Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


I see a lot of topics that Ranger is bad right now. I’d like to see some video proof of people getting wrecked. If not, I take it that this is talk as usual.

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Nicknobreak.7543


You don’t even need video evidence. Just play as literally any other class, go into WvW and pick a fight with a ranger. Then collect your loot. Repeat.

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


I main an ele and I decided to play my ranger all week-end… I never had it easier in months. The sustain vs damage ratio is kittening absurd even when playing zerk like I did. I’m death from 1500 or more and the pressure I impose on extremely low cool down to my opponents is hard to outplay. I call massive BS on any ranger nerf. The thought it was more powerful before is mind numbing to me.

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Nicknobreak.7543


Really? I mean, are we talking about the same class here? Wait... Really?

Your response is, as I imagine it, given in the same tone a coach would give to a decathlon competitor after they came in last for every single event.

"Cheer up, Charlie Brown." Says Lucy, "You’ll kick that football next time! Remember how good you were at kicking soccer balls? Kicking a football is like the same thing!"

I just can’t even see it. Who the heck were you fighting? Elderly people filming for a "Grandparents react to Guild Wars 2" video?

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Really? I mean, are we talking about the same class here? Wait… Really?

Your response is, as I imagine it, given in the same tone a coach would give to a decathlon competitor after they came in last for every single event.

“Cheer up, Charlie Brown.” Says Lucy, “You’ll kick that football next time! Remember how good you were at kicking soccer balls? Kicking a football is like the same thing!”

I just can’t even see it. Who the heck were you fighting? Elderly people filming for a “Grandparents react to Guild Wars 2” video?

I was serious. What is so weak on the ranger according to you? The DPS? The condi cleanse? The sustain? What?

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


Really? I mean, are we talking about the same class here? Wait… Really?

Your response is, as I imagine it, given in the same tone a coach would give to a decathlon competitor after they came in last for every single event.

“Cheer up, Charlie Brown.” Says Lucy, “You’ll kick that football next time! Remember how good you were at kicking soccer balls? Kicking a football is like the same thing!”

I just can’t even see it. Who the heck were you fighting? Elderly people filming for a “Grandparents react to Guild Wars 2” video?

My response to you is the same as your response to the other person…. anyhow….

Ranger isn’t lacking in the damage department at all, or the self sustain.

If you can’t get it to work, I don’t know what to tell you that boils down to anything more than a “learn to play” argument, so instead of wasting the time to type out paragraphs and paragraphs of information like I normally tend to, I’m just going to let it go and chalk it up to all of us being frustrated about different things.

Those of us who play ranger all agree that the patch gave ranger an overall net buff and that we are at a better spot than what we have been in for the past 3 years (since the games launch), and as for the things we feel are still missing from the toolkit, those should hopefully be addressed come expansion time.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

(edited by jcbroe.4329)

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Nicknobreak.7543


Yes. But especially the Burst DPS and survivability potential. I won’t go too into detail.

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


WvW roaming and/or dueling is the one place rangers are unarguably top tier.

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Nicknobreak.7543


I will concede that rangers are in a better place than they were previously, but I will also argue that all the progress this class has gained is far and beyond overshadowed by the immense improvements other classes received thereby negating any semblance of balance that there once was.

Rangers may be decent roamers, only behind thieves, mesmers, elementalists, and medi guardians, but 5th place isn’t bad if you consider that “top tier”

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I don’t consider 5th place top tier, but I also don’t agree that any of those are better than ranger. There isn’t any profession or build I feel uncomfortable 1v1ing as a ranger. Sure some players are just plain better than me, but that has nothing to do with ranger. I’m sure phanta could beat me with him on ranger and me on condi mesmer.

Medi guard I don’t think even belongs in the discussion with the good 1v1 builds.

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


I will concede that rangers are in a better place than they were previously, but I will also argue that all the progress this class has gained is far and beyond overshadowed by the immense improvements other classes received thereby negating any semblance of balance that there once was.

Rangers may be decent roamers, only behind thieves, mesmers, elementalists, and medi guardians, but 5th place isn’t bad if you consider that “top tier”

Okay, and I’ll concede, that’s a fair position to have right now, and you’re by no means wrong.

We are absolutely comparatively weaker than other classes right now, for sure.

I just don’t think we should treat the last patch as a balance patch. It was a system revamp in preparation for the expansion that universally overpowered a lot of things that nobody should really expect to stay the same (there is no way PU/Mantra shatter mesmer is going to stay the way it is, for starters).

While we of course have to make comparisons in order to evaluate game wide balance, the game is in a transitional period waiting for the expansion to drop and “complete” the classes and the balance patch to drop to balance the issues that were introduced with the core patch, which then the devs will shift primary focus to watching/balancing the new elite specs.

But I agree it is very frustrating that the game will more than likely be left in its current state of imbalance until the expansion drops. We are essentially QA and gathering metrics for ANet so they can balance on their own timeline while we have to play a very frustrating, imbalanced, broken game.

I can understand it from a development perspective, but it really does hurt the relationship with the playerbase, especially the PvP oriented players, when the game gets left “in working order” while we wait on the devs to finish the expansion and roll out the balances on their time as opposed to having a bigger team to roll out more frequent updates so that the “health” of the game can constantly be improved.

Sorry if I came off rude, I’m frustrated in general with both ANet letting the game be like this and the playerbase as a whole for not staying as positive and being as understanding as I give them credit for (not that I’m saying the frustration isn’t justified).

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: aB EXT.1287

aB EXT.1287

Ranger is, without a doubt, in the best position it has ever been in for ‘cookie cutter’ builds (for PvP purposes). The trait synergy is top-notch in my experience.

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


too many mesmers out there roaming that can 100 to 0 you either by putting 10 stacks of confusion or shattering you. If those are ever brought back in line then you will see more rangers

Bad Elementalist

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: RevanCorana.8942


I main an ele and I decided to play my ranger all week-end… I never had it easier in months. The sustain vs damage ratio is kittening absurd even when playing zerk like I did. I’m death from 1500 or more and the pressure I impose on extremely low cool down to my opponents is hard to outplay. I call massive BS on any ranger nerf. The thought it was more powerful before is mind numbing to me.

Ahaha an ele coming to ranger forum to say ranger is OP lool.
You probably were downed by several rangers while in water because of 1500 range nukes and it feels so weird cos no other calss/build can down that easily the godmode d/d ele.
If you encounter a zerker ranger and don’t suck you should find a cover and there’s plenty in pvp maps.
The only map where it works resonably well are legacy and silent storm.
And all other specs don’t work anymore soo no ranger isn’t fine.
Even the best spec we have available (longbow) is bugged because all skills will stow at full cooldown if interrupted. So for mesmer it’s full cooldown+15sec.
And greatsword 4 and 5 need serious improvement as I and others said already

(edited by RevanCorana.8942)

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: law.9410


I don’t really know how good we are, but there are enough newish players in WvW that you can win 95% of your 1v1’s and even a few 1v2’s and 1v3’s.

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Firelysm.4967


I see a lot of topics that Ranger is bad right now. I’d like to see some video proof of people getting wrecked. If not, I take it that this is talk as usual.

Go on T1 server for example Gandara:
- shatter mesmer gank 1 combo me
- d/d ele full zerk 1 combo (under 3 sec kill)
- thief d/p , 2 combo( 5 sec kill)

Running Dire, 3,1k armor, 26k HP.

I can go Longbow power build, but i think i’m bored of running single build for 3 years, maybe tweak around some stats and some weapons, but core stays the same. Ranger has literally 2 viable builds, none of them can deal with them as counter to some of classes that i’ll count below.

It’s not only ranger problem, it’s problem of other classes. Ranger is not bad, there are just some broken things in game that they don’t want to balance to normal. If this stays so, all we will see in future is Mesmer, Thief and D/Ds.

Wish I could get back to GW1.. PvP-GvG. It feels like we are outcasted, not desired or rewarded..

