Druid and Healing Power Scaling
Regeneration is fine, no changes needed there.
As well for Healing-Skills. They should be decent for each profession without Healing Power but should scale with it. Most Healing skills scale with a coefficient of 1, and I think, ist ok for whis (there are exceptions like Troll Unguent or such skills, but it’s finde overall IMO)
Kydar, while I think the idea of scaling OUTGOING heals strongly based on Healing Power is an excellent idea, scaling class healing could prove problematic. Forcing players into Healing Power in order to be self-sufficient in any game mode limits build diversity and encourages the “holy trinity” that other games have—tank, damage, healing—which Guild Wars 2 has consistently and (in my opinion, happily) avoided in favor of control, damage, and support (of which healing is only a single aspect).
or is asking that Druid scale better with non-Healing Power builds asking for Druid to be overpowered.
the druid scales worthlessly with healing power right now; asking for it to scale better with non-healing power builds seems like a non-sequitur.
It’s Obvious that scrapper and druid need one more BWE. If they are changing the druid’s based healing, they will push people toward the Zealot’s stats, a stat that came from a story update that ended years ago. A lot of players will be unhappy about that one.
Players don’t have to use all the same stat combo. You could mix Berserkers and Clerics, for example.
Shoe, Irenio has already stated that Druid will have lower base healing and higher healing coefficients than we experienced in BWE3. It was not a non-sequitur.
Additionally, mixing stat combinations leads to the dominance of Celestial gear, which we have seen with Engineers and Elementalists. This is not any healthier for the game than the ’zerker meta.
with high uptimes of Stability
From spirit of nature? Am I wrong when I say that it needs to be placed within a radius of 360 to even apply the boons (and the healing), or am I missing something here?
That is correct. A shame it is not regular spirit range, hopefully that is looked at.
Considering that, I wouldn’t say rangers bring high uptime of Stability to groups. Placing the spirit within range to benefit from it will get the kitten thing killed way too fast. Anet simply can’t get spirits right in this game.
with high uptimes of Stability
From spirit of nature? Am I wrong when I say that it needs to be placed within a radius of 360 to even apply the boons (and the healing), or am I missing something here?
That is correct. A shame it is not regular spirit range, hopefully that is looked at.
Considering that, I wouldn’t say rangers bring high uptime of Stability to groups. Placing the spirit within range to benefit from it will get the kitten thing killed way too fast. Anet simply can’t get spirits right in this game.
It is unfortunate that a lot of Ranger’s group support is highly conditional—pets, spirits, even traited shouts. Ranger support is limited severely by low-radius skills and pet/spirit uptime, so I’m crossing my fingers that Druid will rise above base Ranger’s support issues and offer us some less-conditional skills to help our groups Base Ranger support needs to be looked at in the future, but now is the time to make sure that Druid does not fall into the same traps.
Regeneration is fine, no changes needed there.
As well for Healing-Skills. They should be decent for each profession without Healing Power but should scale with it. Most Healing skills scale with a coefficient of 1, and I think, ist ok for whis (there are exceptions like Troll Unguent or such skills, but it’s finde overall IMO)Kydar, while I think the idea of scaling OUTGOING heals strongly based on Healing Power is an excellent idea, scaling class healing could prove problematic. Forcing players into Healing Power in order to be self-sufficient in any game mode limits build diversity and encourages the “holy trinity” that other games have—tank, damage, healing—which Guild Wars 2 has consistently and (in my opinion, happily) avoided in favor of control, damage, and support (of which healing is only a single aspect).
I dont know, if you mean what I mean…but what I want to say (with my limited english^^) is, that healing skills from professions should be, as they are now….same for regeneration, it’s fine. So no more scaling for healing skills as it is now and no tweaking to the heal amounts they offer in their current state. Maybe it was cloudy descriped ^^
Example: Most healing skills have an healing coef. from 1.0. See here “We Heal as One”. Without HP it heals for 6500, with 500 HP for 7000 and with 1000 HP for 7500. This is as it is now and it should stay like this. Same for other Healing skills…dont touch it, it’s fine^^.
The increased scaling with healing power should only affect skills (like druid skills in that case or elementalist skills (mostly water)) and traits (like necros Transfusion or Life from Death). This are mostly skills and traits, where there’s a benefit for the player itself and for team mates, so it’s meant to be a scaling for outgoing healing and also some self healing.
If you dont spec into HP, every profession still have an decent dealing skill to deal with, it will stay uneffected or in the same state it is actual.
But let’s say, you are Guardian…and you take Meditations and have traited “Monk’s Focus” without HP, so you will heal only 700-1000 (instead of actual nearly 2000), but with, let’s assume 1000 HP, you will heal 2000 or 2500….
So, this skills/traits are still usable withoug HP, but more moderate with…
It’s the same like for “Life from Death” from Necro….without HP it heals you and allies for something like 700, with 1000 HP you can heal nearly 2000…this is a good and valuable healing scaling in my opinion….you can use it without HP or speced into it and get much more benefits for you and your party….
(edited by Kydar Schattendolch.6879)
Additionally, mixing stat combinations leads to the dominance of Celestial gear, which we have seen with Engineers and Elementalists. This is not any healthier for the game than the ’zerker meta.
Rot. Celestial build is entirely different than mixing 200 healing power/toughness into a berserker or assassins build because you want a little more sustain and/or to be better at Astral Form.
Hell, you could accomplish that much just by putting healing power primary on one of your weapons. But why would anyone ever do this when you get jack kitten from healing power?
So you guys wanna have your best DPS and be able to sustain with tons of heals.
That sounds balanced. . . (End of sarcasm)
Can we just close this thread now? It’s nothing but people crying because they can’t be a God.
You seem to be the top whiner here , with 0 constructive argument going on.
You also seem like you never played a Druid before.
Druid works not because they got good heal now, but solely because of MoC and Astray 3 combo. The healing is nothing, since Druid has no-way to mitigate damage in the first place, and no stability on their Astral skills.
Top whiner here? Because I don’t like how toxic you guys are all acting about an elite spec no one has had the time to tweak around with to make it work on other ways than intended?
I’ve played many druids but it doesn’t matter how many from what games. This is GW2. It will be GW2 version of Druid. Not Wow. ETC.
Candyhearts, your optimism is admirable, but your impulse to insult other players is not. Constructive criticism is not “toxic”, nor is asking that Druid scale better with non-Healing Power builds asking for Druid to be overpowered. Other players are simply asking for more versatility, not the removal of Druid’s healing potential. I am happy to give up a portion of Druid’s base healing to play a higher-damage (power or condition) or control-focused build, which is still considered very useful in 90% or more of the game—just as players who love support builds are willing to give up a portion of damage. So long as players can choose whether they want to deal higher damage, higher CC, OR massive healing, Druid will be a fun, rewarding class for many playstyles without being OP.
The forums are toxic and if you find that insulting that is yours to take upon yourself. I never pointed out who is being toxic. FYI – I’m nobody for you to defend yourself to.
