Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: arenta.2953


Time to reply to more idiots.

Gee I wonder why so many rangers happen to be in this forum…..

Instead of qq’ing about something that has been discussed to death why don’t you just read through the other threads.

I didn’t ask Rangers in general to keep away. I’m a Ranger too. I check the first page, there were no threads, I made one. Problem?

You whole argument is based upon you letting the ranger have an upperhand by approaching the fight like a sodding idiot.

Not all duels start with a surprise attack. I’m specifically talking about planned ones where both players are aware of each other beforehand.

@OP: It is probably not the best way to measure your understanding of the game, but your name in combination with your claim made me laugh. You are not the first one who complains about the range of the LB and you probably, and sadly, wont be the last one. Yet, here we are and the LB still has his 1500 range. The fact that especially the ranged weapons of the Ranger don’t see much love in any gametype should be evidence enough that the LB is not overpowered.

You’re basing things about me based on my username? How old are you? LB is so useless in PvP yet pretty much every power Ranger ever uses it, huh?

Ok thread started conplaints about 1500 range. I’d trade it in a heartbeat to be better in close range personally. 1500 range is only useful if the enemy stays at 1500 range lol sounds almost too simple. That advantage especially against a thief shouldn’t take but a second or two to close into where both can hit with their skills.
Then it moved over to rapid fire. Well it’s the only burst lb has. Ever see anyone even mention the damage from hunter’s shot, PBS, or barrage in terms of a pvp setting? The first two are utility and the third is the only aoe. If rapid fire took a hit, what’s left to try to kill anyone on a lb?
Lastly, (this is the part I refrained from saying for a bit so I could be somewhat constructive) you sound like you’re running glassy on your thief with those numbers. How does that give an accurate measure of how strong a skill is? Is it fair to balance damage against what we assume is a valk thief setup? Assuming you do, if you run glass then you have to be willing to die to things that feel cheesy because of the lack of defenses.

I never even mentioned using Thief. What are you even talking about?
The problem with the 1500 range is that everyone who plays glassy simply won’t have enough time to close in to the Ranger 2 times (2, because he will most likely knock you back, fear you, evade backwards, taunt you away and/or knock you down the first time you get close) before the Ranger has already taken a big chunk of their HP. If the range was 1200 (or at least closer to it), then everyone could at least fight back with ranged weapons while they were closing in on the Ranger.

press e to dodge
you evade the shots (and unlike theifs who burst dmg in single hits. ranger’s dmg takes time to build up.)

and seriously. with all the blocks, evades, reflects in the game. and the fact you can dodge once to avoid over HALF of ranger’s channel dmg. 300 range is not that much.

go play ranger
get to lv 80
and then show us a video of you “murderign everyone with OP 1500 range”
and then come talk

ranger’s 4 secound channel skill does HALF the dmg Theif’s backstab does…and backstab happens in 1 secound

hell theif’s dagger 2 skill is spammable and the dmg it puts out makes LB 2 look like TRASH

and that dagger 2 spammable is also a lunge. aka it closes the gap INSANELY FAST.
and you have steal. aka a 1200 range TELEPORT

if ranger loses its 1500 range LB

then theif needs to lose its 1200 range teleport(make it 300 range) and its dagger 2 lunge skill
and scorpion wire
and shadow step

why? cause it has SO kitten MANY OF THEM. and SO MUCH MORE DMG. and STEALTH.

what does ranger have? 1500 range….which is so kitten easy to cover.

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


Yes longbow is so OP I went full Rampager gear and am using it as condi weapon now. It’s still op as I can still hit people from a little farther away who don’t know how to gap close and don’t have condi cleanse!

If only anet had made its base range 2k then I could just solo zergs from tower walls and even take out enemy trebs before it even got a shot off!

Careful, he isn’t the brightest fellow. I doubt he’ll pick up on the sarcasm.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Axelwarrior.9084


I’m starting to think the Ranger forums are full of paranoid people who think every other player in the game is a Thief who wants to nerf them.
Because whenever someone points out something about Rangers, the responses are pretty much only “YES BUT THIEF HAS BACKSTAB”, as if that’s a valid response to every argument one can make about Rangers.

@Justine & Puck: Congrats, you greatly contributed to this thread with your sarcasm. You both gain 2 sarcasm points!
On a serious note, because I’m not a troll, I obviously meant power Rangers only use LB. Are you happy now? Are you prepared to go back to your den now that you’re fed?

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: arenta.2953


I’m starting to think the Ranger forums are full of paranoid people who think every other player in the game is a Thief who wants to nerf them.
Because whenever someone points out something about Rangers, the responses are pretty much only “YES BUT THIEF HAS BACKSTAB”, as if that’s a valid response to every argument one can make about Rangers.

@Justine & Puck: Congrats, you greatly contributed to this thread with your sarcasm. You both gain 2 sarcasm points!
On a serious note, because I’m not a troll, I obviously meant power Rangers only use LB. Are you happy now? Are you prepared to go back to your den now that you’re fed?

troll alert
troll alert

(i call you a troll cause you act like block, reflect, evade don’t exist. and you act like closing a 1.5k gap is hard. it really isn’t. specially with ranger’s now bugged skills and still dumb as crap pet AI)

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

(edited by arenta.2953)

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


I’m starting to think the Ranger forums are full of paranoid people who think every other player in the game is a Thief who wants to nerf them.
Because whenever someone points out something about Rangers, the responses are pretty much only “YES BUT THIEF HAS BACKSTAB”, as if that’s a valid response to every argument one can make about Rangers.

@Justine & Puck: Congrats, you greatly contributed to this thread with your sarcasm. You both gain 2 sarcasm points!
On a serious note, because I’m not a troll, I obviously meant power Rangers only use LB. Are you happy now? Are you prepared to go back to your den now that you’re fed?

Comes into ranger forum telling rangers not to respond, calls people idiots…. nope not a troll at all.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Wuselknusel.4082


Let me tell you this: You are wrong.
This wont change your mind, but it’s true. And if you’d dig more into the Ranger, then you would understand. You came here with a claim and most people think that claim is wrong. If you don’t want to accept that, fine. But don’t expect love for your idea.

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: cafard.8953


Give me my 3000+ pet leash range back and you can have my longbow.

Olaf Oakmane [KA]
Save the Bell Choir activity!

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: singinggecko.5736


The thief part was @dhawk. My response in the first paragraph was about the range for you. I did get confused in thinking you said you were playing thief also. I apologize for that. Disregard the last bit about thief gapclosers. You did say that you thought it had the upper hand in dueling on a lb but I’ve not seen many set up where you start at 1500 range unless it’s just a random encounter and not what I think of when someone says duel.

Since you’ve now said that 1200 range is ok because you can fight back and 1500 is bad because you cannot, let me point out why you would not have to gap close more than once to get into the 1200 range. The first option I see is PBS. That one does have a specific animation now. At max range you should be able to dodge it if you’re looking for it. It is tough to dodge up close but the further out you go the more reaction time you get. Ranger fears come from the pet. If the pet has managed to close the gap on you before you make it the 300 range to 1200 then I don’t really know what you’re doing or the ranger is playing aware and had the pet going before you and should be rewarded for it. Same story with taunt and knockdown. If he knocks you down with a trap that far away- the only other knockdown left iirc then again it should be rewarded for forward thinking. If you’ve got him dodging backwards then that’s free gap closing time for you in addition to a wasted dodge for when you get there.

Please don’t turn this into name calling. I don’t like to be referred to as an idiot and would appreciate if you stopped that.

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


Rangers (at least with some builds) counter thiefs pretty well, at least in an 1vs1/duel. But this doesn’t make rangers op. They lack in other scenarios.

i never said they were op
i just wanted a small tweak to rapid fire to make it either not stack vuln or track ppl in stealth
I think ranger is in a good place atm

If you change it to not track people in stealth, you would have to do this for every weapon that charges which is alot but not only that , you would make power rangers worse against thieves and mesmers than they already are.

People who complain about Longbow are already identified as bad players as it’s one of the most basic and common encounters you’ll face in fighting a power ranger in both pvp and wvw – the ones you need to worry about are bunkery condi rangers with taunt – they’re a horrible nightmare to deal with as a thief now because taunt can obliterate your momentum and get you wrecked by condis and since you don’t clear soft cc anymore in stealth – you can easily embed them making your movement horrible in stealth and in cases of entangling roots – stuck in place unless yo u use shadowstep.

For longbow, there is many positional ways to break rapid fire, not to mention you can just swap to shortbow and literally dodge through the whole thing with #3 then open up a steal combo on them to gap close. Of course good thieves use this already and the bad ones , instead of practicing with a good ranger , just simply come to forums and shout for nerfs because they are indeed bad.

If you’re a thief and are having problems against longbow, it’s simple. Practice with a good one and learn the very effective and easy ways to counter one because believe me, they are easy to kill – you may just be bad against longbow but longbow is heavily reliant on it’s range once you close in on longbow they are literally FORCED to swap because it’s bad and be ready to dodge their hunter’s shot (easy to evade, highly telegraphed shot) to cut out their stealth capability, which is very easy to eliminate as a thief especially with sword/dagger and steal w/ trickery.

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lazze.9870


Not all duels start with a surprise attack. I’m specifically talking about planned ones where both players are aware of each other beforehand.

The fact that you even think the game should be balanced around planned duels on a large open field where range obviously is a beneficial factor is straight up hilarious. If it isn’t a large open field, my point stands – you’re approaching the fight wrong.

Speaking of ranger mains; they are gonna keep telling you that nerfs aren’t necessary, and do you know why? Because most ranger mains know perfectly well how to deal with longbow builds. As a dueling build, it’s inferior to several other ranger builds – and most rangers telling you this are likely to prefer those kind of builds.

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: alain.1659


In the name of Great Om! Am I seeing a thief complaining about LB range? Rapid fire? Friend… Do not do this. Although my love for my ranger is great, I have also played thief (there was a time that I thought pet(s) system was broken. Now I know it is utterly and totaly useless).

As a thief, range should not be a problem for you, especially when Anet sweetly buffed the steal range. In many pvp matches, they ask thieves to close (counter) rangers, “EXCEPT TOP TIER GAMES”, where I have never been to. I am only a medium player. But in top tier game videos, I have never seen that much of a ranger quantity either.

Before complaining, which is your right, you should try to play ranger. If you can not counter a build, go and play it, learn the tricks of the trade. I always do that. It really helps.

ps: I am neither insulting, nor saying l2p noob wtf omg. I am suggesting to you that learning the tricks of a build can really improve your ability to counter it.

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

I’m starting to think the Ranger forums are full of paranoid people who think every other player in the game is a Thief who wants to nerf them.

Longbow already deals the most reliable damage out of all the 1200 range weapons, does it really have to be at 1500 range too?

Paranoid doesn’t mean what you think it means…

I’m not sure reliable means what you think it means either as the ranger longbow is designed to do bad damage at close range.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


So exactly what sort of compensation would be given to the ranger if your change happens? It isn’t like they ranger profession gets to keep any nice things for long anyway.

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: xarallei.4279


So the thief in this thread admits that he is not afraid of melee ranger at all and he is only afraid of LB and rapid fire and he wants that nerfed?

Yeah, no. LB is fine and ranger does not need more nerfs.

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: DHawk.2687



lets switch the LB 2 skill from a channel skill that takes time to do its dmg and “traces” enemies.
into a skill that just does all the dmg at once! like theif skills!

then we can ask theifs what they prefer. a skill that takes time to do dmg and “traces” them.

or alpha dmg skill like all theif skills!

then maybe we will have less theives complaining about a skill that takes 4 secoudns to do all its dmg……
4 secounds…..vs 1 secound for the same ammount of dmg for a thief.

yeah i forgot i can backstab you while being 1,5k range away from you ^^ oh and behind you
if you’ve never played thief before, yes it THIEF by the way, do not talk bs about the class, thanks
and fyi rapid fire does more damage than backstab

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: DHawk.2687


I’m starting to think the Ranger forums are full of paranoid people who think every other player in the game is a Thief who wants to nerf them.
Because whenever someone points out something about Rangers, the responses are pretty much only “YES BUT THIEF HAS BACKSTAB”, as if that’s a valid response to every argument one can make about Rangers.

@Justine & Puck: Congrats, you greatly contributed to this thread with your sarcasm. You both gain 2 sarcasm points!
On a serious note, because I’m not a troll, I obviously meant power Rangers only use LB. Are you happy now? Are you prepared to go back to your den now that you’re fed?

Comes into ranger forum telling rangers not to respond, calls people idiots…. nope not a troll at all.

puck do you have problems reading or understanding the english language?

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

So what if RF does more damage than BS? It takes all ten (10!) hits to strike and crit for it to do full damage. One dodge negates 50% of that damage. BS hits for 60% of that damage in 1 hit and can be traited to 100% crit.

You can also steal from 1200 range that automatically puts you behind the Ranger, into stealth, Stun the Ranger and have 100% chance to crit the BS. Or you could just steal to gap close, then Head Shot to interrupt the RF channel, which you can do EVERY SINGLE TIME IT IS USED. Not only that, but it puts it on full CD.

Stop crying about 300 range, it is really nothing, especially when you have all the tools to counter it.

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: DHawk.2687


So what if RF does more damage than BS? It takes all ten (10!) hits to strike and crit for it to do full damage. One dodge negates 50% of that damage. BS hits for 60% of that damage in 1 hit and can be traited to 100% crit.

You can also steal from 1200 range that automatically puts you behind the Ranger, into stealth, Stun the Ranger and have 100% chance to crit the BS. Or you could just steal to gap close, then Head Shot to interrupt the RF channel, which you can do EVERY SINGLE TIME IT IS USED. Not only that, but it puts it on full CD.

Stop crying about 300 range, it is really nothing, especially when you have all the tools to counter it.

one dodge won’t midigate 50% of the damage first of all, you dodge 3 arrows tops
then steal won’t put you behind the ranger, it will shadowstep you toward him, meaning, the closest distance between the 2, only shadowsteps behind if you already are behind or the ranger turns around during the step
the bs does about 9k damage out of stealth with 100% crit rate, barely enough to get the ranger half health, if even that.
Furthermore your argument only stands when talking about dp thieves, dd or sd are not affected, since they have no acces to daze and the stealth on steal trait would be idiotic for dd
so you still dish out more damage at max range by pressing 1 button that will follow the enemy
anything else you want me to correct?
how about you play the thief before acting like you know his mechanics, thanks

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Yes longbow is so OP I went full Rampager gear and am using it as condi weapon now. It’s still op as I can still hit people from a little farther away who don’t know how to gap close and don’t have condi cleanse!

If only anet had made its base range 2k then I could just solo zergs from tower walls and even take out enemy trebs before it even got a shot off!

Careful, he isn’t the brightest fellow. I doubt he’ll pick up on the sarcasm.

Actually I am working on full rampager gear atm for condi longbow, was not joking ;-)

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Solandri.9640


You are not the first one who complains about the range of the LB and you probably, and sadly, wont be the last one. Yet, here we are and the LB still has his 1500 range.

LB used to be 1200 range and you had to take a trait to get 1500 range. People complained about it the 1500 range then too. With the patch, Anet took away the trait… and made 1500 the baseline range for longbow.

Anet wants Ranger longbow to be 1500 range. It is not going to change. Deal with it.

one dodge won’t midigate 50% of the damage first of all, you dodge 3 arrows tops

I think he was referring to RF when traited so it fires faster. Though that brings up another point – half the people complain that the skill channels too quickly (is too bursty), the other half complain that the skill channels too slowly (can’t dodge/evade all the damage). You can’t have it both ways. Either it’s quick and you can dodge/evade more of it, or it’s less burst but you can’t dodge/eavde as much of it.

then steal won’t put you behind the ranger, it will shadowstep you toward him, meaning, the closest distance between the 2, only shadowsteps behind if you already are behind or the ranger turns around during the step

The “get behind the ranger” is key. Doesn’t have to be with shadowstep. Anything you do (shadowstep + w) to get behind the ranger will stop RF damage, as the skill does not automatically turn the ranger to face the opponent.

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: DHawk.2687


You are not the first one who complains about the range of the LB and you probably, and sadly, wont be the last one. Yet, here we are and the LB still has his 1500 range.

LB used to be 1200 range and you had to take a trait to get 1500 range. People complained about it the 1500 range then too. With the patch, Anet took away the trait… and made 1500 the baseline range for longbow.

Anet wants Ranger longbow to be 1500 range. It is not going to change. Deal with it.

one dodge won’t midigate 50% of the damage first of all, you dodge 3 arrows tops

I think he was referring to RF when traited so it fires faster. Though that brings up another point – half the people complain that the skill channels too quickly (is too bursty), the other half complain that the skill channels too slowly (can’t dodge/evade all the damage). You can’t have it both ways. Either it’s quick and you can dodge/evade more of it, or it’s less burst but you can’t dodge/eavde as much of it.

then steal won’t put you behind the ranger, it will shadowstep you toward him, meaning, the closest distance between the 2, only shadowsteps behind if you already are behind or the ranger turns around during the step

The “get behind the ranger” is key. Doesn’t have to be with shadowstep. Anything you do (shadowstep + w) to get behind the ranger will stop RF damage, as the skill does not automatically turn the ranger to face the opponent.

the range isn’t a problem, but the fact that they buffed you pretty hard by making that baseline and now being able to also get traits like (don’t know the name) the one that makes the arrows pierce so it can hit more than one oppenent is a big buff, at least imho
All i asked for at the start of this thread was to either change rapid fire, that it won’t trace when the enemy goes into stealth, or that it doesn’t cause vuln, i never said nerf damage, nerf speed or range, i just wanted to tweak it a bit so it’s not a fire and forget longrange tracing burst
that’s about it

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

So, you get owned by RF on your D/D thief and refuse to change to something that can fully counter it, ie D/P, then come here to complain about RF and want it to be changed to a non-channel or remove the vulnerablility, ie, nerf it.

This is the gist of it?

fyi, 10 attacks over 2.5s to do 1440 base damage is hardly burst.

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: DHawk.2687


So, you get owned by RF on your D/D thief and refuse to change to something that can fully counter it, ie D/P, then come here to complain about RF and want it to be changed to a non-channel or remove the vulnerablility, ie, nerf it.

This is the gist of it?

fyi, 10 attacks over 2.5s to do 1440 base damage is hardly burst.

sorry that i won’t let nerfs to MY class hinder me from playing my fav weapon set, and since you cannot discuss is a mature manner there is no sense in holding a conversation with you.
you really are closed minded if i ever saw one

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

sorry that i won’t let nerfs to MY class hinder me from playing my fav weapon set, and since you cannot discuss is a mature manner there is no sense in holding a conversation with you.
you really are closed minded if i ever saw one

lol it’s not “your” class, it’s everyone’s. Stop trying ruin things for others because you can’t play thief correctly.

If you are so adamant in your belief that RF is OP against good thieves. Go take your supposed Ranger into WvW/sPvP and create a nice montage of you just destroying other players.

I fully expect dozens of 180noscopes of you obliterating D/P thieves who had the foresight to sneak up on you and use terrain wisely (or unwisely as they picked a fight with a godmode RF ranger).

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

So, you get owned by RF on your D/D thief and refuse to change to something that can fully counter it, ie D/P, then come here to complain about RF and want it to be changed to a non-channel or remove the vulnerablility, ie, nerf it.

This is the gist of it?

fyi, 10 attacks over 2.5s to do 1440 base damage is hardly burst.

sorry that i won’t let nerfs to MY class hinder me from playing my fav weapon set, and since you cannot discuss is a mature manner there is no sense in holding a conversation with you.
you really are closed minded if i ever saw one

Troll confirmed. Dunno how I didn’t see it before, really.

If you are unwilling to adapt your build to counter other builds, you are the one that is immature. Deadset, you have no leg to stand on with that comment. All these issues you have with RF are of your own making. You are the architect of your own failure.
I’m as open minded as is possible. I gave you a thief setup (D/P) that hard counters LB/GS and described ways with which to do it and you are not willing to even swap your offhand weapon to go from being pwned by to pwning LB Rangers, then have the audacity to say I am the one with a closed mind. LOL.

Yep, it is a L2P issue, again, and one of… I’m lost for words actually.

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


I’m starting to think the Ranger forums are full of paranoid people who think every other player in the game is a Thief who wants to nerf them.
Because whenever someone points out something about Rangers, the responses are pretty much only “YES BUT THIEF HAS BACKSTAB”, as if that’s a valid response to every argument one can make about Rangers.

@Justine & Puck: Congrats, you greatly contributed to this thread with your sarcasm. You both gain 2 sarcasm points!
On a serious note, because I’m not a troll, I obviously meant power Rangers only use LB. Are you happy now? Are you prepared to go back to your den now that you’re fed?

Comes into ranger forum telling rangers not to respond, calls people idiots…. nope not a troll at all.

puck do you have problems reading or understanding the english language?

Nope, not at all. The troll OP said both of these things if you actually bothered reading the posts. You know what else I don’t have a problem with? Killing longbow rangers when I play my thief. You know why? Because I play every profession and don’t rely on stealth to get me out of every situation.

If a ranger starts channeling rapid fire I will interrupt him, LoS him, block, reflect, or close the gap and dodge through him to break it. You on the other hand jump into stealth, eat the rapid fire and then complain that it’s not fair that they won’t change a game mechanic because you make scrub decisions.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: arenta.2953


sorry that i won’t let nerfs to MY class hinder me from playing my fav weapon set, and since you cannot discuss is a mature manner there is no sense in holding a conversation with you.
you really are closed minded if i ever saw one

lol it’s not “your” class, it’s everyone’s. Stop trying ruin things for others because you can’t play thief correctly.

If you are so adamant in your belief that RF is OP against good thieves. Go take your supposed Ranger into WvW/sPvP and create a nice montage of you just destroying other players.

I fully expect dozens of 180noscopes of you obliterating D/P thieves who had the foresight to sneak up on you and use terrain wisely (or unwisely as they picked a fight with a godmode RF ranger).

^ this
post a video if you want anyone to believe ya =)

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: DHawk.2687


sorry that i won’t let nerfs to MY class hinder me from playing my fav weapon set, and since you cannot discuss is a mature manner there is no sense in holding a conversation with you.
you really are closed minded if i ever saw one

lol it’s not “your” class, it’s everyone’s. Stop trying ruin things for others because you can’t play thief correctly.

If you are so adamant in your belief that RF is OP against good thieves. Go take your supposed Ranger into WvW/sPvP and create a nice montage of you just destroying other players.

I fully expect dozens of 180noscopes of you obliterating D/P thieves who had the foresight to sneak up on you and use terrain wisely (or unwisely as they picked a fight with a godmode RF ranger).

