As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Feeling useless as a Ranger
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
you can, but you cant kill me, and , if you face me, you will die, run little ranger, run, i have a ranger and i know that your skills have CD, i only have perma speed in the guardian .
btw, you are not kitting me, you run from me.
(edited by urdriel.8496)
yeah, you can, but you cant kill me, and , if you face me, you will die, run little ranger, run.
btw, you are not kitting me, you run from me.
I probably won’t die because I’m a tanky spirit ranger, it’ll likely end in both of us going, “screw this!” An walking away xD.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
yeah, you can, but you cant kill me, and , if you face me, you will die, run little ranger, run.
btw, you are not kitting me, you run from me.
I probably won’t die because I’m a tanky spirit ranger, it’ll likely end in both of us going, “screw this!” An walking away xD.
true, but it is a fact that you cant kite people in this game ( ok, you can kite noobs)
yeah, you can, but you cant kill me, and , if you face me, you will die, run little ranger, run.
btw, you are not kitting me, you run from me.
I probably won’t die because I’m a tanky spirit ranger, it’ll likely end in both of us going, “screw this!” An walking away xD.
true, but it is a fact that you cant kite people in this game ( ok, you can kite noobs)
Well if you run spike trap, dual spiders + intimidation training, muddy terrain and an axe + dagger and short bow you can kite whoever you please xD, my friend proved this to me back when he was in his “X prof is so much more awesome than my main!” Phase xD, I could certainly get his build if you want it.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
I’ve played a Guardian for a very long time. I know what the limitations of the class is. Sceptre 3 will root for 2 seconds. If you use me melandru runes and lemongrass poultry soup this drops to 1 second. Pretty much ineffective.
JI will hit and close the gap but a simple dodge then GS3 and the ranger is out of combat again.
The only thing that will keep a Guardian in check with the ranger is Sword 2 blink.
Playing against a GS Guardian isn’t much trouble either. Only noobs get caught by GS5. You manage to land it. You know you are fighting a noob.
Kiting with ranger doesn’t mean to walk backward and keep shooting. Nor does it mean to keeping dodging and shooting. You literally run like hell, get as far away as possible then turn and shoot when you cripple or knock back or burst is off cool down. All this is happening as your pet still hits now and again chipping away at opponents hp and crippling him or knocking him down.
If your not spec for skirmishing and survival, if your in 900 range, you are doing it wrong. Running away lets your UT do its full effect as well as any regen you have. It’s a game of attrition where you have all the speed to get away.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
(edited by KensaiZen.3740)
Let me tell you a simple combo that you may want to use. Use the torch 5, then use LB2 and fire into a group of people. Make sure you have piercing arrow and eagle eye traited. Watch the numbers
each shot adds burning duration. Same with other combo fields.
Rangers are so versatile. Not all people who play them are. This is the issue.
Yeah that MEGAHUGE burning damage totally makes this so much more effective than a simple blast finisher for AoE 3 might stacks.
Can you calculate the difference between the damage of adding 3 might stacks and 5 stacks of burning?
3 Stacks of Might on four or five people vastly outweighs a small amount of burning.
Especially since…
a. Other professions can stack burning easier, with better effects
b. Burning doesn’t ‘stack’, ‘5 stacks of burning’ doesn’t mean anything. Burning increases duration, not intensity.
c. You’d have done more damage with Barrage in an AoE situation.
Too bad rangers have no reliable blast finishers, another reason they are simply outclassed.
Ranger is just way more fun to play, whatcha gunna do about that?
Let me tell you a simple combo that you may want to use. Use the torch 5, then use LB2 and fire into a group of people. Make sure you have piercing arrow and eagle eye traited. Watch the numbers
each shot adds burning duration. Same with other combo fields.
Rangers are so versatile. Not all people who play them are. This is the issue.
Yeah that MEGAHUGE burning damage totally makes this so much more effective than a simple blast finisher for AoE 3 might stacks.
