Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


Aloha, i’ve recently been toying around with tons of different Condition-based ranger builds and I always come across the same problems that make up the difference between good builds and competetive PvP-ready builds. Almost all condition, or semi-condition-based builds, like D/D-Ele and Engi work, because they don’t have those Problems, or to a much smaller degree.


When I try and make a decent build, I always need to make sure to either get to swiftness or +25% movement-speed. Especially in the current meta with less AoE-Swiftness (no shoutbow) and paired with the fact, that I see roaming (defensive) as where Ranger probably fits best, it’s absolutely important.
So the Ranger has several ways to get to more movement-speed, unfortunately, the only viable one is the traveler-rune.
The Signet is unusable, because you need all the utility-slots badly and it has a rather bad activated effect.
The Swiftness on Shouts I kinda like, but it forces you into a traitline you don’t really want to go in in most builds. Also, it takes away from benefits you’d get by using other heal-skills, for which you already have stuff traited (the trp-trait or the survival skill trait).
Travelers Rune bring with them another big Problem: You don’t get any additional stats from runes, which makes it almost impossible to run cele-amu, which always leaves you with the squishy rabid-amu, or the Settlers amu, which makes shortbow unusable, because it does no condi-dmg without earth/torment sigils and heavy precision. It also denies you of the option to get a bit of healing power from the runes, which I’d love to have on rabid-amu builds.
The warhorn is obviously a non-issue on condition-builds.

- Make a condition-based and healing power-based Runes with Movement-Speed.
- Make the Sigil more useful,
- Make a Pet that has a swiftness shout that you can activate out of combat.
- Give the Ranger a +25% movement-trait, preferably not in beastmastery or marksmanship.

Shortbow has too low condition-damage

Almost all weapon-sets that are condition-based have much higher DPS-output than the shortbow, which has almost nothing. 3-5 are almost entirely non-condition, 1 is very situational and position-based and 2 is basically melee. So without mass precision and sigils, the Shortbow just does no DMG. This is a big problem, since the other semi-condition-based ranged weapon, the Axe, also doesn’t do much condition-dmg on range that is somewhat spammable while w8ing for CD’s.

Make shortbow autoattack do 3 s bleeding per default and add +20% duration when hitting from behind or the side. This still really isn’t much at all….

Cele-Amu not viable, but it needs to be

Guess what, almost all condition/semi-condition based builds use cele-runes, for several reasons:
Condition-based builds need to have rather high survivability, because they don’t deal DMG as quickly as power-based builds. Also, like the Ele, Ranger has a rather low HP-pool. Well, not AS bad as the ele, but it’s noticeable. Also, mixed DMG isn’t as bad against strong condi-cleanse and many cele-based builds bolster their DPS they lack with the cele with runes/mightstacking.
Ranger can’t do mightstacking too easily (on most condition-builds, the Pet with Mighty roar is the only option and maybe 1 battle-rune can be squeezed in – way too less) and even more important is, that he has to use travelers runes, which makes the condition-damage just way too low.

To be very precise, the thing I miss the most from the Cele-amu is a bit of healing-power, just to make rabid-amu a bit more sustainable, so either ANet could directly address healing power
1) Implement a trait which gives a bit of healing power. Together with the possibility to add whatever runes you want, for example ones with healing power (if you have movement-speed-options besides travelers runes) could be enough.

or address the problem by making the cele-rune more viable:

2) Give Ranger some better mightstacking-options, for example make survival-skills give might when traited instead of fury.
3) Also, a rune with some passive mightstacking on getting hit (like hoelbrak or pirate) and some increased might-duration that is condition-based, would help out a lot.

What do you guys think? Did you come across the same problems?

(edited by PowerBottom.5796)

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


My only problem is they nerfed offhand weapons and stuck poison master in the same spot as our condition removal traits.

Here is the build I’ve been running
It covers pretty much everything you’ve been having trouble with.

Not sure why you have an aversion to going into beastmastery, that line is awesome now and your buffed pets really bring up your damage.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Its funny how some players want to balance the game around their build instead of balancing their build around the game.

Your post is made of a series of false declarations.

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


Its funny how some players want to balance the game around their build instead of balancing their build around the game.

Your post is made of a series of false declarations.

How so? Plz elaborate.

In terms of movement-speed: I’ve stated the options and why they aren’t useful in my opinion for condition-builds or not on the same level as on other classes.

Shortbow has the lowest condition-dmg of weapons that can be looked at as condition-based.

And every viable condition-build we’ve seen played more than maybe 1 random failed try have been using cele. And I’m not talking about random PvP, but high-end competetive play.

Every claim I made has been well underlined with either facts or clearly stated as my own opinion, based on what I have tried out.

Just another trollpost….. be ashamed of yourself plz.

You know, maybe show me a build where you found a solution to a problem or some VoD’s of successful builds in pvp or anything besides useless BS. I’m getting tired of this community….

attitudes of ppl like you are ruining this game.

(edited by PowerBottom.5796)

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


“attitudes of ppl like you are ruining this game.”
Exacly the kind of false declarations you so love to make.

I cant give you a “solution to your problem” cus the problems presented are not realy a problems, they’r just false declarations.

1)BM is one of the most used trait lines ATM calling it unused or useless is a false decleration.

2)“Cele-Amu not viable, but it needs to be” – celce is very viable for the right builds – look at puck build for example.

3)“with the squishy rabid-amu” – rabid is an amulet with 900 toughness , how is it squishy?

4)SB is an hybrid weapon not a condi weapon that can do massive DPS.

5) traveler is a very good option for hybrid builds both 10% to condi duration and 15% to boon duration are very rare ATM, it also gives 252 worth of normal stats which is more than most rune sets. celec gear already have tons of bonos stats over regular amulet. If your build is suited for celec and you take full advantage of all the stats, u enjoy over 30% in stats worth over a “type focused build”.

Just go over this forum and look for the topics of how celec condi ranger in undefeated in 1v1.

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


“attitudes of ppl like you are ruining this game.”
Exacly the kind of false declarations you so love to make.

I cant give you a “solution to your problem” cus the problems presented are not realy a problems, they’r just false declarations.

1)BM is one of the most used trait lines ATM calling it unused or useless is a false decleration.

2)“Cele-Amu not viable, but it needs to be” – celce is very viable for the right builds – look at puck build for example.

3)“with the squishy rabid-amu” – rabid is an amulet with 900 toughness , how is it squishy?

4)SB is an hybrid weapon not a condi weapon that can do massive DPS.

5) traveler is a very good option for hybrid builds both 10% to condi duration and 15% to boon duration are very rare ATM, it also gives 252 worth of normal stats which is more than most rune sets. celec gear already have tons of bonos stats over regular amulet. If your build is suited for celec and you take full advantage of all the stats, u enjoy over 30% in stats worth over a “type focused build”.

Just go over this forum and look for the topics of how celec condi ranger in undefeated in 1v1.

1) The ONLY ranger-builds I saw played in the last 4 ESL cups (I think it was 4…. all the ones since the update) by prominent teams were using skirmishing, wilderness survival and nature and traps. Also, I never said unused or unusable, but “The Swiftness on Shouts I kinda like, but it forces you into a traitline you don’t really want to go in in most builds.” This was based on my testing and the builds i’ve seen played on a high level. Check out the latest ESl cups here if you don’t believe me.

2) what is a puck build? I’d really appreciate a link.

3) Rabid Amu has a rather low health pool with ranger now an with the new and much faster ticking conditions like burning, you’ll simply fall easily within the 10 second time-frame you don’t have a condi-cleanse from your pet (if you use empathic bond for example). Also, being squishy not only depends on health/armor-pool but sustain. being that regen is the source of most of the rangers sustain and that it’s heavily depending on healing power, you have almost no sustain whatsoever on the builds that run rabid-amu.

4) Shortbow doesn’t do massive DMG neither in physical nor condi-form. And a mixed weapon or utility weapon is fine, I simply stated that one of the problems I find impactful on the ranger is that the shortbow is too heavily tied to sigils when you want to do condition-damage, which is simply a fact. It won’t do much ranged condition-dmg without precision and earth/torment sigils. This on the other hand makes it a extremely low dps weapon on settlers amu. Plz tell me how this is a false declaration (hilarious expression btw. you really crack me up)

5) I never said travelers is bad, but that it brings certain limitations and problems with it that other classes don’t have. And the classes that don’t have those problems just happen to be the ones successfully used in pvp for months now (mostly on cele-builds). Almost all the cele-based builds are heavily dependant on using runes like hoelbrak, vampirism, strength or pack or sth.

Besides: 1v1 and competetive 5v5 are uncomparable. Yes, in 5v5 there are also 1v1’s happening, but even the builds that are used for roaming never look like the ones used for pure 1v1’s, because they are ONLY usable in those situations. In 5v5, no1 uses those builds: In 5v5, the builds that are jack-of-all-trades are getting used the most, which look entirely different from the 1v1 builds I’ve encountered in my (yes, very limited) pure 1v1 experience.

If you’re talking about 1v1, you might be completely right about everything you’ve said, in which case i apologize and stress that I am talking about 5v5 on a fairly high and premade level (r80 and 5k+ games, at least 1k+ premade teamgames on the people I play with most often).

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


2) what is a puck build? I’d really appreciate a link.

Scroll up.

The traits have been out a couple weeks, stop looking at what other people are running and do some experimenting.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


2) what is a puck build? I’d really appreciate a link.

Scroll up.

The traits have been out a couple weeks, stop looking at what other people are running and do some experimenting.

have you even read anything other than the sentence in which your name was mentioned?

I’ve been testing tons of stuff and I stated my experience with it.

I simply asked for the build because the other poster keeps mentioning amazing builds and says my points aren’t valid without ever elaborating or even giving me links to those builds.

(edited by PowerBottom.5796)

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Sorry to disappoint you. Your list is very good and all, but it’d definitely fell into deaf ear by Anet once again.

They would ignore all of your good suggestions, keep on nerfing ranger into oblivion again and again, promises all the “good fixes” for the unviable stuffs (and always turn out to be lies, because they actually make them worse), and then listen to some minor elitists team like Abjure (who never bring ranger in their team anyway) for all the balance issues, and shaft ranger into depth of hell once more.

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


2) what is a puck build? I’d really appreciate a link.

Scroll up.

The traits have been out a couple weeks, stop looking at what other people are running and do some experimenting.

have you even read anything other than the sentence in which your name was mentioned?

I’ve been testing tons of stuff and I stated my experience with it.

I simply asked for the build because the other poster keeps mentioning amazing builds and says my points aren’t valid without ever elaborating or even giving me links to those builds.

Too hard to scroll up? 2nd post in this thread.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Puck was the first guy to respond for your topic, posted his build here.

In the links you gave me i dont c rangers at all, what what we should conclude from that? Perheps in top competetive scene ranger is good enough. But its a scene for like 100 playes top. Unless u’r one of thouse 100 players it shoudnt concern you. Eura BTW, one of the only rangers that actually is part of thouse 100 competetive players using BM, most rangers streamers like skillface/dark potato are using BM . In ragular matches(even ranked) 1v1 and 1v2 are big part of the game, less so in the competitive scene. If u’r orianted to a 5v5 play, not sure condi is the right way to go, thats why most comptetive rangers are LB power.

Regarding SB damage, Rome(another copetetive player) used to run SB bleeder build with Axe/dagger, with raveler used to be very popular build(before the big trait change).

Just take puck build, its very strong

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


2) what is a puck build? I’d really appreciate a link.

Scroll up.

The traits have been out a couple weeks, stop looking at what other people are running and do some experimenting.

mhmm…. may I ask you how many competetive games in premades you have on ranger? I don’t understand at all what this build is supposed to do that other classes/builds don’t do 10times better. I see no reason any1 in competetive PvP would ever play that build.

You invest so much into the bird, which is extremely squishy and single-target only, so completely useless in teamfights to make him do a taunt and a bit of DMG and I can grab 1 trait that helps me for 1 heal and 2 utilities and do more dps in AoE with 1 utility 10 times faster.
The bird will literally die in 1 drakes breath on you and your pet or a few nades and stuff from an Engi.

I like the Idea of the guard just for the buffs, but if you want to compete in terms of DPS with other classes, you won’t have space for multiple utilities of that nature.

And that’s what I want to say: There are little things that rangers need to worry about and tinker on their builds and make sacrifices that others classes don’t have to, or not anymore.

