Power Ranger?

Power Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rym.1469


Hi, I’m pretty new to the ranger class, and I’m wondering if there is some kind of decent build for sPvP with a Longbow/X not based around BM that much, focusing rather on big damage from longbow/ kite ability and mobility/ CC, using pet rather like a support to surv/ CC. I see only pure Glasses with longbow, not very efficient at damage tbh, but mostly Condi SB rangers. I’m tired of condition damage, want some kind of interesting LB build. If you could post a link, I’d be glad

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

Power Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Relair.1843


Misleading title…I come here hoping for discussion on when it will be morphin’ time and instead its an actual conversation about power based ranger builds..so disappointed =(

Power Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Yasha.5963


If you can drop the LB for a shortbow and shortsword you can have a devistating and fairly hard to kill power ranger that kites and uses pet for support/cc (it will also do pretty good damage).

Power Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocklin.4106


depends if you want to go pink, blue or red. I have no idea about Power Ranger though or what their specialtys and strenghts are, however i would go with the black or yellow guy because they look most fearsome.

Power Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: wolfyrik.2017


depends if you want to go pink, blue or red. I have no idea about Power Ranger though or what their specialtys and strenghts are, however i would go with the black or yellow guy because they look most fearsome.

Fearsome and transexual, unless you’re watching the Japanese version.

Never noticed as a kid but as an adult, someone pointed out that the american series, Trini, one of the girls and yellow power ranger, clearly had junk when suited up.

This would be the problem when you use footage from another series.

I’ve got a Power Ranger Sylvari. Stomps open world PvE. Reasonable in duneons but very replaceable. That’s mostly though due to damage drop when pet innevitably gets killed when you just don’t hve time to micromanage it, while keeping teammates alive and avoiding damage yourself. With barrage, petswap and rampage, can deal some extremely significant burst damage.

Edit* Just noticed OP was asking about sPvP. No Experience there, sorry.

Power Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: typingofthedead.5614


if u spec pretty much all power/crit damage, as well as stacking x% damage, you do decent damage (can get ~1000 damage crits from SB, or a rapid fire channel from longbow in the 8000 range).

with quickness this can add up, but its more sustain (ie, you will take more time to burst someone down that other classes, so you need to carefully use positioning and evades to stay alive). when your pet does get a hit in, the damage jumps a bit. but even at max damage, a rangers dps falls below other classes (due to the pet), but without as much survivibility.

it can be done, and i toy with it a lot, but you are very squishy and its hard to stay alive versus good players/teams