^ this
post a video if you want anyone to believe ya =)

@arenta, are you talking to me :/ ?

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: arenta.2953


sorry that i won’t let nerfs to MY class hinder me from playing my fav weapon set, and since you cannot discuss is a mature manner there is no sense in holding a conversation with you.
you really are closed minded if i ever saw one

lol it’s not “your” class, it’s everyone’s. Stop trying ruin things for others because you can’t play thief correctly.

If you are so adamant in your belief that RF is OP against good thieves. Go take your supposed Ranger into WvW/sPvP and create a nice montage of you just destroying other players.

I fully expect dozens of 180noscopes of you obliterating D/P thieves who had the foresight to sneak up on you and use terrain wisely (or unwisely as they picked a fight with a godmode RF ranger).

^ this
post a video if you want anyone to believe ya =)

@arenta, are you talking to me :/ ?

yes and no. anyone who thinks this skill is OP or broken.

but keep in mind right now, the reason it follows stealthed enemies while firing is its a channel skill

all channel skills in game (warrior’s rifle, mesmer’s greatsword, ele’s fire greatsword, to name a few) work like this as a counter to stealth spam theives
-even theif’s P/P full auto skill is a channel skill.

channel skill’s trace is the payoff they get for not just doing all that dmg in 1 hit like a theif. as the channel bring alot of risk of lost dmg due to the time it takes to finish

i know not all theifs spam stealth, but because of those that do (dissapearing every 3 secounds, removing conditions and healing while in stealth) channel skills NEED to trace stealthed enemies as otherwise its to easy to spam backstab, add to that how dagger 2 and steal (As well as all the other lunges like shadow step, and the sword’s shadow step) lunge to the enemy. and it becomes immpossible to run away from a theif.
so channeling to take not of where they are in stealth is the only balancer to potentially stop backstabs from being spammed (even frontally a backstab does more dmg than all of ranger’s LB’s 2 skill)

1500 range is fine, its not hard to close and all dmg it does takes alot of time to dish out giving ample opportunities to dodge, block, hide behind objects, or reflect the dmg back.

vulnerability is fine, as theres alot of skills that put more vulnerbility on that are alot more spammable(theif is guilty of this as well, as is necromancer and mesmer)

and the trace is fine. as its the only counter to keep an eye on which direction a steal spam thief is going to give you a chance to prepare a counter.

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

(edited by arenta.2953)

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nachyochez.9758


So what if RF does more damage than BS? It takes all ten (10!) hits to strike and crit for it to do full damage. One dodge negates 50% of that damage. BS hits for 60% of that damage in 1 hit and can be traited to 100% crit.

You can also steal from 1200 range that automatically puts you behind the Ranger, into stealth, Stun the Ranger and have 100% chance to crit the BS. Or you could just steal to gap close, then Head Shot to interrupt the RF channel, which you can do EVERY SINGLE TIME IT IS USED. Not only that, but it puts it on full CD.

Stop crying about 300 range, it is really nothing, especially when you have all the tools to counter it.

one dodge won’t midigate 50% of the damage first of all, you dodge 3 arrows tops
then steal won’t put you behind the ranger, it will shadowstep you toward him, meaning, the closest distance between the 2, only shadowsteps behind if you already are behind or the ranger turns around during the step
the bs does about 9k damage out of stealth with 100% crit rate, barely enough to get the ranger half health, if even that.
Furthermore your argument only stands when talking about dp thieves, dd or sd are not affected, since they have no acces to daze and the stealth on steal trait would be idiotic for dd
so you still dish out more damage at max range by pressing 1 button that will follow the enemy
anything else you want me to correct?
how about you play the thief before acting like you know his mechanics, thanks

To be fair, a well timed dodge will negate MORE than half the damage of RF. While it’s only 3 arrows (30% of arrows fired) it also prevents the vulnerability from stacking which enhances the damages of the arrows that come after it. What’s more, for RF to reach peak impact it needs Opening Strike; if that’s dodged then 5 stacks of additional vulnerability (8 stack total) and the enhanced crit both whiff; that’s easily half the damage of the channeled skill (even if it didn’t get clipped, evaded, or gap closed to lower the overall damage as well).

Also, there are some slight miscalculations: A BS thief can regularly break 10k on most targets (Ranger is an exception, but we can save the reasoning/traits for later), but it usually comes with a venom applied to trigger a brief stun to allow them to tack on more damage and lower healing. The best rangers can do is land an entire channeled skill which is rare.

Both are great burst skills, both have drawbacks and parts that make them excellent. Neither of them would I consider OP, and there are counters to both.

