Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
I’ve seen some really OP ranger builds in WvW and sPvP recently (rangers consistently soloing entire groups of other players), which isn’t exactly what I’d call “useless”.
There are plenty of bad traits and skills that should be adjusted. They were just adjusted to improve balance and it’s going to continue. Please give the devs feedback here. Tell them why skill X sucks, or why trait Y is terrible. But, please do so in a logical and constructive way, because all of this whining, conspiracy theories, and nonsensical hyperbolies will get you nowhere, and drowns out any constructive feedback that might actually improve the game.
When you say “Recently”, do you mean yesterday? or 2 days ago? Because 2 days ago, my ranger in pvp && wvw was unstoppable.
Please give the devs feedback here. Tell them why skill X sucks, or why trait Y is terrible. But, please do so in a logical and constructive way, because all of this whining, conspiracy theories, and nonsensical hyperbolies will get you nowhere, and drowns out any constructive feedback that might actually improve the game.
There are countless threads were very smart people provided very constructive information concerning a variety of Ranger shortcomings and NOT A SINGLE ONE has resulted in anything positive for the Ranger community. So please…well, those forum rules again. Sigh.
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
Actions speak louder than words.
trust me, ranger is not good in pve and not good in tpvp
when he have nothing for the group in a dungeon, he also have nothing for the group in a 5v5 or 4v4 teamfight…
its a solo action class
running around for ever alone with the best friend pet :P
and hope to find guys for 1vs1
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
“Don’t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary.” —Emerson
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
Actions speak louder than words.
Yes. Yes they do. However, inexperience shall not be confused with ill will
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
It’s strange, because the different treatment between classes is evident (someone said thief?).
It’s also clear that you don’t read the forums (ex: since day one all ranger complain about the lb skill and the pet ability to hit moving target, and after a year nothing has changed) and that you don’t test your patchs.
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
If this is true, can we then please have some communication from your team? As you can see, your community is feeling very angry, a bit mislead, and extremely confused. It would be very helpful for one of you to sit down and detail to us what your actual vision of this class is. Right now we can’t really find anything we are better than anyone else at, no role that we can fill that others can’t fill better. People are actually being turned away from parties in some cases because of their class, because the vision of what role the ranger could fill in any group setting is very cloudy.
All we have to go on is a months old developer quote saying that Ranger is probably the most broken class, and the writeup on your professions page on the main site. The skills/traits given along with the adjustments to traits and weapons over the past 9 months does not reflect in even a small way the class that is presented in that write up. So clearly that descriptions is wrong. In it’s place, we need a description of either what we are, or what we are going to be after you are done carving us up.
And we would really appreciate some comments on these pet changes as well as the absolutely crippling problems many of us have with pets in larger encounters in WvW. How does ANet feel about these problems, and do they even view them as such? Do you plan to address them?
Even if the answer is “We don’t have an overarching vision, we feel that you are as powerful as you need to be and that your role is fulfilled. Live with it.”, it’s better to know where we stand so that those of us who are angry and disappointed can move on either to a different class or a different game rather than sitting around wondering what happens next…
This. I think this is a well worded version of what the ranger community wants. If the devs respond to one more post on the ranger subforum, please let it be to this post.
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
Rangers were looked at as one of the more underwhelming classes in the game. And this was BEFORE all the recent nerfs. If you guys care about rangers then can you give us some insight as to why everyone is wrong and that rangers deserved to be nerfed across the board?
I do not have an answer but… last I heard our pets were 40% of our DPS (roughly) and the best dps pet just took a 50% dmg nerf… I dont see how you can reach the conclusion to effectively nerf ranger dps by 20% that seems like wild over kill.
I appreciate having a Dev stop in and comment but based on past experience it is equivalent to giving a starving man a photograph of a Rib Steak
Talk is cheap and though intention may be well meant I will give credit to the Devs if and when concrete, substantial and meaningful change happens and not before.
I do not have an answer but… last I heard our pets were 40% of our DPS (roughly) and the best dps pet just took a 50% dmg nerf… I dont see how you can reach the conclusion to effectively nerf ranger dps by 20% that seems like wild over kill.
I guess it has something to do with increasing LB autoattack speed by ~20% (so also it’s dps). After all they moved dmg from pet to ranger IN SOME WAY xD
But yeah, bad joke.
