(edited by Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582)
New Builds List - [Being Updated]
I wouldn’t say that the build I posted is much like the other GS/SB build at all TBH.
Whatever amulet you use, needs to have condition damage and precision on it. A celestial amulet would nerf critical chance and condition damage in order to turn the build into a more standard greatsword power build, which I wasn’t trying to suggest. If you do that you might as well change everything (which is actually pretty much the case lol).
If you want the power it needs to come at the expense of survivability, you could swap the amulet from Rabid to Rampagers. You take a slight nerf to condition damage and a huge nerf to toughness, but boost the crit rate and power. It would be a lot more glassy but would hit harder. Sinister would probably work better outside of PvP.
But even without adding power to it there’s some pretty intensive burst options in this build.
For example you’re fighting close range with the GS and Murellow. You fire off “Strength of the Pack” and apply AoE bleeding, torment and poison as well as getting a load of boons. You follow up with your murellow F2, applying taunt instantly, and use that to land a OS Maul adding 8 stacks of vulnerability (along with 60% chance of bleed, 66% chance of bleed and 50% chance of more vulnerability). Swap weapons to SB (getting a new Fury from the swap) and fire off a close range OS poison volly with 5-25 more vulnerability stacks attached (and up to 5 rolls of the torment/earth crit sigil and the bleed trait). At this point the poison field is pumping out ticks that are giving you might (murellow F2 and rao synergise really well for might stacking).
At this point you’ve “just” used the elite and f2, you’ve got 3 more fury applications to come from the elite, and have an interrupt on hand, along with a lot of projectile finishers, heal, signets and sic ‘em if the scenario dictates it. You’ve also got stability, swiftness and regen, and you and you’re pet are most likely approaching 25 stacks of might (depending on how many people are in the attack zone).
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.
(edited by Kaz.5430)
I notice you have Invigorating Bond and a Fern Hound but no Natural Regeneration, the extra 450 healing power would definitely help this build more than Wilting Strike imo.
Also, you know that the Fern Hound’s Regeneration will overwrite your own? It having 0 healing power and you having 900?
[sPVP, #5]:
Hey Heim! I’ve been playing a lot of SB/GS celestial hybrid ranger recently (it’s so much fun! Ranger is so much fun lol). I like the #5 build there that you put up for pvp, but I find this one to be slightly better in terms of survival:
It’s very similar to yours. It also leans more heavily towards the condi side than the power side. I love to pop wolf’s f2, swap pets (for quickness), and then mow through the shortbow skills (plus sharpening stones if I have condis on me). It puts on a TON of bleed, and people usually hit their panic buttons at this point lol. Maul crits are pretty meh though (2-3k tops). I mainly use the gs for a small burst, then some sustain before switching back to sb.
Lemme know what you think!
tn pvp: shortbow/ sword wh
i was searching a not longbow build instead of my spirit ranger whos is dead right now and i found this, its seems to be effective: blind weakness lot of regen, good dps and thougness to bunker cap, wh for roam and cap, good burst with pet swap
(edited by freedom.8463)
I notice you have Invigorating Bond and a Fern Hound but no Natural Regeneration, the extra 450 healing power would definitely help this build more than Wilting Strike imo.
Also, you know that the Fern Hound’s Regeneration will overwrite your own? It having 0 healing power and you having 900?
Well at this point i dropped the fern hound for a drakehound, I still prefer the aoe weakness to some more healing power on the pet. The drakehound f2 works really well with taunt. Finally i invest in healing power mainly for it’s scaling with Heal as One 7,4K heal on a 14 sec CD while traited is huge.
Support Spirit ranger with some BM flavor
- Bear for condi removal
- Drakehound for its f2 (great synergy with taunt)
- Sun spirit is your main offensive support and the active lets you dish out some good AOE burning
- stone spirit is your defensive support its active is procs sun spirit passive putting the ICD on the stone spirit but using your condition damage stats to hurt the enemy (same with storm spirit).
- emphatic bound + bear + signet of renewal for the much needed condi removal in the current state of the game.
- with 900 healing power “heals as one” heals for 7.4 k
- the rune of the adventurer + sigil of energy combo gives a lot of dodge synchronizing with companion’s defense.
For a more offensive version of the build you can drop Spirit of nature for entangle and use the runes of the krait, each roots spawned by entangle can get the sun spirit’s passive potentially dealing a huge amount of aoe condi burst.
(next working on some power ranger)
Among many other builds, I’ve started toying with a cele s/t + a/d setup in pvp. The play style is that of a typical survival condi build, so I’m not going to go into too much detail about that. My deviations from a typical build are nothing new, either. Mainly, I’ve found that the relative abundance of quickness provides some really dynamic utility, and might stacking is obviously important for using a celestial amulet in a condition build, given the recent changes.
I’m using battle sigils in conjunction with zephyr’s speed to gain might; I’m finding it pretty easy to stack 10+ might, which gives me ~1900+ power and 1300+ condition damage (the stat calculations on the build editor are slightly off). As a result, my damage is pretty good, but I am a bit disappointed that I can’t abuse wilting strike more.
Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions/feedback??
(edited by Malhavoc.8976)
I notice you have Invigorating Bond and a Fern Hound but no Natural Regeneration, the extra 450 healing power would definitely help this build more than Wilting Strike imo.
Also, you know that the Fern Hound’s Regeneration will overwrite your own? It having 0 healing power and you having 900?
Well at this point i dropped the fern hound for a drakehound, I still prefer the aoe weakness to some more healing power on the pet. The drakehound f2 works really well with taunt. Finally i invest in healing power mainly for it’s scaling with Heal as One 7,4K heal on a 14 sec CD while traited is huge.
imo, that is good that you dropped the fern hound. With so much healing power yourself, it is not the best choice and drakehound looks to be very nice with Beastly Warden.
Support Spirit ranger with some BM flavor
- Bear for condi removal
- Drakehound for its f2 (great synergy with taunt)
- Sun spirit is your main offensive support and the active lets you dish out some good AOE burning
- stone spirit is your defensive support its active is procs sun spirit passive putting the ICD on the stone spirit but using your condition damage stats to hurt the enemy (same with storm spirit).
- emphatic bound + bear + signet of renewal for the much needed condi removal in the current state of the game.
- with 900 healing power “heals as one” heals for 7.4 k
- the rune of the adventurer + sigil of energy combo gives a lot of dodge synchronizing with companion’s defense.
For a more offensive version of the build you can drop Spirit of nature for entangle and use the runes of the krait, each roots spawned by entangle can get the sun spirit’s passive potentially dealing a huge amount of aoe condi burst.
(next working on some power ranger)
How does Stone Spirit go and did Spirit of Nature have it’s CD reduced?
How does Stone Spirit go and did Spirit of Nature have it’s CD reduced?
spirit of nature cd is now 120 sec (formerly 180 sec).
and stone spirit gives a lot of protection with its passive and the pulse, also if an enemy if hit by the detonation of the active (the immobilizing part) the stone spirit can proc the sun’s passive.
If you want to see/try something fun take storm and sun spirit, summon them near a dummy, equip a torch blow your spirits and use torch 4 and 5 on the dummy.(fun times)
I was theorycrafting on my lunch break and I think I may give this a try when i get home later.
The inciniranger! take advantage of the crazy number of burning stacks a ranger can dish out!
if you can land flame trap, bonfire, throw torch and have your spirit active you should have 14 stacks of burning. the pets cc’s can keep the player in the fire longer and for more stacks per pulse.
it’s just an idea feel free to tear it apart before i get myself killed using it today lol
hey Heim, youre missing this variant of the remorseless.
I call it the Valkyrie Bearsword and ive been winning about 70% of my games in a high MMR bracket, soloq’ing. in lower brackets, this build can actually carry.
3 stun breakers, 3 condi cleanses, some of the best mobility in the game, on-demand spike damage and lots of utility with Refined Toxins and Beastly Warden. I don’t feel like putting out a guide for it just yet, I might do a video or something later this summer. but it’s by far the most viable power ranger build in my opinion.
Anyone got a good WvW zerker ranger build? Preferably with LB/GS. I just finished my full set of ascended berserker gear + zojja’s longbow. I’d prefer not to deviate from this gear choice.
I was theorycrafting on my lunch break and I think I may give this a try when i get home later.
The inciniranger! take advantage of the crazy number of burning stacks a ranger can dish out!
if you can land flame trap, bonfire, throw torch and have your spirit active you should have 14 stacks of burning. the pets cc’s can keep the player in the fire longer and for more stacks per pulse.
it’s just an idea feel free to tear it apart before i get myself killed using it today lol
You know, if you had Axe OH, you could wait till till you used bonfire, swap to the OH axe, flame trap, then WD and you would stack another 24 burns… assuming all hit
You could also do that under the effects of Quickness from QZ or ZS and Quick Draw so you could do it twice. The fire fields stack for combos, so the x12 hits on WD will make 24 stacks of burning in the 1st channel, then another 12 in the 2nd, plus the ones from Bonfire, Sun Spirit, Flame trap… Smoldering Sigil + Balthazar runes.
