Druid Bugs [merged]
My pet is completely disabled. It’s acting like I have my pet hidden, but it won’t let me reactivate it. Happened when I went to Heart of the Mists, then back to the PvE world.
Also should be noted my pets aren’t disabled in Heart of the Mists, but I can’t pick the new ones.
If you are standing next to a minimum of 3 people with the “Lingering Light” trait and spam your “Solar Beam”, the wisp will spawn and will grant you resource towards your celestial form, even if no healing is being applied to allied players.
If you are standing next to a minimum of 3 people with the “Lingering Light” trait and spam your “Solar Beam”, the wisp will spawn and will grant you resource towards your celestial form, even if no healing is being applied to allied players.
you dont even need the trait, i was standing on top of a player in heart of the mists pressing 1 and filled my cele form, you can do it on your pet too
If you are standing next to a minimum of 3 people with the “Lingering Light” trait and spam your “Solar Beam”, the wisp will spawn and will grant you resource towards your celestial form, even if no healing is being applied to allied players.
you dont even need the trait, i was standing on top of a player in heart of the mists pressing 1 and filled my cele form, you can do it on your pet too
Was unaware, I doubt this is intentional since the player needs to be in the beam.. but if that’s the case, then it probably isn’t the wisp providing the resource.
EDIT: Once the wisp spawns, it also adds to the resource as it passes through allies.
(edited by Wizkid.5982)
Savish – best “bug” ever! Hope they make SotW work like that for all pets – Epic!
i have the same problem as Aeolus Skylla.5037
Savish, I love this and pray it is intended… Else they should call it a feature because this does not break the game in any way… It allows us something goofy and fun to look at and play with
Invigorating Bond doesn’t heal with the new pet F2 skills
The trait ancient seeds seems to take about ~1sec to trigger and seems like it misses moving targets because of that.
Valar, Lyala, Laya, Leyela, Cattee
Coldsnap [IX], Blackgate
Got the same issue, my pet is just gone after going to Hotm. Can I please have my class mechanics back?
the #4 skill reflects on surfaces. (ex. https://gyazo.com/b8c0bc07a3facfca4f563e06add05219 )
Celestial Form > #3 Lunar Impact not a blast finisher.
Cant use new pets in spvp
Hotjoin hero
My pet is completely disabled. It’s acting like I have my pet hidden, but it won’t let me reactivate it. Happened when I went to Heart of the Mists, then back to the PvE world.
Also should be noted my pets aren’t disabled in Heart of the Mists, but I can’t pick the new ones.
Cant use pet in WVW PVP and PVE after trying to use pets in WVW
Editing my post here for a few more bugs. A couple of them are more exclusions / errors than bugs, but I figure they fall into the same realm of “stuff that needs to be tweaked”.
~ New pets don’t benefit from some different pet-related traits, including Wilting Strikes and the cooldown reduction from Pack Alpha. I’d guess those aren’t the only two they’re incompatible with, either, though I didn’t run a comprehensive test.
~ Natural Stride takes a few seconds to “kick in” after equipping it, for some reason. After first slotting the skill, the speed boost only shows up after a few seconds.
~ Tiger’s F2 skill doesn’t display a cooldown on the tooltip, only a cast time
~ Sublime Conversion’s tooltip doesn’t list a water field in its description
~ Glyph of Rejuvenation disables the 2nd bonus from Runes of Altruism. 3 stacks of Might proc correctly, but Fury does not (using the same equipment but other heals gave me Fury correctly)
~ Lunar Impact’s blast finisher is completely non-functional
~ Vine Surge will get blocked by terrain in some instances, including elevation changes. May not be fixable since similar skills have always had the same bug, but I figure I’ll mention it anyway.
~ The Bristleback’s Spike Barrage ability seems to fire at enemies off-center. Which leads to the majority of the attack missing completely at longer ranges. I’ve seen some people say that its just because its a spread ability, but all the spikes seem to fly off to one side, which leads me to believe that’s not the case.
~ The Bristleback’s animation cycle for Spike Shoot doesn’t match the projectile being launched. The projectile is launching at a point well before it “should” based on the animation cycle (you can see the pet recoil and the spike above its head disappear, but by that point the projectile has already been launched).
(edited by Electro.4173)
Just had this happened in a match. Swapped pets and the pet that came out was already dead. Seems like an old bug that got reintroduced again.
Bump so Irenio could see and fix druid bugs from one thread that is related only to bugs and not a full 14 pages druid feedback thread that sometimes contains druid bugs.
Anyone who experienced bugs with druid is welcomed to post them here. Hopefully we will have one organized druid bug thread.
Ancestral Grace is 1200 units, but the channel drops you out at 1000 units.
The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~
Whew found a couple
Ancestral grace will not add force when healing a person at full health.
Ancestral wisp will.
Life siphon give force.
Life siphon give force at full heath
You cannot blast fields generated by the dinosaurs with the trait clarion bond.
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.
Ancestral Grace is an excellent skill and not a buggy mess, but…
- Ancestral Grace can not move up stairs or slopes because it blocks line of sight.
- Ancestral Grace sometimes stops player movement at the end of the cast, eventhough the forward movement key is still pressed.
- Ancestral Grace takes equally long to reach a short distance as to reach a long distance.
- Cosmic Ray and Lune Impact hit where the mouse was at the start of the cast rather than where it is at the end. Making it impossible to hit moving targets.
(edited by Holland.9351)
Edit: Merged, details below already
(edited by ProtoMarcus.7649)
Since there is another Druid Bugs thread in here : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/ranger/Druid-Bugs/first#post5576677
maybe you post your list in there (or copy over here the other bugs listed in the other thread) or instead offer a merge by a mod?
Its better that we will have one single Druid Bugs thread that Irenio will know to visit it when he wants to fix the druid bugs ( Personally I prefer your thread to be the main thread since you are willing to update the main post with all the bugs that people will post them in here).
I’ll keep updating this one based on other posts
- Using Solar Beam near/on your pet will charge astral force (and proc Natural Mender minor trait) no matter if you’re in combat or not and if the pet is fully healed or not.
- Troll Unguent will charge a huge chunk of Astral Force (about 80%) and some other ranger healing skills will do the same, despite having full health on you and pet.
- Dealing damage with anything other than staff will not charge astral force
- Possibly Unintended Behaviour – Astral Force persists through zones, logging off and such, but will be resetted when downed and defeated – Life Force for necros is typically drained when logging out, changing maps or getting defeated.
- Sigil of Water’s effect does not generate Astral Force
- Sigil of Renewal’s effect does not generate Astral Force
- Water Field Blast Healing does not generate Astral Force
- Anomaly – Unlike other ranger two-handed or main hand weapons, the staff has no skill that applies an effect on the pet. For example, Winter’s Bite makes next pet grant weakness, sword auto 3 grants might to pet, Longbow 3 grants swiftness to pet, etc
Ancestral Grace
- When using ancestral grace on slopes you can gain falling damage while reaching the target destination
- Sometimes the player stops walking when reaching target destination despite holding forward key
- Doesn’t reach the full 1200 range, more like 1000 units
- Sometimes there’s mention of ‘no line of sight’ even on seemingly flat surfaces
- Possibly Unintended Behaviour – Can be cast while falling, which can give access to some interesting areas (can be cast while falling after stowing gliders for example)
- Possibly Unintended Behaviour – Can be cast when there are no valid paths (for example, across gaps)
- Possibly Unintended Behaviour – When using shorter ranges, the ancestral grace form doesn’t end as you reach the target but keeps going for the full duration of the skill. Messes with the blast finisher use!
Vine Surge
- Performing a skill cancelling action JUST as the Vine Surge channeling is complete/is about to shoot the vines will put the skill on full cooldown but won’t shoot the vines
- Possibly Unintended Behaviour – You can cast the skill behind you while still facing forward. I hope it’s intended as it’s a pretty solid skill to escape
Sublime Conversion
- The disappearing animation is a bit clunky and is not in sync with the sound effect
- There is no mention in the description of the skill that it acts as a Water Combo Field
- There is no combo field graphical aura/outline
- The new pets’ stats don’t seem to be proportionate to the damage they actually deal and the toughness/vitality they have
Juvenile Tiger
- Despite being part of the feline family (and in actuality, real life tigers are excellent swimmers) they are not in the amphibian category.
Juvenile Bristleback
- Everybody likes this one, but popping the Signet of the Wild’s Active Skill will grant super duper excessive proportions on the bristleback (it’s not a but. It’s intended. Keep it as it is. Please.)
- Spike Barrage follows terrain (and falls off edges) instead of acting like a projectile.
Juvenile Smokescale
- The smokescale deals EXCESSIVE damage when using his common family skill ‘Smoke Assault’
Juvenile Fire Wyvern
- The pet’s model will sometimes appear at random places when using his unique skill ‘Consuming Flame’. Additionally, his name plate won’t reflect his animation’s positioning
- Consuming Flames’ graphical effect (scorched earth graphics) covers the AoE auras/outlines of other skills, making them impossible to see.
- Issuing an attack command or shouts as it begins to create the scorched earth effect would cancel the skill but the fire animation and scorched earth animation would continue.
Juvenile Electric Wyvern
- Lightning Assault’s tooltip doesn’t mention it being a lightning field.