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
Attached picture is most likely going to be Jon Sharp in a few hours.
But seriously. If you really do care, you’re not showing it. I realize some builds need nerfing from time to time and that sucks (GW1 SF Minion Master, nooo!). However, there’s a difference between nerfing an overpowered build and bringing down an entire class because of a single build.
The Pet damage nerf was unneeded in PvE and WvW. Just like the Pet Vit/Tough buff was not needed in sPvP. If the issue is that they’re not compatible, split the skill, or in this case the pet, between the different modes. I’d argue that the Pet mechanic itself is the entire flaw, but there’s been enough topics about that, as I’m sure you read.
As said before though, the biggest issue with this class is the lack of direction. Jack of all Trades, Master of None is fine in theory, in practice, it means you don’t fit in anywhere. The same was true for the GW1 Ranger, except they found their role pretty easily due to their solo survival and interrupt skills, where they were in fact undisputed masters compared to other classes until the Mesmer buffs.
In GW2 though, the importance of both those factors in a group are greatly reduced and the survivability doesn’t hold true anymore. Furthermore, while the GW1 Ranger could provide decent damage support, the forced Pet in GW2 makes a damaging role for the Ranger both limited and unreliable due to the almost inexistent ‘bond’ between Ranger and Pet (Ignore Traits and gear) and the wonky AI. Is a weak Shoutbot really the role you have in mind for Rangers in a team environment?
This is really what we’re being reduced to. After almost a year of buffs, Spirits still aren’t as good as other support skills. Our damage is considered unreliable due to Pet AI and highly unreliable in Dungeon Boss Encounters (The new dungeon might as well be renamed Laser Cooked Pets). In terms of survivability, we’re decent at best. The combination of all these factors makes Rangers unquestionably the most broken class in the game, which has been recognized for a while but with no effective action taken. In fact when Rangers did get buffs, it left most of the community underwhelmed. Again with this Rebalance. This was supposed to be the big Trait overhaul for all classes, and while true for most of the others, all I thought when reading the Ranger notes was “huh…that’s it?”. Marksmanship still has useless Minor Traits (Opening Strike, srsly), Quick Draw and Piercing Arrows doesn’t get merged while similar changes occur for other classes, Trap Traits still in the Prec/Critical line, …
Again, I could go on there, but there’s been too many threads already.
/rant I guess
On a side note, I kind of miss the old GW1 updates where Devs would argument the reason for the changes a bit. Even if we still don’t like it, we’d known the reasoning behind it. Like now, why was SB’s range nerfed? To indirectly buff LB? It was actually way too powerful? A Thief got killed by a SB Ranger in WvW?
I have a great example for all the QQers…..Traps…..Traps had been this way since day 1.And suddenly ppl started complaining about em at the sPvP forum…The Ranger became OP,nothing changed but noone cares now for traps enough……
Just wait and have some faith..
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
It’s strange, because the different treatment between classes is evident (someone said thief?).
It’s also clear that you don’t read the forums (ex: since day one all ranger complain about the lb skill and the pet ability to hit moving target, and after a year nothing has changed) and that you don’t test your patchs.
Give credit where credit is due. There were many threads asking specifically for longbow to get 15% arrow speed and they not only granted that but gave extra damage as well. With regards to the pet, several updates ago they made it so pets maneuver behind the mob whenever possible and gave pets hp and toughness buffs. I was feeling optimistic then, before they took two steps back by declawing pets.
To the devs: I’m sure you play the game too. When was the last time you saw a ranger running with spirits? Maybe some specific build in spvp, but never in PvE or WvW. You’ve set up so many options for the class, but you’re not making any of them appealing. I don’t want OP damage – I want to have fun, I want versatility. When I made a thief after playing ranger since launch, I was surprised at how fun the class was. At how many different skill options and combinations were possible. Please don’t let this class become cookie-cutter.
