Save the Bell Choir activity!
New Ranger Pet
Save the Bell Choir activity!
-Pet snake that roots the target the same way entangle does :-)
-A cat pet that gives fury. (Lion, Spectral Tiger, or whatever)
There is only one Ranger pet I want or love to see…
~The Gorilla and for its special ability it jumps on the back of said target and pounds him while applying cripple from being on his back.
~Karaka that applies blind/cripple that forces a dodge roll, I would love the stomp ability for the special but that may be a lil’ OP.
No contest.
This! that plated behemoth is already in “bear” category, high chance we might.
Reptiles like Cobra that can bind, spit poison, and rattle for fury.
I just wish that ANY of the critters I already have attacked their target like a
DOT to justify a portion of my DPS going to them.
But, If I had to dream …
a croc or a gryphon.
Wind/Breeze/Reef Riders!
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
A Dev (or Juvenile Game Developer).
- Every time you press F1, it will come up with excuses for why it cant do basic things pets can do in other games, like hit a moving target.
- If you press F2, it would give a technical explanation as to why the F2 will take awhile.
- The actual functionality of the Dev’s F2 will be to summon another temporary Dev on a very long cooldown. Because its possible to have two Devs at once, the base stats of the primary Dev will be nerfed into something useless.
- F3 generates an excuse explaining why pets cant be made to survive in dungeons,
wvw, or any party-situation in general. For example, “AoE damage reduction for pets in other games just wouldnt work in this game!” - Attempting to stow will prompt excuses for why we have no damage compensation for stowing pets.
Juvenile Dev’s will only be tamable in WvW. They will roam behind south camp sending angry tells to GvG’ers and duelists about how GvG disrupts “their game mode.”
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds
A Dev (or Juvenile Game Developer).
- Every time you press F1, it will come up with excuses for why it cant do basic things pets can do in other games, like hit a moving target.
- If you press F2, it would give a technical explanation as to why the F2 will take awhile.
- The actual functionality of the Dev’s F2 will be to summon another temporary Dev on a very long cooldown. Because its possible to have two Devs at once, the base stats of the primary Dev will be nerfed into something useless.
- F3 generates an excuse explaining why pets cant be made to survive in dungeons,
wvw, or any party-situation in general. For example, “AoE damage reduction for pets in other games just wouldnt work in this game!”- Attempting to stow will prompt excuses for why we have no damage compensation for stowing pets.
Juvenile Dev’s will only be tamable in WvW. They will roam behind south camp sending angry tells to GvG’ers and duelists about how GvG disrupts “their game mode.”
You know it’d be nice if our pets once tamed no longer said “Juvenile”. Either that, or let us keep the name that we type in for the pet instead of resetting it every time we change them out.
I want a ‘low hanging fruit’ as a pet. f2 skill should transform my ranger into a warrior for 30 seconds with 30 second cooldown.
I want a ‘low hanging fruit’ as a pet. f2 skill should transform my ranger into a warrior for 30 seconds with 30 second cooldown.
That would be OP, shame on you boom. lolololol we’d be unstoppable.
I want a pet that works…..
9/3/13 rip
Im necro’ing this thread because I actually wanted to start one like it and did a google search just in case someone had already done so. And with this one found, I’d love to talk about the possibilities.
Overall I’d love to have griffons as pets, followed by basalisks, skales/skelks, wargs, colocal, crabs, and for solely aquatics, dolphins and electric fish. I’d also love the idea of tigers/lions, and perhaps even octopi, but given as they aren’t in game (tigers are, but they’re called stalkers). I like a lot of the serious suggestions in this thread though.
Griffons I’d enjoy because they could easily have a knockback as an F2, or perhaps even a bleeding attack or vulnerability. And with the new expansion and the promise of vertacality I can even see a glider skin being a griffon carrying you around :P.
Basilisks would be pretty darn nice given their petrify as an F2, I don’t think I need to say much more on them.
I can easily see skelks/skales having a vomit poison F2, or even a camoflage F2 rendering themselves and the ranger stealthed for a time.
The rest other than crabs and dolphins would really just be flavor and pretty neat to have. The crab I can see having that block technique of theirs as an F2, giving to a pretty tanky pet. And dolphin as a nice dps pet with a vulnerability or weaken F2..maybe even fear, or to call in a NPC dolphin to help much like the hyena. But overall I think I’d love griffon a bit more due to the idea of having a pretty awesome beast on your side that can swoop around and knock enemies around :P.
