www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
On the other hand the hype is likely due to the fact that LB has suffered for such a long, long, long, long………time. Finally it gets this damage burst boost and, even if over time it turns out to level out, it still seems quite powerful. After more long term adjustment it may not seem thus, but with a good amount of crit stacked and Air and Fire sigils……
Honestly though, why speed up the attack rate and not just improve the damage? All the developers did was allow you to pack more crit burst faster, which in my opinion is a bit overpowered atm.
Actually, I’d say that leaving the old cast time as is and boosting the damage would make the skill OP, and not the changes we got. Mainly because there was no counterplay to the old rapid fire on the classes without block skills. You could double dodge and still get hit by 50-60% of the skill.
A direct damage boost to the old cast time would have increased the damage way too dramatically while the counterplay being nearly nonexistent on classes with no blocks or that can’t chain 3-4 evades.
With the sped up cast time, the skill has the desired effect of being stronger, while also being extremely avoidable, and Rapid Fire is actually deceptively strafe-able outside of 1000 range on top of that, even with rapid fire.
These are the balance changes that the devs should have been making from day 1; improving what needs to be improved while making sure there is equal counterplay versus effectiveness.
Having the opportunity to already go up against some decent players, you barely even land rapid fire unless you chain it through like, a pet knockdown/immobilize or they exhaust their dodges entirely, which is a rare occurrence that only happens when somebody panic dodges. I ended up doing more damage in duals with people with the Autoattack than Rapid Fire, unless I baited out a dodge first.
People just don’t know how to properly play against it yet.
Also, something that everybody needs to know right now. Unless it has been fixed in a patch, Thieves Steal was broken with the patch to interrupt actions upon use, which is severely screwing with their burst combos at the moment. Until the thieves bugs get fixed (thieves being the ultimate matchup against glass rangers with their evasion and gap closers), rangers are going to have a great time against classes with less gap closers than that, though there is honestly no reason why warriors can’t win the 1v1 matchup, other than player skill.
Dodging, Blocking, Blinding, etc. did not save the nerf to Eviscerate or even 100B.
The difference between Eviscerate and Rapid Fire is Rapid Fire is spread over 10 shots so blinding the attacker only reduces damage by 10% but 90% of the damage is still delivered and again, Rapid Fire is done at 1200-1500 range.
The difference between 100B and Rapid Fire is it roots the Warrior for the entirety of the duration.
Now you say, well, Warriors have hard CC to lock the target down for the big punch. Well, Rangers have Stealth (at range) and a knockback at range (which is more than half the time of the target to recover from) AND you can’t predict what is hitting you and when. It’s no different than a thief Backstab but can be done from 1200 range.
That’s not balanced. Not balanced at all. It’s so OP.
The problem is ANet reduced the cast time on Rapid Fire for the same damage.
To be honest. The best way to nerf rapid fire is to make it shoot faster so the whole thing can be dodged.
^Might as well turn it into Killshot 2.
Dodging, Blocking, Blinding, etc. did not save the nerf to Eviscerate or even 100B.
The difference between Eviscerate and Rapid Fire is Rapid Fire is spread over 10 shots so blinding the attacker only reduces damage by 10% but 90% of the damage is still delivered and again, Rapid Fire is done at 1200-1500 range.
The difference between 100B and Rapid Fire is it roots the Warrior for the entirety of the duration.
Now you say, well, Warriors have hard CC to lock the target down for the big punch. Well, Rangers have Stealth (at range) and a knockback at range (which is more than half the time of the target to recover from) AND you can’t predict what is hitting you and when. It’s no different than a thief Backstab but can be done from 1200 range.
That’s not balanced. Not balanced at all. It’s so OP.
The problem is ANet reduced the cast time on Rapid Fire for the same damage.
It did the same damage before the patch, and the only skill that had it’s damage buffed is the autoattack.
You must be insinuating that LB ranger has been OP since launch, because the only thing that changed is the time frame in which damage can be done, which made the skill more capable of being mitigated by a skilled player.
Eviscerate wasn’t nerfed by the way, the the Greatsword set had the damage shifted to make the new burst skill more worthwhile on the weaponset.
Before the “adrenaline QQ” argument gets made, Warrior weapon sets have more than enough damage outside of their burst skills to justify burst skills having a longer cooldown. Axe mainhand has one of the highest damage outputs in the game, and all warrior weapons have high damage coefficients.
It’s very different from a backstab, as backstab cannot be visually reacted to, and can be chained with steal and sleight of hand, AND heartseeker almost instantaneously from stealth.
So next time you see a ranger shooting at you from 1200 range, instead of facetanking the damage, hit that dodge key before coming and spreading blatant inaccuracies with obvious bias because your class didn’t get what you wanted for it.
I said this in the other forum post about it, the speed and damage and all that isn’t op, what’s op is the range. The fact that the ranger can initiate a burst from so far away without allowing the enemy to counter is kinda op. I know a few classes have range extending traits that can reach that distance, engi grenades at 1500, grenades that travel super slow that you literally can just move left or right to dodge. Thieves’ 1500 steal, but they still have to get close to do damage. I think if they made it where you could only take the increased speed OR the increased range it would be more balanced. Having both is a little much.
I said this in the other forum post about it, the speed and damage and all that isn’t op, what’s op is the range. The fact that the ranger can initiate a burst from so far away without allowing the enemy to counter is kinda op. I know a few classes have range extending traits that can reach that distance, engi grenades at 1500, grenades that travel super slow that you literally can just move left or right to dodge. Thieves’ 1500 steal, but they still have to get close to do damage. I think if they made it where you could only take the increased speed OR the increased range it would be more balanced. Having both is a little much.
Anyone know how long it takes to cover 300ish range? .25 seconds? Instantly with movement buffs? Hop on a ranger, UrMom, and actually see how this stuff works. The reason everyone laughed about LBs in the past is because closing the distance is absolutely trivial.
It’s hard to take the complaints about the damage or range seriously when the Warrior’s rifle volley does about the same damage and nearly the same range since launch. The problem is the sheer number of Rangers trying out the changes.
I said this in the other forum post about it, the speed and damage and all that isn’t op, what’s op is the range. The fact that the ranger can initiate a burst from so far away without allowing the enemy to counter is kinda op. I know a few classes have range extending traits that can reach that distance, engi grenades at 1500, grenades that travel super slow that you literally can just move left or right to dodge. Thieves’ 1500 steal, but they still have to get close to do damage. I think if they made it where you could only take the increased speed OR the increased range it would be more balanced. Having both is a little much.
Anyone know how long it takes to cover 300ish range? .25 seconds? Instantly with movement buffs? Hop on a ranger, UrMom, and actually see how this stuff works. The reason everyone laughed about LBs in the past is because closing the distance is absolutely trivial.
My main and first class is a ranger, I know how this stuff works. Engaging and even finishing off players trying to run with the rapid burst still makes a difference. Not to mention having a 1500 knockback so they get within the range and the knock back just knocks them back out of their range again. I played on the ranger all last night in wvw, and it felt unfair, most fights i had started with me at full health and them at 50% (sometimes lower) before any of their skills even hit me.
I played on the ranger all last night in wvw, and it felt unfair, most fights i had started with me at full health and them at 50% (sometimes lower) before any of their skills even hit me.
That’s the advice I’ve been giving glass LB rangers for years. If your opponent doesn’t start at ~ 50% health, you’re pretty much hosed. You could literally find dozens of posts of mine that say “you need to get them down to 50% by the time of melee”.
LB rangers use all their traits and most of their utilities just to exist.
I played on the ranger all last night in wvw, and it felt unfair, most fights i had started with me at full health and them at 50% (sometimes lower) before any of their skills even hit me.
That’s the advice I’ve been giving glass LB rangers for years. If your opponent doesn’t start at ~ 50% health, you’re pretty much hosed. You could literally find dozens of posts of mine that say “you need to get them down to 50% by the time of melee”.
LB rangers use all their traits and most of their utilities just to exist.
aight dude, agree to disagree. I think it’s a little much having both traits. You don’t. It’s all good. GLHF
shouldn’t get nerfed…will get nerfed within a week.
shouldn’t get nerfed…will get nerfed within a week.
Probs haha. QQ I got hit for an 8k single target skill with a good telegraph because I can’t dodge QQ. Meanwhile, we have engi’s doing far beyond that in an AoE ALONG with conditions, necros have passive fear procs that win games, and scepter ele still has no counterplay because of insta cast.