@LughLongArm: what kind of an answer is that: It shouldn’t concern me that it’s not viable on a top-level? That’s what this thread is about! -.-°

Besides that, I was in multiple top-20 Worldwide GvG Guilds in GW1 for years (CC, BdV for example), I was best swiss player in SC2 for quite some time with multiple national tournament-wins and top200 EU, I was a national player in many TCG’s and I was pretty decent in GW2 when it first came out with 5k+ games and about 1k full premade teamgames. So yes, I do think about what’s useful ON TOP of the game and not in the middle. And that’s what this thread is about. If you think Puck’s build is viable, go have fun with it. I can tell you that It’ll not win any ESL’s soon though.

(edited by PowerBottom.5796)

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: Elorna.5329


GW2 lacks two things to be considered e-sports – a proper PvP mode and enough of a playerbase so that words like “top”, “mid” and “bottom” tier even get some meaning. The second would come if the first was sorted out. Stronghold won’t help in that regard. The other issues like the questionable downed state, uneven distribution of various game changing mechanics across professions (invulns, stealth, etc.) are just secondary problems that could come into play if the PvP mode itself was better. The best you can do here is have fun and not worry too much about balance, even in the so called top tiers. Often times that means not playing rangers unfortunately.

The greatest freedom is the freedom not to get involved.

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


GW2 lacks two things to be considered e-sports – a proper PvP mode and enough of a playerbase so that words like “top”, “mid” and “bottom” tier even get some meaning. The second would come if the first was sorted out. Stronghold won’t help in that regard. The other issues like the questionable downed state, uneven distribution of various game changing mechanics across professions (invulns, stealth, etc.) are just secondary problems that could come into play if the PvP mode itself was better. The best you can do here is have fun and not worry too much about balance, even in the so called top tiers. Often times that means not playing rangers unfortunately.

Well, this is your opinion. GW2 has enough of a playerbase that take the game very seriously that things like a meta are formed and if 1-2 classes are constantly on the bottom, it’s sad.

I really like playing ranger, but I don’t like playing stuff that is clearly worse than others. I made this thread to highlight the things I’ve come across especially after the most recent patch, but those actually have been problems of condition-based rangers for as long as I can remember.

I pointed them out because I think they aren’t easily seen be any1 not heavily involved in coming up and testing out new builds and playing them against high level players/teams.

Right now, I feel that ranger only needs a teeny tiny push to be viable and fun in PvP and have a distinct place in it, since traps offer a lot that no other class can do quite the same:

1) invisible pre-trapping of pathways/nodes
2) Being able to see ticks of conditions applied by your traps at any distance on the map gives you vision of the positioning of anything that activated your traps. This can be a good early warning on bigger maps.
3) heavy AoE-condition, more than any other class
4) good counterplay to stealth, since they will activate the traps even if stealthed of course

Also, some of the traits or very interesting and bring a new level of skill to the ranger, like taunt, which makes positioning and keeping your pets alive much harder but more rewarding.
Quick Draw, which works very well with the often different skills of the weapons, which entail defensive stuff like evades, AoE, ranged, melee atk, movements, combos etc. – so it’s really intense to always pick the right skill on the spot.

Ranger just feels amazing now, but IMHO, those little aspects keep him from being good enough of being used competetively a bit more frequently.

I don’t see how any1 could disagree with this, but it’s obviously simply my opinion.

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: Elorna.5329


Well as you can see from my post, I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with your position, I just think it doesn’t matter in the grander scheme of things. Anet wanted an esport, they had it in 2005/2006, they haven’t managed to recreate it in 2012. The failure on the Chinese market and the nonexistence of GW2 on the Korean market are just further indicators. And ofc that’s my opinion, everything I say here is.

The greatest freedom is the freedom not to get involved.

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenith.7301


The reason ranger is an inferior condi spec is because unlike engineer or necro it cannot spread/cleave/aoe condi bombs anywhere as well as the other classes.

It is a single target condi spec in a game that’s all about aoe/cleave.

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: Changer the Elder.2948

Changer the Elder.2948

Eeee…. “Signet of the Hunt”, permanent increase of movement speed by 25%? I’ve been using it ever since I started with the ranger, I swap it out for other skills as necessary and I’m a happy camper. I actually found out that ranger is one of the most agile and mobile classes in the game.