Edit: maybe like http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=-J77Fk;0wEFy-r2BEF-0;9V2R;1Z_a;0246146137;4TwV6E;15NV05NV01u ? I don’t think that would be actually good for PvP, but would stack a ton of burns.
(edited by Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582)
hey Heim, youre missing this variant of the remorseless.
http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=-Jo-g;1sEFx-r2NDV-0;9k-R;1Y_b;0257147246;4LB06U;1bRm8bRm84DI call it the Valkyrie Bearsword and ive been winning about 70% of my games in a high MMR bracket, soloq’ing. in lower brackets, this build can actually carry.
3 stun breakers, 3 condi cleanses, some of the best mobility in the game, on-demand spike damage and lots of utility with Refined Toxins and Beastly Warden. I don’t feel like putting out a guide for it just yet, I might do a video or something later this summer. but it’s by far the most viable power ranger build in my opinion.
I’m going to re-arrange the OP as weapon headings, I’ll add yours into the LB/GS section when I get to that mate
posted guide here.
I don’t think I need a separate thread because remorseless has been discussed ad nauseum. people can just leave comment on Into the Mists.
I also wouldn’t mind if you helped me optimize it using combination of valk and cav stats for wvw. id use it for frontlining and roaming.
I was theorycrafting on my lunch break and I think I may give this a try when i get home later.
The inciniranger! take advantage of the crazy number of burning stacks a ranger can dish out!
if you can land flame trap, bonfire, throw torch and have your spirit active you should have 14 stacks of burning. the pets cc’s can keep the player in the fire longer and for more stacks per pulse.
it’s just an idea feel free to tear it apart before i get myself killed using it today lol
You know, if you had Axe OH, you could wait till till you used bonfire, swap to the OH axe, flame trap, then WD and you would stack another 24 burns… assuming all hit
You could also do that under the effects of Quickness from QZ or ZS and Quick Draw so you could do it twice. The fire fields stack for combos, so the x12 hits on WD will make 24 stacks of burning in the 1st channel, then another 12 in the 2nd, plus the ones from Bonfire, Sun Spirit, Flame trap… Smoldering Sigil + Balthazar runes.
Edit: maybe like http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=-J77Fk;0wEFy-r2BEF-0;9V2R;1Z_a;0246146137;4TwV6E;15NV05NV01u ? I don’t think that would be actually good for PvP, but would stack a ton of burns.
you know, i was thinking about that too lol the burn stacks would be insane and you could swap the dagger for the axe pretty easily. the only thing you’d lose out on is the extra condi dmg while on axe.
It actually wouldn’t work as amazing as I 1st thought, I forgot about the CD on WD being 25s, but you could almost fit it in.
I made a remorseless build too also with crusader amulet but it’s a little diffrent from the one posted in here and I feel it has better survival, is more bursty and has better mobility than the might stacking version, this link I put pack runes on I also tried air runes can’t say there is any real noticable diffrence but I figured one extra fury proc probably outweighs the extra lightning strike in the end.
It is very fun to play I also tried a version in wvw and instantly had some elementalist ambush me ending in him getting exploded in 2 hits without me even losing health I don’t think he expected such melee burst and frankly neither did I, I never really played a full melee build on ranger before cause I never really liked them but this is great, your worst enemy I think is probably getting overconfident because you are so absurdly tanky.
pve/wvw regen bunker/tank
pvp regen bunker variant
warning hits like a wet noodle
I made a remorseless build too also with crusader amulet but it’s a little diffrent from the one posted in here and I feel it has better survival, is more bursty and has better mobility than the might stacking version, this link I put pack runes on I also tried air runes can’t say there is any real noticable diffrence but I figured one extra fury proc probably outweighs the extra lightning strike in the end.
It is very fun to play I also tried a version in wvw and instantly had some elementalist ambush me ending in him getting exploded in 2 hits without me even losing health I don’t think he expected such melee burst and frankly neither did I, I never really played a full melee build on ranger before cause I never really liked them but this is great, your worst enemy I think is probably getting overconfident because you are so absurdly tanky.
Been meaning to put a skirmishing variant in there, I’ll do that with your mate.