Skif F Galco (War) | Bas Flaith (Thf) | Rawr Doomshot (Rng) | Cheshire Glamourclaw (Mes)

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


My uber 1500 range hard at work. Sadly this was from before specializations ;-(

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

I work my 1500 yards hard , i have learned a lot and distances of every varying distance to get my timing near perfect with the pets example PBS>pig charge very hard to time so many situations which mess it up most people think its not worth it.

i work my 1500 yards to its best before the final push of attacks but i do not Camp it , know when to swap and attack , plus for those that don’t even try to counter a 1500 yard attack i’ll keep my wolf or hound out untill you do and if you do expect a fear.

simples > Gap close> evade/block/dodge fear > win. this goes for most Full glass rangers.

for every other ranger you’ll have to work a little harder to lock them down as we are the kings of kiting even though other classes like thief and mesmer have ports they don;t Equal kiting Skill they are only good for attack or Defence nothing inbetween.

we learn the distances and use them to our advantage that is all.

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryk.7289


My uber 1500 range hard at work. Sadly this was from before specializations ;-(

Holy kitten nerf pl0x anet, gg

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: arenta.2953


My uber 1500 range hard at work. Sadly this was from before specializations ;-(

Holy kitten nerf pl0x anet, gg

i don’t see it being OP….

the theif nearly killed the ranger there with alot of hp left. had it not run (and instead switched to a ranged weapon instead of just using 1 weapon) it would have won easily.
instead, the ranger made use of 2 weapons to fight while the thief only used 1.

so bad play on theif part, and ranger nearly dead.

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: nacario.9417


I like diversity, which is the fact that there is a two handed ranged weapon that stands out from the other 1200 range ones.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

My uber 1500 range hard at work. Sadly this was from before specializations ;-(

Holy kitten nerf pl0x anet, gg

i don’t see it being OP….

the theif nearly killed the ranger there with alot of hp left. had it not run (and instead switched to a ranged weapon instead of just using 1 weapon) it would have won easily.
instead, the ranger made use of 2 weapons to fight while the thief only used 1.

so bad play on theif part, and ranger nearly dead.

I think the joke was that he killed the thief without just RF’ing him for 1,000,000 damage from spawn.

It was actually a really good fight.

The only sad thing is that he came back on a condi thief which is ’baby’s first mmo pvp’ when used against a ranger.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

(edited by Substance E.4852)

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nachyochez.9758


My uber 1500 range hard at work. Sadly this was from before specializations ;-(

Holy kitten nerf pl0x anet, gg

i don’t see it being OP….

the theif nearly killed the ranger there with alot of hp left. had it not run (and instead switched to a ranged weapon instead of just using 1 weapon) it would have won easily.
instead, the ranger made use of 2 weapons to fight while the thief only used 1.

so bad play on theif part, and ranger nearly dead.

I think the joke was that he killed the thief without just Rkitten him for 1,000,000 damage from spawn.

It was actually a really good fight.

The only sad thing is that he came back on a condi thief which is ’baby’s first mmo pvp’ when used against a ranger.

To be completely fair, Camp Flipping (which the thief was doing) was usually done in a power build setup. The most popular build I was aware of was sword and Knight’s. He might not have ‘switched to gank the ranger’ but rather put on his actual combat gear.

Skif F Galco (War) | Bas Flaith (Thf) | Rawr Doomshot (Rng) | Cheshire Glamourclaw (Mes)

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: arenta.2953


My uber 1500 range hard at work. Sadly this was from before specializations ;-(

Holy kitten nerf pl0x anet, gg

i don’t see it being OP….

the theif nearly killed the ranger there with alot of hp left. had it not run (and instead switched to a ranged weapon instead of just using 1 weapon) it would have won easily.
instead, the ranger made use of 2 weapons to fight while the thief only used 1.

so bad play on theif part, and ranger nearly dead.

I think the joke was that he killed the thief without just Rkitten him for 1,000,000 damage from spawn.

It was actually a really good fight.

The only sad thing is that he came back on a condi thief which is ’baby’s first mmo pvp’ when used against a ranger.

To be completely fair, Camp Flipping (which the thief was doing) was usually done in a power build setup. The most popular build I was aware of was sword and Knight’s. He might not have ‘switched to gank the ranger’ but rather put on his actual combat gear.

no matter what build the theif used, it nearly won. 1k more dmg was all he needed. and he had the hp required at the time to do it easily.

but in the end, he ran from the pet and let the ranger get time to channel down (what was it 6k hp?)

so even though the theif played badly. with a supposedly bad build. he still nearly won.

vs a ranger who was playing very well.