It’s just because everybody rolls a ranger atm I think. 1v1 I don’t think there would be any trouble, but in our group yesterday(3ppl) we constantly face groups of 6 or 7 rangers spamming this skill which we could endure for a while and we did our best but nah, that was ridiculous.
LOL what ? even if u are 3 vs 7 w/e class u wont endure, no matter if they are mesmer thief ele warrior…. so what is the point of what u say ? u just got owned by a big group, in the end is the same if u fight 4 mesmer 3 thief is ridiculous still
Lol. You obviously don’t do much WvW. It’s perfectly possible to kill 7 people with 3 guys. Damage and water fields, you can do wonders.
lol u may be wrong beacuse im from a hardcore gvg guild from t2 , so i know what im talking about, is possible ? yes but ur point is dumb if u say now ranger can kill only u… if that ur point then u are simple bad to the game, beacuse u lose to a class easy to kill ….l2p
lol u may be wrong beacuse im from a hardcore gvg guild from t2 , so i know what im talking about, is possible ?
Which guild and server out of curiosity? I’m from around those parts.
Same thread in the pvp forum – the only reason there is gripes now is because there are more power rangers from this latest patch – everyone is taking out their shelved rangers who never bothered to be a power ranger pre-patch. Before, I can count on my hands the amount of LB power rangers I’ve encountered within the past 5 months.
I’ve stuck with power ranger since the start, and I am by no means surprised by the output, it has changed very little. My damage output pre-patch was just as high, and could down a variety of opponents quickly who failed to dodge or LoS it. Likewise, I could be downed with a few hits from busty thieves, mesmers, necros, etc. On the flip side, any bunker could with reflect would laugh at the damage. It’s still the same.
Just relax and let the fad ride along. It is not OP by any means. You should’ve been playing it pre-patch.
Wow people are QQing about ranger? Its just a flavor of the week. As soon as people adapt to it it will go down in popularity.
a long range skill that hits this hard is kittened. Make a ranger melee skill that hits hard for sure, but at a distance – pure stupidity.
a long range skill that hits this hard is kittened. Make a ranger melee skill that hits hard for sure, but at a distance – pure stupidity.
Every time I see somebody crying about the update for rangers, I am reminded why ANet has added a dodge roll trainer to the game.
a long range skill that hits this hard is kittened. Make a ranger melee skill that hits hard for sure, but at a distance – pure stupidity.
I even had to use my Healskill to stomp full health Vs a full glass lb Ranger. Pure OPness those Glassbows >.>
(edited by Hepatolith.6389)
rf is easier to be dodged now and why should they nerf it anyway? war can do more than 12k dmg in 2 sec. Ranger was just weaker and now that he is balanced with the rest classes people r crying. GG
It’s just because everybody rolls a ranger atm I think. 1v1 I don’t think there would be any trouble, but in our group yesterday(3ppl) we constantly face groups of 6 or 7 rangers spamming this skill which we could endure for a while and we did our best but nah, that was ridiculous.
LOL what ? even if u are 3 vs 7 w/e class u wont endure, no matter if they are mesmer thief ele warrior…. so what is the point of what u say ? u just got owned by a big group, in the end is the same if u fight 4 mesmer 3 thief is ridiculous still
Lol. You obviously don’t do much WvW. It’s perfectly possible to kill 7 people with 3 guys. Damage and water fields, you can do wonders.
lol u may be wrong beacuse im from a hardcore gvg guild from t2 , so i know what im talking about, is possible ? yes but ur point is dumb if u say now ranger can kill only u… if that ur point then u are simple bad to the game, beacuse u lose to a class easy to kill ….l2p
Oh you’re from a hardcore GvG guild from T2? So you’re a zerger. Then you don’t know what it is like to play with 3 people for so long and often that you know what they think before they speak it in ts. Judge Legends[JDGE] is my guild and we simply have made it our thing to be small and annoying, it’s been nearly 2 years of constantly outnumbered fights and you don’t think I’ve occasionally beaten odds that even exceeds 3v7? I’m confident enough in my experience to say that I know it’s not a L2P issue. I never have any trouble losing to good opponents. It’s ok. But not that fight, that wasn’t ok. I also stated that Ranger is ok 1v1, it’s not OP in itself. But it’s OP when they ball together like that.
Also, L2Spell. I can see where your going but it’s very hard to decode.
rf is easier to be dodged now and why should they nerf it anyway? war can do more than 12k dmg in 2 sec
. Ranger was just weaker and now that he is balanced with the rest classes people r crying. GG
The single problem is the amount of rangers in WvW. The rangers themselves are ok I guess.
