Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: nerva.7940


I like where pet damage and utility are at right now. But the pet has two problems. You can reproduce them by having your melee pet attacking the moving heavy golem in the mists.

1. After a pet attacks in melee, it stops and sits there for 2 seconds, then it tries to catch up to the target to hit again.

suggestion: speed up the end part of the pet’s attack animation so it can continue chasing after the target sooner. keep the time between attacks the same, but the pet must pick itself up and follow earlier.

2. if the target makes sharp turns (even without swiftness), the pet will get juked every single time and miss the strike. it will overshoot by a few steps, then backtrack. it seems the pet is incapable of moving in an arc, it just moves in zig zags

suggestion:is it possible to make the pet move in an arc?

3. pets are melted by stray damage. they absorb whatever they walk in front.

suggestion: give pets AOE resistance. it took Blizzard 5 (?) years to learn this, maybe you can make some changes earlier? due to poor pathing of pets, unfortunately, we cannot micro the pets well enough. one workaround to not making pets OP is to either make em stick to their targets most of the time, so they are extremely responsive to master’s commands; or simply give them more survivability if theyre gonna be bouncing around aimlessly as they struggle to pathfind.

4. Shouts are often dropped for a more practical utility skill.
-Sick ’Em simply does not do enough; 15% dmg is decent, but ultimately lackluster, and the speed buff is not useful due to poor pathing of the pet (it will run, overshoot, turn a few times before finally catching up to land one hit)
-Guard: not much to explain here. the stealth is entirely pointless because the pet drops it upon attacking, and it does not last long enough to act as an “ambush”; the protection buff is nice, but thats all.
-Search and Rescue: simply way too situational to warrant a utility slot

suggestion: Sick ’Em needs utility; add something like cripple, or fury; something. Guard would be really cool if stealth and/or protection lasted way longer, and the pet got some sort of damage buff; Search and Rescue – give it a function when there are no dead players in the area; it needs to be less situational; for the pet to rez someone reliably every once in a while, give it stability, teleportation and a knockback.

5. Lackluster BM traits:
-+300 to healing. why? what is the reasoning behind this design decision?
- Nature’s Wrath: why would i be stacking healing?
- Natural Healing: this is simply not a grandmaster trait, period. this passive regen does little for us, even in a 1v1 scenario. in a larger battle, it is entirely useless. if you wish to make this a grandmaster trait, increase the regen bonus by like 300%
- Master’s Bond: this is in complete opposition to the idea behind the BM tree, which is to encourage pet swapping for different situations. even if im able to keep my pet alive for 10 kills or so, id never give up the quickness on swap in a realistic scenario for a few more attribute points
- Stability Training: highly, highly situational. who would blow their CC on a pet?
- Instinctual Bond: is this supposed to encourage me to enter the downed state? it is really silly because im doing everything i can to not get downed, and often i roam for many minutes before getting downed. highly situational at best
- Compassion Training: i can see this being ok with Search and Rescue, but again, too situational. the design flaw behind pets rezzing downed teammates is that they will never get there before the stomp.

in conclusion, despite decent dps and utility, pets are merely situational due to poor pathfinding and animations. they simply dont connect with the target frequently enough. investing more than 15 points into BM is simply a waste for pvp.

i would love to hear if ANet thinks whether or not pets have problems. in the eyes of just about every ranger player, they do. are devs in agreement with the players?

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

(edited by nerva.7940)

Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: DoomBunny.2903


1 and 2 are serious issues for PvP, although not as bad when playing PvE. The best solution is to just let them attack while moving, unless that’s a a challenge to program for some reason.

The other issue is the largest step backward GW2 has made with pet design. The huge level of AoE in PvE events and WvWvW makes our class mechanic horrendously inferior. I guess A-Net just intended for us to use the heel button or pet swap to avoid the AoE, but it’s a horrible solution when having your pet run back to you can possibly have it running through more AoE, and forget about it if you play melee.

Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: nerva.7940


agreed. they somewhat successfully created a symbiotic relationship between master and pet. the pet can cleanse conditions, take the bullet for us, can CC for us, etc. unfortunately, ANet did not give the pets any survivability and responsiveness, rendering all melee pets entirely useless. due to this poor design, i can rarely use my pet’s utility and dps. it just cant keep up with its target.

i use pets to their max. i micro them well, invest points in BM, pick the right pets, etc. in any sort of organized pvp encounter, i am usually pet-less. both my pets simply get melted and im stuck with 30-40% less dps, and 50% less survivability.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

(edited by nerva.7940)

Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: Activepoison.5829


Yeah the aoe is crazy….if we are going to be a viable pet class this has to be fixed. During boss mobs my pets are up maybe 10% of the time and that coupled with the SB nerf and situational damage we really are broken. This really seems like a complete no brainer and easy fix.

Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: docMed.7692


Just to comment on the OP’s #1…

It doesn’t stop, it is casting one of it’s abilities in it’s own rotation that requires it to stay still (such as leap).

Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: Jordan.9132


4. 99% of the time f2 for a pet is useless, it takes about 3 seconds to react and another 3 seconds to cast the spell by that time the other player is out of range. Who seriously stands still for 6 seconds in pvp? 99% of people don’t.

Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: docMed.7692


Your argument is that 5% of the time, f2 is useless? lol. Think you maybe meant to say 99.9%? Listen, at the moment, pets F2 is does not properly interrupt your pet’s cast rotation (which they should fix). Nonetheless, you need to be aware of the appropriate times you can invoke your pet’s F2 ability in order to keep your pet from triggering it’s own global CD. e.g. when you first swap your pet out, you can immediately cast before he begins his rotation, or if you see your pet use it’s leap/bite or other inate ability, you are safe to invoke the cast without interrupting. Just pay attention to your pet and you will find that you can learn the apporpriate times you can easily cast their abilities.

Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: Jordan.9132


Listen, at the moment, pets F2 is does not properly interrupt your pet’s cast rotation (which they should fix). .

That is exactly what I was stating. You agreed with me then blabbered about something that was very stupid that I ignored. Good point

Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


This guy likes to hear himself talk and call people bad players. At least the other guy who thinks the nerf was no biggy is trying to show numbers/proof. I still disagree with him but he’s respectable nonetheless.

Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: nerva.7940


Just to comment on the OP’s #1…

It doesn’t stop, it is casting one of it’s abilities in it’s own rotation that requires it to stay still (such as leap).

not from my observations today. the pet literally sits there for about 1.5 secs, doing nothing (maybe writhing a little).

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: nerva.7940


updated OP to add lackluster shouts. please keep the hostility down, i know we’re all frustrated. i want ANet to read this discussion.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: docMed.7692


Listen, at the moment, pets F2 is does not properly interrupt your pet’s cast rotation (which they should fix). .

That is exactly what I was stating. You agreed with me then blabbered about something that was very stupid that I ignored. Good point

I acknowledged the issue and gave you clear advice on how to actually manage your pet, which if executed proeprly you can use very efficiently (rather than just mash F2 and complain it doesn’t work).

Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: docMed.7692


This guy likes to hear himself talk and call people bad players. At least the other guy who thinks the nerf was no biggy is trying to show numbers/proof. I still disagree with him but he’s respectable nonetheless.

As I said, this class requires skill and an indepth understanding. Besides, what figures would I supply to back this instance? It’s a fact regarding the rotations I explained and how to execute your pet’s abilities – that’s literally how they function, I don’t need metrics to prove it.


Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Yes like f2 doesn’t work but there’s a way around it. However, f2 is meant to do this. So it’s all good as long as there’s a way to do it even if the actual way to do it isn’t working properly… I’m sorry but I like things to work. I will use any tricks and explored my class fully in order to counter as many bugs and issues as possible but it doesn’t mean that I will be happy with it. I want things working. In the meantime, yes I will work with everything that I have. It would be stupid not to.

-1 to you. Actually -2 mister the nerf was unintended

Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: Jordan.9132


Listen, at the moment, pets F2 is does not properly interrupt your pet’s cast rotation (which they should fix). .

That is exactly what I was stating. You agreed with me then blabbered about something that was very stupid that I ignored. Good point

I acknowledged the issue and gave you clear advice on how to actually manage your pet, which if executed proeprly you can use very efficiently (rather than just mash F2 and complain it doesn’t work).

I know how to manage a pet but I shouldn’t have to work around a bug to use be able to use a skill like it is intended.

Scenario: I’m being frenzy charged, I press f2 to fear warrior so once his charge hits me, he is feared. Oh wait, my pet is not responding. Now casting an animation, ok now he is ready to cast fear wait i’m dead?

Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: docMed.7692


Listen, at the moment, pets F2 is does not properly interrupt your pet’s cast rotation (which they should fix). .

That is exactly what I was stating. You agreed with me then blabbered about something that was very stupid that I ignored. Good point

I acknowledged the issue and gave you clear advice on how to actually manage your pet, which if executed proeprly you can use very efficiently (rather than just mash F2 and complain it doesn’t work).

I know how to manage a pet but I shouldn’t have to work around a bug to use be able to use a skill like it is intended.

Scenario: I’m being frenzy charged, I press f2 to fear warrior so once his charge hits me, he is feared. Oh wait, my pet is not responding. Now casting an animation, ok now he is ready to cast fear wait i’m dead?

So in your scenario you don’t see the warrior/prep for it? He just magically appears and bull rushes you? =/

I’ve always acknowledged I would like it fixed, but the fact of the matter is with proper management you can already accomplish what you’re asking for.

Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: Jordan.9132


How does a warrior “prep” to using a near instant cast spell? Am I just supposed to press f2 as soon as I see a warrior and hope he ignores my pet casting fear and frenzy charges me?

No, I see him cast animation for charge or animation for frenzy (whichever he casts first) and then I press f2 the moment he does, and my pet should cast fear and hit him when he charges me or right after, not after 6 seconds of him killing me. This is how the game should be.

(edited by Jordan.9132)

Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: nldixon.8514


How does a warrior “prep” to using a near instant cast spell? Am I just supposed to press f2 as soon as I see a warrior and hope he ignores my pet casting fear and frenzy charges me?

No, I see him cast animation for charge or animation for frenzy (whichever he casts first) and then I press f2 the moment he does, and my pet should cast fear and hit him when he charges me or right after, not after 6 seconds of him killing me. This is how the game should be.

You act as if the game is perfect, nothing is wrong with it everything is balanced and every person is to blame for everything.

Signet of Rage is almost always cast before the Bull’s Rush/Frenzy. If you see Signet of Rage go off, get ready to dodge.

Current Problems With Pets [Updated]

in Ranger

Posted by: nerva.7940


lol guys, F2 casting is the least of a beastmaster’s concerns >.< i actually dont have any problems with F2 casting.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian