Pet issues brought up in 2011

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Swagger.1459


Unfortunate to see not much has changed.

“Ginko (GW2G): The ranger is supposed to be the pet profession, and bringing a pet is always supposed to improve the performance of the ranger. In all of the demos so far, most rangers didn’t bother to have their pet with them during combat; they either died quickly or didn’t seem to do much when they were around. Considering the ranger class was intended to be the class that specifically focuses on playing with a pet, what does the design team want ranger/pet gameplay to be like at launch? What kinds of gameplay is ArenaNet trying to foster for the ranger so that the pet and ranger work together instead of the pet simply being similar to a random melee ally?”

“Jon P: I think the ranger pets are terrible right now, no one would argue with that! If you wanted to talk about least played profession, the ranger would probably be it. We’ve been making A.I changes which are slowly propagating to the pets right now, while we’ve also been looking into more radical things with the pets.

Right now the pets feel like this thing you have, rather than a part of your character. Like those other professions that have undergone some radical changes, I’m hoping by the next time we show the game, or certainly before we ship, the ranger pet will have that synergy. That’s one of the biggest failings we have right now. For those that are concerned, we are also concerned but we aren’t concerned that we won’t fix it, just not right now. We are going to make it feel synergistic, but it just takes time."

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

(edited by Swagger.1459)

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Krispera.5087


Eh, doing AB right now and the pets can’t even hit the Octovines with their AA.

I have lots of things to say about the pets, but… Just saying how ridiculous it is. I loved one of the ranger players here posting on PvP forum about the OP Devourer. I had a good laugh.

Meanwhile, I see plenty of Druid Staff 1 with Fire Wyvern in open PvE, but that’s open PvE…

Edit : Found it

(edited by Krispera.5087)

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Eh, doing AB right now and the pets can’t even hit the Octovines with their AA.

I have lots of things to say about the pets, but… Just saying how ridiculous it is. I loved one of the ranger players here posting on PvP forum about the OP Devourer. I had a good laugh.

Meanwhile, I see plenty of Druid Staff 1 with Fire Wyvern in open PvE, but that’s open PvE…

Edit : Found it

Lol I missed that thread, that was a good troll.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenith.7301


BTW Jon Peters hasn’t been with Anet for a good while, he went to Amazon game studios.

Jon Chapman is also no longer with anet. He was the necro designer. Now Robert Gee is the one doing necro & mesmer.

Robert Hrouda was the main ranger and dungeon team designer. He no longer with Anet, it’s why dungeons were discontinued.

Kristen Perry invented the Sylvari we see today in-game, alongside helping design racial clothing. She is no longer working with Anet and is currently a freelance artist.

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


It’s too late now. They won’t ever really improve the core issues at this stage. Some band-aid fixes slapped on is what we can hope for at most, but I doubt even that will happen.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


Someone popped a ranger pet question @ AMA reddit thread, no one answered :<

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Wuselknusel.4082


Yep, I did. I shamelessly used the AMA to present my suggestion, and I will continue to do so in future AMAs. You can read my suggestion if you follow the link below. I had to realize that a well written and (hopefully) well thought out suggestion is not enough. You usually need almost a riot to get things to change.

By the way, if you have ideas on how I could improve my suggestion, I’d love to hear it. But to get the devs to consider this, we need to constantly remind them, so they know that it’s something the players want.

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Mr Pin.6728

Mr Pin.6728

If I had to guess the question went unanswered simply because they are aware of how poorly the pets perform or aware of how poorly the pets are perceived to perform and simply don’t want to change them at this stage of the game’s life. Why go back and reinvent old systems? They would rather add new systems to market to new players. So it won’t really matter how the question is phrased as no one wants to respond with “They suck. We don’t care.”

(edited by Mr Pin.6728)

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

It’s too late now. They won’t ever really improve the core issues at this stage. Some band-aid fixes slapped on is what we can hope for at most, but I doubt even that will happen.

Literally the best we can hope for is another 1-2 good pets in the next expansion that will then be nerfed down to barely passable after enough pleb tears flood the pvp forum.

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Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


It’s too late now. They won’t ever really improve the core issues at this stage. Some band-aid fixes slapped on is what we can hope for at most, but I doubt even that will happen.

Literally the best we can hope for is another 1-2 good pets in the next expansion that will then be nerfed down to barely passable after enough pleb tears flood the pvp forum.

You got it perfectly!

As for me I still have hope that they will somewhat make the effort to try to do something through e-specs. This is probably just a dream and they will most likely continue to avoid the problem by doing cowardly e-spec like “druid” but, I still have hope (the In game legendary gun indeed).

