Pet skills not working upon use

Pet skills not working upon use

in Ranger

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


I feel like half the time when I use a pet skill it doesn’t go off. This is particularly pertinent to wolf pet, it’s really important to get that fear off when I use it because I’m often using it to interrupt. It’s bad enough that pet skills almost always have 2-3 second cast times. Mashing the button doesn’t work either because the pet would rather use some kind of long-windup skill on a nearby butterfly.

I would absolutely prefer that the pet’s passive skills be interrupted for the active skill, hell I wouldn’t even mind the passive skill in question going on cooldown in exchange for reliability on the active. All I want is that when I press that pet skill button, the pet skill goes off. It’s that simple.

On top of this, semi-relevant, why can’t I see pet boons and buffs? Blind being the important one here, I’ve wasted many an important skill to wonder why it didn’t work, summarizing that it must be blind. If I could see that blind above the pet’s bar then I could run some kind of condition removal or wait before using important pet skills.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Pet skills not working upon use

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Tip on the blind thing, your pets entire face will be covered in a black haze when blinded, it’s easy to see in small skirmishes, but hard to see in larger skirmishes (anything larger than a 5v5 assuming no one is a MM or other such small army build).

As for the rest of your post I agree fully, I hate it when my pet goes “YOU DON’T HAVE ENOUGH BADGES TO CONTROL ME!!” And not use their skills.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Pet skills not working upon use

in Ranger

Posted by: Recycle.5493


As for the rest of your post I agree fully, I hate it when my pet goes “YOU DON’T HAVE ENOUGH BADGES TO CONTROL ME!!” And not use their skills.

This, especially at times when your pet is using skills other than its auto. It’ll ignore your commands, sometimes even won’t respond to F3. And repeatedly press F2 canceling the skill is really annoying too when you don’t even know if the pet will listen to you or not.

Pet skills not working upon use

in Ranger

Posted by: Infernia.9847


I’ve tried bribing and being nice. I’ve tried the positive reinforcement. They just laugh at you and keep doing what they want to do.
It’s time for the Rangers to get a new weapon. The whip from the nightmare court. At least when the pet ignores me and all other options fail; I’ll feel better when I hear the crack of that whip.
In all seriousness this issue has been a problem for a very long time. I know they aren’t responding because they are currently using another skill. However that F2 skill is extremely important and so is it’s timing.

Blackgate : Level 80 Ranger, Necro, Guardian, Warrior
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Pet skills not working upon use

in Ranger

Posted by: RummyTheMad.7290


Sorry if I’m pointing out the obvious here, but F2 mashing is often counterproductive since one press activates the F2 skill, while a second press cancels that action (assuming the pet hasn’t already started to use the ability).

That said, there are plenty of times that my pets will simply ignore that I’ve pressed F2 at all, and I certainly wish that were not the case.

(edited by RummyTheMad.7290)

Pet skills not working upon use

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


This needs to be fixed. Timing is crucial in this game, and when you press that Wolfs F2 fear, many times you need it to go off like NOW.

They really need to fix the activated abilities of our pets once and for all. Since half our class consists of the pet, they better make kitten sure it works when we need it to work.

It will be interesting to see how they will have adressed the following in the coming patch:

- Pets responsiveness
- Pets survivability
- Ability to actually HIT, kitten – yes moving targets as well
- Their ability to rush back attacking that stealth abusing thief the moment the come out of stealth
- When fighting thieves, we should swing around in the air when they stealth, hopefully landing one attack or two. Pets don’t do that – how do you plan solving this, devs?
- The awfully long windup of F2 skills in general, drakes in particular, making their special attacks hopelessly ineffective in pvp 90% of the time (only good for attacking doors, trebs and already downed targets)
- Quickness swap activated F2 on most attacks will make the pet attack in the air, missing the selected target. Pretty much the only pet that will work right when doing this is the jaguar. 2 seconds of nerfed quickness is way to short time to be useful for our pets.
- The clumsy mechanic of pigs F2 needs to change – it shouldn’t replace our weapon set
- Abuse of cloak and dagger on our pets. You do know that pets can’t, you know, dodge to avoid that?

Argh. There are so many more issues, I just don’t feel like repeating them all over again, since we’ve talked about them for months and months.
Apparently the devs feels its actually ok for a thief to burst us down in 1-2 seconds flat, they don’t see any issues with that, but to fix our pets so that they actually work the way they should – nooo, can’t have that can we?

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Pet skills not working upon use

in Ranger

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


Pets typically complete their existing attack before activating the F2. If their target is a distance away they will move to that target and complete their attack before using their F2. They can also sometimes move to their target and then execute F2.

If your character tries to queue a utility skill when doing a long attack then the queued skill can sometimes time out and just not happen. Players generally don’t manage their own skills badly enough to be in that situation but perhaps it does happen with the pet as well.

Pet skills not working upon use

in Ranger

Posted by: Snorcha.7586


+1 to fix this, make it cancel any current attack that is happening…. just like what happens when you cast a skill while another is channeling etc.

Pet skills not working upon use

in Ranger

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


I’ll actually take back some of my previous post. For rangers, using a utility skill will usually interrupt an attack. For other classes this is not the always the case so it might be down to specific class skills.

Pet skills not working upon use

in Ranger

Posted by: Aridia.3042


Something broke in the last patch. Probably tied to the fix that prevented pigs from spawning multiple items. Prior to that, if you swap pet and immediately hit F2, it’ll activate fine.

Now, upon a fresh swap you have to hit it 2 to 3 times for it to register. The funny thing is, the above bug is not completely fixed…you can still stack fury with the red moa.