Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


I main’d Ranger for something like 6 years in GW and loved it. One year into GW2 and as hard as I try to love the Ranger I just can’t. I think about Ranger when I’m on my Mesmer. I think about Ranger when I’m on my Thief. Despite all thought however I just cannot bring myself to log into it anymore. I’ll list my major problems with the class best I can and how I’d personally like to see them fixed. Most of these issues go very deep into the profession’s design so there is no real easy fix for them but I’ll start with the easy ones.

My first problem is one of the most simple. Rapid Fire. Rapid Fire as a skill makes no sense. A Longbow is a slow firing, and powerful weapon that specializes in accurate and deadly strikes from a long distance. Why then is there a skill on the Longbow that literally exactly emulates a Shortbow? There shouldn’t be. Many times I’ve suggested changing this skill to something like Triple Shot from GW1.

Triple Shot: Charge up an attack that simultaneously fires 3 arrows at your target. The longer the charge the more damage.
Max charge time – 2 1/2s
Max Base Damage – Full charge = 125% RF damage. Half charge = 75% RF damage. Lowest = 50% RF damage.

Why this? I feel this change would go a long way to increasing bow DPS via reduced channel and slightly increased overall damage while it also very nicely combos with the recent Hunter’s Shot update as well. It also adds in that flare to the Longbow it’s currently lacking. There isn’t that skill you’re excited to use, everything is very normal and nonchalant or in RF’s case, worrisome. The skill icon doesn’t even need to be changed as it’s already 3 arrows.

Next up on my list of things that keep me alienated from my beloved class is the Sword.
I dislike almost everything about this weapon. Why? Every skill on this weapon is about auto controlling your character. Main attack roots and actually prevents dodging, Hornet’s is too slow to be used as a real evade and Serpent’s Strike misses anything that moves. I think while designing this weapon we got too fancy and sacrificed actual practicality. What I’d like to see instead of these skills are ones more like these;

Slot 1-
Slash: Slash your foe. (Current)
Reverse Slash: Quickly slash your foe in the opposite direction crippling them. (Very fast activation time.)
Debilitating Stab: Powerfully stab your foe dealing more damage per condition on your foe. (Slower, just like thief’s sword final strike.)

Slot 2-
Hornet’s Sting: Parry incoming attacks. If an attack in melee range is blocked strike your foe inciting Hornets to attack them inflicting multiple stacks of Torment.

Slot 3-
Serpent’s Strike: Evade attacks while quickly dashing along the ground at your target to strike with a poisoning blow.
Leap Finisher.

These changes address the major issues with sword rooting and ineffective evades in a couple of ways. First, redoing the entire first weapon chain which honestly should have been done when the skills were changed in development. Second it addresses the intended use for Hornet’s by removing the clunky, slow evade in favor of a strait block. (Many people like the dual leap of the skill but bear with me.) Finally Serpent’s strike becomes more of a quick slide & stab greatly increasing its reliability and keeping the leap finisher from Monarch’s Leap. The weapon as a whole becomes more of a condition damage melee weapon with great survivability via blocks and evades.

Third up on my list is the Axe. I originally loved the idea of throwing axes but after a year of it I honestly can’t stand them, especially with the recent Shortbow nerf. To me the axe is rather weak and serves no purpose. I’d like to see it switched back to a proper melee weapon to compliment the sword but making sure it still has the unique ranger feel.

Slot 1-
Hack: Hack at your foe inflicting vulnerability.
Chop: Chop your foe, again inflicting vulnerability.
Splitblade: Attack your foe dealing additional damage for each boon on them.

Slot 2-
Pure Strike: Strike your foe dealing damage and removing a boon. If you’re foe still has a boon deal 50% more damage.

Slot 3-
Winter’s Bite: Attack and chill your foe. If you’re foe has 2 or more boons Chill lasts twice as long.
Chill: 3s

These changes, when applied to the complete lack of any boon hate on the Ranger, stand out very well to class as a whole. It also brings back the missing classic enchantment hate effects of skills from the original GW helping to give the Ranger some more purpose. Boons are currently very powerful but there is not a lot of ways to counter them, especially for a Ranger. As a class we never specialized in removing them but we sure made life hell for anyone with them.

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Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


That pretty much sums up what I feel we’re currently missing from our current weapon skills. As I said though, that was the easy part. There are some real fundamental design flaws with the Ranger itself that go deeper than just iffy weapon skills. Our Utility skills are one of them. Due to the forced Beastmaster playstyle from our profession mechanic many of our Utility skills actually serve no purpose to us. The ones that do often require a very hefty investment into trait lines to be considered remotely useful in a specific way that actually has nothing to do with “Utility” to begin with.

What I propose is an adaptation to our profession mechanic and similar to Warrior Banners. First, when a pet is stowed it becomes permanent until manually brought out again while out of combat. While stowed 4 new skills pop up. Spirit skills. The goal of these spirits is to provide that useful party mechanic we are currently missing. As such these spirits should act much the same way Banners do, providing passive buffs for all allies in a wide area also with an active skill much like the current spirits do. Spirits do not stack passive effects and a Ranger may only have one active at a time(excluding elite spirit). They’d stack with any existing effects (such as Warrior Banners) You’d need at least 4 Rangers coordinating spirit cycling to maintain 100% uptime on them all.
Some examples would be;

Slot 1-
Spirit of the Sun: 60s Duration. 120s Recharge.
(Passive) -> Allies within range burn off a condition next time they suffer from more than one condition. This effect can only happen once every 10 seconds.
(Active) ->All allies cause blind on their next critical hit. 20s Recharge.

Slot 2-
Spirit of Fertile Season: 60s Duration. 120s Recharge.
(Passive) -> Allies within range gain 170 Vitality and 170 toughness.
(Active) -> All allies gain Protection for 3s and Vigor for 5s. 20s Recharge.

Slot 3-
Spirit of Favorable Winds: 60s Duration. 120s Recharge.
(Passive) -> Friendly projectiles within range travel faster. (Caps at current rifle velocity.)
(Active) -> All allies block the next projectile attack directed at them. 15s Recharge.

Slot 4-
Spirit of Predatory Season: 60s Duration. 120s Recharge.
(Passive) -> Allies within range gain 170 precision and 15% critical damage.
(Active) -> All allies gain Fury for 5s. 20s Recharge.

In the same group as spirits are traps. Trapping used to be an actual role in GW. Now trapping is simply delegated to “Utility”. This is a problem because traps are not “Utility skills” traps are just an indirect attack skill. On that note I propose a new weapon; Staff. In GW trappers often ran stakitten while trapping for the extra energy. Now, in GW2, we can use the staff to enhance our wilderness magic and become very effective trappers. How would this work?