(edited by blud.8174)
sry but that was only good als long ppls finaly found the hgh engi build :P
there was no change, because it was never a rly powerful build
you will see for sure no trapper ranger as long the important traits for that are in skirmishing, because necro and engi is now very much more powerful then the good old trapper ranger.
the bomb engi alone have so much more and better skills than a trapper ranger can do… its much node controll, knock back and rly huge condi dmg….
and the nec is after this patch a condi dmg moster…. with much fear
what have the trapper?!
why i should faith into trapper?… also after shortbow nerf there is no reason to play a condi dmg ranger…
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
I want to believe you, I really do… but I can’t say I do. Not after everything my favorite GW profession has put up with in the name of “Balance” since Beta despite being arguably the worst profession in the game (for what have been the exact same legitimate issues) since release.
I’ve seen what are honestly some really great threads since forums opened and never, NEVER have I seen a developer get deeply involved in a conversation or anything else other than simple once a month on-queue posts to calm a forum section down when it gets rowdy.
So no John, as much as I want to believe everything you tell me, I wont allow myself anymore. If you feel you’ve finally set the Ranger on a good baseline you can improve on in ways that strengthen it in areas it is weak then good, but until I read a patch notes stating HOW and WHEN you intend to do it….I just can’t. I’m done.
(edited by Castaliea.3156)
So sad i got the dreamer. Now i have to save up to buy the collection of infinite use harvesting tools so my ranger has a purpose in the game.
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
Then care to explain why you thought it necessary to nerf the hell out of the weakest profession by far in the game?
Care to explain what kind of a bow weapon can;tr fire an arrow further than you can throw an axe?
Care to explain why you want the ranger profession to always do a worse job than any other profession whatever build you try to put together?
If you care, then tell us. It’s not as if we are in game playing at the moment, we have lots of time on our hands to listen.
Mr Sharp, Thank you for your good work. Also thank you for proving my point.
This is my post in another thread:
“While I agree that some of their complaints are valid (I’m pretty upset about the pet damage nerfs just as much as they are), they present them in such a offensive and repulsive manner that it’s hard to take it seriously. More so for developers that want to see player feedback but get turned off by all the crap they have to slog through just to get the decent ones. And when one of them finally has the guts to participate in discussion, they get viciously attacked. (See Robert Hrouda)”
Lastly, please improve pet’s ability to hit moving targets I can live with lowered damage if they can hit anything moving without swiftness
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
Then could we respectfully request an explanation of what the changes are supposed to be aiding/addressing, as done frequently when large skill change patches were made in GW1?
Because at the moment, it is hard to comprehend why many of the changes made to the ranger were considered necessary (in my case, particularly in pve).
Having put in the effort to make the Dreamer, I’m feeling particularly confused and dismayed that it’s purpose has been changed – it no longer fills the purpose of long-range weapon, nor does enough damage to fill the purpose of melee weapon…so to use the weapon I spent months crafting I now have to sacrifice the utility of one of my weapon swaps…
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
Rangers were looked at as one of the more underwhelming classes in the game. And this was BEFORE all the recent nerfs. If you guys care about rangers then can you give us some insight as to why everyone is wrong and that rangers deserved to be nerfed across the board?
I’m just really bitterly disappointed in Anet right now.
Mr Sharp, Thank you for your good work. Also thank you for proving my point.
This is my post in another thread:
“While I agree that some of their complaints are valid (I’m pretty upset about the pet damage nerfs just as much as they are), they present them in such a offensive and repulsive manner that it’s hard to take it seriously. More so for developers that want to see player feedback but get turned off by all the crap they have to slog through just to get the decent ones. And when one of them finally has the guts to participate in discussion, they get viciously attacked. (See Robert Hrouda)”
Lastly, please improve pet’s ability to hit moving targets
I can live with lowered damage if they can hit anything moving without swiftness
“Participating in a discussion” is in no way the monthly forums section post with the same generic “Yes, we read, yes we care.” crap every time the forums get a little rowdy and you people have got to stop being so amazed by it. He didn’t discuss anything at all with anyone. He didn’t offer constructive feedback to a suggestion, give insight to plans/directions, or even personal opinions. It was not “Participation” in any way. It was simple “Appeasement”.
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
Then could we respectfully request an explanation of what the changes are supposed to be aiding/addressing, as done frequently when large skill change patches were made in GW1?
Because at the moment, it is hard to comprehend why many of the changes made to the ranger were considered necessary (in my case, particularly in pve).