So made a longbow build that I am finally relatively happy with, before patch I used to play a celestial build with longbow as main weapon but as much as I swap and change now I can’t make it work, the damage is simply not there the way it used to be despite buffs to the bleeds wich were always pretty good supporting damage to my pre-patch build but now both bleeds and physical are worse off with celestial, I do love the longbow however and really want to play it but I absolutely hate being squishy it’s simply not how I play, and I only play for fun I should probably say I don’t care if it’s top tier viable if it works against most opponents in most places then it’s what I want, I ended up with points in marksman wich was the last place I initially wanted to go but I find longbow is extremely kitten in pvp without piercing shots, this is what it looks like:
Some will probably scoff at the use of the forge runes but they really help to make you quite tough with the high amount of protection you get in this I also did earth runes but I think I prefer more protection over the reflect in general and also your damage is still very solid, if you like a strong longbow damage build that isn’t an easy oneshot kill as soon as it becomes the target try this.
Edit: I didn’t add any pets to the build I always use wolf the other one is most often a spider as I feel pets too easily get exploded into oblivion if they melee spiders seem to survive best they also have higher health to stay up longer for any conditions since I have empathic bond here.
(edited by Manekk.6981)
@ Manekk;
Agree, Forgeman’s is a good rune, 10s of Protection is pretty great, (maybe combined with Enlargement too?) I like that build, it has tons of protection and still good damage. Added.
(edited by Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582)
posted guide here.
I don’t think I need a separate thread because remorseless has been discussed ad nauseum. people can just leave comment on Into the Mists.
I also wouldn’t mind if you helped me optimize it using combination of valk and cav stats for wvw. id use it for frontlining and roaming.
Hey Mistsim,
Sorry for the following noob question since I’m pretty new to this but you say the build does not need crit chance, is the on demand fury enough with it only giving you 20%? I run a similar build but I am using a maurader amulet. I lose out on the vitality but have 50% crit chance without fury. Thanks.
every new instance of fury procs Remorseless, which is an opening strike with +25% damage bonus. opening strikes always crit if you look in the marksmanship trait line. so if you have lots of fury sources, youre always doing max damage. in that build, u can get it while using LR, QZ, SotP, two-handed training in BM, or by swapping pets. this is why you don’t need any crit.
one other thing you could do is equip lyssa runes to get a nice 35% crit chance when u have fury, which is all the time. I think this is probably ideal.
Marauder is definitely a good amulet, but I don’t like it for this build. it has a lot less ferocity and it gives a lot less survivability.
(edited by mistsim.2748)
every new instance of fury procs Remorseless, which is an opening strike with +25% damage bonus. opening strikes always crit if you look in the marksmanship trait line. so if you have lots of fury sources, youre always doing max damage. in that build, u can get it while using LR, QZ, SotP, two-handed training in BM, or by swapping pets. this is why you don’t need any crit.
one other thing you could do is equip lyssa runes to get a nice 35% crit chance when u have fury, which is all the time. I think this is probably ideal.
Marauder is definitely a good amulet, but I don’t like it for this build. it has a lot less ferocity and it gives a lot less survivability.
Ah, I overlooked the fact that opening strike always crit. That make sense and ties the build for me. Thanks a bunch.
no problem. the neat thing about Valkyrie is it gives you max ferocity, and youre extremely survivable with 3 stun breakers and 3 condi wipes. so basically just need to learn how to time your spikes with the procs. usually just casting bird f2 with maul will hit for almost 10k.
This is what I’ve been running in WvW. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQRAnf8YnEqA9CiVsAusAUtgBKhqDgGPC8JfCu8/H28MvkdVA-TVzCABAcEAO+BAAoOgX0OMpaAcpUYTVCm4kAolyoEVCmlSmZ2fwGVdIFwiitA-w
Between bark skin, protection, perma regen, swiftness and weakness spam, it is very hard for any opponent to get you below 90% health in a 1v1 fight. If you do get low you just kite around with sword/dagger while your pet does the damage until you regen back to full health.
You have 3 skills for removing condi’s although it is still better to use your high vigor/evade uptime to avoid the condi application in the first place. You can shrug off a good deal of condi damage just through the combined regen +TU so don’t panic and blow all your cooldowns if you get a few stacks on you.
For small group roaming it is sometimes worthwhile to swap BW for zephyr’s speed. You will be spamming F2 to keep weakness on the target but that makes BW unreliable. Zephyr’s speed is a lot more reliable because you can see the timer and it comes in very handy for securing stomps or rezzing allies.