New Weapon- Staff

Skill 1-
Wave of Earth: Send a wave of earth out in front of you that causes Bleeding (1s) and cripple (1s) on each foe it hits. (Attacks much like Guardian #1 but slower)

Skill 2-
Flame Trap: Plant a flame trap at your location that damages and burns foes when triggered.
Burning(3x): 1s
Recharge: 10s

Skill 3-
Spike Trap: Plant a trap at your location that damages, bleeds, and poisons foes when triggered.
Bleeding (3x): 5s
Poison: 5s
Recharge: 15s

Skill 4-
Frost Trap: Plat a trap at your location that chills foes when triggered.
Duration: 5s
Chill: 2s
Recharge: 25s

Skill 5-
Dust Trap: Plant a trap at your location that creates a smoke field when triggered.
Duration: 5s
Blind: 1s
Recharge: 35s

I feel this would give traps the space they deserve. They were a huge part in GW and shoving them off as Utility skills not only insults the legacy of the trap Ranger but also just doesn’t work. Traps are not Utility skills, especially the way traps were already implemented.

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(edited by Castaliea.3156)

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


I’ve covered a lot but there’s still much more to go. If you’re still with me I salute your endurance. What I want to talk about now is filling those gaps left by those spirits and traps that were removed. In GW there was a type of skill called a “Preparation”. These skills acted much like thief Venom skills except they applied to all attacks make within a certain amount of time and only one could be active at a time. I think similar skills would suit the ranger quite well. I’d like to see things that could fill holes in some playstyles such as;

Poisoned Edges: The next X times you inflict a critical hit you also inflict poison.

Debilitating Poison: Line your armor with poison that inflicts Weakness the next X times you are critically hit.

Igniting Strikes: Your next X attacks explode on impact inflicting Burning to your target.

Blinding Chalk: Apply chalk to your weapon that Blinds foes the next X times you interrupt, Daze, or Stun them.

Those could fill the gap left by traps and compliment many builds rather nicely. In addition to these we could also add a new set of skills in a “Nature Magic” line. We have a Wilderness Survival line of skills but we’ve never had a “Nature magic” line despite commonly having it referenced. I think this is a good opportunity to impose some more utility skills on the Ranger that give it more a spiritual “one with nature” feel. I picture skills like these suiting the Ranger quite well;

Summon Bees: Summon bees to blind nearby foes. Gain stealth while they are distracted.
Blind- 5s
Stealth- 3s
Breaks Stun

Nature’s Energy: Draw energy from your surroundings using it to refill endurance and cure 2 conditions on yourself and nearby allies.

Spirit Water: Drink water imbued with Nature’s spirit allowing you to instantly revive the next two allies you aid.
Duration: 20s

Natural Warding: Create a line of natural warding at target location. Foes crossing this are immobilized by earth.
Duration: 5s
Immobilize: 3s

These skills give the Ranger very useful utility in groups as well as in solo play which we currently lack. With the additions of these skills and the above Preparations I feel we as Rangers move into the realm of actual utility instead of what we had before. There’s still a bit more to go though so stay with me.
So far we’ve addressed lack-luster weapons, added a new, moved spirits to be part of the profession mechanic, and filled the gaps in utility skills left by both the spirits and traps. All these changes combine to make the Ranger much more viable, as well as valued, in team play without too drastically disrupting those who currently rely on the pet system. What’s left? Traits. With all these changes a lot of traits need to be looked at.

Spotter- Moved to adept tier.
Predator’s Instinct- Cripple duration increased to 4s.
Eagle Eye: Now also increases Shortbow range to 1,200.

Trapper’s Expertise- Moved to Wilderness Survival
Trap Potency- Moved to Wilderness Survival.
Honed Axes- Added effect: Main-hand Axe skills recharge 20% faster.
New Master trait, “Mutual Preparation”- Preparations can be applied to your pet as well while out of combat.
New Grandmaster Trait, “Preparation Specialist”- Preparations last longer (more hits) and recharge 20% faster.

Wilderness Survival:
Empathetic Bond removed.
Shared Anguish Removed.
Hide in Plain Sight- Moved to Adept Tier. Stealth duration reduced to 3s. Now also negates CC. Recharge increased to 60s.
Healer’s Celerity merged with Vigorous Renewal.

Nature Magic:
Vigorous Spirits Removed.
Nature’s Voice- Moved to Beastmastery.
New Grandmaster trait, “Nature’s Paragon”- Natural Warding lasts longer, Spirit Water has one additional charge, and Nature’s Energy grants Swiftness for 5s.
New Master trait, “Renewing Nature”- Nature Magic skills recharge 20% faster.
Nature’s Vengeance removed
New Adept trait, “Healing Proficiency”- Heal as One removes 2 conditions. Troll Unguent removes one condition every 3 seconds.

Speed Training and Commanding Voice merged.
Natural Healing merged with Nature’s Voice.

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(edited by Castaliea.3156)

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


Some of this is older, some of it newer stuff. It isn’t complete and lacking a lot of supporting details but I doubt I was going to work more on it so I figure’d I’d just throw it up for people to hate on.

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Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Corngoeslive.4381


I agree with EVERYTHING you have suggested and really hope the devs find this… you aren’t asking for the ranger to be overpowered, but it definitely needs a major overhaul and what you have presented sounds perfect. I would also add that the shortbow needs a bit of work too. The short bow used to look and perform great before they turned into a stub and changed all the skills. I think they should change it back to something like the 2010 gamescom live ranger demo, and same with the sword. Look at this video to see what I’m talking about.

(edited by Corngoeslive.4381)

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


most of your utility suggestions are way too OP. Not only OP, but they would wreck havoc on the rangers overall PvP balance. Making sure that heavy nerfs would rain down upon us.
While the suggestions sure are interesting, they are in dire need of a more refined rethinking

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


most of your utility suggestions are way too OP. Not only OP, but they would wreck havoc on the rangers overall PvP balance. Making sure that heavy nerfs would rain down upon us.
While the suggestions sure are interesting, they are in dire need of a more refined rethinking

They’re nothing more special than any other top class has.

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Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


there is no “top” class. Every class is designed to fit a certain role. Every class is designed to counter one or more of the other classes.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


there is no “top” class. Every class is designed to fit a certain role. Every class is designed to counter one or more of the other classes.

That is the most idealistic and completely BS thing I’ve heard in a while.

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Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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(edited by Castaliea.3156)

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Well you’ve been gone for a while so i guess you forgot how this game works. No worries, you’ll get accustomed to it eventually.

As for my statement; Once you play alot, and i mean, an awful lot. You start to notice that certain classes steamrolls others no matter the build. The only difference is the time it takes.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Honestly, I find the shortbow to be the less useful weapon over the axe. After the nerf to 900 range on the shortbow, the Axe and shortbow have almost identical weapon sets. While it’s nice to pretend I reserve the daze for an interrupt, I usually just use it as a snare to help kite or catch a runner. At that point, the weapon is practically identical to the Axe. An AE condition, a snare, and an auto attack.

You then have the longbow which is just an awful weapon overall. For damage, unless at absolute max range, the Shortbow actually makes a better choice for auto damage.

