Samanosuke Asakura Far shiver peaks
Pets feedback (discusion)
Samanosuke Asakura Far shiver peaks
- Hyena: Howl of the Pack
- Scooby Doo: Intimidating Howl
- Akela: Terrifying Howl
I never once complained about k9. but they do lack something like most they can’t hit moving targets that well. And whats up with stop ? pounce
while attking a moving target it misses a lot. in fact all the pouncing pets not only k9’s.
My personal fav was wolf before hot it was very popular in pvp because of the fear but the cool-down imo atm is too long to be competitivecompared to other pets.
Alipine wolf and all other pets with chill on the skill have too long a cool downs to be effective. Hyena is meh for me.
- carrion devourer: Poisonous Cloud
- Lashtail tail: Rending Barbs
- whiptail: Poison Barbs
compare the basic attk with bristleback one and you know my opion,
spiders,devourer lack range only 900 on base attck ?
F2 also only 900 range.
*ice drake: Frost Breath
- Marsh drake: Insect Swarm
- Reef drake: Sonic Shriek
- River drake: Lightning Breath
- Salamander drake: Fire Breath
drake are incredible static and slow. you don’t even have to waste a dodge to evade the attk its not pet i would use to pvp with
CD again I think goes every pet even if I didn’t mention it they too long cast time also too long,
- Baghera: Stalk
- Jungle stalker: Mighty Roar
- lynx: Rending Pounce
- Snow leopard: Icy Pounce
- Shere khan: Furious Pounce
- Black moa: Dazing Screech
- Blue Moa: Protecting Screech
- Pink moa: Dazing Screech
- Red moa: Furious Screech
- White moa: Icy Screech
imo: moa has very powerfull skill but the range is to short to be potent the skill is called Harmonic cry
Samanosuke Asakura Far shiver peaks
I would like to see moa with more healing power as base stat and the range on that skill improved. The f2 skill needs rework and shorter cd pink moa being the best example 1,5 daze cd 30 sec :p also cone attk. NEIN NEIN NEIN
Bacon I mean porcine
I just put this one skill apparently some forage don’t have the same effect then other forage look it up. the f2 skill is just to random and weird to use. To random for me to even comprehend
8 legged freaks of nature (Spiders)
- Black widow spider: Paralyzing Venom
- cave spider: Weakening Venom
- Aragog: Deadly Venom
spider always been my personal fav black widow especially problem is as mentioned before the range compared with bristleback is short
thing that looks like dragon but isn’t it (wyvern)
- electric wyvern: Lightning Assault
- Toothless (fire wyvern): Consuming Flame
havn’t played with them engough to judge them
- Bristleback: Spike Barrage
- Smokescale: Smoke Cloud
Those are good pets they hit their moving targets with their atkk.
So there we go I didn’t go in to much in detailed explanation I am hoping you guys can post your feedback,down below
imo in general have the problems.
- Cool down too long
- Range on spiders,devourer too short compared to bristleback
- animation too long drake being a good example
- Stop >stalk>pounce on moving target doesn’t work
- Range on support skill on pets to small example: ‘harmonic cry’ on moa
*pets vs pets are unfairly balanced example red moa vs tiger
or other example alpine wolf,polar bear,owl even if the dps is higher or range is greater they seems unfair.
Samanosuke Asakura Far shiver peaks
To be honest, I would have less of an issue with (core) Pets and their skills if they just had their precision formula match ours, the player.
From there, balance to taste.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
There’s so many things said on this subject already it’s just repeating the same things over and over again. Anyway:
- Increase melee range across the board, like they did to moas some time ago
- All pets should be able to cleave, if not, how about:
Low dps pets are able to cleave 3-5 targets
Medium dps pets are able to cleave 2 targets
High dps pets are single target only
- CD’s needs some serious balancing
- Forage reworked to be like Thieves steal ability (as in – replace F2 with current object)
And on and on and on…
The issue with pets is that they don’t keep up in any way. A recent look at pet DPS shows that pets, assuming they aren’t buffed to the nines, don’t break 1000 DPS. this is an issue because we as a class, even without any buffs at all, can hit WELL beyond that number, and when buffed up can hit over 10k DPS.
Except, the problem is, other classes are doing 20k+ at that point. The pet, buffed up, can only provide us about 3k DPS for DPs focused pets such as the tiger, so we’re WAY behind the curve.
our pet is supposed to be providing 40% of our DPS, right? Well, at the moment, it’s only providing about 20%. At most. And that’s against stationary targets; given the lack of hit tracking pets have, it’s safe to say they’re kinda screwed for that too if the target is moving at all.