SB got nerfed, pets got nerfed, spirits got nerfed. Not holding my breath for RF (or for the 6s reveal either), will just enjoy it while it lasts.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome <—- this thread in a nutshell
Let us compare it to eviscerate which was already considered somewhat overpowered.
You don’t need to build adrenaline.
You can hit from 1500 range.
You can pierce targets to hit more than 1 person.
It stacks vulnerability.
The biggest issue I would say is the 1500 range. There should be a trade-off from being able to attack from that far. Either lowered damage, slower attacks, higher cooldowns etc.
a long range skill that hits this hard is kittened. Make a ranger melee skill that hits hard for sure, but at a distance – pure stupidity.
Man – hope you never played DaOC back in the day… You want to talk about range, play a runemaster. Mofo’s had range for miles
Anyway – let us make it fair then, huh? Let us remove range all together. Would that make you happy? We can all run around in town cloths and tin foil hats and play patty cake.
Let us compare it to eviscerate which was already considered somewhat overpowered.
You don’t need to build adrenaline.
You can hit from 1500 range.
You can pierce targets to hit more than 1 person.
It stacks vulnerability.The biggest issue I would say is the 1500 range. There should be a trade-off from being able to attack from that far. Either lowered damage, slower attacks, higher cooldowns etc.
It should have a range of 2000 in my opinion.
It’s just because everybody rolls a ranger atm I think. 1v1 I don’t think there would be any trouble, but in our group yesterday(3ppl) we constantly face groups of 6 or 7 rangers spamming this skill which we could endure for a while and we did our best but nah, that was ridiculous.
LOL what ? even if u are 3 vs 7 w/e class u wont endure, no matter if they are mesmer thief ele warrior…. so what is the point of what u say ? u just got owned by a big group, in the end is the same if u fight 4 mesmer 3 thief is ridiculous still
Lol. You obviously don’t do much WvW. It’s perfectly possible to kill 7 people with 3 guys. Damage and water fields, you can do wonders.
lol u may be wrong beacuse im from a hardcore gvg guild from t2 , so i know what im talking about, is possible ? yes but ur point is dumb if u say now ranger can kill only u… if that ur point then u are simple bad to the game, beacuse u lose to a class easy to kill ….l2p
Oh you’re from a hardcore GvG guild from T2? So you’re a zerger. Then you don’t know what it is like to play with 3 people for so long and often that you know what they think before they speak it in ts. Judge Legends[JDGE] is my guild and we simply have made it our thing to be small and annoying, it’s been nearly 2 years of constantly outnumbered fights and you don’t think I’ve occasionally beaten odds that even exceeds 3v7? I’m confident enough in my experience to say that I know it’s not a L2P issue. I never have any trouble losing to good opponents. It’s ok. But not that fight, that wasn’t ok. I also stated that Ranger is ok 1v1, it’s not OP in itself. But it’s OP when they ball together like that.
Also, L2Spell. I can see where your going but it’s very hard to decode.
rf is easier to be dodged now and why should they nerf it anyway? war can do more than 12k dmg in 2 sec
. Ranger was just weaker and now that he is balanced with the rest classes people r crying. GG
The single problem is the amount of rangers in WvW. The rangers themselves are ok I guess.
I solo roam on a guardian. I play support guardian when duo or trio to bust zergs.
If you can’t adapt then you should uninstall. This isn’t a LB issue. It is a new and exciting change that many rangers have been waiting for. It will die down in a bit when people, like you, learn to dodge, duck, roll, reflect, hug a tree, or cast retaliation.
Right now the only other group that is upset is PETA due to the guardians killing more ambient creatures when teleporting via sword 2 or casting JI to escape said RF.
I’ll rest my case now.
a long range skill that hits this hard is kittened. Make a ranger melee skill that hits hard for sure, but at a distance – pure stupidity.
Man – hope you never played DaOC back in the day… You want to talk about range, play a runemaster. Mofo’s had range for miles
Anyway – let us make it fair then, huh? Let us remove range all together. Would that make you happy? We can all run around in town cloths and tin foil hats and play patty cake.
LOL so true. So Kittening true….