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


Rangers can roam and fight wvw bads , going against teams like Abjured , ranger is useless… That’s the problem with the class. It’s decent in 1on1 except you’ll most likely die to classes with high skill ceilings which ranger DOESN’T have: (you’ll die to eles like Serane / Phantaram because you truly see what a skill ceiling ele has when you fight them) , some thieves although they got some nerfs to condi cleanse making them easier to handle on condi builds, good warriors like Tarcis, Hayb,, etc (again, high skill ceiling classes dominate rangers) , good shatter mesmers will also wreck you which again has a very high skill ceilng.

The problem with the class is it lacks team support and there’s a lack of skill ceiling on ranger – the weapons are one-dimensional and easy to counter (longbow? sit on them and spam skills – greatsword? get out and range him to death with autos , no boon stripping, no ports. As a power build in a team you have an invis for a few seconds and you have stone signet. This makes you an obvious target in team fights both in wvw and pvp. As a condi build you’re tanky and ‘annoying’ but still a target for mesmers and thieves in a team fight but you have more tankyness and evasion and usually healing so you can withstand more.

Rangers are just simple classes. Low skill floor , not a high skill ceiling (even with the addition of taunt) and without proper team support (true team support, uniqueness , not something another class can do and do better like giving aoe swiftness and regen >_> ) they will just never be truly ‘viable’.

But yea, if you duel bads in wvw or in the duel arena all day and are given the impression rangers are good then absolutely , go for it…. But do this instead, go duel members of the Abjured, other top pvp guilds for practice if you’re going to duel. You’ll see how good other classes truly are and get true practice and insight on where the ranger class actually stands in both 1on1s and team scenarios and then come to the forum with your assessment. There’s too many players on the ranger forums who come here after dueling simply bad players and shout ‘what are you guys talking about? ranger is good, learn to play’ or something of the equivalent. No, go against top tier players who are organized and come back with an assessment at where it stands not a judgement from some duels you did during reset night in the obsidian sanctum.

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

(edited by blitzkrieg.2451)

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

The way i see it is , if a ranger can spam stack 1min 30secs on a shout build which leaves all those other classes free to do somthing else, all a ranger has to do is slot Timbre to gain that Party wide regen and swiftness.

most of the other classes have to use 2-3 skills and a mixture of traits to gain the same effect, so yes WvW wise swiftness is common as much because its a core boon needed for movement for spvp not so much .

though now rangers have access to Party regen and swiftness , that leaves more room for Burning Guardains+ the classic Boon bunker guardian.

it frees up roles and just because other classes can do it the same or Worse in this case because they have to invest Much more than one Adept trait, of which rangers don’t need Utility to survive when build correctly.

your compairision is to a very out classed LB/Gs build which is now the weakest of all our builds it makes no use of the healing traits no use of the Beastmastery , it can’t take spotter+ signet mastery without giving up moment of clairity anymore for faster Sos’s that build is in the grinder for better more well refined builds so i wouldnt even mention that Newbie LB/gs build anymore , we have better options than that.

you can even build for SB condi and still use timbre with shouts all we need is LR to reform and we can still pump out enough condis while keeping up that party swiftness.

Ranger still may not been that frontliner but it is a much more effective Mid-liner than a Guardian or a warroir since those two classes can’t offord to leave the line and use rangers having this ability to keep the pack moving while the line pushes is worth so much more than " oh this class does it better" so what! we give those other classes the Flexability you need to perform other roles .

if people wish to keep playing the same old Gwen group system by my guest but that’ll change when the expansion hits all that extra terrain will be a Nightmare for that old grouping.

ranger has its place , its just not easy to see if people don’t focus on what it can bring to a party , you want to give up your damage to provide more support at the cost of taking utilties that could be made better use of , well then fine that just leaves rangers with one role , Ranged CC .

if other classes just got off the high horses and dropped the swiftness or took somthing else im sure 1 Ranger for every 2 5man groups will still provide enough swiftness for a life time.

HoA, Guard , Spike trap , Frost trap + entangle > trapper runes + SB , Sword+torch apothecary condi build with wilderness, skirmishing , beastmastery using Zyphers speed.

fast mobility for moving around the zerg , provides swiftness and Condi CC Bombs use a trap last off point gain super speed regroup , that trap will then act as a Random defence vs foes that break formation to reheal or those that got Seperated go down , with the spike traps KD its pretty much the end for that guy in a group fight.

you just need to find the most effective build not what something it can’t do because somthing else does it better, they way i see it, those people are wasting thier classes potentional by taking unnessary traits and skills trying to cover a Rangers Role!

btw we can do it better than other classes now for less investment.

(edited by Zenos Osgorma.2936)

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


So I’m seeing for the top 1% of players (Abjured), Ranger may be outclassed. Also in obvious broken edge cases (shatter mesmer), Ranger is outclassed.

The general consensus seems to be what I thought, that Ranger itself is rather balanced, just slightly off. Which is problematic as it means Anet will take eons do do anything to correct it.

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


So I’m seeing for the top 1% of players (Abjured), Ranger may be outclassed. Also in obvious broken edge cases (shatter mesmer), Ranger is outclassed.

The general consensus seems to be what I thought, that Ranger itself is rather balanced, just slightly off. Which is problematic as it means Anet will take eons do do anything to correct it.

Pretty much exactly this.

Especially because they will decide forever between distributing power creep to other classes or nerfing the overbuffed classes, and then will be too timid to make any sort of actual, meaningful change for anybody else because of “not wanting to kneejerk” or “don’t want to make too many changes that won’t have the time to settle if they are all introduced at once.”

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


So I’m seeing for the top 1% of players (Abjured), Ranger may be outclassed. Also in obvious broken edge cases (shatter mesmer), Ranger is outclassed.

The general consensus seems to be what I thought, that Ranger itself is rather balanced, just slightly off. Which is problematic as it means Anet will take eons do do anything to correct it.

Ranger is far from balanced, firstly it has nothing to be ‘balanced’ from , as it has no unique viability outside of 1on1 selfish dueling builds (even then some classes have edges over you). A class needs something to be balanced in a game mode, in conquest, ranger really has nothing compared to every other class, even necro.

It’s not just abjured, there’s not a ranger in ANY competing tourney team right now except I think Eurantien (I’m not even sure of that but he usually sticks with ranger no matter what), but I was using Abjured as a method to accurately see where ranger truly stands, and I’m not even referring to the guild itself , I’m referring to the skill quality of the players themselves – you test a class against truly good players, not scrubs in WvW …

But also, there’s a reason you don’t see ranger in any competing tourney team right now, as it has no place or role so how is it balanced to begin with no role – no true definition of what it’s supposed to be apart from being annoying with longbow which isn’t unique (mesmer gs does just about the same dmg with autos alone and the difference of 1,200 to 1,500 isn’t that big in all 3 maps).

I could easily disagree with you about your assumption of ranger being balanced and EVERY OTHER CLASS in the game being used in tourneys isn’t… I could say the classes mostly used are actually alright and are indeed balanced, and that ranger (1 class) just needs to be brought up without nerfing every class to be in ‘in line with ranger’.

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I roam with Ranger mostly, and still do it alot post patch, so I can comfirm something with you according to my experience:

1. The only game mode Ranger is doing ok right now is roaming in WvW.
2. You’re able to beat many classes without too much trouble if you use a certain build that counters most burst and can deal with some conditions.
3. You absolutely cannot kill a D/D or D/F ele if they’re anywhere decent, you’re not going to kill him, he’s invincible in 1 on 1. Just RUN.
4. You WILL lose to any decent Mesmer who trait for PU AND reflection on dodge. You’re not going to touch him, while he still can burst you any time he wants. Just run.
5. When a Warrior opens Rampage, your best bet is use hunter shot to stealth and change to GS and RUN until the duration is gone.
6. Thief is easy pray to you if you use a certain spec, but if they’re d/p and they’re decent, you probably can’t catch him if you don’t run Sick-em. But he wouldn’t be able to hurt you much if he’s alone.
7. Rest of the classes you should have no problem.
8. If you play a PU mesmer or D/D or D/F Ele, you probably can solve all the problems above. lol

I roam in T1 EB most of the time, so that’s my experience.

Here’s my ranking for current class strength:

SSS Rank:

SS Rank:

A Rank:
Guardian, Warrior

B Rank:
Necro, Engi, Thief, Ranger

F Rank:

Hope that helps.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

So I’m seeing for the top 1% of players (Abjured), Ranger may be outclassed. Also in obvious broken edge cases (shatter mesmer), Ranger is outclassed.

