When GW2 was announced I waited years playing GW1 thinking I’d be able to play a cool new Assassin. Then they announced no Assassins anymore. Saw some of the thief clips and even then realized it wasn’t a good substitute for me.
I wasn’t even sure if I was going to buy the game but GW1 play friends keep asking me to get the game and what class was I going to be knowing how I loved my Assassin. Then one day awaiting GW2 they finally released more info on the game and then I saw it. Eir Stegalkin in her awesome pose with her giant wolf. Then they started to release game play footage of the ranger COOL! I’ll play a ranger. It’s going to be B/A! I waited and waited and waited…and waited some more and waited and waited and waited again “it will be done when it’s done” they said, so I waited and waited and waited and finally the day came! I jumped for joy as I rushed to get my Collectors Edition with Rytlock (whoever he was).
Yes! I smiled with glee as I installed the game. Choose your race? Norn! choose your profession… haha! Skip all the rest it’s ranger for me Baby!!! Yup…. yup…yep… … : | …
… :*(
So I just wanted to thank Anet for making my dream of playing this awesome class come true. The other day as I was getting steamrolled in WvsW and was rezzing at the waypoint for the 20th time that day I said to myself you know what… this class is pretty good. Everyone always rushes to kill you first when they see you’re a ranger so you get mobbed all the time. You get a cool pet that spazzes out because he can’t figure out where the target your shooting is, you make a good target dummy for thieves that like to take advantage of your lack of armor and defense abilities. My favorite though are my bows that are both useless since ranger only seems to be effective with melee weapons.
I hit a Warrior once with my bow and he got mad and showed me how real bowing is done. I’m glad they have bows too. Sometimes it’s lonely if you’re the only one with a bow yah know even if it’s a staple for your class I’m glad Anet was nice and gave them to everyone. Even a nice thief was kind enough to use his bow on me instead of jabbing me with his pointy stick things. I said “hey what are you doing Sir?” and he said “Oh, I’m stealthing and shooting you with my bow.” I was like cool, I wish I could do that all I can do is become a sitting duck but you know what if someone hits me really hard I can turn invisible oh and sometimes when I shoot this arrow that only does like 50damage I turn invisible too but I think it’s to give me a few seconds to plan where I want run too before I get steamrolled when the person I just shot finds out where I am.
I also like my rangers elite skills. We have these Vine things that shoot out the ground it says you’re not supposed to be able to break free but no one ever gets caught by them anymore. We also get this cool skill that makes you glow and makes you and your pet stronger. I press it when I want to intimidate people but they just laugh and leave me a glowing mess on the ground.
I love being a ranger! It’s the coolest if not THE coolest class in the game. Thanks Anet!