(edited by Puck.9612)
@ Manekk;
Agree, Forgeman’s is a good rune, 10s of Protection is pretty great, (maybe combined with Enlargement too?) I like that build, it has tons of protection and still good damage. Added.
Yeah both forge and earth runes are very good if you have protective ward, plus that it’s like 15s with points in nature extra boontime and the rune bonus, add a second every dogdge and even more from protective ward you get quite alot from those runes then.
Updated to add Sol’s Play Maker build.
This is a build I’ve been running with. Sort of a throwback to the old chill builds rangers use to run.
Basic playstyle is to drop your traps at your feet. With Runes of Ice and the Sigil of Chilling the Frost Trap puts out 7 seconds of chill per tick, and with the spike trap’s knockdown the enemy is going to have at least 14 seconds of chill right off the bat. Naturally they will have to cleanse that, which gives you a bit more of an opportunity to press the advantage. Then you have Winter’s Bite and the owl’s F2 to keep applying more chill during the course of the fight. On top of chill you and your pet are also constantly applying weakness, which messes with power builds.
This build comes with three ways to get the enemy into your traps, the taunt, Path of Scars, and potentially Counterattack if you can aim it right.
As for pet choices owl is fairly obvious. I went with Frost Drake because it’s F2 range is just enough to ensure the taunt nearly always hits, unlike the Alpine Wolf. The F2 also does a pretty nice chunk of damage when it does hit, which happens more than I expected. It also ensures both F2 skills have a similar internal cooldown to the taunt which makes it easier to manage. Most importantly though the drake is tanky enough, especially with Go for the Eyes, to stand in some cleave for a while. This works very well with Allies’ Aid which I absolutely love. The drake can also blast Healing Spring for more healing and, if you time it perfectly, Frost Trap for AoE frost aura.
The build is somewhat lacking in condi clear, but the traited Healing Spring has been sufficient for me so far. I just don’t run into many condi builds, and Healing Spring is such a good way to deal with conditions that I haven’t yet felt the need for an extra source aside from Evasive Purity. Others may though.
(edited by Ehecatl.9172)
Windborne Bunker Trapper – WvW Build – Solo/Small Group/Zerg
Great Healing / Toughness, Constant Regen/Speed, Protection / Defense, Enemy Heal Mitigation, Fire Stacking and Blasting and AOE Chill.
Con’s – No Crit – But who needs it, as either your using fire or repositioning.
Uses 3 pieces of “Apothecary and 3 Dire” Could swap the weapons to Dire for more health.
(edited by Pooka.3420)
@Heimskarl: The build i suggested uses SoS instead of muddy terrain, and Scooby Doo instead of hawk
Timber Hunter WvW:
Stacks poison using fast pet swaps and apply bleeds through Spike trap , HoA shouts for party regen .
Most dangerous Game Poison master:
spotter or hidden Barbeds (improved spike trap) uses Bountiful hunter and Saimoth plasma to build boons.
swap pet to spider or Devour for Spray fire or extra 3 poison attack (spider)>consume plasma(boost chosen pet) >f2>hild bash>spike trap> normal Rotations > swap pet repeat.
both builds have a large weakness uptime and a 9% damage boost while buffed with boons , 5% damage boost at all times while performing normal rotations without plasma.
has hard CC , condis , Healing prevention/reduction.
Here’s my Power Sustain Ranger (LB/GS) build:
It’s been pretty sweet for soloQ roaming and skirmishing.
Not quite the same blitzing damage output of the old power ranger builds (not far off) but LOADS more sustain and condi-clear.
I very rarely seem to go down!
Am loving Mauruader over Zerker too…
Blank page trying to get to the link.
@Heimskarl: The build i suggested uses SoS instead of muddy terrain, and Scooby Doo instead of hawk
GW2skills.net is up to date again.
Thought i should leave it here since intothemists is kinda clunky… for me at least
Covenant of Bloodthirst [IvsI],
Favorable Winds [Wind]
Yeah, I much prefer it, I will only post new builds as GW2skills editor now because intothemists links do not work for me, I need to cut and paste them into a new tab to work.
If you submit a build, please use GW2skills editor, for example; http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAR8XjUqQ/KWxCOsAXLG+Dq91XgAg33weD+04HG+Te1hWB-TVCHABF8EA+TlAAuIAypbQl9HIUdloUCeoKEGp8LAACwNvZ2sNDG6QH6QH6Qbo3co3coDtUAMp1C-w
I will change them over as I get the time and inclination
1. Dual Melee Frost Spotter – DnT’s Speed Run Ranger
- S/A-GS, Zerker/Scholar, MM, SK, BM
- Masses of vulnerability and damage, works best in a structured team with lots of fury applications.