- Quick Draw does not apply to the Staff Skills
- Quick Draw is triggered by entering CAF but no CAF Skills are effected by the CD reduction
- Natural Mender minor trait will proc/stack when using Solar Beam near/on your pet, and will also proc/stack when using healing skills
- The Natural Mender buff tooltip is labeled as Natural Healing
- Natural Stride takes a few seconds to ‘load’ after getting equipped (possibly intended)
- The UI graphical effect when transforming to the Celestial Avatar Form covers the weapon skills when it’s playing, maybe move it BEHIND the weapon skill icons so they’re visible at all times
- Lingering Light trait will trigger when using any healing skills on fully healed targets (including self and pet)
- Healing Power scales horribly
- Glyphs do not work underwater
- Celestial Avatar Form does not work underwater
- Signet of the Wild cancels Celestial Avatar Form
- Finishing/Cancelling the CAF transform as soon as you transform will still keep you in the CAF model/animation and you’ll still have the CAF effect icon (but you obviously won’t have access to CAF skills nor glyphs.)
- Glyph of Rejuvenation does not heal the pet in all his forms.
- Lunar Blast doesn’t apply its blast finisher effect
Unknown Effects
* Does Natural Healing affect the pet’s healing effect from Cultivated Synergy ?
* Does Natural Healing pet passive healing generate Astral Force? Does it activate Live Vicariously?
* Does Signet of the Wild (passive) generate Astral Force? Does it activate Live Vicariously ?
(edited by ProtoMarcus.7649)
Just had these threads merged and posting here for red tag visibility. I’ll be keeping an eye on things here as well.
Bug report:
Using signet of the wild during Celestial Avatar will end the CA state immediately.
Oh and totally forgot:
- Glyphs do not work underwater*
- Celestial Avatar Form does not work underwater*
Signet of the wild takes you out of Cele form
- Juvenile Tigers are not amphibian despite being part of the feline family (and tigers are excellent and avid swimmers in real life
Healing from Water and Renewal sigils do not build astral force.
Fanciest Charr OCX
Mreow – [HD]
Juvenile Fire Wyvern
The F2 skill effect covers AoE circles. This makes raids difficult and angers people in open world.
Issuing an attack command (or using Sic’Em) to Juvenile Fire Wyvern just as it begins to create the scorched ground effect (as soon as the first patch of fire becomes visible) would cause the wyvern stop flying around and begin attacking. The fire field animation and effect would continue to grow as if it was still casting it. Occasionally the wyvern’s animations would bug out and cause it to breathe fire randomly during auto attacking after this happened. I did not specifically test swapping it out or issuing other commands though I believe it would behave similarly.
Toggling in and out of CA too quickly would sometimes cause you to retain the Celestial Avatar animations on your character outside of CA. The effect lasted ~20seconds as if you had never left CA. Graphical issue only, behavior was normal.
Natural Healing trait would sometimes not effect Bristleback or Smokescale.
Electric Wyvern – Tooltip didn’t include mention of the lightning field.
Though not necessarily a bug, the buff Natural Mender placed on your character was labeled as ‘Natural Healing’. This is a bit misleading as that is the name of a completely different ranger trait.
celestial shadow superspeed doesn’t seem to work while stomping.
I think it’s only movement speed, not action speed.
celestial shadow superspeed doesn’t seem to work while stomping.
Superspeed =/= Quickness
Superspeed is the movement speed, Quickness is action/skills speed
It might not be a bug, but Staff 3 (Ancestral Grace) should really exit it’s form upon reaching the targeted destination, its very clunky at short range otherwise, and it feels like a bug to boot.
celestial shadow superspeed doesn’t seem to work while stomping.
Superspeed =/= Quickness
Superspeed is the movement speed, Quickness is action/skills speed
oh shi— kitten me, I got used to QZ giving me everything. erased my post.
Juvenile Bristleback – Spike Barrage follows terrain (and falls off edges) instead of acting like a projectile. If there is a lack of terrain between the pet and its target, even if it is within range, Spike Barrage cannot hit.
Celestial avatar occasionally randomly ends (unrelated to SotW bug).
I’ve only ever seen it happen when I spam-click Natural Convergence just as the animation for Lunar Impact finishes, but it only happens during combat with things that have interrupts so there must be some other element to it as well.
My pet is completely disabled. It’s acting like I have my pet hidden, but it won’t let me reactivate it. Happened when I went to Heart of the Mists, then back to the PvE world.
Also should be noted my pets aren’t disabled in Heart of the Mists, but I can’t pick the new ones.
This one is caused by selecting one of the new pets in pve, going to heart of the mists where they are blocked and then logging out. Upon attempting to reenter pve the pets end in the locked state. Reproduction rate: 3/3 so far.
