, no skin off my back. This is the quality of a good Warrior, and you wouldn’t see a Ranger doing this, in a small group, against all odds.
i dropped my ranger in wvw (for good i think), in favour of my GS/hammer crit/power guard who just wrecks faces in large and small fights. i can switch into my cleric’s gear and heal people around me for 8-10k bursts on a low CD without giving up much crowd control, not to mention near perma protection and swiftness.
leaving my ranger where he belongs: spvp, where he can duel people admirably. but dueling is useless in wvw. in fact it’s counterproductive and it wastes time. if youre not clearing multiple enemies efficiently, or significantly buffing your server, youre not really contributing much. i may revisit the ranger in wvw when or if they actually fix spirits.
as i described in an earlier thread, warriors, guardians, thieves, mesmers, eles, and necros can all make a demonstrable difference in WvW by either buffing, crowd controling, bursting, or doing massive AOE damage, always resulting in multiple downed enemies. ranger is absolutely bottom of the barrel and useless IN COMPARISON.
(edited by nerva.7940)
Traps curing conditions with higher damage when activated and tad better signet of the wild would be good.
Was a let down to see nerfs this last patch.
I hope to see some of the changes people have been looking for, in the March patch.
Hello necro. Im playing my ranger again
What we need – pet aoe resistance, f2 responsiveness, improved pathfinding, axe oh buffs, lb buffs, gs buffs, utility buffs
What I hope we get in march – lb and gs buffs, spirit buffs
What we’ll get in march – gs buffs
I play my Ranger when I’m not running with groups in WvW. They want me on one of the more effective classes we are fighting in WvW. Lately I’ve been leveling/gearing my wifes toons until the WvW patch.
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