Having put in the effort to make the Dreamer, I’m feeling particularly confused and dismayed that it’s purpose has been changed – it no longer fills the purpose of long-range weapon, nor does enough damage to fill the purpose of melee weapon…so to use the weapon I spent months crafting I now have to sacrifice the utility of one of my weapon swaps…
What this guy says. Trade me my dreamer for another legendary weapon that may be useful on ranger. Thinking something melee. Worked so hard all to have it jacked to hell.
Oh, a dev response. I’m getting a déjà vu-feeling…
So next patch we can expect a 14…sorry, 16 point bullet list?
Oh, a dev response. I’m getting a déjà vu-feeling…
So next patch we can expect a 14…sorry, 16 point bullet list?
Lmfao. Ohhhhhh good times man… good times. Harsh? Yes. Equally Well-played? Yes. lol.
*And when one of them finally has the guts to participate in discussion, they get viciously attacked.
jubskie, purely hypothetically speaking, if someone tells you a blatant lie and you call them a liar that is not a vicious attack. It’s a statement of fact necessitated by their actions. If said person then wishes to construe being called a liar because of their lying an attack, then that’s their perogative and their problem; but what they really need to do is evaluate themselves first and ask what did they do to deserve it.
Turning the other cheek is a nice concept but in practice it leaves you with swollen red cheeks.
“Participating in a discussion” is in no way the monthly forums section post with the same generic “Yes, we read, yes we care.” crap every time the forums get a little rowdy and you people have got to stop being so amazed by it. He didn’t discuss anything at all with anyone. He didn’t offer constructive feedback to a suggestion, give insight to plans/directions, or even personal opinions. It was not “Participation” in any way. It was simple “Appeasement”.
I was just wondering if the Devs even read or care about this forum. I know stupid question, but they apparently have time to say goodbye to one person (who posted on the forums), but haven’t said anything to us.
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
JonSharp answered the OP directly. How is he not participating?
*And when one of them finally has the guts to participate in discussion, they get viciously attacked.
jubskie, purely hypothetically speaking, if someone tells you a blatant lie and you call them a liar that is not a vicious attack. It’s a statement of fact necessitated by their actions. If said person then wishes to construe being called a liar because of their lying an attack, then that’s their perogative and their problem; but what they really need to do is evaluate themselves first and ask what did they do to deserve it.
Turning the other cheek is a nice concept but in practice it leaves you with swollen red cheeks.
If only the posts were as simple as you say. People that post that they lie almost always include a lot of censored words, an insult to their intelligence, a threat to their employment or just a lot of vitriol. Heck, Robert was even called a “Double Agent” just because he posted in the Theif section. :/ Imagine all of that hate directed at you. Would you be enticed to visit, much less post, in such an acidic forum?
*And when one of them finally has the guts to participate in discussion, they get viciously attacked.
jubskie, purely hypothetically speaking, if someone tells you a blatant lie and you call them a liar that is not a vicious attack. It’s a statement of fact necessitated by their actions. If said person then wishes to construe being called a liar because of their lying an attack, then that’s their perogative and their problem; but what they really need to do is evaluate themselves first and ask what did they do to deserve it.
Turning the other cheek is a nice concept but in practice it leaves you with swollen red cheeks.
If only the posts were as simple as you say. People that post that they lie almost always include a lot of censored words, an insult to their intelligence, a threat to their employment or just a lot of vitriol. Heck, Robert was even called a “Double Agent” just because he posted in the Theif section. :/ Imagine all of that hate directed at you. Would you be enticed to visit, much less post, in such an acidic forum?
I would submit to you that there are ways to avoid being in that situation and it begins (it starts day one) with clear, open, and meaningful communication. But, for ANet, that boat left pier a long time ago and its too late to jump on it now.
This disconnect between the player base and ANet really comes down to one simple question: Which came first, the chicken or the egg (the distrust or the cause)?
seriously, since beta and still you know not much about rangers problems? :P
for sure you can be happy when you only run around in pve maps alone
and doing 100% world map
if you whant to do more with ranger then have fun.
or maybe you are just happy with the zookeeper beastmaster build,
because thats only raly powerful 1vs1 bunker build on a ranger atm…
dont know why a ranger have to be a bunker when he is called ranger on this point Oo
“Yes, we care about the forums. We also care about all the classes equally”
When was the last time a dev. showed the Ranger community Attention in the forums?
