Long or Shortbow for P/P/C Ranger?
I’ve come to the conclusion that using a longbow is not decent for any situation except that for defending keeps, which in my opinion doesn’t matter because enemies at 1500 range won’t die even if you burst them down and get them downed, they’ll just get rezzed. So use shortbow always until they fix longbow.
I play a power/precision/crit ranger and I use longbow and shortbow. The longbow excels at range and does outdamage the shortbow at long range. Especially when traited. I basically use longbow as my pets take most of the aggro and then switch to shortbow as they come closer. Longbow helps in dungeons too providing good AoE cripple and 10 stacks of vulnerability. Again though if your in close quarters shortbow is much better with mobility and kiting.
Although I think Anet is going to have to add something a little more to the longbow such as a 3 stacksvulnerability every 2-3 hits like a chain or something making it truly the power/precision weapon its meant to be vs the shortbow which is pure conditions
I move around a lot in all situations, so I reverse the “normal” Longbow/Short Bow priority.
My main weapon is my Short Bow, which provides great damage and lots of tricks to keep me fighting. I swap to my Longbow for power bursts. I gain Fury from the swap, my Longbow’s Signet of Battle gives me 3 stacks of Might, I pop Rampage as One before the swap and either pop QZ or swap my pet for Quickness. I’ll throw Barrage down (even on a single target) before swapping back to Shortbow.
Rinse. Repeat.
Tarnished Coast
Is C crit damage or condition damage? Either way, the answers you seek is all in that thread!
why not be original and do it with axes? works especially with the +range on the offhand skills trait. path of scars hits hard, especially so because it’s a linear aoe.
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
Always have a longbow, especially if you’re in a group. 1500 range with trait is too good to pass up, provided you take the time to find a good vantage point. The vulnerability from Hunter’s Shot will increase the damage of your pet as well as everyone else who is hitting your target. Barrage actually does great damage if you channel it completely. Point Blank Shot will oftentimes save your life, since it’s both an interrupt and a push back. At high enough levels of power, precision, and critical damage, the overall dps competes very well with the shortbow all while tagging more mobs and collecting more loot.
I found myself that p/p/c ranger for me works only with SB + GS off hand.
The 300 range gain from LB isn’t that good, and remember that SB also does bleed – maybe with no condi build it won’t hurt that much, but it can do some fine dmg which compared with fire rate and crits ( around 1k crits with sb ) are lot better then LB.
I use GS off hand for #3 /#4/#5 skills mostly. good timed block/stun can save your kitten
and if it gets to hot, just use #3 :>
Always have a longbow, especially if you’re in a group. 1500 range with trait is too good to pass up, provided you take the time to find a good vantage point. The vulnerability from Hunter’s Shot will increase the damage of your pet as well as everyone else who is hitting your target. Barrage actually does great damage if you channel it completely. Point Blank Shot will oftentimes save your life, since it’s both an interrupt and a push back. At high enough levels of power, precision, and critical damage, the overall dps competes very well with the shortbow all while tagging more mobs and collecting more loot
arrow pierce trait + SB > LB #5 skill
arrow pierce trait + SB > LB #5 skill
bring me numbers to prove your statement, unless you are trolling hard.
LB #5 3 sec channeltime for a total of easily up to 10-12k aoe dmg (much more is possible), how could you ever reach that with sb in the same time when your arrows barely hit 2 or 3 targets and only if they stand exactly behind each other. (by the way arrow pierce affects lb 1-4 as well)