My main complaint about this class has to be the simple fact that it’s so unbelievably boring to play. All weapons but the greatsword are 90% auto attack and the remaining 10% is all utility with limited/no real damage benefit. It’s funny when you think about it… how much more fun it is to push another button and actually notice it do something for another class compared to the ranger where I push a button and it doesn’t do anything noticeable because the utility is so inconsequential it’s hardly worth using. Shortbow in particular you do nothing but run around in circles auto attacking all day long. Longbow isn’t much better. Axe mainhand is the same story.

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


Honestly, I find the shortbow to be the less useful weapon over the axe. After the nerf to 900 range on the shortbow, the Axe and shortbow have almost identical weapon sets. While it’s nice to pretend I reserve the daze for an interrupt, I usually just use it as a snare to help kite or catch a runner. At that point, the weapon is practically identical to the Axe. An AE condition, a snare, and an auto attack.

You then have the longbow which is just an awful weapon overall. For damage, unless at absolute max range, the Shortbow actually makes a better choice for auto damage.

My main complaint about this class has to be the simple fact that it’s so unbelievably boring to play. All weapons but the greatsword are 90% auto attack and the remaining 10% is all utility with limited/no real damage benefit. It’s funny when you think about it… how much more fun it is to push another button and actually notice it do something for another class compared to the ranger where I push a button and it doesn’t do anything noticeable because the utility is so inconsequential it’s hardly worth using. Shortbow in particular you do nothing but run around in circles auto attacking all day long. Longbow isn’t much better. Axe mainhand is the same story.

I do agree but I’d rather keep shortbow than an Axe to be honest. Many things were kind of lost when they designed Ranger. I think I go through it at some point but I’m not sure. Most of that post is pretty old and I didn’t explain most of the reasoning like I was going to because (as you could probably tell) I was having a bad night and figured to just touch it up a bit and post it.

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Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


Well you’ve been gone for a while so i guess you forgot how this game works. No worries, you’ll get accustomed to it eventually.

As for my statement; Once you play alot, and i mean, an awful lot. You start to notice that certain classes steamrolls others no matter the build. The only difference is the time it takes.

I apologize for being so rude last night man, I was having a very bad night. Most of the post is not explained (or even finished) so I’m sorry about that. What I’m trying to get at is; Yes, it’ll ruin a lot of current Ranger builds and that “balance” you mention but it’d also open up many more and create new balance. I hear spirit Ranger is pretty FotM despite not seeing one accomplish anything special outside of sPvP and this kinda kills that. All of the Utilities you mentioned are literally twisted copies of other profession’s skills to fit in a way I think a Ranger would use them. None of them are “Over Powered”, even when used by a Ranger, and if you feel they are I think you should probably also be complaining about the current versions of them. If you could be so kind as to point out in actual detail what you didn’t like I’d be willing to discuss it with you for “refinement” but if you want to continue to sit there and just call them kittenty with zero supporting evidence like you initially decided on doing that’s fine too.

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Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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(edited by Castaliea.3156)

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Khayoss.2019


I like your ideas. As you said, they probably need some refinement but I like the direction. I especially like the direction you went with pets and spirits. I wish I had you to collaborate with when I wrote this:

Around the time I wrote that I and a few others were campaigning fairly hard for a usable blast finisher. I know we weren’t the first, but the fact that less than a month later we got one makes me think that they do listen to the well articulated thoughts. Keep going with this… maybe at some point someone over at ANet will take something away from someone’s post that will make us happier with pets and spirits. It’s sad to me that the 2 things that are supposed to define our class are what very many of the posters here view as our Achilles heel. I really hope they get addressed properly at some point because I would love for spirits to be as intertwined in our class mechanics as elementalist attunement is to them, as opposed to a few rarely used utilities.

Khayoss / Khayotica / Mistasia
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


the reason the ideas become OP is because of the extreme evasive and mobile gameplay of the ranger. It is not as much the stats, but the concepts themselves that are problematic.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


It’s sad to me that the 2 things that are supposed to define our class are what very many of the posters here view as our Achilles heel. I really hope they get addressed properly at some point because I would love for spirits to be as intertwined in our class mechanics as elementalist attunement is to them, as opposed to a few rarely used utilities.

That’s the very thing, a profession mechanic shouldn’t “define” a class it should accent it.

Bursts don’t define a Warrior.
Steal doesn’t define a Thief. (Bad example, but think of how it functions, not the name lol)
Even Shatter’s accent Mesmer’s clone summons.

On top of that, they don;t have to trait 30 points to make Utility skills (signets, traps, or spirits) remotely useful. They’re utility works and serves a purpose that gets accented again with traits while ours are opposite.

The whole Ranger class is designed counter-intuitive to all the other classes.

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Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


the reason the ideas become OP is because of the extreme evasive and mobile gameplay of the ranger. It is not as much the stats, but the concepts themselves that are problematic.

The concepts are already there, especially on the sword but you mentioned utility skills specifically. The only evasive ones added were a stun breaker and a refill endurance skill that has less than expected usefulness due to the already perma 50% bonus from Wilderness. Which are what actual utility skills are, not bad skills that need 30 trait points to be semi-useful leaving you with no actual utility (from skills and traits) as it is.

Overall I see it providing more options but not compounding the advantages we already have. You have have a few utility skills and have you bring Summon Bees, Lightning Reflexes, and Nature’s Energy you’re going to be hard to catch but you’re also then not bringing Signet of the Hunt for the speed or Signet of the Wild for the stability and damage. It comes down to the idea of, “I can stack evade skills to the max or I can take what I need to evade and bring the rest for other situations.” and this just simply opens up more options for that as well as when you’re in the larger groups giving you more support and control.

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Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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(edited by Castaliea.3156)

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Khayoss.2019


The whole Ranger class is designed counter-intuitive to all the other classes.

I agree. I’ve said a few times that the concept of the ranger as is built doesn’t work with the MO of GW2 and what you highlighted there is part of the reason. The other in my view is synergy. The game is designed around synergizing with the people you play with, but up until some very recent patches that have reversed the direction of a couple of our traits, we largely are built to synergize with an npc rather than our traits allowing us or our npc companion to better synergize with our allies. Wherever I see us offered a trait that betters a pet attack or better share what we do with our pet, I always wonder why it isn’t instead allowing our pet augment or aid our or our allies…

And then there is the AI of that npc, which boggles my mind how it can be worse than games I played over a decade ago.

Khayoss / Khayotica / Mistasia
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


I agree with EVERYTHING you have suggested and really hope the devs find this… you aren’t asking for the ranger to be overpowered, but it definitely needs a major overhaul and what you have presented sounds perfect. I would also add that the shortbow needs a bit of work too. The short bow used to look and perform great before they turned into a stub and changed all the skills. I think they should change it back to something like the 2010 gamescom live ranger demo, and same with the sword. Look at this video to see what I’m talking about.

Man that video bring back memories.
Personally I miss that ground targeted spread attack system instead of what we have now. lol. Wtb that back.

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Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Khayoss.2019


Customizable pet ability slots… forgot about that. This reminds me of once upon a time in Vanguard beta when the sorcerer was one of the most interesting and promisingly customizable classes ever seen in an MMO. By launch it was a dumbed down wowmage clone, reason given was “learning curve was too steep”. Sounds kinda familiar. Why do great ideas get tossed because developers assume players aren’t willing to invest the time to wrap themselves around the concepts?