When was there ever a time, a dev. stood up for the Ranger class?
Which class receives contstant Infractions for complaining against Injustiuce treatments by the their abusers and torturers?
Why than their Abusers and Torturers are constantly given Nerf-Rewarding Treatments?
Why is there Injustice to begin with?
Why is there Favoritism of classes to begin with?
Why is there a class who is given the Privilege to do whatever and whenever they want, at will? See Perma-Stealth Thief
Which class is constantl Praised for being Painfuly Destructive to the Underachiever class" ?
see “Thief haters, take this wisdom from a dev”
They Bodly Upliffted You; the devs for Humiliating and Belittling the “We also care about all the classes equally” Ranger class and a dev, Approved them and joined in their Tormenting Party.
(The Dev. responded with Shame and Regret)- Forgiven
Why is the the Ranger the only class who’se shortbow was nerfed simply for no apparent reason at all.? Was it not to Reward Favoritism to the Elite classes?
Why is the Ranger pets were nerfed for no apparent reasons? Was it not to Satisfy the Elite classes?
What it all Prove is your constant showing of preferential treatment to the Ranger class over the other classes. We Ranger community know it, without being in denial.
What is your Favorite Class? We all know, The Elite Thief- Always was, Always will. It’s very Obvious.
Which class that boosts your ego? The Elite Thief, of course! -Stealth/Perma
Which class has always been the Scapegoat class for all Blames and Complaints? It’s no brainer.. the Ranger class,
As the saying goes, “words are nothingless without Action”
Action… “Ranger Class is not Cared for…Nor being Equally Treated for”
Never had….Never did.
Never was…Never will
(edited by Burnfall.9573)
seriously, since beta and still you know not much about rangers problems? :P
for sure you can be happy when you only run around in pve maps alone
and doing 100% world mapif you whant to do more with ranger then have fun.
or maybe you are just happy with the zookeeper beastmaster build,
because thats only raly powerful 1vs1 bunker build on a ranger atm…dont know why a ranger have to be a bunker when he is called ranger on this point Oo
Actually, no, I hate general PvE, and what I do the most is WvW roaming and pvp. I’ve always played tanky builds cus I feel that’s what rangers can do best, tho.
I also have been a ranger since then, I find your comments puzzling. You honestly see nothing wrong with the state of our class? You feel that pet mechanics, spirits, and all of our weapons are well balanced and equally viable? You feel that we we are as diverse and as useful as any other class in all aspects of the game and have exciting and compelling build options present in each of our trait trees?
The fact that I’m really happy with this patch doesn’t mean that I think the ranger class is perfect, or the most powerful, or the best for every situation and game aspect.
Pets still need AI improvements. They are awesome against static players but can be frustrating against players who know how to kite, that’s why we need to use our cripple, inmo, stuns, chills etc.
Spirits are a lost cause for me, not gonna lie. But I do love our weapons. I know some of them are more useful in more situations, but I’ve tried every single weapon combination and I enjoy a lot of them.
And having just a few viable builds is a problem all classes have, so I’m not gonna complain about it on the ranger forum.
I can’t understand how this forum went from having a looooooot of happy players asking for tips, theorycrafting and sharing builds to what it is right now.
I think we can all safely say that they have no idea where to take the ranger. There is no overall vision for the profession. You can simply juxtapose the last balance changes to the current ones to see the glaring differences. They are not building to anything. The profession changes are all over the place … not much continuity at all.
If you read the “leaked” patch notes for the thief, some of their changes got walked back a little prior to release. So, yes, they do read the forums. We happen to have ridiculous extremes in this forum… the sky is falling or the emperor’s new clothes.
We had people posting about how awesome the “leaked” notes were when it was obvious they were too flat fisted in many areas. They used a scalpel for mesmers (PvE vs WvW) and other classes and a meat clever for rangers.
So, now that it’s clear you guys read this. What can we do as players to get the Ranger on track again?
So, now that it’s clear you guys read this. What can we do as players to get the Ranger on track again?
stop exagerating and play as you normally would.