- Possibly Unintended Behaviour – Can be cast while falling, which can give access to some interesting areas (can be cast while falling after stowing gliders for example)
- Possibly Unintended Behaviour – Can be cast when there are no valid paths (for example, across gaps)
Please let this be intended! This is a huge part of why Ancestral Grace is such a fun skill. Not being able to cast this skill after a jump would mean that you wouldn’t be able to cross any gap with it in the game and that would be a huge . Many
for the druid otherwise, gj!
Quick draw is also triggered by moving to CA form, but none of the CA skills benefit from the cooldown reduction proc mechanic.
Either I missed it, it’s stupid obvious and folks don’t think it warrants mention, or maybe it’s a charr exclusive thing… but going into Celestial Avatar form removes your weapon.
The skills seem to use staff animations, but there is no staff. I propose they get a cool “staff” in their CA form, regardless of what they had when they transformed (like the Reaper).
Because it looks weird animation wise using skills without a weapon when the animations were designed for one.
And maybe for druids (or charr exclusively), give us the caster animations?
Though I say for charr exclusively because they have the best idle staff animations in the game IMO (and a lot of druid staff skills already use the caster animations), but yah… CA form lacks a weapon.
Either I missed it, it’s stupid obvious and folks don’t think it warrants mention, or maybe it’s a charr exclusive thing… but going into Celestial Avatar form removes your weapon.
The skills seem to use staff animations, but there is no staff. I propose they get a cool “staff” in their CA form, regardless of what they had when they transformed (like the Reaper).
Because it looks weird animation wise using skills without a weapon when the animations were designed for one.
And maybe for druids (or charr exclusively), give us the caster animations?
Though I say for charr exclusively because they have the best idle staff animations in the game IMO (and a lot of druid staff skills already use the caster animations), but yah… CA form lacks a weapon.
Yeah I noticed this too. I didn’t make a post about it because it’s kind of a minor thing, but it’d be great if this were fixed!
(also I’m all for charr holding the staff like guardian charr hold staves, and not like a hammer)
Fanciest Charr OCX
Mreow – [HD]
Not sure if this counts as a druid bug, but my first pet vanishes every time I start a PvP match. I go in, realize I can’t swap pets and see that my raven has vanished and in the pet selection menu, it’s blank. I select it and everything is fine. I go into HotM after the match and I still have 2 pets.
Then I q into another match, and again, my first pet is gone Have to reselect it again each time…
Not sure if anyone else is having this issue.
Quick draw is also triggered by moving to CA form, but none of the CA skills benefit from the cooldown reduction proc mechanic.
Triggering quick draw when activating CA should be intended, it works like that with anything that changes your weapon skills, including picking up environmental weapons or going into water.
Quick draw is also triggered by moving to CA form, but none of the CA skills benefit from the cooldown reduction proc mechanic.
Triggering quick draw when activating CA should be intended, it works like that with anything that changes your weapon skills, including picking up environmental weapons or going into water.
It does work as intended, only intended effect of that trait (next weapon skill’s CD is decreased by 66%) does not work
(edited by ProtoMarcus.7649)
Pets aren’t healed by the healing glyph.
Staff skill four can be cast targeting behind you while running (feature?).
Yeah I really hope Vine Surge is intended as its a good way to escape; Immob enemies behind you and Ancestral Grace forward.
Posted this in the feedback thread before, but probably better off here.
Glyph of Unity: Has an aftercast issue. If you use it, you can’t immediately go into casting a new skill afterwards. Seems to put you on an ICD of about 1 second. However, if you spam the skill you want to use next while casting Glyph of Unity it will immediately go into casting that next skill after the cast time for the Glyph is complete.
Either I missed it, it’s stupid obvious and folks don’t think it warrants mention, or maybe it’s a charr exclusive thing… but going into Celestial Avatar form removes your weapon.
The skills seem to use staff animations, but there is no staff. I propose they get a cool “staff” in their CA form, regardless of what they had when they transformed (like the Reaper).
Because it looks weird animation wise using skills without a weapon when the animations were designed for one.
And maybe for druids (or charr exclusively), give us the caster animations?
Though I say for charr exclusively because they have the best idle staff animations in the game IMO (and a lot of druid staff skills already use the caster animations), but yah… CA form lacks a weapon.
Yeah I noticed this too. I didn’t make a post about it because it’s kind of a minor thing, but it’d be great if this were fixed!
(also I’m all for charr holding the staff like guardian charr hold staves, and not like a hammer)
Yeah, it’s also why I say for charr exclusively. The holding-a-staff-like-a-hammer is actually an improvement for the other races IMO.
It does look cooler than the original staff animations.
It’s not bad on charr either, but the original idle staff animations for charr have always been in a league of their own.
I’d be kinda disappointed they wouldn’t recycle that. It’s an easy aesthetic choice when you compare them. Anyway, back to more serious issues. Sorry to be that guy.
Meta’s are temporary, looking cool is forever.