Also, that sword and bow look infinitely better than what we have today. What the heck happened?

Khayoss / Khayotica / Mistasia
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I would like to personally see preperations be different from thief skills in the way that it lasts for X time instead of X amount of attacks, and -I- would much rather be able to have my spirits AND my pet… but for the most part i’d much rather have what you suggested (at least the theme of it if none of those mechanics stay the same) then what we have now.

The #1 thing i hate about ranger atm is the kittenty utilities and being forced into the pet (granted i would go heavily into the pet anyway, but i do that with shatters and death shroud too).

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: stale.9785


Just adding my +1, and this deserves to be on the first page. Now if someone wants to fly down to Anet’s HQ and grind a dev’s face against a monitor till they look at the ranger forum…

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


I would like to personally see preperations be different from thief skills in the way that it lasts for X time instead of X amount of attacks, and -I- would much rather be able to have my spirits AND my pet… but for the most part i’d much rather have what you suggested (at least the theme of it if none of those mechanics stay the same) then what we have now.

The #1 thing i hate about ranger atm is the kittenty utilities and being forced into the pet (granted i would go heavily into the pet anyway, but i do that with shatters and death shroud too).

I very strongly considered this as well but the problem with that is with how easy it is attack targets in this game it would simply be a huge offensive or defensive difference. To offset that then they’d have effects like, “Can only be triggered once ever Xs.” or “… you have X% chance…” (like spirits) which I really did not want to see happen so I went closer to thief venoms. Since you could only have one preparation active at a time and they had special conditions to be triggered I was in hopes that’d allow them more charges than the thief counterparts but still be regularly achievable through most builds. The ability to apply them to a pet before a fight however greatly increases the utility of said pet as well which is something I wanted to do with them.

That being said I basically took effects that I would like to have at certain times with different weapons and threw those on the preparations. The Nature magic skills are basically skills to increase our group utility a long with a much needed stun breaker. (One that doesn’t involve a fully functional pet or try to roll you several feet away.)
Then of course Traps on the staff are explained and the spirits I just made up as I went to show some unique features that would make them valued in parties so you hear, “Get Ranger Xskill up!” instead of providing effects the mass amount of Guardians or Warriors provide already.

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Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Well I’ll start by saying these changes would completely destroy my axe/torch, axe/dagger ranger designed around fire trap. That said I see where you’re coming with most of these.

Question, was your change to Rapid Shot designed before or after Rapid Shot gained vulnerability? I don’t have a problem with a master archer throwing out a spray of arrows like that with a longbow. But I have to question, why is Rapid Shot a problem but Barrage is apparently fine?

The idea of Staff is interesting, but If I want to play Staff Necro, I’ll just play my Necro. I am ok with the transition of spirits from skills to a flip side of pets, and definately with the reintroduction of preparations. I always used Ignite Arrow. I like how traps work now though, and I wouldn’t want to give them up. And while this whole thing is unrealistic, because it is literally redesigning the class from the ground up, implementing any new weapons, I feel, shouldn’t be an aspect of class suggestions cause they’re just not going to happen readily.

Lastly, I hate Sword as it is now, and I might even enjoy playing it as you’ve presented, but I don’t think it would be widely appreciated by most because it would change its functionality entirely.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


Well I’ll start by saying these changes would completely destroy my axe/torch, axe/dagger ranger designed around fire trap. That said I see where you’re coming with most of these.

Question, was your change to Rapid Shot designed before or after Rapid Shot gained vulnerability? I don’t have a problem with a master archer throwing out a spray of arrows like that with a longbow. But I have to question, why is Rapid Shot a problem but Barrage is apparently fine?

The idea of Staff is interesting, but If I want to play Staff Necro, I’ll just play my Necro. I am ok with the transition of spirits from skills to a flip side of pets, and definately with the reintroduction of preparations. I always used Ignite Arrow. I like how traps work now though, and I wouldn’t want to give them up. And while this whole thing is unrealistic, because it is literally redesigning the class from the ground up, implementing any new weapons, I feel, shouldn’t be an aspect of class suggestions cause they’re just not going to happen readily.

Lastly, I hate Sword as it is now, and I might even enjoy playing it as you’ve presented, but I don’t think it would be widely appreciated by most because it would change its functionality entirely.

It was thought of long before but Vuln. update but even if each arrow did 3 stacks that’s more than the average Vuln. you get from rapid fire anyways. I have to say I completely disagree with your feeling on traps. Not only do they take traits to be effective but they then take up utility slots that should be used for actual utility. Rapid Fire is a targeted, “pew-pew” attack at a specific person and meant to be used when engaged with someone in a skirmish. Barrage is more of a sit back and AoE people skill and situations in which the skill would shine are generally situations I find that I don’t have trouble getting it off. I do agree that this entire list is literally never going to happen anyways which is why I didn’t finish it at the time and why I put minimal effort into touching it up and posting it. I just kinda gave up on it because all that hope I used to have is gone but I disagree that if there isn’t an easy, quick answer it shouldn’t be suggested. Take the Sword for example, in development they looked for the easy answer when it needed a change and now, one year after launch, it’s still completely crap.

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Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Well I’ll start by saying these changes would completely destroy my axe/torch, axe/dagger ranger designed around fire trap. That said I see where you’re coming with most of these.

Question, was your change to Rapid Shot designed before or after Rapid Shot gained vulnerability? I don’t have a problem with a master archer throwing out a spray of arrows like that with a longbow. But I have to question, why is Rapid Shot a problem but Barrage is apparently fine?

The idea of Staff is interesting, but If I want to play Staff Necro, I’ll just play my Necro. I am ok with the transition of spirits from skills to a flip side of pets, and definately with the reintroduction of preparations. I always used Ignite Arrow. I like how traps work now though, and I wouldn’t want to give them up. And while this whole thing is unrealistic, because it is literally redesigning the class from the ground up, implementing any new weapons, I feel, shouldn’t be an aspect of class suggestions cause they’re just not going to happen readily.

Lastly, I hate Sword as it is now, and I might even enjoy playing it as you’ve presented, but I don’t think it would be widely appreciated by most because it would change its functionality entirely.

It was thought of long before but Vuln. update but even if each arrow did 3 stacks that’s more than the average Vuln. you get from rapid fire anyways. I have to say I completely disagree with your feeling on traps. Not only do they take traits to be effective but they then take up utility slots that should be used for actual utility. Rapid Fire is a targeted, “pew-pew” attack at a specific person and meant to be used when engaged with someone in a skirmish. Barrage is more of a sit back and AoE people skill and situations in which the skill would shine are generally situations I find that I don’t have trouble getting it off. I do agree that this entire list is literally never going to happen anyways which is why I didn’t finish it at the time and why I put minimal effort into touching it up and posting it. I just kinda gave up on it because all that hope I used to have is gone but I disagree that if there isn’t an easy, quick answer it shouldn’t be suggested. Take the Sword for example, in development they looked for the easy answer when it needed a change and now, one year after launch, it’s still completely crap.

If you’re not getting full vulnerability from Rapid Fire I would question what you’re firing it at. If we’re talking PvP, fine, I don’t do that. For anything else, PvE and WvW, assuming you have Piercing Arrows, because really anyone who uses Longbow should, my target gets 10 stacks, and anyone behind them and around them gets variable amounts along with them. I like the long stream of 1 vuln per shot than the original hunter’s arrow, as well as your three shot because I’m assuming your charged up three shot is going to happen in the space of time that one dodge will completely negate it. It’s hard to negate all of a rapid shot.

I would like to see your three shot, but I would like to see it in place of Hunter’s Shot. I would put Hunter’s Shot’s new stealth mechanic on Point Blank Shot. I feel that would really bring the whole weapon together better than it currently is and would give us back the ability to do one big hit with all our vulnerability in place, which we lost with the move from Hunter to Rapid.

My point about the weapon was mainly that I feel new weapon discussion should be a separate thing from class restructuring. So when a whole aspect of the class restructuring is wholly dependent on that new weapon it doesn’t work.

Traps are a utility. I run with three weapons, the first thing I do, though, is roll in and drop a flame trap at their feet. Then I start fighting. It’s not taking the place of something more useful to me because I designed the character around that specific skill. As such, if I didn’t have it, and I had to carry a different weapon just to have access to it, it would completely change the flow of the character, its design and its feel. Right now it’s a very mobile and fast paced character, moving in and out of melee, stacking bleed, poison and burning. While a person based necro staff could still be like that, I don’t think it would be as exciting and fast paced, nor as interesting, despite having access to three more traps than I currently am with my build.

I’m against easy answers if hard answers actually provide a better solution. I just don’t feel that all hard answers produce better solutions.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


If you’re not getting full vulnerability from Rapid Fire I would question what you’re firing it at. If we’re talking PvP, fine, I don’t do that. For anything else, PvE and WvW, assuming you have Piercing Arrows, because really anyone who uses Longbow should, my target gets 10 stacks, and anyone behind them and around them gets variable amounts along with them. I like the long stream of 1 vuln per shot than the original hunter’s arrow, as well as your three shot because I’m assuming your charged up three shot is going to happen in the space of time that one dodge will completely negate it. It’s hard to negate all of a rapid shot.

I would like to see your three shot, but I would like to see it in place of Hunter’s Shot. I would put Hunter’s Shot’s new stealth mechanic on Point Blank Shot. I feel that would really bring the whole weapon together better than it currently is and would give us back the ability to do one big hit with all our vulnerability in place, which we lost with the move from Hunter to Rapid.

My point about the weapon was mainly that I feel new weapon discussion should be a separate thing from class restructuring. So when a whole aspect of the class restructuring is wholly dependent on that new weapon it doesn’t work.

Traps are a utility. I run with three weapons, the first thing I do, though, is roll in and drop a flame trap at their feet. Then I start fighting. It’s not taking the place of something more useful to me because I designed the character around that specific skill. As such, if I didn’t have it, and I had to carry a different weapon just to have access to it, it would completely change the flow of the character, its design and its feel. Right now it’s a very mobile and fast paced character, moving in and out of melee, stacking bleed, poison and burning. While a person based necro staff could still be like that, I don’t think it would be as exciting and fast paced, nor as interesting, despite having access to three more traps than I currently am with my build.

I’m against easy answers if hard answers actually provide a better solution. I just don’t feel that all hard answers produce better solutions.

Idk what kind of god you are but if you’re getting 10 stacks reliability in a skirmish type of fight you’re one worth worshiping lol. Zergs are different because they’re not paying attention to you but that channel is way too long to get off 100% accuracy against any sane foe. Triple Shot has it’s weaknesses, as do all skills, but I’d rather place my gamble on getting that off then simulating a Shortbow for 5 seconds while moving slower. I’m not saying it’s the only solution for the weapon but it’s the one I like most and actually fits with a Longbow and combo’s nicely with recent updates as well as the pet mechanic.

I can very much appreciate not wanting your build destroyed by removing traps from utility but I can’t help but see that as more than a little selfish. You’re saying, “I don’t want traps moved because it’s destroys how I picture myself and my build.” when traps as a whole the way they are cause major problems. Sure, taking one trap and making a build around it doesn’t cause you too much of an issue but what if I need to bring more traps than that? I give up all real utility (and many traits) for effects that should very simply be offensive weapon skills. We as a class really suffer in large scale groups not only because our pets but because we don’t have any reliable form of AoE. The staff fits that roll perfectly. You can write it off as “Necro staff copy” or a “Engineer bomber spin-off” but that doesn’t really detract from the benefits it would bring the class. A front line AoE bomber switching between a staff for AoE condi nukes and a new Sword/X would be a very faced past character and actually benefit from having real utility skills.

I still stand by the changes I suggested as they are aimed at solving the major problems we as a class currently face. (And in my humble opinion; Do.) This isn’t to say they are perfect and above refinement or adaptions but the ideas as a whole bring what we lack, what keeps us from being valued group players, and throws it right in our hands without taking away that Beastmaster for those times it’s actually a useful or wanted mechanic.

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Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Kasama.8941


Honestly, I think it’s silly to change a couple of weapon skills, that otherwise works fine. The weapon skills you’re suggesting here aren’t really better, they’re just different from what we have now.

While your spirit idea is interesting, I think it’s too powerful. It would also force the Ranger into a support role, as all you would have to do was stow your pet, to gain these abilities. That’s a bit too easy. It would also make the supportive aspects of other professions, such as the Guardian, look weak in comparison.

I don’t like the Necromancer staff design at all, so I don’t think I would like this either. I’d much rather see some staff skills that focuses on boon support, which is something the Ranger is still lacking.

I really like the idea of Preparations, but I think they should be about direct damage, and not condition damage. We already have traps to help condition builds, direct damage builds need something sustainable as well, other the just signets.

Although a bit similar to what we already have, I like your utility ideas. More stealth, more condition removal, and more support options, are all good.

I agree with most of your trait changes. But I think shortbow should have it’s own identity, that’s more about skirmishing then range. Something like “critical hits with shortbow grant 1 second of vigor” would be nice I think. Healer’s Celerity and Vigorous Renewal have way too different effects to simply be merged. The same goes for Natural healing and Nature’s Voice.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


Honestly, I think it’s silly to change a couple of weapon skills, that otherwise works fine. The weapon skills you’re suggesting here aren’t really better, they’re just different from what we have now.

While your spirit idea is interesting, I think it’s too powerful. It would also force the Ranger into a support role, as all you would have to do was stow your pet, to gain these abilities. That’s a bit too easy. It would also make the supportive aspects of other professions, such as the Guardian, look weak in comparison.

I don’t like the Necromancer staff design at all, so I don’t think I would like this either. I’d much rather see some staff skills that focuses on boon support, which is something the Ranger is still lacking.

I really like the idea of Preparations, but I think they should be about direct damage, and not condition damage. We already have traps to help condition builds, direct damage builds need something sustainable as well, other the just signets.