Actually, no, I hate general PvE, and what I do the most is WvW roaming and pvp. I’ve always played tanky builds cus I feel that’s what rangers can do best, tho.
That explains a lot. Rangers are great at PvP IMO. I kill everyone with mine with very little trouble. If I’m underwater, I can kill multiple enemies while my pet keeps me from getting killed. It’s awesome.
I want to run dungeons, too, and sometimes I have to get in a pug. That’s where the problem is: Not a single dungeon in the game is AI friendly, mostly because of area damage and the fact that the only thing we can do to try to protect our pet from it is calling them to us and hoping that it will get out of the red circle fast enough.
The way I see it, the Ranger is not intended to be a PvE class, period. That’s awful, since we end up having to level and equip an alt if we want to run dungeons and to be useful for our group. I thought every class was supposed to be able to do everything in this game. I was wrong, it seems.
If the devs could just separate PvE balancing from PvP balancing, that would be great.
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
If you believe that they have a RNG bridge to sell you…
The fact that I’m really happy with this patch doesn’t mean that I think the ranger class is perfect, or the most powerful, or the best for every situation and game aspect.
Pets still need AI improvements. They are awesome against static players but can be frustrating against players who know how to kite, that’s why we need to use our cripple, inmo, stuns, chills etc.
Spirits are a lost cause for me, not gonna lie. But I do love our weapons. I know some of them are more useful in more situations, but I’ve tried every single weapon combination and I enjoy a lot of them.And having just a few viable builds is a problem all classes have, so I’m not gonna complain about it on the ranger forum.
I can’t understand how this forum went from having a looooooot of happy players asking for tips, theorycrafting and sharing builds to what it is right now.
No one wants to be the best for everything, but we want to be comparable at something. Name some situations where you would rather have a ranger than any other class? And not because you simply enjoy the ranger but because they excel at that situation moreso than another option?
I respectfully disagree with any statement that contains the words “pets are awesome”… I haven’t gotten any meaningful use out of a pet in WvW in months. My pets are essentially limited to knockdowns as interrupts in small encounters. And I’m not sure I have squared off against a player who stood still while fighting in recent memory. Their deficiencies I have detailed several times in many threads, I’ll refrain from doing it again here… But they are not hard to see. Pet systems and AI from games 10+ years old surpass what we are forced to play with.
As for weapons, I own several variations of every weapon in our arsenal, and I love our offhand weapons, our mainhand axe and the great sword. I have not used 1h sword since patch, but it was incredibly difficult to use for most players for a very long time… the only weapon suffering from this kind of distinction across all classes. I feel, we lack a truly compelling swcond 1H option though. Our Longbow has been given some improvements, but is still functionally flawed in several aspects, shortbow has been drastically reduced in effectiveness for WvW with the distance Nerf as well as being unfairly hampered in its auto attacks ability to apply bleed when compared to options in other classes weapons.
All other classes have viable large encounter builds that contribute something meaningful to GvG and ZvZ encounters, while no acceptable build is present for Ranger. And while there are decent options to be had, the majority of our community including those that contributed some of our previous core builds are now scrambling to find similarly viable combos now.
In PvE, rangers are being turned away from parties, kicked from dungeon groups and generally shunned by the rest of the community simply for being rangers…. That’s real, not opinion. How you can be happy with this state honestly blows me away.
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
Could you at least go back to the idea of balancing each mode of play instead of only focusing in on what is the best for the meta game of sPvP?
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
One of these statements is false.
Got to feel sorry for you Jon, you dared to stick your hand into the hornets nest. Did you draw the short straw at the latest dev meeting?
*And when one of them finally has the guts to participate in discussion, they get viciously attacked.
jubskie, purely hypothetically speaking, if someone tells you a blatant lie and you call them a liar that is not a vicious attack. It’s a statement of fact necessitated by their actions. If said person then wishes to construe being called a liar because of their lying an attack, then that’s their perogative and their problem; but what they really need to do is evaluate themselves first and ask what did they do to deserve it.
Turning the other cheek is a nice concept but in practice it leaves you with swollen red cheeks.
If only the posts were as simple as you say. People that post that they lie almost always include a lot of censored words, an insult to their intelligence, a threat to their employment or just a lot of vitriol. Heck, Robert was even called a “Double Agent” just because he posted in the Theif section. :/ Imagine all of that hate directed at you. Would you be enticed to visit, much less post, in such an acidic forum?