Fun fact for MMO newbs: DaoC was were the term “nerf” originated from because after Archers got downtuned, they described their bows as shooting Foam Darts like the popular toy at the time, instead of Longbow Arrows.
a long range skill that hits this hard is kittened. Make a ranger melee skill that hits hard for sure, but at a distance – pure stupidity.
Man – hope you never played DaOC back in the day… You want to talk about range, play a runemaster. Mofo’s had range for miles
Anyway – let us make it fair then, huh? Let us remove range all together. Would that make you happy? We can all run around in town cloths and tin foil hats and play patty cake.
LOL so true. So Kittening true….
Fun fact for MMO newbs: DaoC was were the term “nerf” originated from because after Archers got downtuned, they described their bows as shooting Foam Darts like the popular toy at the time, instead of Longbow Arrows.
waow, dats rly intresting m8. i hoep thay foam darrt warriers nxt, cos thy r sooper stronk naow.
Let us compare it to eviscerate which was already considered somewhat overpowered.
You don’t need to build adrenaline.
You can hit from 1500 range.
You can pierce targets to hit more than 1 person.
It stacks vulnerability.The biggest issue I would say is the 1500 range. There should be a trade-off from being able to attack from that far. Either lowered damage, slower attacks, higher cooldowns etc.
The trade off is the longbow isn’t riddled with spare evades, blocks, reflects, crowd control, and mobility skills like melee weapons tend to be. They have one knock back and one stealth, both of which rely on a single projectile hitting their target. Longbow doesn’t have any reliable defensive tools that the enemy can’t negate with a dodge or block, or even just side stepping it really.
This means that if you get close enough to apply pressure the ranger has to switch to a different weapon and can no longer burst effectively. That’s the drawback to using a ranged burst weapon. You can’t have your burst and survival skills on the same weapon set.
Let us compare it to eviscerate which was already considered somewhat overpowered.
You don’t need to build adrenaline.
You can hit from 1500 range.
You can pierce targets to hit more than 1 person.
It stacks vulnerability.The biggest issue I would say is the 1500 range. There should be a trade-off from being able to attack from that far. Either lowered damage, slower attacks, higher cooldowns etc.
The trade off is the longbow isn’t riddled with spare evades, blocks, reflects, crowd control, and mobility skills like melee weapons tend to be. They have one knock back and one stealth, both of which rely on a single projectile hitting their target. Longbow doesn’t have any reliable defensive tools that the enemy can’t negate with a dodge or block, or even just side stepping it really.
This means that if you get close enough to apply pressure the ranger has to switch to a different weapon and can no longer burst effectively. That’s the drawback to using a ranged burst weapon. You can’t have your burst and survival skills on the same weapon set.
Yup – you win the thread.
People have been whining for 2 years that lb sucks. Now lb is op because it doesn’t suck any more. Keep it up guys.
The game has reflect skills, cry more.
I used feedback on rapid fire, pretty lawlzy
As long as they don’t nerf it in PVE then don’t care.
pfffffffffff anet would never split skills between game modes silly
As long as they don’t nerf it in PVE then don’t care.
pfffffffffff anet would never split skills between game modes silly
They would and maybe they will. GW 1 had the skills altered in PVP (different activation times, cooldowns, effects) and some were locked. Here we already see locked skills in PVP, so it’s not silly to think that it will be like that in the future
2 kittening years that ranger was weak in every thing we even get kickt out of a dungeon because they don’t need us
also we are not that great in WvW and more
so am very very happy Anet have give us some love that we w8ting for so long
You can’t have your burst and survival skills on the same weapon set.
unless you’re a Warrior. Cuz …. warrior
If only you could strafe projectiles like in GW1, oh wait can’t do that anymore with the trait + projectile speed buff.
I logged on to see how ridiculous it became on my 80 Ranger and man, this is kind of crazy. I couldn’t stop laughing whenever I did Rapid Fire, and no matter how much I want it to stay I know it shouldn’t stay the same. If they don’t fix this by the time the WvW Tournament starts we’re going to see a lot more angry posters and WAY more Rangers on the field.
I logged on to see how ridiculous it became on my 80 Ranger and man, this is kind of crazy. I couldn’t stop laughing whenever I did Rapid Fire, and no matter how much I want it to stay I know it shouldn’t stay the same. If they don’t fix this by the time the WvW Tournament starts we’re going to see a lot more angry posters and WAY more Rangers on the field.