Your ideas are fine. I don’t find what you said to be anything wrong. And there are a few other people here who have posted great ideas as well. But with all the junk around all the great posts do you really think anyone would wanna spend the time as a Mod or Dev to dissect it down so they can find the good stuff? This is probably why we can’t have nice things xD
I wasn’t offended by “toxic”, haha, but I don’t find the levels of salt here any worse than any of the other class forums
. I take heart in the fact that so many Rangers are invested in wanting to play druid, and that they feel so passionate about it! There are a lot of people clamoring to be heard, but I have faith that the devs can sort through it all.
Well I am glad I didn’t offend you then! I’m a bit blunt but I never intend to be rude. Probably just poor wording and frustration.
The salt here is new to me. I usually don’t post in Ranger forums. This was probably a bad time to start. The upset is real and understandable.
I am definitely one of those people passionate about how Druid is as it is now. It was the first time in a long time I actually had fun in Spvp.
I’ll go on subject now -
The thing I feel like would be great for it is just some simple condi. It’s a 1 stat slot requirement. I feel like as much as we want for Power DPS x Druid to be a thing it’ll feel like a nerf both ways. Healing and DPS wont be up to par.
But this comes from somewhat a noob in terms of “most efficient gameplay”.
I play how I want to and I do it for the pure joy of it. I’ve never been meta and never cared about speed clears. My mesmer uses a power scepter and I don’t care who likes it! xD
In addition they can add something like: Transfer 14% of healing power in to Power or in to ferocity.
In addition they can add something like: Transfer 14% of healing power in to Power or in to ferocity.
Huh. . . I like that actually. The low number doesn’t seem like much but for me who stacked around 1200-1400 healing power that’s a big chunk. And I’ll be running with a Herald who I force to have Fury on at all times. The powaaaar. xD
The more Irenio posts the more I’m convinced we need at least another BWE with the Druid.
It’s Obvious that scrapper and druid need one more BWE.
100% true! It would be a great feeling to have it feel finished for Launch. I mean. . . Day of HoT is going to be a mess as is with all the people trying to log in, download, etc. xD
The least we could know is that our specs are ready for proper game play.
The most complete class as of now is Reaper, Chronomancer, and Revenant.
Guess I’d go follow the Revenant hype train and start put my zerk Necro in action post HoT then :P
I still think that staff need a damage increase. You could go full berserker and still do almost nothing to a trash mob.
Well I am glad I didn’t offend you then! I’m a bit blunt but I never intend to be rude. Probably just poor wording and frustration.
The salt here is new to me. I usually don’t post in Ranger forums. This was probably a bad time to start. The upset is real and understandable.
I am definitely one of those people passionate about how Druid is as it is now. It was the first time in a long time I actually had fun in Spvp.
I’ll go on subject now -
The thing I feel like would be great for it is just some simple condi. It’s a 1 stat slot requirement. I feel like as much as we want for Power DPS x Druid to be a thing it’ll feel like a nerf both ways. Healing and DPS wont be up to par.
But this comes from somewhat a noob in terms of “most efficient gameplay”.
I play how I want to and I do it for the pure joy of it. I’ve never been meta and never cared about speed clears. My mesmer uses a power scepter and I don’t care who likes it! xD
I’m glad you enjoyed Druid! I think it’s great that Druid opens up a great support role for Ranger, and I don’t want to take that away from anyone. Guild Wars 2 in general has a great community, but tensions definitely rise sometimes. I think most players play for the joy of it—I certainly do—but the amount of time we invest in the game means we are more passionate about it.
I also am not a true “meta” player (I don’t speedrun high-level content, for example—I just try to do it somewhat quickly and competently). However, there are a lot of players that are invested in the most efficient gameplay (and who have a LOT of gold invested in it), and who find challenging themselves through speedrunning, soloing, etc. to be fun, and I don’t want to rain on their parade. I want the option available to make Druid both a solid support class and a solid offensive class—not necessarily at the same time, of course. This is increasingly important for raids, in my experience, as groups get better/faster/more optimized and require less attention from a pure heavy-healer.
Staff has great potential as a condition-hybrid weapon if a few conditions are added to some of the skills. Glyphs have a lot of potential to work with a melee power-based build if their cooldowns stay low and their effects are improved a smidge (stunbreaks, stability, etc.). And, of course, CAF will shine most with high healing power, and allow you to restore allies from the brink of death if you so choose. The condition damage in CAF 5 is also a nice bonus for condition-based builds if they want to use CAF more offensively. The healing scaling changes that Irenio is making to CAF are a great start, but I want to see improved scaling for other playstyles as well
In addition they can add something like: Transfer 14% of healing power in to Power or in to ferocity.
Huh. . . I like that actually. The low number doesn’t seem like much but for me who stacked around 1200-1400 healing power that’s a big chunk. And I’ll be running with a Herald who I force to have Fury on at all times. The powaaaar. xD
In Nature Magic, the trait Instinctive Reaction applies 7% of your healing power to your power. I forget which thread it was, but it has been suggested to make this a flat 10% of power to healing power in Nature Magic, and possibly move the healing power to power (in my opinion, at a higher ratio to reward people for investing in healing power) to the Druid traitline for synergy.
Must be more that 10% Something like 14%, because there are n base healing power as with Tough,Vit,Power etc..
Must be more that 10% Something like 14%, because there are n base healing power as with Tough,Vit,Power etc..
Exactly this. Now I think about it, we should have base healing and base condition on all classes.
If you are playing the Ranger profession for damage, you should not spec into Druid. That’s like saying you’re trying to get warmer, so you take your clothes off.
True, Druid will be the only elite specialization avaliable to Rangers at the start, but we will get more down the road.
I don’t think you quite grasp what I was trying to say.
I’m not saying druid should be a super powerful burst damage spec. I’m saying that if you took the druid traitline to add sustain or benefit from the incredibly strong control and self support options (Ancient Seeds, Daze on staff swap, stealth after leaving celestial avatar, Glyph of Tides and Glyph of Equality, staff for the amazing mobility and decent non-projectile sustain damage) that you should always find Celestial Avatar a valuable addition to your build.
No one should ever become weaker for entering the form just because they aren’t packing a ton of healing power.
If the base healing is lowered too much then entering Celestial Avatar will be a liability. You have no defensive skills aside from healing, which won’t be strong enough to keep you alive without healing power, and no damage to keep people off you aside from skill 5 which roots you.
This means that the power druid build would only enter Celestial Avatar form to cure conditions and then leave it as soon as possible to get stealth, wasting the actual form just to proc traits. It would be like the current iteration of Guard, only there to proc boons and not needed for it’s actual functionality.
In the interest of build diversity a mechanic that is non-optional for the trait line needs to be valuable for a wide array of builds, not just for builds invested in healing power.