At one time there was an interview (not too long after launch) where working pets were compared to giving the warriors the ability to dual-wield greatswords and handing the mesmer’s a tactical nuke.
At one time there was an interview (not too long after launch) where working pets were compared to giving the warriors the ability to dual-wield greatswords and handing the mesmer’s a tactical nuke.
Haha, i totally forgot that one , thanks for making me laugh about it again. xD
Covenant of Bloodthirst [IvsI],
Favorable Winds [Wind]
Haha, i totally forgot that one
, thanks for making me laugh about it again. xD
I don’t remember that guy giving anymore interviews after that, was probably for the best.
I want a ranged dps pet for Pve. (aka not vitality, or toughness main attribute like spiders or skorps)
The Shatterer, thank you
I dunno. It might move to chase enemies better than our current pets do. Unless they stand right by its foot.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
This type of thread has been made several times. But I think a new pet could be the answer tons of rangers who want to go without a pet could be looking for…check this out!
A ferret pet that does not leave your body,but rather sits on your shoulder and grants damage buffs or the such. This would give the people who want to play the ranger without a pet to control the ability to do so. You could even make the pets f2 ability a blind or reflect….i think an option like this would give the community what they have been asking for without the devs having to make all new mechanics ECT for no pet….the best of both worlds.
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge
One like these! But without the package.
Their F2 skill could be a charge similar to the Treagriffs but somewhat shorter and less wide. Other attacks could be headbutting, kicking with front legs and bucking.
I don’t care about looks. I want powerful, functional pets.
The two don’t have to be mutually exclusive.
Of course, in WoW, you can choose which spec your pet is – Tenacity (tank), Ferocity (DPS), or Cunning (also DPS, but more suited to PVP).
Meaning, you can use the pet you most like the look of and set it to the function you need it to perform.
In this game, I would just end up setting everything to tank, as things stand though, as non-tanking pets die so much faster than they do in WoW and you can’t even res them (and can only switch them when you’re off CD).
Aesthetically, I would like tigers (i.e. stripey stalkers) and lions.
(edited by Tigaseye.2047)
I’d like a Charr as a pet.
(edited by takatsu.9416)
I’d like a Charr as a pet.
That’s racist!
Personally I want a Raptor with f2 creating a smoke field.
Possible new pets:
I would like new pets but alternatively I wish they’d just grow up and maybe get an extra attack. cause after 3 years I don’t think my spider is a juvenile anymore.
Eh, this thing.
…Personally I want a Raptor with f2 creating a smoke field.
+1 to a Raptor and with a smoke field, it would be great!
Would also love a coyote and a GW1 Black Wolf.
Mostly, a bat with F2 skill “Echo Locate” a 600 range, 3s AoE Reveal.
Take the mistfire wolf skill pet.. and add that as a legendary pet.. that actually “takes some time” to get.. since it is utterly useless as an elite.. give it to rangers so they may utilize the kitten thing. (hands down coolest animal skin in game)
If they implemented my idea of being able to swap and change skins (and stats) for pets within the same family, it wouldn’t even need to be legendary, it would just be a canine skin. And, I agree, it would be a very cool skin to use, as well as the Lunar Wolf!
Did anyone play Warhammer Online before? Their pet class was called White Lion. The pet, which was always a lion of course, did evolve as the character progressed. So you started off with a fluffy little lion and then by the time you got to max level the lion would be all armoured up, which looked matching to the character high-end armour.
In terms of appearance, Ranger’s pets are a bit dull after a while. They look the same from level 1 to level 80 and they stay “juvenile” forever. I would rather seen them grow and prehaps armour up or evolve into something suitable for the high-end contents. Also on a minor point, Norn’s pet could perhaps be slightly bigger since some of them look comically small standing next to a Norn.
By the way, while we are taking about pets, I suggested a while ago that: “… Since pets are effectively a weapon for rangers, how about allow sigils to be slotted onto the pets? Otherwise, how about allowing pets to wear armours, which in turns allow greater flexibility and diversity of the pets’ stat….” That is to say that I personally would like to see more work done to the existing pets instead of making new ones.
Look at the pet management screen I posted above you. They could just adjust base stats, then let you apply a PvP amulet to the pet to change its stats. And I agree on a sigil for the pet, even just a major sigil would be great. As well as either making our food apply to the pet, or having its own lvl 40 food or something.
A Griffon!!!!! Have wanted one since release!
Pet raccoon with an F2 that latches onto your opponent and gnaws on their face. I’d be all like…
Will update once Path of Fire releases.