The tournament starts today lol, get your LB ranger over any Jumping puzzle and wait the usual zerker pver, PEW PEW PEW
I would be much more scared to face rangers who go 6×6xx then the standard 66xxx newbies.
I solo roam on a guardian. I play support guardian when duo or trio to bust zergs.
If you can’t adapt then you should uninstall. This isn’t a LB issue. It is a new and exciting change that many rangers have been waiting for. It will die down in a bit when people, like you, learn to dodge, duck, roll, reflect, hug a tree, or cast retaliation.
Right now the only other group that is upset is PETA due to the guardians killing more ambient creatures when teleporting via sword 2 or casting JI to escape said RF.
I’ll rest my case now.
As I said: There’s no problem with ranger per se – but there’s a problem with 7 at once. It’s not a LB issue, it’s a hype issue. I run a build with extra vigor and stuffs since after patch and it works nice, I don’t have reflection and I don’t have retaliation in my build but that is my choice for roaming. I can’t spec only to fight rangers now can I? I also think that Guard would be the class with least trouble with rangers due to the amount of retaliation, reflects, blocks, invulnrability, pulls etc.
I don’t have reflection and I don’t have retaliation in my build but that is my choice for roaming.
It’s a choice of playing the ‘meta’ or not. But you can’t ignore it and expect to do as well. You can decide to run with no stunbreak of condi clear too, if you don’t like being constrained into defense against overused mechanics.
Ranged attacks have been relatively minor until now, compared to conditions and cc, therefore reflection was deemed close to useless, whereas stunbreak and condi clear are deemed mandatory. The meta is (temporarily) shifting towards ranged attack and reflection is at the moment a very very good idea.
Whether that remains the case, whether RF will get nerfed, or whether the craze will simply die down and remove reflection from the mandatory list remains to be seen.
I don’t have reflection and I don’t have retaliation in my build but that is my choice for roaming.
It’s a choice of playing the ‘meta’ or not. But you can’t ignore it and expect to do as well. You can decide to run with no stunbreak of condi clear too, if you don’t like being constrained into defense against overused mechanics.
Ranged attacks have been relatively minor until now, compared to conditions and cc, therefore reflection was deemed close to useless, whereas stunbreak and condi clear are deemed mandatory. The meta is (temporarily) shifting towards ranged attack and reflection is at the moment a very very good idea.
Whether that remains the case, whether RF will get nerfed, or whether the craze will simply die down and remove reflection from the mandatory list remains to be seen.
Since I run warrior I can’t even get retaliation though. I can get reflection but then I loose most of my passive condi removal which isn’t worth the trade off. So it’s a choice I do. But I suffer against rangers for it. That’s why I don’t believe the ranger in itself is a problem, only the amount of them.
Not long. Got killed by more than a few Rapid Fire + Quickening Zephyr Rangers already. Decided to give it a shot myself and yeah, 10 – 12k damage in 1 second is pretty brutal.
Rapid fire + QZ is easier to dodge than eviscerate, backstab, and all the other hard hitting skills. I doubt this would get nerfed especially considering the skills I listed have always been able to hit that high, especially eviscerate.
You are forgetting that they are trying to cater to people who can’t play well(see all the recent leveling changes). A dodge or die skill is too hard for them.
Edit: Imagine that these changes “work” and those players who couldn’t figure out dodging, bundles or elite skills make it to 80. Arenanet has made it clear they will design the game for those players. What sort of game do you think those players will demand?
That’s why I don’t believe the ranger in itself is a problem, only the amount of them.
This is probably a big reason why a lot of people are complaining. Many people were eager to try out the new changes, so they brought out their rangers and there’s a metric ton running around right now, rapid firing everything in sight. It should die down in a week or two.
At the rate that balance patches comes out, I’d say next march/april at the minimum for a Rapid Fire nerf, and even then Anet doesn’t like nerfing stuff that they already buffed…so, maybe never?
Thats why I pulled out my old level 3 ranger. Boosted him up to 20. Bought the traits I needed and am having fun wrecking in SPvP. After playing elementalist its nice being on a class where I only need to press 3-4 buttons.
Did it with my ranger with RoA + QZ + SotW along with a long range shot with SoH…
How is that different from what Backstab was doing these 2 years?
Are you srs?
1. Range vs melee
2. Why do you think backstab is no longer like it was?
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