I’m not positive how relevant this is, or even if it’s in the right location. But I feel Ranger isn’t pinned to a corner at all. Pets are, honestly, rather capable. More so that the AI was updated and now that most have a relatively high base condition stat [Felines @1k help us all]. They’re more than capable of still maintaining a moderate amount of damage on behalf of the Ranger. Really my only concern is that the Ranger holds the staff like a hammer, when there’s no swinging motions, and all of the animations are literally ripped from normal staff animations, until it returns to idle and the staff whips back into place as a hammer..
both me and my wife rolled fresh rangers after the druid reveal, both previously swearing never to roll a ranger due to a passionate hate for the class. now we both have a level 80 ranger decked out in full clerics awaiting the druid. bring on the healz!
p.s. for all the druid hate on the ranger forums, i have mained a bunker guardian since launch, and was sorely disappointed in the dragon hunter. rangers got the best parts of the guardian, where we got the worst part of the ranger. i would be happy to trade elites.
both me and my wife rolled fresh rangers after the druid reveal, both previously swearing never to roll a ranger due to a passionate hate for the class. now we both have a level 80 ranger decked out in full clerics awaiting the druid. bring on the healz!
p.s. for all the druid hate on the ranger forums, i have mained a bunker guardian since launch, and was sorely disappointed in the dragon hunter. rangers got the best parts of the guardian, where we got the worst part of the ranger. i would be happy to trade elites.
Nope, Ranger doesn’t get anything from Guardian.
The best part of Guardian is group protection, group stability, spammable Aegis, insanely long duration reflection, and burning, which Druid get none of them.
Instead, Guardian actually got a decent LB, that’s arguably the best weapon of ranger.
Also, instead of getting Shout, Mediation, or concentration, which are the best utitlies Guardian has, we get useless glyphs that’s even worse than Ele’s glyphs.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
There’ll be more supportive damage for Celestial Avatar by launch… possibly from trait modifications or from skill changes.
An issue which should not be decoupled here is that Celestial Avatar felt gated behind staff use (and troll unguent), which left a ranger with one damage-focused weapon option and one support weapon. I’m making some changes to astral force rate gain to try to address this. Ideally it should be possible to build up your astral force without -needing- to run staff, but running staff should speed up the process by nature of the heals it provides. This would yield the option of running two non-staff weapons while still having Celestial Avatar available.
Celestial Avatar healing is the best available by a decent margin right now. One issue that came up is that the healing coefficients are so insignificant that running with healing stats yields very little reward.
The best healing in the game being available without using any healing power; this is not good for the game.
The berserker meta not be the only consideration requires that other stat combinations be rewarding.
Being able to run two more damage-focused weapons (if that’s your thing) and still have Celestial Avatar available should address some of your offensive concerns if you want to play a bit more offensively as a hybrid. If you want to focus on being the top offense then you probably shouldn’t be selecting the Druid specialization.
That’s all I’m going to say on the subject for now (though I will continue to read constructive feedback here and elsewhere) as there is plenty to be done in order to address these and other issues. /me ducks back to work on Scrapper and Druid.
you know whats not good for the game?
having the whole population feel that berserker gear is the one and only gear type player HAVE TO WEAR.
you know know whats not good for the game?
having your PVE content so easy that DPS is all you need to clear the most basic to the most complex content.
you know whats not good for the game?
balancing PVP based on PVE
you know whats not good for the game?
going worldwide with information and then a day later reversing that same information that was promised— especially in light of other classes that are a lot more powerful and those same classes stay the apex of classes like the elementalist
these are examples not good for the game.
There’ll be more supportive damage for Celestial Avatar by launch… possibly from trait modifications or from skill changes.
An issue which should not be decoupled here is that Celestial Avatar felt gated behind staff use (and troll unguent), which left a ranger with one damage-focused weapon option and one support weapon. I’m making some changes to astral force rate gain to try to address this. Ideally it should be possible to build up your astral force without -needing- to run staff, but running staff should speed up the process by nature of the heals it provides. This would yield the option of running two non-staff weapons while still having Celestial Avatar available.
Celestial Avatar healing is the best available by a decent margin right now. One issue that came up is that the healing coefficients are so insignificant that running with healing stats yields very little reward.
The best healing in the game being available without using any healing power; this is not good for the game.
The berserker meta not be the only consideration requires that other stat combinations be rewarding.
Being able to run two more damage-focused weapons (if that’s your thing) and still have Celestial Avatar available should address some of your offensive concerns if you want to play a bit more offensively as a hybrid. If you want to focus on being the top offense then you probably shouldn’t be selecting the Druid specialization.
That’s all I’m going to say on the subject for now (though I will continue to read constructive feedback here and elsewhere) as there is plenty to be done in order to address these and other issues. /me ducks back to work on Scrapper and Druid.
you know whats not good for the game?
having the whole population feel that berserker gear is the one and only gear type player HAVE TO WEAR.
you know know whats not good for the game?
having your PVE content so easy that DPS is all you need to clear the most basic to the most complex content.
you know whats not good for the game?
balancing PVP based on PVE
you know whats not good for the game?
going worldwide with information and then a day later reversing that same information that was promised— especially in light of other classes that are a lot more powerful and those same classes stay the apex of classes like the elementalist
these are examples not good for the game.
So apparently other 8 classes can get away from being this “unhealthy cancer of the game”, while Druid has to stay clean and start this healing/ hitting like wet-noodle trend. Well then, better stick with the cancers, which are actually the majority here.
Guess who’d be left alone if only one class has to sacrifice everything to do what everyone else could do and more.
If they want this diversity you talked about, they need to add mechanic like healing actually damage certain foes. (Like healing vs undead/ corrupted plants), while have high resistant against anything else. Otherwise your dream of “healthy GW2” will never come true.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
I just hope Druid can use scholar-combat-idle style when using staves. The warrior-combat-idle style looks not grace.
Probably get flamed at a lot after this post but i don’t realy care much, people who flame are mostly the kind of people who have no understanding to other people’s thoughts.
My ranger turned three years some weeks ago, I play the ranger class since launch and has 90 % of my playtime so far.
I don’t get a lot of other rangers out here, i mean.. okay ranger is maybe the most hated class out there if you ask the stupid meta build party’s.
But also in my opinion ranger is the most fun build to play, and maybe one of the hardest classes to master if you want a high upkeep of sustained dps and pet dps.
Postition on and awareness of the battlfield is key and that gives me much joy.
The state “ranger is not viable in groups” is utterly B.S., i’m running a spotter frost spirit build myself and can guarantee the whole group 150 precision per player and 10% dmg increase for about 80 % of the fights. One in three pet swaps is giving the Call of the wilds buff for an extra 20% crit chance, +90 power / +90 cond dmg and 33% swiftness as an extra group support AND if used in waterfields you get a free groupheal…
Conclusion: Rangers are very viable and even if they have lower base dps they make it up by running a viable build!
That beeing said: I’m realy suprised about the druid, the livestream gave me a “over the top healer” feeling but still i’m very eager to get my hands on it when HoT launches. Probably i’ll come back to my spotterbuild after testing it out but that’s just because i am very happy with the ranger as he is already.
Irenio, keep up the good work with your team and thanks for your dedication to the ranger class!
Yv Ilthi lvl 80 human Mesmer
Druid in sPvP
Druid was the focus a lot of time and die really easy in teamfight if the enemies know how to play spvp, they make hard stun on him.
The downside that I see the druid and lacks because it will be his weak point is going since focused on glyphs, staff and celestial avatar (F5 ) .. not have stun breaks , stability and regeneration , it must be removed many glyphs or maybe the elite .. to have stability and breaks stun , that will make the Druid loses effectiveness of healing to their allies.
I propose that as we enter the celestial avatar (F5) so stability is granted a certain time (8 sec, 5 stacks) and that at least some glyph had stun Breaks.
Celestial Avatar (F5 )
- If you are downed and wake up, astral force should not be reset. (only if you are not in celestial avatar form).
- If you leave the celestial avatar (F5), astral force should not be reset , sometimes that strategy have to leave the celestial avatar with astral force by half.
- If you enter Celestial Avatar (F5): Add stability (8 sec, 5 stacks)
- Increase duration of Celestial Avatar form
- Skill 1 : Add damage
- Skill 2 : Add the explosion damage to seed and grant regeneration and protection to allies
- Skill 3 : Add damage and freezing
- Skill 4 : Add freeze per pulses
- Skill 5: Increase distance
- Increase damage
- Add breaks stun
- Increase radius
- Grant a boon to allies
- Skill 1: Increase damage
- Skill 2: Add combo finisher: physical proyectile
- Skill 3: Error range 1200, the skill have only range 1000, fix it
- Skill 4: Increase damage
- Skill 5: Increase duration
Druid Traits:
- Celestial being: Astral force per damage, increase 1% more
- Druidic clarity: Add stability (8 sec, 5 stacks)
- Cultivated Synergy: Increase radius
- Seed of life: Grant regeneration and protection to allies
- Celestial Shadow: Activate Glyph of the tides when leaving celestial avatar form (if you put stealth to allies in a point its a fail, because the enemies decap your point when you leave the celestial avatar form, you can knockback out the point the enemies when put stealth to allies in a point)
I’m gonna put it simply, if the Druid is forced into healing gear to be usable, I’m done with it. It’s wasted potential and pretty much kills off most of the build ideas I had for it.
The more you emphasise the druid as a full healing spec, the more you devalue the core ranger. It’s the damage and control the druid potentially could have with a few minor tweaks that would have the most synergy with the core ranger.
I hope that if the Ranger’s heals are made to scale more with Healing Power, then the attacks will scale much better with Power than they currently do. I was really enjoying my Knights GS Druid, and I get why maybe it can’t heal quite as well as it was, but if so I’d like there to be a tradeoff in offensive strength if you gear for that.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
This is what a rushed elite spec looks like guys, Irenio, what were you working on before?
This is what a rushed elite spec looks like guys, Irenio, what were you working on before?
Do you really expect an answer to that question? lol
I’m also concerned about Druid’s viability in PvP if you’re going to drastically lower base healing. The amulets that currently include Healing Power are all tanky variations… none offer true offensive power as the Healing is always paired with another defensive stat.
If you’re going this route, then you should really consider making a push for the inclusion of Zealot amulet in PvP. This one change would justify any nerf to base healing you want from a PvP perspective. A glass Druid with the ability to burst heal is not as invulnerable as you might think. All it takes is a single determined player to take you down… nevermind if you get focused by more.
Stop throwing fits on the reduction of base healing when we really do not even know how big of a reduction we are looking at.
Honestly, I have to say that druid on tankier zerkers (Cav zerk/Cele Zerk) was amazing not only because I could support others in my group, but I myself was for once not a class that was just CC’D down completely and then dusted off. the spec actually GAVE sustain, which is something that ranger has been lacking for a LONG time. Yes, I understand that healing power needs to be more effective, but if the nerf to base healing is too heavy handed, then something that made druid even more attractive than just supporting others is loss. In a way, I kind of understand why because some heals like 4 on astral are crazy strong, but I also understand that without it, dying in most encounters by Heralds is not only possible, but a given due to their CC capabilities and difficult to mitigate damage + catch potential.
So please, understand, Irenio. Yes, I believe healing power scaling should be upped, but mostly because it kills diversity if just going zerker/cav druid is a better option. I want both to exist, not lose my sustain that I first tasted and lose my spot in my group due to the significant heal or damage loss. as of the current state of base heals it was shaping up to be the most fun Ive ever had being on a group in WvW. Im not asking you to straight up not reduce some numbers, but please take into consideration those who enjoy a hybrid mix.
I stream sometimes: http://www.twitch.tv/kidtofu/
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum”
(edited by Loyo.8526)
Well, that answers that question then. I had said that it felt that if you wanted to go full dps you would just never take druid and it looks like I was right and that that was the intention. Which I also said was perfectly fine….if you fix the core ranger class.
Exactly this, cause the core ranged dps ranger build, I believe, still needs something that would make top tier pvp teams sometimes prefer a good ranger over an average, say, mesmer with its utility (portals, moas, time warps, blinks, etc) and still with a huge burst potential. Though I don’t want to say that rangers need buff, or that they’re underpowered and all that qq stuff, cause they’re fine by themselves, yet for some certain reasons not that viable in the competitive scene; I just reckon it needs some kind of a rework maybe..
lol, how did you get that name? You can’t even type 4 – 5 – s because it looks like the last 3 letters of your name! Haha! It even turns your name into kitten!
lol, how did you get that name? You can’t even type kitten because it looks like the last 3 letters of your name! Haha! It even turns your name into kitten!
Ha-ha, they must be appreciating the comics/movie character a lot too. Or they were not that delicate back then… xD
Stop throwing fits on the reduction of base healing when we really do not even know how big of a reduction we are looking at.
According to history, whenever a nerf hammer hits ranger, they’re always big.
Anet tend to nerf ranger in a way of completely destroying all functionality of it, instead of minor toon down. This has been a trend for as long as I know.
Also the one that nerf ranger are usually other developers that don’t play ranger. Usually who did the nerf are those other classes’ developers who thought: "how dare that inferior ranger outshine the class I designed in this aspect! I’ll nerf it to the ground!) Yeah, I’m looking at you Roy.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
a nerf to base healing is necessary. Whilst I agree the Ranger, now, should be a hybrid class (either going full DPS or going Healing), in my eyes you shouldn’t be able to do both at the same time. Nerf base healing, increase how much healing you do if you gear for that than what it was at BWE3 if you geared for it, and it’s all happy. Unfortunately anet, you HAVE to buff core ranger for this to be a viable payoff. Otherwise you’ve kittened off the Ranger community YET AGAIN.
Stop throwing fits on the reduction of base healing when we really do not even know how big of a reduction we are looking at.
According to history, whenever a nerf hammer hits ranger, they’re always big.