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenith.7301


It’s too late now. They won’t ever really improve the core issues at this stage. Some band-aid fixes slapped on is what we can hope for at most, but I doubt even that will happen.

Literally the best we can hope for is another 1-2 good pets in the next expansion that will then be nerfed down to barely passable after enough pleb tears flood the pvp forum.

Or we get the pretty cool but completely useless wyverns whose stats are so horrendous and attack animations so slow that they miss any moving target while also doing absolutely dreadful DPS.

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


It’s too late now. They won’t ever really improve the core issues at this stage. Some band-aid fixes slapped on is what we can hope for at most, but I doubt even that will happen.

Literally the best we can hope for is another 1-2 good pets in the next expansion that will then be nerfed down to barely passable after enough pleb tears flood the pvp forum.

Or we get the pretty cool but completely useless wyverns whose stats are so horrendous and attack animations so slow that they miss any moving target while also doing absolutely dreadful DPS.

HoT version of bearbow!

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Rap Tiger.1257

Rap Tiger.1257

It’s too late now. They won’t ever really improve the core issues at this stage. Some band-aid fixes slapped on is what we can hope for at most, but I doubt even that will happen.

Literally the best we can hope for is another 1-2 good pets in the next expansion that will then be nerfed down to barely passable after enough pleb tears flood the pvp forum.

Or we get the pretty cool but completely useless wyverns whose stats are so horrendous and attack animations so slow that they miss any moving target while also doing absolutely dreadful DPS.

HoT version of bearbow!

Bearbow version? If you have not equipped with beastmaster die fast and bristlback and smokescale can be bearbow too, especially smokescale that can use f2 to blind enemies. I want Wyverns strong as Smokescale then

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenith.7301


It’s too late now. They won’t ever really improve the core issues at this stage. Some band-aid fixes slapped on is what we can hope for at most, but I doubt even that will happen.

Literally the best we can hope for is another 1-2 good pets in the next expansion that will then be nerfed down to barely passable after enough pleb tears flood the pvp forum.

Or we get the pretty cool but completely useless wyverns whose stats are so horrendous and attack animations so slow that they miss any moving target while also doing absolutely dreadful DPS.

HoT version of bearbow!

I had a ranger in T4 fractals who was using the fire wyvern 24/7. Told him we needed a tiger for fury. He didn’t pay attention and just let his wyvern screw up aggro on the dredge suit boss instead.

Never has a kick been so satisfying.

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

I don’t know how the wyverns suck so bad when the wild baby wyverns seem to work just fine. It’s really bizarre

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Sister Saxifrage.7361

Sister Saxifrage.7361

So am I a bad if I bring e-wyvern for 3 knockdowns (2 on summon and 1 on F2)?

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


So am I a bad if I bring e-wyvern for 3 knockdowns (2 on summon and 1 on F2)?

You have to understand there are different game modes in this game and most of the complains about ranger/Druid are coming from a competitive point of view.

In wvw/pvp wyverns are awful.

In raids it may help but actually smokescale is much more efficient and useful with his 16 secs cd knock down plus taunt every 16. Put that with any dog or pink moa and you have a much better set of CC pets.

And the loss of damage because the wyvern can not simply connect any attack is just a waste


Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenith.7301


So am I a bad if I bring e-wyvern for 3 knockdowns (2 on summon and 1 on F2)?

Yeah, because not only is their DPS ridiculously low (seriously, the power per attack rate and total lack of precision just makes the pet do horrible DPS on the level of moa dps output, which is why nobody uses moas).

The knockdown outside F2 on wyverns are so slow to cast, and the problem with the wyverns themselves is that they don’t adjust themselves to the target while doing their attacks, so they miss even basic things like the autoattacks.

They are terrible pets.

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: psizone.8437


Not sure if this is still valid, but I remember reading a reddit post comparing pet dps on the golems. (the dps chart is at the bottom)

And he uploaded some charts to imgur:

Again, not sure how accurate they were/are and it’d be different in a real fight with boons, properly moving enemies etc, but it’s interesting to look at if nothing else.

Brotherhood of Blub [blub]

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


The charts and tests from Guild Wars Hub should still be valid. Last I recall, the only changes done to pets from the time it was published was Jaguar’s F2 cooldown was reduced from 30s to 24s and Spider’s poison lob was buffed. It’d be safe to assume a small DPS increase for those pets.