Although a bit similar to what we already have, I like your utility ideas. More stealth, more condition removal, and more support options, are all good.

I agree with most of your trait changes. But I think shortbow should have it’s own identity, that’s more about skirmishing then range. Something like “critical hits with shortbow grant 1 second of vigor” would be nice I think. Healer’s Celerity and Vigorous Renewal have way too different effects to simply be merged. The same goes for Natural healing and Nature’s Voice.

Thanks for the input!
The weapons are not supposed to be “better” they’re supposed to be “functional”. Sword is just clunky and apart from the awesome animations, not fun. Axe I feel was rather redundant with the recent shortbow nerf. Sword I had already decided to make into more of a condition weapon so I thought Axe would be the perfect power weapon for main-hand. Again, not supposed to be “better” they’re just supposed to fill roles we needed.

I don’t think the spirits are too powerful. 2 of them are direct copies of warrior banners and they can’t move unless traited for so they have to be positioned well. The other two are simply unique effects that groups as a whole probably wouldn’t mind having but can also compliment the Ranger solo. As for forcing the ranger into a support role, yeah, that’s what they’re for. (although that Predatory season would be crazy damage bonus for a berserker) Our pet is the option to use if you are not wanting to go for a support role. We can’t do support, at all, and that’s what it’s aimed at. As for “too easy” when you give up the pet you give up that damage and benefits much like a Warrior giving up his Bursts skill. I think we can get away with some free banners for such a hit in that category. Especially since only one can be out at a time.

I love Necromancer staff and it IS an extremely good weapon. I wen’t with traps for two reasons, one being although I like the idea of boon support…that’s what Guardians are for. Second is because I miss my staff wielding trapper from GW1 and I waned to bring that back as a playstyle, not shove them off as utility when they really arent. Also, Ranger’s were never one for boons (enchantments). I wanted to provide support through the use of more unique effects than just becoming a secondary Guardian because that not only goes against the theme of the class but it just something we don’t need so I went with spirits for that and move traps to the staff. Some of these (spirits and utilities) took a long time to come up with because I really tried to not fall back on making boons be a primary function. That’s just anti-Ranger.

I do kind of agree about preparations but the poison one is for those power builds, along with weakness. I’m all for more direct damage effects, but such things are normally very hard to balance correctly. I went with poison on crit because power builds often crit more than a few times and getting that reduced heal applied makes a huge difference. Weakness is of course for some more sustain that would combo very nicely with TU. The Blinding one I just rather pulled out of my butt because I was having a hard time coming up with some good preparations that didn’t deal direct damage or apply boons. I’m honestly not against any of them changing, as I said, they’re just examples of what could be so by all means, throw some suggestions my way.

I’m all for giving Shortbow more of an identity! I just honestly didn’t care about that poor weapon at the time. Poor thing. lolxD

Again, thank you for your much valued input!

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Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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(edited by Castaliea.3156)

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

I can very much appreciate not wanting your build destroyed by removing traps from utility but I can’t help but see that as more than a little selfish. You’re saying, “I don’t want traps moved because it’s destroys how I picture myself and my build.” when traps as a whole the way they are cause major problems. Sure, taking one trap and making a build around it doesn’t cause you too much of an issue but what if I need to bring more traps than that? I give up all real utility (and many traits) for effects that should very simply be offensive weapon skills. We as a class really suffer in large scale groups not only because our pets but because we don’t have any reliable form of AoE. The staff fits that roll perfectly. You can write it off as “Necro staff copy” or a “Engineer bomber spin-off” but that doesn’t really detract from the benefits it would bring the class. A front line AoE bomber switching between a staff for AoE condi nukes and a new Sword/X would be a very faced past character and actually benefit from having real utility skills.

I see it equally as selfish, though, to say I don’t like how the skill is designed so whether you like it or not it should be changed. It’s the other side of the same coin there. What about Thief traps? Or Necro wells? Or the Engineer mine? They amount to the same thing. Each is a utility and that’s how they work. If you want to be full on traps then that is the choice you make, to have 3 more attacks along with your weapons, that is your improved utility. You are intending to remove between 2 and 4 attacks just to be able to have other utility on top of it. I would rather have two weapon sets AND traps rather than traps taking up one of my sets with other utilities too.

You say Axe is like Shortbow, but is that Axe/Axe, Axe/Dagger, Axe/Torch or Axe/Warhorn.

I like the versatility I get from Axe in that I run Torch and Dagger. I can’t run Shortbow and Shortbow and have different powers. And Shortbow isn’t giving me either dagger, nor torch, so once again you’re shredding my chosen build because you didn’t like it the way it was.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

(edited by Kal Spiro.9745)

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


You say Axe is like Shortbow, but is that Axe/Axe, Axe/Dagger, Axe/Torch or Axe/Warhorn.

I like the versatility I get from Axe in that I run Torch and Dagger. I can’t run Shortbow and Shortbow and have different powers.

And that’s the problem…

Let me start by saying I’d like to pretend I reserve the daze for interrupts and clutch moments that really pay off. But when I really sit back and see how I play, I’d say I probably use concussive shot more for kiting purposes any given day than an actual interrupt (spend more time chasing runners from zergs these days as opposed to roaming where the interrupt is more useful).

So then with that out of the way… what does Shortbow really have? It has an auto attack with a directional bleed. An AE condition with a healing debuff that doesn’t work. An evasive leap backword (that doesn’t actually leap backward half the time) And it snares (twice).

What does Axe offer? An auto attack at the same range that does more damage. It’s an AE because it bounces to 3 targets. An AE condition that’s actually useful (especially now with sharpenning stone fixed!), and a better snare on a shorter (not by much without traits) cooldown. And that’s just the main hand.

So then you consider the offhand, which most offer something incredibly better than quickshot.

The 2 weapons are just too similar now and they really need to redo one of them completely.

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


You say Axe is like Shortbow, but is that Axe/Axe, Axe/Dagger, Axe/Torch or Axe/Warhorn.

I like the versatility I get from Axe in that I run Torch and Dagger. I can’t run Shortbow and Shortbow and have different powers.

I didn’t say it was “like it” I said it I personally feel it was redundant, regardless of how much I may or may not like it. We all know we get really nice off-hand skills to use and wanting to keep those in your build is more than reasonable! You don’t want any changes that ruin how you play your character. Again, perfectly understandable. I can only assume you have a strong aversion to melee combat and this update would force you into melee to use an off-hand weapon and you’re against that because you don’t like it. Understandable. (This is all before the admittedly lack-luster-ness of the Shortbow itself.)

Would then a Staff/Shortbow not be a good combination for you? You get your fire trap but then also get 3 additional traps that actually accomplish the goals set out by you aforementioned off-hand weapons (Poison, Burning, Snare, +Blind to replace the evade). You then also get the Shortbow’s cripple and stun combined with the utility preparation causing those Shortbow attacks to inflict the burning you still maybe felt you were missing from torch throw skill.