Anet tend to nerf ranger in a way of completely destroying all functionality of it, instead of minor toon down. This has been a trend for as long as I know.
Also the one that nerf ranger are usually other developers that don’t play ranger. Usually who did the nerf are those other classes’ developers who thought: "how dare that inferior ranger outshine the class I designed in this aspect! I’ll nerf it to the ground!) Yeah, I’m looking at you Roy.
All of the developers actually work together for each class. Think of them more as combat developers. Irenio has just as much say in what happens to the ele as Roy has with what happens to the Ranger.
“All skills/combat designers are involved in the design of each profession..” was an actual quote from the man himself he said to me on Twitter.
a nerf to base healing is necessary. Whilst I agree the Ranger, now, should be a hybrid class (either going full DPS or going Healing), in my eyes you shouldn’t be able to do both at the same time. Nerf base healing, increase how much healing you do if you gear for that than what it was at BWE3 if you geared for it, and it’s all happy. Unfortunately anet, you HAVE to buff core ranger for this to be a viable payoff. Otherwise you’ve kittened off the Ranger community YET AGAIN.
Point being what do we get when we give up the base healing?
As Druid we do not get any good damage at all!
It’s not like we give-up base healing and go full zerk, and suddenly staff hits as hard as LB. If you just going to nerf healing while leaving the damage subpar even with the best offensive set-up, then this is not hybrid, this is one dimensional crap (spec healing or you’re useless in both healing and dps)
Stop throwing fits on the reduction of base healing when we really do not even know how big of a reduction we are looking at.
According to history, whenever a nerf hammer hits ranger, they’re always big.
Anet tend to nerf ranger in a way of completely destroying all functionality of it, instead of minor toon down. This has been a trend for as long as I know.
Also the one that nerf ranger are usually other developers that don’t play ranger. Usually who did the nerf are those other classes’ developers who thought: "how dare that inferior ranger outshine the class I designed in this aspect! I’ll nerf it to the ground!) Yeah, I’m looking at you Roy.
All of the developers actually work together for each class. Think of them more as combat developers. Irenio has just as much say in what happens to the ele as Roy has with what happens to the Ranger.
“All skills/combat designers are involved in the design of each profession..” was an actual quote from the man himself he said to me on Twitter.
This is clearly not the case here.
Go look at how Roy buff his own class (Revenant) by giving sword 3 evade, allowing double weapon swap (by making swap weapon and swap legend both trigger on-swap sigils), buff Hammer to the degree of hitting as hard as ranger’s LB, and buff Herald skills to oblivion. (And Roy made red posts about how he did these changes and going to add them on BWE 3)
Clearly his team has no right to interfere Roy’s work, while Roy has full right to interfere other people’s work.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
a nerf to base healing is necessary. Whilst I agree the Ranger, now, should be a hybrid class (either going full DPS or going Healing), in my eyes you shouldn’t be able to do both at the same time. Nerf base healing, increase how much healing you do if you gear for that than what it was at BWE3 if you geared for it, and it’s all happy. Unfortunately anet, you HAVE to buff core ranger for this to be a viable payoff. Otherwise you’ve kittened off the Ranger community YET AGAIN.
Point being what do we get when we give up the base healing?
As Druid we do not get any good damage at all!
It’s not like we give-up base healing and go full zerk, and suddenly staff hits as hard as LB. If you just going to nerf healing while leaving the damage subpar even with the best offensive set-up, then this is not hybrid, this is one dimensional crap (spec healing or you’re useless in both healing and dps)
Thats precisely it, no you don’t get mad damage by speccing druid and going with zerker. Thats like saying you want to be the biggest planet but also the smallest at the same time. Druids not gonna be a dps class and you will be a hindrance to your team by going druid with zerker.
Instead, if you want to be DPS, stick with core ranger. You can’t be Druid and have the choice of heavy healing or heavy dps. In other words, you can’t be a hybrid with just one specialisation.
We need to start ignoring that word “elite” thats attached to these specs and Anet should never have called them that in the first place as it makes us feel like thats the next goal of advancing the character. Its not, it’s just another option.
a nerf to base healing is necessary. Whilst I agree the Ranger, now, should be a hybrid class (either going full DPS or going Healing), in my eyes you shouldn’t be able to do both at the same time. Nerf base healing, increase how much healing you do if you gear for that than what it was at BWE3 if you geared for it, and it’s all happy. Unfortunately anet, you HAVE to buff core ranger for this to be a viable payoff. Otherwise you’ve kittened off the Ranger community YET AGAIN.
Point being what do we get when we give up the base healing?
As Druid we do not get any good damage at all!
It’s not like we give-up base healing and go full zerk, and suddenly staff hits as hard as LB. If you just going to nerf healing while leaving the damage subpar even with the best offensive set-up, then this is not hybrid, this is one dimensional crap (spec healing or you’re useless in both healing and dps)
Thats precisely it, no you don’t get mad damage by speccing druid and going with zerker. Thats like saying you want to be the biggest planet but also the smallest at the same time. Druids not gonna be a dps class and you will be a hindrance to your team by going druid with zerker.
Instead, if you want to be DPS, stick with core ranger. You can’t be Druid and have the choice of heavy healing or heavy dps. In other words, you can’t be a hybrid with just one specialisation.
We need to start ignoring that word “elite” thats attached to these specs and Anet should never have called them that in the first place as it makes us feel like thats the next goal of advancing the character. Its not, it’s just another option.
Don’t you understand the word HYBRID means?
Druid cannot be Hybrid post nerf because it’d only shine in heal. Even with best offensive gear, the damage is still subpar. It also has no condition damage whatsoever on everything Druid offers.
The ONLY option you get is spec for more healing, making your damage NON-EXISTENT (DONT use the word subpar, hitting less than1k with staff AA is outright worthless)
There’s nothing Hybrid about it. No damage, no condition, no boons, but only healing.
Druid is MERELY a healer post nerf. You either spec for inferior damage and giving up the whole healing things, or spec for healing to be a great healer and do next to no damage.
Other support classes NEVER have to go through this trade-off and still can keep all their options. (Damage or Condition, pick one) That’s what I called Hybrid.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
Even if we are looking up to a 50% healing base nerf on some skills, and not all mind you because some of them have pretty low healing, this is still quite a lot of sustain for a berserker spec. I will be very surprised if a flat nerf to all skills happens. I think they will do a skill by skill pass.
a nerf to base healing is necessary. Whilst I agree the Ranger, now, should be a hybrid class (either going full DPS or going Healing), in my eyes you shouldn’t be able to do both at the same time. Nerf base healing, increase how much healing you do if you gear for that than what it was at BWE3 if you geared for it, and it’s all happy. Unfortunately anet, you HAVE to buff core ranger for this to be a viable payoff. Otherwise you’ve kittened off the Ranger community YET AGAIN.
Point being what do we get when we give up the base healing?
As Druid we do not get any good damage at all!