Can you calculate the difference between the damage of adding 3 might stacks and 5 stacks of burning?
3 Stacks of Might on four or five people vastly outweighs a small amount of burning.
Especially since…
a. Other professions can stack burning easier, with better effects
b. Burning doesn’t ‘stack’, ‘5 stacks of burning’ doesn’t mean anything. Burning increases duration, not intensity.
c. You’d have done more damage with Barrage in an AoE situation.Too bad rangers have no reliable blast finishers, another reason they are simply outclassed.
1, you are at 1500 range with a longbow, 1200 range with a short now. How many people will get those 3 stacks of might? does 3 stacks of might increase the g to 300+ per person?
2, burning ticks for 300-500 per tick. Used with LB2 came give how’s my ticks of burning? Do the math. It’s not all about burst damage. And that’s hitting all enemies in the line of fire. LB5 has shorter range but wider area. But hey you have both skills on the same weapon meaning rangers are supreme at multi target damage.
Rangers damage is not high burst. It is high sustained damage. for some strange reason people just can’t get their heads round this simple thing.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
I have a question? why would the ranger run from the guard? 1v1 rangers far outclass gaurds imo. and I agree with kensai rangers excel at sustained dps.
I don’t imagine myself to be very knowledgeable about the abilities of all the classes, but don’t most classes get several ways of removing conditions.
Rangers don’t without traiting into it, but that isn’t directly germaine to the discussion.
People can’t remove damage without using their heal, but they can use all sorts of utilities to remove conditions. Compared to what a few stacks of might can do to increase the damage of everyone around you, the burning doesn’t really compare.
I never feel useless in a dungeon nor have a had time finding parties. I use my bears to tank often in dungeons and with a guardian my bears hold out very well most bosses. Maybe you need to play around with your build and find one that is comfortable to your play style. I DPS, group heal, tank, and remove conditions in dungeons. How can that be useless?
So does everyone else they just do it better, LOL. Its not that rangers cant do anything it is just that rangers are best at nothing at all. To the people who claim they can keep pets alive, that is true but they are close to worthless and you loose 30 to 40% of your DPS. I know you fanboys love your rangers but you can not BS us who have played them for very long.
Let me tell you a simple combo that you may want to use. Use the torch 5, then use LB2 and fire into a group of people. Make sure you have piercing arrow and eagle eye traited. Watch the numbers
each shot adds burning duration. Same with other combo fields.
Rangers are so versatile. Not all people who play them are. This is the issue.
Yeah that MEGAHUGE burning damage totally makes this so much more effective than a simple blast finisher for AoE 3 might stacks.
Can you calculate the difference between the damage of adding 3 might stacks and 5 stacks of burning?
3 Stacks of Might on four or five people vastly outweighs a small amount of burning.
Especially since…
a. Other professions can stack burning easier, with better effects
b. Burning doesn’t ‘stack’, ‘5 stacks of burning’ doesn’t mean anything. Burning increases duration, not intensity.
c. You’d have done more damage with Barrage in an AoE situation.Too bad rangers have no reliable blast finishers, another reason they are simply outclassed.
1, you are at 1500 range with a longbow, 1200 range with a short now. How many people will get those 3 stacks of might? does 3 stacks of might increase the g to 300+ per person?
2, burning ticks for 300-500 per tick. Used with LB2 came give how’s my ticks of burning? Do the math. It’s not all about burst damage. And that’s hitting all enemies in the line of fire. LB5 has shorter range but wider area. But hey you have both skills on the same weapon meaning rangers are supreme at multi target damage.
Rangers damage is not high burst. It is high sustained damage. for some strange reason people just can’t get their heads round this simple thing.
The AoE might is an example. Obviously rangers CANNOT do that right now, that’s kind of what I was pointing out. Besides, blast finishers happen at the point of impact, so even if Longbow was given a blast arrow finisher, it would still give all your melee friends Might which is much more helpful then 300 burning damage.
