How to fix Rangers - Mega Thread

How to fix Rangers - Mega Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Rekuja.6318


Simple thread, maybe Anet will actually read one and take notes..

post what you TRULY believe can fix Rangers, don’t ask for crazy over the top buffs.. but what you honestly think will stop the QQ and make the class more entertaining.

I can start, mine will be simple in that I’ll only talk about 1 weapon, but feel free to discuss multiple weapons and skills.

Longbow – The weapon I’m forcing myself to love…

Long Range Shot = Needs to be a little faster, period. Increase the speed by 10-20%.

Rapid Fire = Fine the way it is, increase the damage by 10% maybe.

Hunter’s Shot = Remove this spell completely.. merge the current spell with Rapid Fire and make Hunter’s Shot something completely different. Maybe a casted attack, similar to the Warriors “Kill Shot” but slightly weaker.

Point Blank Shot = Fine the way it is, maybe add a 50% snare? could use one.

Barrage = Fine the way it is, however… maybe let us cast while moving and increase teh damage by 10%.. but increase the CD to compensate.

Thoughts? Go on, share your opinions and what you believe needs to be done.

How to fix Rangers - Mega Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Weapon would take a bit more thought, but traits:
Trait tree reevaluated to provide not just bonuses to the pet, but to the ranger as well.
All signet having an effect on the ranger baseline and Signet of the Beastmaster reworked as a Written in Stone style always have passives.

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

How to fix Rangers - Mega Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: neoxide.7320


I could go on and on but I will just suggest the things I use the most and what improvements I would like.

Longbow – Seeking arrows like thief bow to stop obstruction bug, barrage given a damage buff

Greatsword – Damage buff across the board

Signet of Stone – Something better than 40 passive toughness

Signet of Renewal – The active ability does no benefit from improved signet trait, active also doesn’t work if your pet is far away

Lightning Reflexes – Should remove all CC and send you back rolling every time (currently this ability is completely nullified by roots)

How to fix Rangers - Mega Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


Personaly i would love a new trait like Warriors Fast Hands (-5 sec on weapon switch) > more weapon-dancing > more survibility (Sword second attack)

And reducing Counterattack (greatsword attack) from 20 sec > 12 ( traited 9.5 sec) could help extremly well vs range enemies

Btw it was a nice move to give Rangers the Enginners Static Shield , but u should improve it even further and make <<Crippling Throw>> like Warriors , where they can cast in on the move

(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)

How to fix Rangers - Mega Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Kishandreth.2798


Pet responsiveness, pressing f2 is a crap shoot.
Allow pets to attack while moving in PVP.
Drake pets should direct their cone attack at their target once casting is complete (or shorten the cast to 1/2 a second)
Master’s bond needs to only reset on pet or player death. Even if each pet has their own stack.(the only thing we have going for us is on demand quickness from pet swap)

Change Companions Defense (Wilderness trait) to trigger on a successful evade, with a 2 second cooldown.
Signets in general halve cooldowns
Signet of stone: change to 400 toughness, this signet is horrible as it is.
Signet of the wild; slight increase in the amount of health it gives. (~200 at a minimum)
Traits: all traits should affect both you and your pet. (with a few exceptions)
Spotter Trait; Increase the amount of precision it gives and have it apply to the ranger also.

Longbow, shortbow need a small homing effect, when a player can step left and right constantly to avoid all your shots, you know its broken.

Sword: fix the self rooting issue with having skill 1 on autoattack.

wishful thinking: Allow pets to attack their current target if the target enters stealth.

How to fix Rangers - Mega Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Rekuja.6318


Hmm… some really cool suggestions here (attacking while stealthed is a bit overboard lol)

Did they break Pet threat? my bear can barely hold aggro now…

How to fix Rangers - Mega Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Coltz.5617


Add a rifle, add warhorn as MAIN HAND and 1 – 5 attacks are pet commands for the pet to perform.

- I infract cause I’m passionate about the game-

How to fix Rangers - Mega Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Xander.4539


Fix the broken aggro table, so that even a ranger in full excotic gear have a chance to flank a mob, without the mob ignoring the pet completely and constantly running for the rangers face. I mean seriously, if you want to have a direction requirement on the Shortbow bleeds, please at least give us the chance to do just that.

Redesign the whole Tame Pet thingy, because that’s just a slap in the face to any ranger with any respect for himself, and nature. The fact that you only want us to press F to get a new pet, is like throwing immersion right out the window. And it really gives a signal that you don’t even want to bother making rangers a fun class.