Assuming you don’t have an aversion to melee the Sword/Dagger/Torch would prove you with very similar effects as the main attack snares, you get tons of blocks, an evade, Poison and burning and torment, ranged snare and a full bar of utilities to use such as Weakness, condition removal, endurance refill for more dodges, and a stun breaker.

I feel this update does effect you at a very personal level but I feel it brings the class together better as a whole, not because I dislike it, and actually gives you more options to expand your playstyle with.

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Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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(edited by Castaliea.3156)

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Actually it’s not an aversion to melee, it’s the loss of mobility that being pure melee entails. With Axe now I can be right next to them to 900 units away at never stop hitting them. I’m actually less effective at max range, but I have the ability to get back without interrupting my attacks. I’m constantly moving in and out of melee, constant motion. With Shortbow/Staff I would never be in melee. Constantly running around kiting. I already have a character that plays like that. I don’t need another.

I suppose the reason I keep coming back is the feeling that if you completely destroy the entirety of a build in order to make changes to a class you have failed at class restructuring. The idea should be to enhance the class and bring what already exists in line with other classes, not to tear it apart and put something else back in its place.

You’ll never please everyone, but when you go in with the expectation of making large scale changes to many peoples play styles you’re certainly not making friends. Don’t take from one person to give to another.

I want to restate, I love what you did with Sword. I would totally change my Longbow-Greatsword to Sword/Dagger with those changes. But that doesn’t mean such drastic changes are a good idea, just because I would like them doesn’t mean the people who are currently using the weapon would want them. It follows in the same line.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


I can very much appreciate not wanting your build destroyed by removing traps from utility but I can’t help but see that as more than a little selfish. You’re saying, “I don’t want traps moved because it’s destroys how I picture myself and my build.” when traps as a whole the way they are cause major problems. Sure, taking one trap and making a build around it doesn’t cause you too much of an issue but what if I need to bring more traps than that? I give up all real utility (and many traits) for effects that should very simply be offensive weapon skills. We as a class really suffer in large scale groups not only because our pets but because we don’t have any reliable form of AoE. The staff fits that roll perfectly. You can write it off as “Necro staff copy” or a “Engineer bomber spin-off” but that doesn’t really detract from the benefits it would bring the class. A front line AoE bomber switching between a staff for AoE condi nukes and a new Sword/X would be a very faced past character and actually benefit from having real utility skills.

I see it equally as selfish, though, to say I don’t like how the skill is designed so whether you like it or not it should be changed. It’s the other side of the same coin there. What about Thief traps? Or Necro wells? Or the Engineer mine? They amount to the same thing. Each is a utility and that’s how they work. If you want to be full on traps then that is the choice you make, to have 3 more attacks along with your weapons, that is your improved utility. You are intending to remove between 2 and 4 attacks just to be able to have other utility on top of it. I would rather have two weapon sets AND traps rather than traps taking up one of my sets with other utilities too.

Not only do Thief traps, Engi Mines, and Necro wells do not need to be traited with 30 points to even be useful but they are not popular for the very same reasons Ranger traps are bad.

Thief’s do not use traps because (with the exception of one) do not actually prove the utility many of them need to compliment builds.

I have almost never seen an Engi use the Mine skill for the same reasons. It may actually remove a boon, knockback, and damage but as a utility skill it does not provide you with accents to your builds and if did have a build in which that mine played a key role that is fine, because the skill itself a separate entity, just as how your build using one trap for one purpose is fine because in that situation it becomes a separate entity.

Necro wells are in a slightly different category as they provide things such as, Boon removal, Blindness, and condition conversion on a large scale. Again however these do not in any way require traits to be remotely effective, Necros never run all wells, nor do they even feel compelled to. They each have a very unique roll to play in a group that is very hard to get from anywhere else. In solo play you’d be hard pressed to find a Necro abusing wells.

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Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

This really seems like quibbling to me. Also what trait exactly are we talking about that is apparently a necessity for trap worth? I had initially intended to use the trait that lets you place it until I realized that would actually slow me down and make my trap use less effective rather than more.

Regardless what I’m reading here is, having one trap is a utility, but having more isn’t. This really doesn’t make sense to me. It either is a thing, or it isn’t.

I mean, I get that the whole point of this is to bring back a playstyle you liked from GW1, but that doesn’t make it a good idea. Also, when would a Ranger use a Staff in GW1? I was under the impression that all Ranger powers required a longbow.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

(edited by Kal Spiro.9745)

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Forzani.2584


most of your utility suggestions are way too OP. Not only OP, but they would wreck havoc on the rangers overall PvP balance. Making sure that heavy nerfs would rain down upon us.
While the suggestions sure are interesting, they are in dire need of a more refined rethinking

Agree with this statement

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


Actually it’s not an aversion to melee, it’s the loss of mobility that being pure melee entails. With Axe now I can be right next to them to 900 units away at never stop hitting them. I’m actually less effective at max range, but I have the ability to get back without interrupting my attacks. I’m constantly moving in and out of melee, constant motion. With Shortbow/Staff I would never be in melee. Constantly running around kiting. I already have a character that plays like that. I don’t need another.

I suppose the reason I keep coming back is the feeling that if you completely destroy the entirety of a build in order to make changes to a class you have failed at class restructuring. The idea should be to enhance the class and bring what already exists in line with other classes, not to tear it apart and put something else back in its place.

You’ll never please everyone, but when you go in with the expectation of making large scale changes to many peoples play styles you’re certainly not making friends. Don’t take from one person to give to another.

I want to restate, I love what you did with Sword. I would totally change my Longbow-Greatsword to Sword/Dagger with those changes. But that doesn’t mean such drastic changes are a good idea, just because I would like them doesn’t mean the people who are currently using the weapon would want them. It follows in the same line.

I fully understand where you are coming from but you do keep coming back to your key point;

“…if you completely destroy the entirety of a build in order to make changes to a class you have failed at class restructuring.”

This point that you feel so strongly about is, at it’s core, a paradox. Goal= Change= Bad.

There is no winning. I’m sorry I personally destroyed your build. Honestly though, I don’t care beyond that. There are core issues with the class that cannot be denied and no matter what you do to fix that(even if it wasn’t a core issue) it WILL negatively affect someone and by your logic should therefore not be done. I’m sorry that you are that someone but I am not sorry in any way for the suggested changes because they are there to solve core problems.

Guild Leader
Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

So basically your thinking is, the only way to fix these things is to completely trash them and start over. Not to work with what we have, within the design of what we have and make them work. That is typically what is done when rebalancing and attempting to fix a class. It’s the main reason your whole design is infeasable, because when you’re done you have a similar but different class, not just an improved version of the original class.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


So basically your thinking is, the only way to fix these things is to completely trash them and start over. Not to work with what we have, within the design of what we have and make them work. That is typically what is done when rebalancing and attempting to fix a class. It’s the main reason your whole design is infeasable, because when you’re done you have a similar but different class, not just an improved version of the original class.

A primary mechanic that makes you automatically (and sometimes unavoidably) weakened by AI failures you can’t control right when you need all your skill and capability is a failed mechanic.