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Eeee…. “Signet of the Hunt”, permanent increase of movement speed by 25%? I’ve been using it ever since I started with the ranger, I swap it out for other skills as necessary and I’m a happy camper. I actually found out that ranger is one of the most agile and mobile classes in the game.

You are very new to this game do you?
While most classes get 25%~33% movement speed by taking a single trait, we always have to either sacrifice a weapon set or a signet, or something like Guard to get that 25% mobility that everyone has…

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: RevanCorana.8942


Flame trap is a joke the trigger radius is so small and you can’t throw it another utility wasted, wonder why all ranger play survival/signets…
Sun Spirit is a joke his passive burn trigger once every 8 seconds and doesn’t benefit your team because it’s his own cooldown. And his active is good but will never land because he will die before you can cast it, thanks to the extremely low hp, the small radius and the self daze second between when you cast a spirit and when you can actually use it (try do that on mesmer mantra see how they react)
Entangle is crap, bleed is weak no matter what if you play condi you want burn nowadays.
Torch is bad cos the radius is too small and the range too
Axe mainhand gives 5 stack of bleed if you hit with each which will rarely happen and even if you do 5 stack of bleed is nothing.
Shortbow is crap.

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: Changer the Elder.2948

Changer the Elder.2948

Eeee…. “Signet of the Hunt”, permanent increase of movement speed by 25%? I’ve been using it ever since I started with the ranger, I swap it out for other skills as necessary and I’m a happy camper. I actually found out that ranger is one of the most agile and mobile classes in the game.

You are very new to this game do you?
While most classes get 25%~33% movement speed by taking a single trait, we always have to either sacrifice a weapon set or a signet, or something like Guard to get that 25% mobility that everyone has…

I readily admit my knowledge of other classes is not as expansive.

I however remember mesmers bemoaning lack of permanent movement upgrade (resulting in sales on traveller runes), warriors having to don two one-handed weapons to gain a speed upgrade we get by a single sigil (and can therefore swap out much easilly), guardians having no way but a rune to get a speedboost…

The only other classes I can think of that offer rangerstyle easy-to-swap-out sigil method are thief and elementalist.

Also playing since day -1. Not that has anything to do with anything.

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: messiah.1908


Eeee…. “Signet of the Hunt”, permanent increase of movement speed by 25%? I’ve been using it ever since I started with the ranger, I swap it out for other skills as necessary and I’m a happy camper. I actually found out that ranger is one of the most agile and mobile classes in the game.

You are very new to this game do you?
While most classes get 25%~33% movement speed by taking a single trait, we always have to either sacrifice a weapon set or a signet, or something like Guard to get that 25% mobility that everyone has…

most classes?

mesmer no
thief – no (while in stealth yes)
guard – no
ranger – no
engi – yes
ele – on air short duration (if i am not mistaken)
warrior – yes
necro – no (only in ds)

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


Eeee…. “Signet of the Hunt”, permanent increase of movement speed by 25%? I’ve been using it ever since I started with the ranger, I swap it out for other skills as necessary and I’m a happy camper. I actually found out that ranger is one of the most agile and mobile classes in the game.

You are very new to this game do you?
While most classes get 25%~33% movement speed by taking a single trait, we always have to either sacrifice a weapon set or a signet, or something like Guard to get that 25% mobility that everyone has…

Don’t go throwing the poor Guardian on that ‘most classes’ train. Guardians suck at movement outside gimmicks much like the Ranger. Yeah, we have staff – but it is the three stooges stutter step shuffle if you want to keep up. Symbol pass through is x amount of time whereas food, boosts, traits, sigils are on. You want to get a longer duration of speed then you need to stop and stand in the symbol for 3 or 4 ticks then you can move with it lasting longer.

Remove speed from traits and place it on food or runes – that would level the playing field. Or do what DaOC did and have it as a single class ability that is granted to party members.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: Mohagi.2738


Eeee…. “Signet of the Hunt”, permanent increase of movement speed by 25%? I’ve been using it ever since I started with the ranger, I swap it out for other skills as necessary and I’m a happy camper. I actually found out that ranger is one of the most agile and mobile classes in the game.

