As the title implies, I’d like you to examine yourself through this thread and think about your own play styles and general knowledge you have of GW2 professions. Perhaps the issues with this profession (the Ranger) are in part due to the issues at hand and in part due to your own skill/knowledge. Don’t get me wrong and hear me out before you rage that I dare question your skill – there are problems (bugs) that nearly cripple certain aspects of the profession and need to be / will be fixed. Nonetheless, the Ranger is still a more than viable profession in wvw, pve, and pvp (e.g. all aspects of GW2) and users (players) need to be more aware of their potentially debilitating faults before placing 100% blame on the profession.
Please note; every profession thread has a QQ about their profession sucking – you are not unique Rangers. In order to combat this, I present my general pointers of how to approach this profession, and GW2 in general.
1 – Understand your profession AND OTHERS.
This profession, just like all the others, requires an individual to understand the workings of not only the Ranger, but other profesions you encounter. If you know the timings and cooldowns of professions you come across, it becomes increasingly easier to dominate individuals (and sometimes groups) as a Ranger. GW2 has a high learning curve – roll a few alts, work on understanding other professions, and you will find that your ability to take on other professions may be more limited by your knowledge of the game as opposed to the profession itself.
Personally (350+ hours on the Ranger alone), I spent much of my time pve’ing and wvw’ing on my Ranger. Recently, I’ve spent about 3 weeks straight learning all professions inside and out in spvp. I have learned so much from this process (and still have much more to learn). In particular, I can now easily recognize when someone is que’ing up a heal, or getting ready to MOA me, or throw down their AOE, etc., which now allows me to interrupt/react accordingly. This game takes practice, patience, and understanding in order to utilize the visual ques presented. This is not like other games where you see a cast bar and a spell name underneath it – you need to recognize the visual ques and once you are acustomed this approach the game becomes dramatically easier.
2 – Try out every build!
Regarding the roles of the Ranger, you can effectively play a power or condi or bunker build. I recommend trying these builds out and basing your findings on tournament based 5v5 pvp (avoid conclusions based on zerg-style 8v8). You will find that based on the 3 specs I listed above, a Ranger can roam and point defend extremely well. No, I’m not going to hand hold you and put out 3 specs for you to review/nit pick – however, I will recommend that you use appropriate runes/sigils/amulets for your spec and focus on only 3-4 treelines at most per spec. Much of them can also be tweaked in various directions depending on your play style.
Don’t get caught up in the general masses opinions that certain builds suck or this build is the most OP. Try them yourself and make those determinations on your own. Who knows, you might have a way of playing this “terrible build” that ends up being really good for all the various situations that can arise.
3 – Practice and discuss with your friends!
This is a community based game. Sharing knowledge and strategies is the only way to improve! Ask your friend what he does in x-y-z situation. Get pointers on builds. Go into a spvp zone and 1v1 duel to truly “test your skills”. Visit other sites besides the GW2 forums (no offense moderators!). Firmly understand what each skill does (you may notice that simply reading the traits/skills text does not give you a real idea of what the skill does – you typically need to test them out and may be surprised at the results!).
To sum this up: Take the time to learn all you can about every profession and you will find your play and opinions of professions will increase and/or drastically change.
Thanks for reading this,