Work with it. Please do.
It’s been a year, your sword is still the lazily designed crap pile it was.
Your profession mechanic is the definition of the above statement.
You completely lack any form of a unique group role.

Sorry if there is a lot to change about the core dynamics of the class that ends up with

…an improved version of the original class.

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Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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(edited by Castaliea.3156)

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Corngoeslive.4381


So basically your thinking is, the only way to fix these things is to completely trash them and start over. Not to work with what we have, within the design of what we have and make them work. That is typically what is done when rebalancing and attempting to fix a class. It’s the main reason your whole design is infeasable, because when you’re done you have a similar but different class, not just an improved version of the original class.

We aren’t trying to trash the way has build the ranger. It just doesn’t fit the play style that the ranger should have. I think they did a way better job in Guild Wars 1. There are some things that they really screwed up on (SWORD) but overall they made the ranger correct in their play style. Honestly I agree with everything Castaliea has said. Some are saying the spirits are op, but are they switchable on the fly if you have to switch them out of combat? I see no difference from any other class.

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


So basically your thinking is, the only way to fix these things is to completely trash them and start over. Not to work with what we have, within the design of what we have and make them work. That is typically what is done when rebalancing and attempting to fix a class. It’s the main reason your whole design is infeasable, because when you’re done you have a similar but different class, not just an improved version of the original class.

We aren’t trying to trash the way has build the ranger. It just doesn’t fit the play style that the ranger should have. I think they did a way better job in Guild Wars 1. There are some things that they really screwed up on (SWORD) but overall they made the ranger correct in their play style. Honestly I agree with everything Castaliea has said. Some are saying the spirits are op, but are they switchable on the fly if you have to switch them out of combat? I see no difference from any other class.

Well that and considering you can only have one of them up at a time for only half the time and two of them are exact copies of Warrior banners I find it really funny anybody had a problem with them. I do agree that all of these ideas of course need refinement as every single thing was “an example of”. It’s not the exact effects I’m pushing but the overall general idea of the abilities we could be provided with (while keeping the theme of the Ranger) which a lot of people seemingly decided to ignore.

But anyways, it doesn’t matter because as we stated in the beginning none of this is ever going to see the light of day because it’s not an easy solution and easy solutions are the only thing you can expect to happen even if they’re only band-aid fixes.

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Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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(edited by Castaliea.3156)

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

So basically your thinking is, the only way to fix these things is to completely trash them and start over. Not to work with what we have, within the design of what we have and make them work. That is typically what is done when rebalancing and attempting to fix a class. It’s the main reason your whole design is infeasable, because when you’re done you have a similar but different class, not just an improved version of the original class.

We aren’t trying to trash the way has build the ranger. It just doesn’t fit the play style that the ranger should have. I think they did a way better job in Guild Wars 1. There are some things that they really screwed up on (SWORD) but overall they made the ranger correct in their play style. Honestly I agree with everything Castaliea has said. Some are saying the spirits are op, but are they switchable on the fly if you have to switch them out of combat? I see no difference from any other class.

Well that and considering you can only have one of them up at a time for only half the time and two of them are exact copies of Warrior banners I find it really funny anybody had a problem with them. I do agree that all of these ideas of course need refinement as every single thing was “an example of”. It’s not the exact effects I’m pushing but the overall general idea of the abilities we could be provided with (while keeping the theme of the Ranger) which a lot of people seemingly decided to ignore.

But anyways, it doesn’t matter because as we stated in the beginning none of this is ever going to see the light of day because it’s not an easy solution and easy solutions are the only thing you can expect to happen even if they’re only band-aid fixes.

I don’t have a problem with the spirits change. Honestly I don’t understand the spirits at all. They have HP, and low HP at that, with only the chance to have a thing happen, vs the Warrior banner which is immortal and always does the thing it does. You can trait into being able to allow your spirits to move, where the Warrior can always pick up and move their banner. How is that balanced?

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

(edited by Kal Spiro.9745)

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Snack.9315


^ This guy gets it.

“Retired” characters: Fruit Salad (Warrior), Blingerton (Engineer), Shixard (Ranger).
Current characters: Mistress Viridi (Elementalist), Pigeon Opener (Engineer).
3DS Friend Code: 0903-2770-3378. Mail me in-game if you add me!

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: cbrooksc.9358


I agree with EVERYTHING you have suggested and really hope the devs find this… you aren’t asking for the ranger to be overpowered, but it definitely needs a major overhaul and what you have presented sounds perfect. I would also add that the shortbow needs a bit of work too. The short bow used to look and perform great before they turned into a stub and changed all the skills. I think they should change it back to something like the 2010 gamescom live ranger demo, and same with the sword. Look at this video to see what I’m talking about.


Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


I agree with EVERYTHING you have suggested and really hope the devs find this… you aren’t asking for the ranger to be overpowered, but it definitely needs a major overhaul and what you have presented sounds perfect. I would also add that the shortbow needs a bit of work too. The short bow used to look and perform great before they turned into a stub and changed all the skills. I think they should change it back to something like the 2010 gamescom live ranger demo, and same with the sword. Look at this video to see what I’m talking about.

Man that video bring back memories.
Personally I miss that ground targeted spread attack system instead of what we have now. lol. Wtb that back.

It’s strange that a beta test video looks more polished than the finished game.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Hawksbane.2783


oh, I probably should have posted in here rather than creating a whole new thread.

not having played GW1 I can’t compare but your triple shot suggestion sounds good; although I must admit I enjoy Rapid Fire. Agree with the sword and removing the evade backwards isn’t bad since we have lightning reflexes anyway.

Not sure about your changes to spirits though, the pet mechanic already gives the Ranger a huge amount of versatility with the ability to change your pet based on the situation; also warrior banners don’t stack so allowing spirits to would definitely be OP IMO.

LB Ranger from GH
RPS Officer

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


oh, I probably should have posted in here rather than creating a whole new thread.

not having played GW1 I can’t compare but your triple shot suggestion sounds good; although I must admit I enjoy Rapid Fire. Agree with the sword and removing the evade backwards isn’t bad since we have lightning reflexes anyway.

Not sure about your changes to spirits though, the pet mechanic already gives the Ranger a huge amount of versatility with the ability to change your pet based on the situation; also warrior banners don’t stack so allowing spirits to would definitely be OP IMO.

Warrior Banner don’t stack with themselves, neither do these spirits. They simply stack with other buffs such as Warrior banners. There is content pets are not suited for and the spirit change is made to address that.

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Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: stale.9785


Snicker – content pets aren’t suited for. The moment you use dodge, or jump, or need any level of decent positioning, the pet is completely unsuited for that content – so, the entirety of GW2.

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: akallou.9704


some great ideas were brought up, so i cant resist to bring that thread to the top and hopefully be noticed by developers

Comprehensive Ranger Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


some great ideas were brought up, so i cant resist to bring that thread to the top and hopefully be noticed by developers

Lol thanks. There has recently been some good ideas thrown around by other threads that I’ve come to like more. I might actually make a v.2 to this post with more up-to-date and slightly realistic suggestions.

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Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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