- by DnT
1a. Frost Spotter BM
- LB-S/A, MM, SK, BM
- Straight up DPS, for more pug groups.
- A bit more supporty with regen and Warhorn, traited HS for perma regen and synergy with Windborne Notes, Clarion Bond & Call of the Wild CDs. You can drop HS and blast it twice for more heals and perma Swiftness/Fury. If you use Drake pets (River/Marsh) you can blast HS 3 times every time you lay it.
- Swap Sword to GS, Predator’s Onslaught for Remorseless and Natural Regeneration for 2HT. Easier to handle if Sword AA is a problem.
- Drop LB for GS. IF BM, swap Natural Regeneration for 2HT. For those of us who cannot get used to using a LB in melee range
Or, require more cleave, useful for moving between mobs, swap back to LB for bosses and vulnerability stacking.
- SB-S/T, Sk, WS, BM
- Bulk conditions, can hit over 2500 condition damage and power with self might stacking and kill stack sigils. Swap Sword for Axe if farming events or for tagging. Quick Draw for dual Poison Volley/Bonfire/Splitblade (if using axe) for more AoE tagging with condi.
For the Dual Melee Frost Spotter – DnT’s Speed Run Ranger ( https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/external?l=http%3A%2F%2Fintothemists.com%2Fcalc%2F%3Fbuild%3D-J%3B4wE-u-h2kDV-0%3B9V8b%3B1YZb%3B0247236247%3B4DNV25%3B1udbTudbTo-FQ3-sD02%3B1HbH6IbI6JbJ62o-G-2i%3B9%3B9%3B9%3B9%3B9%3B9%3B0VR-6l ) , why do you have ‘Trappers Expertise’ when you don’t use any traps?
And I may be kicking myself for asking this, but what is DnT?
Went ahead and switched my Winter Trapper build to skills.net for you Heimskarl. It also occurred to me that you could use Signet of Renewal as an alternative to Lightning Reflexes as your stunbreaker if conditions get too much to handle.
Hey people, my PVP Build:
So; my english is not very well, however, i even dont know how i can explain this build but for me it works:
1, You have Axe&Warhorn for Might-Stack and Quickening Zephyr (i think it works in groupfights very well)
2, Greatsword+Entangle is more for “catch the low hp enemys”, also in teamfights etc.
3, Permanent condition-remove + knight amulet for durability (i think its self-explaining)
4, Switch permanent pets (dmg)
5, As good as “perma-weakness” on enemys
See yaaaa….. ;D
why do you have ‘Trappers Expertise’ when you don’t use any traps?
And I may be kicking myself for asking this, but what is DnT?
DnT is one of the top dungeon speed clear guilds. Their builds are usually accepted as the best possible PvE builds. TE is there for healing spring, but it’s not required. It’s just the other choices in that tier aren’t that exciting.
Hey Heim,
You might want to add this one to your list, it is extremely powerful. The traits and skills line up perfectly in this build. It works great for defending any point (side or middle).
The drawback is lack of mobility but it excels at killing everything so balances quite nice. The odd thing in this build is the fire spirit. Size up the battle you are about to get into, to decide where to place it. It’s use is situational but generally it is best to drop it right on the point, attack a few times then blow it up. In group fights it seems to be best to place it just outside the fight and rely on team members to proc it. Use hydromancy sigils when the opposing team is heavy on light classes and doom otherwise.
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons
My version of the S/A-GS remorseless build. I call it the quickburst valkyrie.
I think its about equal to the MS/WS/BM version in power, I just prefer how this one plays in practice, as I find competent players will wait for your SotP and then kite you until it runs out.
I’d rather get my Remorseless procs on-demand and then take MoC for even stronger spike damage.
Edited OP to tidy up. Out of space in the PvP builds post, its too big! Had to add other builds to the last post. Probably only accept very different PvP builds now, need more WvW roaming etc and PvE builds guys, even if they are very specific for farming something in particular or specific events etc.
Thanks all.
celestial condi beastmaster, for those who enjoyed the condi bunker prepatch.
100th post!
celestial condi beastmaster, for those who enjoyed the condi bunker prepatch.
Added that one. It gave me an idea though….
Celestial Spirit & Boon Support
Have been trying to make something with NV for a while, just never seemed good with anything, this seems better. What do you all think?
(edited by Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582)