It’s not like we give-up base healing and go full zerk, and suddenly staff hits as hard as LB. If you just going to nerf healing while leaving the damage subpar even with the best offensive set-up, then this is not hybrid, this is one dimensional crap (spec healing or you’re useless in both healing and dps)
Thats precisely it, no you don’t get mad damage by speccing druid and going with zerker. Thats like saying you want to be the biggest planet but also the smallest at the same time. Druids not gonna be a dps class and you will be a hindrance to your team by going druid with zerker.
Instead, if you want to be DPS, stick with core ranger. You can’t be Druid and have the choice of heavy healing or heavy dps. In other words, you can’t be a hybrid with just one specialisation.
We need to start ignoring that word “elite” thats attached to these specs and Anet should never have called them that in the first place as it makes us feel like thats the next goal of advancing the character. Its not, it’s just another option.
Don’t you understand the word HYBRID means?
Druid cannot be Hybrid post nerf because it’d only shine in heal. Even with best offensive gear, the damage is still subpar. It also has no condition damage whatsoever on everything Druid offers.
The ONLY option you get is spec for more healing, making your damage NON-EXISTENT (DONT use the word subpar, hitting less than1k with staff AA is outright worthless)There’s nothing Hybrid about it. No damage, no condition, no boons, but only healing.
Druid is MERELY a healer post nerf. You either spec for inferior damage and giving up the whole healing things, or spec for healing to be a great healer and do next to no damage.Other support classes NEVER have to go through this trade-off and still can keep all their options. (Damage or Condition, pick one) That’s what I called Hybrid.
You’ve hit the nail in the head yet again.
I’m well aware what hybrid means. You don’t seem to understand that what you’re saying is exactly what it is. the druid is NOT a hybrid spec. It’s a healing spec. what gives the Ranger the option TO hybrid is that is has the Druid option to spec into, or not.
Also, you used the word subpar, then told us not to use the word subpar.
I’m seeing a lot of salty Rangers here (I know because I am one) who can’t seem to look beyond the fact that there class is “bad”. Talk to Heimskarl if you think the Ranger is as bad as you lot make it out to be.
Even if we are looking up to a 50% healing base nerf on some skills, and not all mind you because some of them have pretty low healing, this is still quite a lot of sustain for a berserker spec. I will be very surprised if a flat nerf to all skills happens. I think they will do a skill by skill pass.
Without the defensive option, all those healing are pointless anyway.
It is borderline work in PVP in BWE3 not because of healing, but because of Astray 3 OP stuns (which would 100% be patched anyway, no doubt). Cutting it to half?
Now we have a class with no sustain
Actually PVP is even worse for Druid after the base healing is nerfed.
Your sustain is inferior, and can’t kill anyone, like a bunker burn Guardian. Burn Guardians sustain better than you thanks to all the OP mediation and burning, while they keep all their high healing (2k per use), blocks, invulnerable, while dishing insane burning damage the Druid can never match.
If they want to do that to Druid, they have to nerf the base healing on ALL CLASSES, like MEDIATION HEAL, SHOUT HEAL, AND BLAST FINISHER HEAL.
Talk about balance.
I really doubt people who said Druid is good outside of Astray 3 has any experience of PVP.
Staff’s healing is actually VERY BAD. (Relies on Astroy for heal mostly)
a nerf to base healing is necessary. Whilst I agree the Ranger, now, should be a hybrid class (either going full DPS or going Healing), in my eyes you shouldn’t be able to do both at the same time. Nerf base healing, increase how much healing you do if you gear for that than what it was at BWE3 if you geared for it, and it’s all happy. Unfortunately anet, you HAVE to buff core ranger for this to be a viable payoff. Otherwise you’ve kittened off the Ranger community YET AGAIN.
Point being what do we get when we give up the base healing?
As Druid we do not get any good damage at all!
It’s not like we give-up base healing and go full zerk, and suddenly staff hits as hard as LB. If you just going to nerf healing while leaving the damage subpar even with the best offensive set-up, then this is not hybrid, this is one dimensional crap (spec healing or you’re useless in both healing and dps)
Thats precisely it, no you don’t get mad damage by speccing druid and going with zerker. Thats like saying you want to be the biggest planet but also the smallest at the same time. Druids not gonna be a dps class and you will be a hindrance to your team by going druid with zerker.
Instead, if you want to be DPS, stick with core ranger. You can’t be Druid and have the choice of heavy healing or heavy dps. In other words, you can’t be a hybrid with just one specialisation.
We need to start ignoring that word “elite” thats attached to these specs and Anet should never have called them that in the first place as it makes us feel like thats the next goal of advancing the character. Its not, it’s just another option.
Don’t you understand the word HYBRID means?
Druid cannot be Hybrid post nerf because it’d only shine in heal. Even with best offensive gear, the damage is still subpar. It also has no condition damage whatsoever on everything Druid offers.
The ONLY option you get is spec for more healing, making your damage NON-EXISTENT (DONT use the word subpar, hitting less than1k with staff AA is outright worthless)There’s nothing Hybrid about it. No damage, no condition, no boons, but only healing.
Druid is MERELY a healer post nerf. You either spec for inferior damage and giving up the whole healing things, or spec for healing to be a great healer and do next to no damage.Other support classes NEVER have to go through this trade-off and still can keep all their options. (Damage or Condition, pick one) That’s what I called Hybrid.
You’ve hit the nail in the head yet again.
I’m well aware what hybrid means. You don’t seem to understand that what you’re saying is exactly what it is. the druid is NOT a hybrid spec. It’s a healing spec. what gives the Ranger the option TO hybrid is that is has the Druid option to spec into, or not.
Also, you used the word subpar, then told us not to use the word subpar.
I’m seeing a lot of salty Rangers here (I know because I am one) who can’t seem to look beyond the fact that there class is “bad”. Talk to Heimskarl if you think the Ranger is as bad as you lot make it out to be.
Read it again. If you spec for healing on a subpar damage class (Yes, even go full zerk, if you use staff your damage is “subpar”), your damage become “non-existent”. That’s what I meant.
You continue to fail to see my point. We shouldn’t get an Elite spec just for one dimensional use with no other choice but healing. Druid shouldn’t be something that bound to only healing. It should add options to our play-style, not pigeon-hole us into one play-style.
You said you’re able to pick on other specs of ranger to be Hybrid for Druid, but your logic is flawed because without the stats, other ranger specs aren’t going to save your dps. You pick healing, and your damage is nothing, simple as that. There’s nothing hybrid about it. This game is so reliant on stats and Amulets.
I feel like I’m talking to a wall who couldn’t understand my words. I’d stop talking to you then. At least other people can see my points.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
a nerf to base healing is necessary. Whilst I agree the Ranger, now, should be a hybrid class (either going full DPS or going Healing), in my eyes you shouldn’t be able to do both at the same time. Nerf base healing, increase how much healing you do if you gear for that than what it was at BWE3 if you geared for it, and it’s all happy. Unfortunately anet, you HAVE to buff core ranger for this to be a viable payoff. Otherwise you’ve kittened off the Ranger community YET AGAIN.
Point being what do we get when we give up the base healing?
As Druid we do not get any good damage at all!
It’s not like we give-up base healing and go full zerk, and suddenly staff hits as hard as LB. If you just going to nerf healing while leaving the damage subpar even with the best offensive set-up, then this is not hybrid, this is one dimensional crap (spec healing or you’re useless in both healing and dps)
Thats precisely it, no you don’t get mad damage by speccing druid and going with zerker. Thats like saying you want to be the biggest planet but also the smallest at the same time. Druids not gonna be a dps class and you will be a hindrance to your team by going druid with zerker.
Instead, if you want to be DPS, stick with core ranger. You can’t be Druid and have the choice of heavy healing or heavy dps. In other words, you can’t be a hybrid with just one specialisation.
We need to start ignoring that word “elite” thats attached to these specs and Anet should never have called them that in the first place as it makes us feel like thats the next goal of advancing the character. Its not, it’s just another option.
Don’t you understand the word HYBRID means?
Druid cannot be Hybrid post nerf because it’d only shine in heal. Even with best offensive gear, the damage is still subpar. It also has no condition damage whatsoever on everything Druid offers.
The ONLY option you get is spec for more healing, making your damage NON-EXISTENT (DONT use the word subpar, hitting less than1k with staff AA is outright worthless)There’s nothing Hybrid about it. No damage, no condition, no boons, but only healing.
Druid is MERELY a healer post nerf. You either spec for inferior damage and giving up the whole healing things, or spec for healing to be a great healer and do next to no damage.Other support classes NEVER have to go through this trade-off and still can keep all their options. (Damage or Condition, pick one) That’s what I called Hybrid.
You’ve hit the nail in the head yet again.
I’m well aware what hybrid means. You don’t seem to understand that what you’re saying is exactly what it is. the druid is NOT a hybrid spec. It’s a healing spec. what gives the Ranger the option TO hybrid is that is has the Druid option to spec into, or not.
Also, you used the word subpar, then told us not to use the word subpar.
I’m seeing a lot of salty Rangers here (I know because I am one) who can’t seem to look beyond the fact that there class is “bad”. Talk to Heimskarl if you think the Ranger is as bad as you lot make it out to be.
Read it again. If you spec for healing on a subpar damage class (Yes, even go full zerk, if you use staff your damage is “subpar”), your damage become “non-existent”. That’s what I meant.
You continue to fail to see my point. We shouldn’t get an Elite spec just for one dimensional use with no other choice but healing. Druid shouldn’t be something that bound to only healing. It should add options to our play-style, not pigeon-hole us into one play-style.
You said you’re able to pick on other specs of ranger to be Hybrid for Druid, but your logic is flawed because without the stats, other ranger specs aren’t going to save your dps. You pick healing, and your damage is nothing, simple as that. There’s nothing hybrid about it. This game is so reliant on stats and Amulets.
Okay again you’ve nailed the bullseye. There’s nothing hybrid about it. Correct. It’s a healing spec. It’s not meant to be a hybrid. (Unless Irenio + devs change their mind)
The ranger however IS hybrid because at its core, it’s DPS orientated. Yes, other ranger specs won’t save your DPS and as I said, the core ranger still needs a lot of work to make the class work as a hybrid (which is what it looks like they’re trying to do).
What I think you’re trying to say is that the Ranger either goes full dps, or full healing, and as such, whilst in play, cannot be a hybrid. The thing is, it appears that anet are trying to avoid just that, because thats what the Elementalist is and everyone cries “OP!”.
Also, why shouldn’t it be one-dimensional? take Rift for example, you have one class that specs into individual, one dimensional roles depending on whats needed of it. This is just something, that the Rangers have declared, shouldn’t be a thing and so therefore must have negativity hurled towards it.
Having this additional option actually OPENS the play of the Ranger. albeit it in an uncreative way (I’m not a massive fan of druid and I believe they could have done it differently, but I’ll put that in a separate post if asked because its off-topic otherwise)
There’ll be more supportive damage for Celestial Avatar by launch… possibly from trait modifications or from skill changes.
An issue which should not be decoupled here is that Celestial Avatar felt gated behind staff use (and troll unguent), which left a ranger with one damage-focused weapon option and one support weapon. I’m making some changes to astral force rate gain to try to address this. Ideally it should be possible to build up your astral force without -needing- to run staff, but running staff should speed up the process by nature of the heals it provides. This would yield the option of running two non-staff weapons while still having Celestial Avatar available.
Celestial Avatar healing is the best available by a decent margin right now. One issue that came up is that the healing coefficients are so insignificant that running with healing stats yields very little reward.
The best healing in the game being available without using any healing power; this is not good for the game.
The berserker meta not be the only consideration requires that other stat combinations be rewarding.
Being able to run two more damage-focused weapons (if that’s your thing) and still have Celestial Avatar available should address some of your offensive concerns if you want to play a bit more offensively as a hybrid. If you want to focus on being the top offense then you probably shouldn’t be selecting the Druid specialization.
That’s all I’m going to say on the subject for now (though I will continue to read constructive feedback here and elsewhere) as there is plenty to be done in order to address these and other issues. /me ducks back to work on Scrapper and Druid.
But do any other Elite Specializations not serve as good all-round improvements to their base class? Has any single other class but Ranger been told “yeah don’t bother with your Elite spec if you want to focus on damage”?
Personally, I found 2/3rds of the Druid traits to be unattractive. Natural Stride and Ancient Seeds were my constant picks because the other 2 choices in each tier were so meh that even if you combined them I wouldn’t have taken them over Stride and Seeds.
The melee emphasis on the glyphs also seemed totally at odds with the design of the entire class and spec. Is Staff Druid, with its 1,000 range or so, supposed to run into melee range so it can hit enemies with its short-range glyphs? Why not make them ground targetable and give em a medium to long range?
My only takeaway is: Eles, Engis, to a lesser extent Guardians, and probably Revenants, all have the ability to “shift gears” between damage and healing. It’s one of the great contributors to their success. It’s versatile. And now Druid is being designed away from that to force you to take Healing Power? Will Eles no long heal well without Healing Power? Will Engis? Will Guards? Or are ONLY Rangers going to be hit with this stipulation that your heals should be weak if you don’t spend item budget and traits on them?
Berserker, Dragon Hunter, Daredevil, comes to mind. At least rangers actually get some new play style.
a nerf to base healing is necessary. Whilst I agree the Ranger, now, should be a hybrid class (either going full DPS or going Healing), in my eyes you shouldn’t be able to do both at the same time. Nerf base healing, increase how much healing you do if you gear for that than what it was at BWE3 if you geared for it, and it’s all happy. Unfortunately anet, you HAVE to buff core ranger for this to be a viable payoff. Otherwise you’ve kittened off the Ranger community YET AGAIN.
Point being what do we get when we give up the base healing?
As Druid we do not get any good damage at all!
