Hybrid BeastMaster
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdsmOmMwXCo
(video now up)
This build is an evolution from my previous basic ranger build (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jklDsZkJrNg). It involves a little more nuance but has good pay-offs in damage and utility if used well. It has some similarity to a BM Bunker build, but with less focus on healing power, and more on armor and damage. Since the latest patch nerfed empathic bond somewhat, I felt it was time to move over to healing spring for good.
1761 Power
1678 Precision
1939 Toughness
976 Vitality
40% Crit Chance
59% Crit Damage
260 Condition Damage
360 Healing Power
20 Skirmishing – Majors I (30% crit dmg for pet), X (20% CD bow)
20 Wilderness Survival – Majors VI (20% CD survival skills), X (20% CD sword, GS, spear)
30 BeastMastery – Majors VI (3 stacks might on activate), VII (feline bleed on crit), XII (passive health regen)
Knight’s Armor (toughness, power, precision)
Divinity Runes (+60 all stats, 12% crit dmg)
Cavalier’s Trinkets (toughness, power, crit dmg)
Berzerker’s GS (sigil of bloodlust)
Berzerker’s SB (sigil of generosity)
Healing spring
Lightning Reflexes
Signet of the Wild
Signet of the Hunt
Game Plan:
I’m always looking for that perfect all-round Ranger build that seems to do it all, and this is the closest I’ve come so far. High mobility, good damage, good survival, and good utility, this build feels like it does it all to a reasonable degree. From my experience so far since the latest patch, I feel that this build is competitive with the current D/D Elementalist meta, at least for WvW. I haven’t looked into it for sPvP yet.
About Greatsword:
1. The best mobility skill in the game, particularly when traited with 20% CD reduction. Swoop has a 9.5 second recharge which is now superior to ride the lightning since the latest patch.
2. 2 seconds of evasion in every 6 seconds while using the #1 attack chain, this is HUGE, it amounts to roughly 33% damage reduction. Even better when timed to negate specific skills.
3. AoE… Besides shortbow with piercing arrows under very specific circumstances, Greatsword has the best direct damage (traps aside) AoE available to ranger for taking camps/killing mesmer clones/fighting thieves.
4. #4 block/interrupt – brilliant skill with many applications on a short cooldown. The secondary cripple skill is worthless however, due to it being channeled.
5. #5 interrupt is again a great utility, and it synergizes well with pet bursts because of the 50% dmg for next pet attack.
About Shortbow: No explanation required, it is a great mainstay weapon for Ranger.
The Greatsword/Shortbow combination has a certain synergy, and allows for a very versatile playstyle, I feel it covers all bases fairly well. I tried Greatsword/Sword+Dagger and found being tied to melee too one-dimensional, although it can be superior against certain opponents. I tried Sword+Dagger/Shortbow and found it effective, but sword #2 simply doesn’t compare to the mobility of GS #3, so I’d call it a close second. Greatsword/Longbow is another viable option for this build, but for me the Shortbow outshines Longbow significantly because its damage isn’t range-dependent and it has an overwhelming effect once the enemy gives his back and you start stacking bleeds. The other options don’t work well with this build at all for me.
Something I’m a little conflicted about is Wilderness Knowledge (20% CD survival skills) VS Vigorous Renewal (Vigor on heal). With healing spring Vigorous Renewal gives 3s vigor on each 3.5s tick. I am a fan of lightning reflexes though, and 10s vigor every 36 seconds might be just as good. Also Wilderness Knowledge affects Entangle…
Feedback welcome!
(edited by Valroth.7138)