As for moving targets, most of the Devourers and Bristleback should be the only ones able to keep their constant DPS rating. The Whiptail Devourer that fires a spread poison shot on F2 is the only one that would have a slightly lower DPS on a moving target.

As for the pets themselves, I’d be content if Anet would just allow them to have their precision/critical hit chance formula be the same as the one used for players. It alone would help pets out tremendously. Wouldn’t solve all the issues but, d-mn, that’d be a nice place to begin.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

(edited by Wondrouswall.7169)

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenith.7301


They just need to make pets scale off the master, at least the crit dan ferocity ratings and normalize the autoattack damage between pets.

All melee pets should also cleave like drakes, ranger is totally kitten in aoe/cleave because a single pet family is the only one that can cleave.

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


They just need to make pets scale off the master, at least the crit dan ferocity ratings and normalize the autoattack damage between pets.

No. Another thing that some think will be a good thing. Seems you don’t know how wishes like these go down with Anet, if they ever come to pass.
You think it would be a good thing, but I can assure you the end result would be so bad for rangers you’d most likely rage-quit.
Leave pet stats separate from ranger stats thank you very much.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


It’s too late now. They won’t ever really improve the core issues at this stage. Some band-aid fixes slapped on is what we can hope for at most, but I doubt even that will happen.

Literally the best we can hope for is another 1-2 good pets in the next expansion that will then be nerfed down to barely passable after enough pleb tears flood the pvp forum.

Or we get the pretty cool but completely useless wyverns whose stats are so horrendous and attack animations so slow that they miss any moving target while also doing absolutely dreadful DPS.

HoT version of bearbow!

Bearbow version? If you have not equipped with beastmaster die fast and bristlback and smokescale can be bearbow too, especially smokescale that can use f2 to blind enemies. I want Wyverns strong as Smokescale then

Uhhh, I have no idea what you are on about. Bearbow as in when you see someone running a wyvern pet, you are about to score a free kill or you have a rallybot on your side.

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


The charts and tests from Guild Wars Hub should still be valid. Last I recall, the only changes done to pets from the time it was published was Jaguar’s F2 cooldown was reduced from 30s to 24s and Spider’s poison lob was buffed. It’d be safe to assume a small DPS increase for those pets.

Well you forgot about the moa change which should make them slightly better against moving target.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


You are correct that the changes made to Moas would improve their performance against moving targets. If we were to include all the Moa changes, a slight increase of DPS is to be expected due to lower cast times of Frenzied Attack and most F2 abilities.

The exceptions would be the Pink & Black Moa, which have an F2 that deals damage, even though their F2 vary strike counts (1 and 3, respectively).

I did a bit of testing for Moa’s mobile DPS while I was at it. Using the numbers and noted setup from Guild Wars Hub, the improvements resulted in a 19.32% increase (562 DPS vs 471 DPS) for Moas against the mobile golem.

No F2 commands were used during testing, but it’s safe to assume both the Pink and Black Moa would pull slightly ahead of the others, with Pink being better against faster mobile targets due to a faster cast time and less time rooted.

In relation to other pet families against a mobile target, it nudges Moas past Canines, Porcines, and Drakes. Unfortunately, the increased range was applied only to the auto attack. Meaning the Bristleback, Devourers, Spiders, Smokescale, Birds, and Felines remain as better alternatives in terms of DPS on moving targets.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

(edited by Wondrouswall.7169)

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


I always thought they applied the range icrease to moas to test things out, then they would go ahead and apply the range increase across the board, to all melee pets and to all suitable pet abilities.

Still waiting…

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenith.7301


They just need to make pets scale off the master, at least the crit dan ferocity ratings and normalize the autoattack damage between pets.

No. Another thing that some think will be a good thing. Seems you don’t know how wishes like these go down with Anet, if they ever come to pass.
You think it would be a good thing, but I can assure you the end result would be so bad for rangers you’d most likely rage-quit.
Leave pet stats separate from ranger stats thank you very much.

No, it already works with mesmer phantasms.

It would completely remove the many pet based nerfs we’ve received historically thanks to BM bunkers, spirit bunkers, and now support druid because people just whine that a tanky spec offloads all its damage output to a pet.

This would buff the offensive capabilities of specs that invest in offense, so a glass cannon ranger is actually a cannon and not just mere glass whenever rapid fire is on cooldown.

Power ranger is trash, and pets are trash.

Ranger is penalized because a % of its damage, pets, do not scale with ascended upgrades, do not scale with runes or sigil or food or pots.

So long as ranger has that handicap, it will always have difficulty competing for an offensive role, and pets that are not cats or bristleback won’t see the light of day.