It’s not like we give-up base healing and go full zerk, and suddenly staff hits as hard as LB. If you just going to nerf healing while leaving the damage subpar even with the best offensive set-up, then this is not hybrid, this is one dimensional crap (spec healing or you’re useless in both healing and dps)
Thats precisely it, no you don’t get mad damage by speccing druid and going with zerker. Thats like saying you want to be the biggest planet but also the smallest at the same time. Druids not gonna be a dps class and you will be a hindrance to your team by going druid with zerker.
Instead, if you want to be DPS, stick with core ranger. You can’t be Druid and have the choice of heavy healing or heavy dps. In other words, you can’t be a hybrid with just one specialisation.
We need to start ignoring that word “elite” thats attached to these specs and Anet should never have called them that in the first place as it makes us feel like thats the next goal of advancing the character. Its not, it’s just another option.
Don’t you understand the word HYBRID means?
Druid cannot be Hybrid post nerf because it’d only shine in heal. Even with best offensive gear, the damage is still subpar. It also has no condition damage whatsoever on everything Druid offers.
The ONLY option you get is spec for more healing, making your damage NON-EXISTENT (DONT use the word subpar, hitting less than1k with staff AA is outright worthless)There’s nothing Hybrid about it. No damage, no condition, no boons, but only healing.
Druid is MERELY a healer post nerf. You either spec for inferior damage and giving up the whole healing things, or spec for healing to be a great healer and do next to no damage.Other support classes NEVER have to go through this trade-off and still can keep all their options. (Damage or Condition, pick one) That’s what I called Hybrid.
You’ve hit the nail in the head yet again.
I’m well aware what hybrid means. You don’t seem to understand that what you’re saying is exactly what it is. the druid is NOT a hybrid spec. It’s a healing spec. what gives the Ranger the option TO hybrid is that is has the Druid option to spec into, or not.
Also, you used the word subpar, then told us not to use the word subpar.
I’m seeing a lot of salty Rangers here (I know because I am one) who can’t seem to look beyond the fact that there class is “bad”. Talk to Heimskarl if you think the Ranger is as bad as you lot make it out to be.
Read it again. If you spec for healing on a subpar damage class (Yes, even go full zerk, if you use staff your damage is “subpar”), your damage become “non-existent”. That’s what I meant.
You continue to fail to see my point. We shouldn’t get an Elite spec just for one dimensional use with no other choice but healing. Druid shouldn’t be something that bound to only healing. It should add options to our play-style, not pigeon-hole us into one play-style.
You said you’re able to pick on other specs of ranger to be Hybrid for Druid, but your logic is flawed because without the stats, other ranger specs aren’t going to save your dps. You pick healing, and your damage is nothing, simple as that. There’s nothing hybrid about it. This game is so reliant on stats and Amulets.
I feel like I’m talking to a wall who couldn’t understand my words. I’d stop talking to you then. At least other people can see my points.
But Druid also apply massive CC which is perfect for DPS or Tank builds for taking down defiance bar.
can make a Melee Druid with lockdown CC and bunker heals.
there are many ways to play. Not everything need to be zerker….
a nerf to base healing is necessary. Whilst I agree the Ranger, now, should be a hybrid class (either going full DPS or going Healing), in my eyes you shouldn’t be able to do both at the same time. Nerf base healing, increase how much healing you do if you gear for that than what it was at BWE3 if you geared for it, and it’s all happy. Unfortunately anet, you HAVE to buff core ranger for this to be a viable payoff. Otherwise you’ve kittened off the Ranger community YET AGAIN.
Point being what do we get when we give up the base healing?
As Druid we do not get any good damage at all!
It’s not like we give-up base healing and go full zerk, and suddenly staff hits as hard as LB. If you just going to nerf healing while leaving the damage subpar even with the best offensive set-up, then this is not hybrid, this is one dimensional crap (spec healing or you’re useless in both healing and dps)
Thats precisely it, no you don’t get mad damage by speccing druid and going with zerker. Thats like saying you want to be the biggest planet but also the smallest at the same time. Druids not gonna be a dps class and you will be a hindrance to your team by going druid with zerker.
Instead, if you want to be DPS, stick with core ranger. You can’t be Druid and have the choice of heavy healing or heavy dps. In other words, you can’t be a hybrid with just one specialisation.
We need to start ignoring that word “elite” thats attached to these specs and Anet should never have called them that in the first place as it makes us feel like thats the next goal of advancing the character. Its not, it’s just another option.
Don’t you understand the word HYBRID means?
Druid cannot be Hybrid post nerf because it’d only shine in heal. Even with best offensive gear, the damage is still subpar. It also has no condition damage whatsoever on everything Druid offers.
The ONLY option you get is spec for more healing, making your damage NON-EXISTENT (DONT use the word subpar, hitting less than1k with staff AA is outright worthless)There’s nothing Hybrid about it. No damage, no condition, no boons, but only healing.
Druid is MERELY a healer post nerf. You either spec for inferior damage and giving up the whole healing things, or spec for healing to be a great healer and do next to no damage.Other support classes NEVER have to go through this trade-off and still can keep all their options. (Damage or Condition, pick one) That’s what I called Hybrid.
You’ve hit the nail in the head yet again.
I’m well aware what hybrid means. You don’t seem to understand that what you’re saying is exactly what it is. the druid is NOT a hybrid spec. It’s a healing spec. what gives the Ranger the option TO hybrid is that is has the Druid option to spec into, or not.
Also, you used the word subpar, then told us not to use the word subpar.
I’m seeing a lot of salty Rangers here (I know because I am one) who can’t seem to look beyond the fact that there class is “bad”. Talk to Heimskarl if you think the Ranger is as bad as you lot make it out to be.
Read it again. If you spec for healing on a subpar damage class (Yes, even go full zerk, if you use staff your damage is “subpar”), your damage become “non-existent”. That’s what I meant.
You continue to fail to see my point. We shouldn’t get an Elite spec just for one dimensional use with no other choice but healing. Druid shouldn’t be something that bound to only healing. It should add options to our play-style, not pigeon-hole us into one play-style.
You said you’re able to pick on other specs of ranger to be Hybrid for Druid, but your logic is flawed because without the stats, other ranger specs aren’t going to save your dps. You pick healing, and your damage is nothing, simple as that. There’s nothing hybrid about it. This game is so reliant on stats and Amulets.
I feel like I’m talking to a wall who couldn’t understand my words. I’d stop talking to you then. At least other people can see my points.
But Druid also apply massive CC which is perfect for DPS or Tank builds for taking down defiance bar.
can make a Melee Druid with lockdown CC and bunker heals.
there are many ways to play. Not everything need to be zerker….
Druid couldn’t even go condition spec either.
All the other support class can go either zerker or condition or tank, while druid can ONLY be healer.
That massive CC you talked about is Astray 3 which will 100% get nerfed right?
Other than that I don’t see other “superior CC” out there. Some classes like thief or Revenant can actually spam them consistently.