Ranger is sustained damage, but it is not high, by any means. Burst classes do more burst AND more sustained damage. You seem to have convinced yourself that ‘burst’ classes have nothing to use after they ‘burst’, which is just false.
You think should of conditions as a seperate form of damage. Just as you have heal for normal damage think of condition removal as Heal for conditions. Just as you can have regeneration for normal damage you have passive condition removal.
Just as people stack toughness to mitigate direct damage per stack vitiality to help with condition damage.
While alot of players tend to like to see big number they normally give up vitiality to do it. Which makes condtion more viable against these targets.
Ranger have alot of success with condtion build because it allows them to stack toughness as well as mitigate condition via healing spring.
Direct damage and Condtion damage are two different tools use to get to the same result the death of your foe. Both can be mitigated by various means but the best way to do this is to not take damage at all. With that said there are a few ways to apply condition which are unblockable it’s another reason ranger do very well with trap builds.
As far as feeling useless it comes down to what you are trying to do and how you go about it. At the very least as a ranger you can quick stomp and quick res.
Being able to remove and enemy from the battle as well as returning an alley to battle quickly is under estimated.
Zergs that are able to support each other can over come zergs with greater numbers.
On a side not I dont like running with zergs but when I do I have started using dual axes. It puts me in medium ranger to both stomp and res and axes are great for zerg surfing thieves they still get hit even if you dont see them.
I think Path of scar hits more than 5 players I see so many numbers its hard to tell.
Whirling defence reflects projectiles so Its good for wvw cuz everyone is using them I usually pop signet of stone with it just it case there is a meleer on my kitten Dual axes are not so good 1 vs 1 unless your fighting a mesmer (atleast for me)
With the number of badges I get from running dual axes I can’t help but feel that I have helped.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
(edited by Serraphin Storm.2369)
I never feel useless in a dungeon nor have a had time finding parties. I use my bears to tank often in dungeons and with a guardian my bears hold out very well most bosses. Maybe you need to play around with your build and find one that is comfortable to your play style. I DPS, group heal, tank, and remove conditions in dungeons. How can that be useless?
So does everyone else they just do it better, LOL. Its not that rangers cant do anything it is just that rangers are best at nothing at all. *bold*To the people who claim they can keep pets alive, that is true but they are close to worthless and you loose 30 to 40% of your DPS.bold I know you fanboys love your rangers but you can not BS us who have played them for very long.
I have no trouble keeping my pet alive at level 50 (so I don’t have all the traits) in dungeons. This is especially true if I’m using ranged pets.
If you think pets are useless, you’re doing it wrong. You most likely don’t go down the BM line and wear full zerker’s…
I never feel useless in a dungeon nor have a had time finding parties. I use my bears to tank often in dungeons and with a guardian my bears hold out very well most bosses. Maybe you need to play around with your build and find one that is comfortable to your play style. I DPS, group heal, tank, and remove conditions in dungeons. How can that be useless?
So does everyone else they just do it better, LOL. Its not that rangers cant do anything it is just that rangers are best at nothing at all. To the people who claim they can keep pets alive, that is true but they are close to worthless and you loose 30 to 40% of your DPS. I know you fanboys love your rangers but you can not BS us who have played them for very long.
Just because I succeeded where you failed doesn’t mean you have the right to be an kitten
(edited by Avani Silver.2018)
Condition gets removed? Put another one on again instantly. It’s not like the ranger can’t do it with every shot. Also the thing with condition removers. It doesn’t get rid of every condition.
The ranger can pretty much keep 3 different conditions applied constantly. Most condition removals have at least a 10 second CD. Plenty of time to do damage.
Bursty classes may still have auto attacks left to use, but the idea is to avoid their burst so that you can eat through their glass armour and crap for HP. They trade their life for damage and this is where sustained damage comes to play.
The numbers on rangers damage doesn’t look high. But it’s quick and has access to a lot of quickness.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
One thing I can say though, is that I do prefer the aesthetics of the ranger skills over all the other classes and the feel of the ranger skills is definitely good (I just wish you could use dodge to cancel out of sword 1…).
Heh, this is the exact reason why I made a ranger over a thief as my second character: I just like the look of the animations and the feel of the class (minus the pet… if I could just use the harvesting sickle to end it once and for all, I would). I’ve only ever done an AC story run with him, but I really hope I can continue playing him without a bow in dungeons later on.
yeah, you can, but you cant kill me, and , if you face me, you will die, run little ranger, run.
btw, you are not kitting me, you run from me.
I probably won’t die because I’m a tanky spirit ranger, it’ll likely end in both of us going, “screw this!” An walking away xD.
true, but it is a fact that you cant kite people in this game ( ok, you can kite noobs)
Well if you run spike trap, dual spiders + intimidation training, muddy terrain and an axe + dagger and short bow you can kite whoever you please xD, my friend proved this to me back when he was in his “X prof is so much more awesome than my main!” Phase xD, I could certainly get his build if you want it.
Your enemy will never dodge, evade or block an attack/skill??
Bursty classes may still have auto attacks left to use, but the idea is to avoid their burst so that you can eat through their glass armour and crap for HP. They trade their life for damage and this is where sustained damage comes to play.
I’m still waiting for somebody ingame to quote Daybreak’s Bell whenever they go burst on somebody. “MY LIFE I TRADE IN FOR YOUR PAIN!”
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
2 skills that do pretty much NO damage. its not a DPS weapon.
By that logic, rangers actually have no dps weapon.
From my experience and discussions with my guildies and friends, we came to the conclusion that rangers are the BEST crowd control profession, sporting (over) 3 aoe CC utilities that stun, chill, cripple and/or damage enemies, along with an an elite skill that can be used whilst mobile that has a mass CC effect (entangle, and if you’re a human and don’t mind sacrificing the mobility, you get a heal, buff and the same CC capabilities with avatar of melandru)
We have also discussed that rangers actually seem to be one of the best, if not the best, at fighting from downed position due to the pet revive and heal.
So in dungeons where you have waves of monsters that require good CC to handle, or to make the dungeon easier, (2 examples are the first 2 paths of exp AC) rangers are ideal.
From my experience and discussions with my guildies and friends, we came to the conclusion that rangers are the BEST crowd control profession, sporting (over) 3 aoe CC utilities that stun, chill, cripple and/or damage enemies, along with an an elite skill that can be used whilst mobile that has a mass CC effect (entangle, and if you’re a human and don’t mind sacrificing the mobility, you get a heal, buff and the same CC capabilities with avatar of melandru)
We have also discussed that rangers actually seem to be one of the best, if not the best, at fighting from downed position due to the pet revive and heal.
So in dungeons where you have waves of monsters that require good CC to handle, or to make the dungeon easier, (2 examples are the first 2 paths of exp AC) rangers are ideal.
You mean traps? Yes, traps are quite decent in terms of CC. Don’t forget aslo about our certain pet abilities which also can be considered as CC. But this is realy poor refund for everything other that is completely broken in our class.
yeah, you can, but you cant kill me, and , if you face me, you will die, run little ranger, run.
btw, you are not kitting me, you run from me.
I probably won’t die because I’m a tanky spirit ranger, it’ll likely end in both of us going, “screw this!” An walking away xD.
true, but it is a fact that you cant kite people in this game ( ok, you can kite noobs)
Well if you run spike trap, dual spiders + intimidation training, muddy terrain and an axe + dagger and short bow you can kite whoever you please xD, my friend proved this to me back when he was in his “X prof is so much more awesome than my main!” Phase xD, I could certainly get his build if you want it.
Your enemy will never dodge, evade or block an attack/skill??
if your enemy “Blocks” an attack, that’s YOU being an idiot, as for the evades/dodges they tend to not dodge things they can’t see coming, Muddy Terrain has a really quick and subtle animation, and even if they dodge the immob you can still kite them back and forth through the cripple field. Spiders have a super short CD on their venoms (especially when treated) and if using the forest spider that’s 3 hits that all cripple… the thrown axe isn’t -that- noticeable, and then you can always fake them out by throwing the dagger instead, forcing their dodge and then hit them with the axe…
Point is, they only have so many evades/dodges, where with the load out i listed… you have a TON of ways to keep them from getting you, you’re nearly uncatchable.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
From my experience and discussions with my guildies and friends, we came to the conclusion that rangers are the BEST crowd control profession, sporting (over) 3 aoe CC utilities that stun, chill, cripple and/or damage enemies, along with an an elite skill that can be used whilst mobile that has a mass CC effect (entangle, and if you’re a human and don’t mind sacrificing the mobility, you get a heal, buff and the same CC capabilities with avatar of melandru)
We have also discussed that rangers actually seem to be one of the best, if not the best, at fighting from downed position due to the pet revive and heal.
So in dungeons where you have waves of monsters that require good CC to handle, or to make the dungeon easier, (2 examples are the first 2 paths of exp AC) rangers are ideal.
You mean traps? Yes, traps are quite decent in terms of CC. Don’t forget aslo about our certain pet abilities which also can be considered as CC. But this is realy poor refund for everything other that is completely broken in our class.
We don’t have anything “completely broken” we have things that are subpar (Most our utilities…) but nothing is broken, well i guess you could argue the pet AI is broken, but seeing as how it works a lot of the time i’d be more willing to label it as “sub par” than broken…
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
I think rangers are very useless in dungeons
-there pet can wipe every one.
-weak dps
-are not great tanks
-support is a joke
Pretty much any thing a ranger can do another class can do much better so why take a ranger over the other classes?
(edited by bandgeekdp.4651)
What do people mean by “building right” a Ranger? I love theory crafting and coming with builds but Ranger traits are such a contradictory mess that I get a headache everytime I try to come up with something new. Don’t try to blame the player, t’s just badly designed in that regard.
I think rangers are very useless in dungeons
-there pet can wipe every one.
-weak dps
-are not great tanks
-support is a joke
Pretty much any thing a ranger can do another class can do much better so why take a ranger over the other classes?
-depends on whether the player micromanages the pet.
-depends on whether the player is specced for maximum dps
-survive longer than anybody else usually in a dungeon
-trap rangers put down more combo fields than anybody else, and healing spring is our best party support skill.
I’ll tell you why you take a ranger…you want a GOOD player. The Ranger’s learning curve is so high that those who dungeon are usually very good players who have gained the skill necessary to help greatly in dungeons.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
I think rangers are very useless in dungeons
-there pet can wipe every one.
-weak dps
-are not great tanks
-support is a joke
Pretty much any thing a ranger can do another class can do much better so why take a ranger over the other classes?-depends on whether the player micromanages the pet.
-depends on whether the player is specced for maximum dps
-survive longer than anybody else usually in a dungeon
-trap rangers put down more combo fields than anybody else, and healing spring is our best party support skill.I’ll tell you why you take a ranger…you want a GOOD player. The Ranger’s learning curve is so high that those who dungeon are usually very good players who have gained the skill necessary to help greatly in dungeons.
-try doing arah
- if they are spec for dps a staff ele can out dps then/ if they are staff for condition they are like a bad necro
-maybe if they are standing in the way back but then they aren’t doing their best dps
-have u ever played with an ele they can put down more combo fields and have higher dps when doing it/ healing spring isn’t better then necros well to
-implying a jack of all trades class can be a master of any
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
You don’t use it AGAINST him. You use it to GET AWAY FROM HIM. That is the usefulness of the GS.
If you look at the skill set for it it has a movement skill. a block skill. a stun skill.
2 skills that do pretty much NO damage. its not a DPS weapon.
guardians are a problem… but if you turn off the “melee assistant” in the options, you can just walk in circles around him, bashing him with the #2 till he drops…
unless they go full tank, then you better run. or take out the LB and send em flying
Currently @ some T1 server in EU