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

My uber 1500 range hard at work. Sadly this was from before specializations ;-(

Holy kitten nerf pl0x anet, gg

i don’t see it being OP….

the theif nearly killed the ranger there with alot of hp left. had it not run (and instead switched to a ranged weapon instead of just using 1 weapon) it would have won easily.
instead, the ranger made use of 2 weapons to fight while the thief only used 1.

so bad play on theif part, and ranger nearly dead.

I think the joke was that he killed the thief without just Rkitten him for 1,000,000 damage from spawn.

It was actually a really good fight.

The only sad thing is that he came back on a condi thief which is ’baby’s first mmo pvp’ when used against a ranger.

To be completely fair, Camp Flipping (which the thief was doing) was usually done in a power build setup. The most popular build I was aware of was sword and Knight’s. He might not have ‘switched to gank the ranger’ but rather put on his actual combat gear.

Hard to say. I know T1 isn’t a prime example of roamers but the majority of thieves I see running around solo or in a small group will run D/P with a couple using D/D.

I’ve only ever run into S/x thieves in full zerg fights.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


My uber 1500 range hard at work. Sadly this was from before specializations ;-(

Holy kitten nerf pl0x anet, gg

i don’t see it being OP….

the theif nearly killed the ranger there with alot of hp left. had it not run (and instead switched to a ranged weapon instead of just using 1 weapon) it would have won easily.
instead, the ranger made use of 2 weapons to fight while the thief only used 1.

so bad play on theif part, and ranger nearly dead.

I think the joke was that he killed the thief without just Rkitten him for 1,000,000 damage from spawn.

It was actually a really good fight.

The only sad thing is that he came back on a condi thief which is ’baby’s first mmo pvp’ when used against a ranger.

To be completely fair, Camp Flipping (which the thief was doing) was usually done in a power build setup. The most popular build I was aware of was sword and Knight’s. He might not have ‘switched to gank the ranger’ but rather put on his actual combat gear.

Condi thief is what you use to massacre camps.

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryk.7289


Sorry, I was kidding
I’ll just never understand this qq about RF. 9/10 of the Rangers I encounter in PVP are easy kills (rely only on RF, never switch from LB even if I’m melee, I guess those are the thief mains tryin out OP Ranger) and the 10th Ranger who owns me is kiting well and using all LB skills (RF isnt even the problem here) and kills me with pets and melee.

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Situations.2416


Both the thief and the ranger were extremely bad in this video, doesn’t really make ranger OP. Shrug

Sers De Larasoz ~ Level 80 Elementalist ~ [CSR]

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


A good thief can win 100% of the time against a longbow Ranger.

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: UmbraNoctis.1907


No. At least not in a 1vs1/dueling scenario (also depends on the build of course). Lots of CC, protection, weakness, high sustained dmg + stealthtracking rapid fire, SoS, … counters thief pretty well. Rangers are not unbeatable by good thiefs, but definitely not easy opponents for them.

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Wuselknusel.4082


A good Thief will just enter stealth before he is in range of the longbow. If the Thief is able to close the gap stealthed, the longbow is render useless. The Thief might still lose to the Ranger, but not because the longbow has a good range. Any class has conterplay to ranged combat, so if you don’t bring atleast some counterplay fighting a longbow Ranger, it should come as no surprise that you lose.

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: arenta.2953


theif vs ranger.
if the theif stays at range, Ranger will win 90% of the time
if the theif gets up close, Ranger will win 30% of the time

thats my personal experience and its because, while theif is mass dps, in melee a ranger is designed to counter a theif, but has to time their skills.

an experienced ranger can still lose to an inexperienced theif,
but an experienced theif will never lose to an inexperienced ranger.

personally, ranger atm is a delicious challenge when i fight a thief, will the theif follow the predicted attack pattern, falling into my block/counter, my traps, and have its stealth canceled by my skills
or will it defy my predictions and break my attack chain

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Padapwn.5924


A good lb/gs ranger will beat a thief 90% of the time no matter the distance.. unless they are running condis….

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


Sword/x thief is actually a much tougher fight, but that’s because they tend to be better players than condi or dagger/x thieves.

But in my usual fights against thieves I beat them with the GS but usually kill them with the longbow when they try to run because they lost the fight in melee range.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: arenta.2953


A good lb/gs ranger will beat a thief 90% of the time no matter the distance.. unless they are running condis….

90% of time any distance?
got some videos to back that up…cause thats a pretty big claim

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

Isn't 1500 a bit too high?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nibcakelol.9082


Hmm, isn’t that the point of a ranger…RANGE…R

I’ll trade my RF with your Hundred Blades any day of the week.

L2P Sonnn.

Ranger means ranger, aka wanderer or rover. The whole misconception that it derives from ranged combat is just that.. a misconception.

Not a misconception. I think Anet defines what the class entails:

“Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows. With traps, nature spirits, and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation.”