The purpose of this thread is to give feedback to Arenanet so that those nerfs won’t be at the wrong places and make the class unplayable (something that happened in the past).
If you think druid is totally fine and should not see any kind of nerf whatsoever then I suggest you stop reading here. This is an honest discussion and not some kind of “ranger protection force” that tries to keep their class at the top of the meta. I consider this hypocricy that I unfortunately observe in almost every class forum.
Another important fact on why nerfs are not a bad idea is the complete dominance of druid over core ranger. The way Arenanet “balances” I find it unlikely for them to buff core ranger before nerfing druid. Let’s face it guys: “If you have to eat kitten, best not to nibble. Bite, chew, swallow, repeat. It goes quicker.”
What is the main issue with druid?
Celestial Avatar Uptime
Clearly Arenanet didn’t intend to be able to enter this form so often. Druidic Clarity has become a completely broken way to cleanse condis and stunbreak every 10 seconds and you get a ton of good healing/condi cleanse/cc out of the form itself. But not this trait is broken, it would be completely fine if the cooldown was more in the range of 20-30 seconds. What happened was very short BWE testing time (last elite spec release). People complained that druid was too bad in PvE and like so often they tried to balance it for PvE and PvP at the same time and guess what, they failed hard. They actually attempted to:
- make AF degenerate out of combat -> community outcry and they reverted it
- butchered the way AF is generated -> it should have never been based on heal/dmg ticks but the exact amount of healing/dmg done instead, many people (like myself) suggested htis over and over
- allowing players to keep a part of AF when leaving CF which made the “toggle” for the stunbreak/cleanse very efficient
The main reason of those back and forth changes was like I said Arenanet trying to please PvE and PvP at the same time. Personally I think AF should not degenerate out of combat. However leaving the mode prematurely should still consume all remaing AF. Furthermore I would still rework the way AF is generated (based around actual healing/dmg amount instead of per tick).
This traitline is actually not that much of a problem as people make it sound. First of all it is a core ranger line. HOT pets (except wyvern) are infinitely better than old pets but not because they are too good but because old pets are terrible. Also without traiting pets stats via BM the pet dmg really drops off. Rather than nerfing smoke/bristle they should slightly reduce the attribute bonus of the BM line (making it less mandatory) and buff old pets. Bristleback f2 would actually be fine if bugs were fixed. If I recall it still shoots more projectiles than the tooltip suggests.