Patch didn't fix the "40 millisecond"
They acknowledged that it was a 40 ms nerf to Crossfire in the Oct. 7 patch notes when the change was implemented.
What they have not yet acknowledged is that Crossfire’s attack speed is now much slower than it should be under the effects of Quickness.
With the 40ms nerf to Crossfire, its new attack interval is .52 seconds. Therefore, under Quickness, its attack interval should be .26 seconds (1/2 of .52 seconds.) Instead, its attack interval under Quickness is .40 seconds.
This is clearly incorrect, and will hopefully be acknowledged and addressed by the dev team in the near future.
I don’t care what they ‘acknowledged’ because my own tests show that the damage we lost equates to more than 40ms decrease in attack speed.
sigh. I am sure they will get around to fixing us….someday. I love bows in general…but now a days when I am doing some serious fighting…I switch to axe or sword. So, at 80th…I am now looking into all our weapon options. Which sucks cause I really just liked using both bow types.
I don’t believe the tooltips from game, almost over 20% description is wrong or even does not work like that.
i feel so abandoned like our creators were experimenting with rangers and abandoned the project half way
There is already a thread about this topic, please use this one: