Aloha, i’ve recently been toying around with tons of different Condition-based ranger builds and I always come across the same problems that make up the difference between good builds and competetive PvP-ready builds. Almost all condition, or semi-condition-based builds, like D/D-Ele and Engi work, because they don’t have those Problems, or to a much smaller degree.
When I try and make a decent build, I always need to make sure to either get to swiftness or +25% movement-speed. Especially in the current meta with less AoE-Swiftness (no shoutbow) and paired with the fact, that I see roaming (defensive) as where Ranger probably fits best, it’s absolutely important.
So the Ranger has several ways to get to more movement-speed, unfortunately, the only viable one is the traveler-rune.
The Signet is unusable, because you need all the utility-slots badly and it has a rather bad activated effect.
The Swiftness on Shouts I kinda like, but it forces you into a traitline you don’t really want to go in in most builds. Also, it takes away from benefits you’d get by using other heal-skills, for which you already have stuff traited (the trp-trait or the survival skill trait).
Travelers Rune bring with them another big Problem: You don’t get any additional stats from runes, which makes it almost impossible to run cele-amu, which always leaves you with the squishy rabid-amu, or the Settlers amu, which makes shortbow unusable, because it does no condi-dmg without earth/torment sigils and heavy precision. It also denies you of the option to get a bit of healing power from the runes, which I’d love to have on rabid-amu builds.
The warhorn is obviously a non-issue on condition-builds.
- Make a condition-based and healing power-based Runes with Movement-Speed.
- Make the Sigil more useful,
- Make a Pet that has a swiftness shout that you can activate out of combat.
- Give the Ranger a +25% movement-trait, preferably not in beastmastery or marksmanship.
Shortbow has too low condition-damage
Almost all weapon-sets that are condition-based have much higher DPS-output than the shortbow, which has almost nothing. 3-5 are almost entirely non-condition, 1 is very situational and position-based and 2 is basically melee. So without mass precision and sigils, the Shortbow just does no DMG. This is a big problem, since the other semi-condition-based ranged weapon, the Axe, also doesn’t do much condition-dmg on range that is somewhat spammable while w8ing for CD’s.
Make shortbow autoattack do 3 s bleeding per default and add +20% duration when hitting from behind or the side. This still really isn’t much at all….
Cele-Amu not viable, but it needs to be
Guess what, almost all condition/semi-condition based builds use cele-runes, for several reasons:
Condition-based builds need to have rather high survivability, because they don’t deal DMG as quickly as power-based builds. Also, like the Ele, Ranger has a rather low HP-pool. Well, not AS bad as the ele, but it’s noticeable. Also, mixed DMG isn’t as bad against strong condi-cleanse and many cele-based builds bolster their DPS they lack with the cele with runes/mightstacking.
Ranger can’t do mightstacking too easily (on most condition-builds, the Pet with Mighty roar is the only option and maybe 1 battle-rune can be squeezed in – way too less) and even more important is, that he has to use travelers runes, which makes the condition-damage just way too low.
To be very precise, the thing I miss the most from the Cele-amu is a bit of healing-power, just to make rabid-amu a bit more sustainable, so either ANet could directly address healing power
1) Implement a trait which gives a bit of healing power. Together with the possibility to add whatever runes you want, for example ones with healing power (if you have movement-speed-options besides travelers runes) could be enough.
or address the problem by making the cele-rune more viable:
2) Give Ranger some better mightstacking-options, for example make survival-skills give might when traited instead of fury.
3) Also, a rune with some passive mightstacking on getting hit (like hoelbrak or pirate) and some increased might-duration that is condition-based, would help out a lot.
What do you guys think? Did you come across the same problems?
(edited by PowerBottom.5796)