You are very new to this game do you?
While most classes get 25%~33% movement speed by taking a single trait, we always have to either sacrifice a weapon set or a signet, or something like Guard to get that 25% mobility that everyone has…

most classes?

mesmer no
thief – no (while in stealth yes)
guard – no
ranger – no
engi – yes
ele – on air short duration (if i am not mistaken)
warrior – yes
necro – no (only in ds)

I agree with some of the classes on your list. But if we take the OP’s premise into consideration i partly agree that our traitlines just seems clunkier for getting speed.

I play all classes at 80 except warrior so my (maybe biased in regards to builds) opinion on your list here is as follow’s

Mesmer: I agree, though they will get it with Chrono (we might aswell, who knows)

Thief: Most thief’s spec into trickery line were they have access to ToTc, decent uptime with pack runes, and/or Acro line (though not that used atm)

Guard: No, agreed (always use travelers)

Engi: Yes agreed

Ele: 25% if traited air line (most got air atm) or EA + dagger 5 air = perma speed
or EA + staff 4 air etc

Warrior: Yea

Necro: I find it much easier as a necro to get perma swiftness (or 25%)
Bloodline dagger trait
Warhorn + trait
Spectral Walk + trait (not advised)
Signet condie build = you take the 25% movement signet since it rocks

Ranger: Shoutbuild or travelers, the signet is so crap so if caught in www with that on your util bar your at a disadvantage.
Even with Resounding Timbre in a condie setup you prolly only want the HaO on your bar, i do atleast. So uptime is not 100%
If not going BM then we only have Travelers. I really dont mind travelers myself, but i like fooling around with diff rune setups so its not my cup of tea.

This is my part solution to the “problem” atm (just a test hybrid build):

If A-net wants to give us more options they could make Tail Wind usable outside combat and/or make Clarion Bond usable outside combat.

(edited by Mohagi.2738)

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


Eeee…. “Signet of the Hunt”, permanent increase of movement speed by 25%? I’ve been using it ever since I started with the ranger, I swap it out for other skills as necessary and I’m a happy camper. I actually found out that ranger is one of the most agile and mobile classes in the game.

You are very new to this game do you?
While most classes get 25%~33% movement speed by taking a single trait, we always have to either sacrifice a weapon set or a signet, or something like Guard to get that 25% mobility that everyone has…

most classes?

mesmer no
thief – no (while in stealth yes)
guard – no
ranger – no
engi – yes
ele – on air short duration (if i am not mistaken)
warrior – yes
necro – no (only in ds)

Okay, here is the deal:

mesmer can run travelers rune and still have all the stats he needs
thief – doesn’t need it, since his movement is high because of skills like teleporting, HS-hopping etc. Could easily run travelers anyways though without loosing necessary stats.
guard – Shoutguard can use the Retreat-Shout and medi can use travelers runes again without loosing any necessary stats for the build to work

- These are all Zerker/Marauder-based classes (except shoutguard), they don’t suffer much from using travelers runes.

engi – Multiple traits, especially mecha legs, which is very good. He would greatly suffer if he had to use travelers runes IMHO.
ele – They have the air-attunement swiftness, the offhand dagger 4 (which doesn’t benefit from swiftness anymore, so when it runs out, use that one) und if you’re in a bind, you can use updraft.
warrior – multiple very easy ways to get it, you basically get it for free now on almost any build. Many War-builds also need it, cuz travelers runes would destroy certain synergies you have with shouts and soldier-runes etc. The newer offensive wars could easily run travelers runes though.
necro – Necro used to have this problem to the same degree as ranger, but now, they have the one with movement-speed on dagger, which also gives you a bit of recast-reduction, which is perfectly fine as a trait. Now I can run Cele-runes and still get to high condi-dmg numbers and not waste a utility/slot! YAY! PowerNecro’s (which often use cele too, but other runes like strength/hoelbrak) use the warhorn anyways, so they have movement-speed covered.

I can guarantee that many engi’s and necro’s would have the same problems with getting movement-speed and many builds wouldn’t be nearly as strong now if they had no way of getting to movement-speed without sacrificing utilities or using travelers runes.

You know, it’s not gamebreaking, but it’s one reaso why rangers (especially condition-rangers) are not being played on a very high level, at least less often than all the other classes.

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: Zicarous.2134


anyone here found any good condi builds with poison master love tht trait struggling to find something worth while

Fundamental Condition-Ranger Problems

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

anyone here found any good condi builds with poison master love tht trait struggling to find something worth while