I would submit to you that there are ways to avoid being in that situation and it begins (it starts day one) with clear, open, and meaningful communication. But, for ANet, that boat left pier a long time ago and its too late to jump on it now.
This disconnect between the player base and ANet really comes down to one simple question: Which came first, the chicken or the egg (the distrust or the cause)?
That would only make sense if we were to assume that every single person that gives these toxic feedback feels that all of this started from that lie. It would be a bit presumptuous if we were to believe that.
Truth is, people hate change and hate being nerfed regardless of what devs do, don’t do, promise to do, delivered or otherwise. These toxic people want someone to direct their hate at, and any dev that posts has a big red target painted on everything they post. And my point is still being proven as we have this discussion. Heck, the post above this is proof already.
Im firmly convinced that every single employee of Anet plays a thief. of course the thief community will scream otherwise..but until missing,being dodged, or blocked takes a thief out of stealth…i will continue to believe that the class is being coddled by the devs.
I’m not going to go into why you’re wrong on every count, but trust me, that couldn’t be further from the truth. We have only ever had less than a handful of posts from devs, and one thread created in attempt to put all of the QQ in one thread so that our forum might become as useful to fellow Thieves as other class forums.
Sadly, nothing has changed, the hundreds of pages long thread has disappeared under the flood of QQ and it’s unlikely we’ll ever get a dev respond to any of our serious feedback or suggestions. It has never happened, and I doubt it will any time soon.
(edited by Incurafy.6329)
Im firmly convinced that every single employee of Anet plays a thief. of course the thief community will scream otherwise..but until missing,being dodged, or blocked takes a thief out of stealth…i will continue to believe that the class is being coddled by the devs.
I’m not going to go into why you’re wrong on every count, but trust me, that couldn’t be further from the truth. We have only ever had less than a handful of posts from devs, and one thread created in attempt to put all of the QQ in one thread so that our forum might become as useful to fellow Thieves as other class forums.
Sadly, nothing has changed, the hundreds of pages long thread has disappeared under the flood of QQ and it’s unlikely we’ll ever get a dev respond to any of our serious feedback or suggestions. It has never happened, and I doubt it will any time soon.
Thief Wars FTW…. (but seriously nothing would get done. most legendary thieves run away from my upleveled level 55 thief that does 30 damage a hit in WvW. I can t kill them but i can stay alive and keep hitting and stealthing enough that they get frustrated and run away)
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
One of these statements is false.
Got to feel sorry for you Jon, you dared to stick your hand into the hornets nest. Did you draw the short straw at the latest dev meeting?
sorry but you’re response was TOO FUNNY LOL
anyway, still sad about being nerfed. I will try to learn to adapt. Luckily I only had 2 ascended items on my Ranger ( I want to play him so bad, but this is just flat out discouraging.)
I read another response, and it’s true, Rangers were Smiter’s Boon’d
That would only make sense if we were to assume that every single person that gives these toxic feedback feels that all of this started from that lie. It would be a bit presumptuous if we were to believe that.
If only there had been the singular lie. But, unfortunately, there have been so many that each individual spewing the “toxic” feedback can simply pick one of their choosing and make it their own personal reason.
As I’ve said before, for me personally, I didn’t start where I currently find myself in regards to my disdain for ANet; I was clearly and distinctly led here. I believe that to be the case for most “toxic” posters here.
Heh, still can’t believe they went for the across the board damage nerfs with pets that affect every game mode since bm bunkers were too strong in spvp.
Worst balance team since Warhammer.
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
false hope again false hope again….. sigh, why even post
That would only make sense if we were to assume that every single person that gives these toxic feedback feels that all of this started from that lie. It would be a bit presumptuous if we were to believe that.
If only there had been the singular lie. But, unfortunately, there have been so many that each individual spewing the “toxic” feedback can simply pick one of their choosing and make it their own personal reason.
As I’ve said before, for me personally, I didn’t start where I currently find myself in regards to my disdain for ANet; I was clearly and distinctly led here. I believe that to be the case for most “toxic” posters here.
Fair enough. Still doesn’t make it right, though.
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