The general consensus seems to be what I thought, that Ranger itself is rather balanced, just slightly off. Which is problematic as it means Anet will take eons do do anything to correct it.

" just needs to be brought up without nerfing every class to be in ‘in line with ranger’."

that is Power creep whos to say that Ranger is the Balanced one and others are generaly given too much power see all Previous balance patches most of the skills are toned down and only traits are altered to improve thier Viablilty.

highly doubt they will buff up the ranger ..untill Balance is Restored not this half way mode between feature release and half bugged skills and or over powered build set ups that anet did not predict would happen they test traits and skills not the builds that would be way too much work to do , i;ve read Jcbros other posts and totaly agree with his point of view right now the system is not Balanced but i do see Ranger as being the most Equally Balanced in its current state.

(edited by Zenos Osgorma.2936)

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Ehecatl.9172


I don’t have much to say on the subject at hand other than this entire thread is a massive logical fallacy. You’re asking people to show you proof that rangers are bad in this game… It would be incredibly easy to fabricate the evidence you ask for by making a video montage of all their deaths or just plain playing badly. Someone can perform badly with a profession regardless of if it’s good or bad.

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


I don’t even have to refer to the power creep of post-patch, lol. Look before post-patch, where do you see ranger meta aside from A YEAR AND A HALF AGO running spirit builds? Wake up man, ranger has never been in line with other classes , it was for a few months and it was a build completely reliant on passives and an elite that couldn’t be CC’d then spirits got nerfed into the ground and you haven’t seen them since in meta. So you’re saying ranger’s been balanced this whole time? >_>

Please… I think you confuse ‘balanced’ with simply not having a team role in top tier conquest. If you don’t have a role or definition then you’re balanced, every other class that has something unique they can bring to top tier conquest isn’t balanced.

Cool, I get it now, thanks!

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

(edited by blitzkrieg.2451)

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: atheria.2837


I main an ele and I decided to play my ranger all week-end… I never had it easier in months. The sustain vs damage ratio is kittening absurd even when playing zerk like I did. I’m death from 1500 or more and the pressure I impose on extremely low cool down to my opponents is hard to outplay. I call massive BS on any ranger nerf. The thought it was more powerful before is mind numbing to me.

Seriously? Specifically speaking about WvW, I mean seriously?

Why do people, like you and the guy below, always say you “did this” and it worked without ever show all of us your full builds so we can see why you believe your build makes the OP a liar or qq’ing, which he isn’t.

I main and have mained a Ranger since pre-release – and the conditions were nerfed – power is harder to get and the runes and gear most of us were using for conditions are much lower than they were pre-patch.

Roaming is almost impossible – it wasn’t before.

Zerging is the only way we can be of any use – decent boon sharing and cc, but lousy sustain and our pets are dead in a micro-second.

It is worse for most – show us builds that are better and help us figure out what looks like just a mess to many of us.


Not keeping all IT jobs here is a major reason IT is so bad HERE. 33y IT 10y IT Security

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: atheria.2837


I don’t even have to refer to the power creep of post-patch, lol. Look before post-patch, where do you see ranger meta aside from A YEAR AND A HALF AGO running spirit builds? Wake up man, ranger has never been in line with other classes , it was for a few months and it was a build completely reliant on passives and an elite that couldn’t be CC’d then spirits got nerfed into the ground and you haven’t seen them since in meta. So you’re saying ranger’s been balanced this whole time? >_>

Please… I think you confuse ‘balanced’ with simply not having a team role in top tier conquest. If you don’t have a role or definition then you’re balanced, every other class that has something unique they can bring to top tier conquest isn’t balanced.

Cool, I get it now, thanks!

Wish I could give more than 1+.

I see ridiculous damage from Mesmers and Thieves – even if I can best a thief one on one if no one interferes, other than that, we are now forced to stay at range – always.

Not keeping all IT jobs here is a major reason IT is so bad HERE. 33y IT 10y IT Security

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


I main an ele and I decided to play my ranger all week-end… I never had it easier in months. The sustain vs damage ratio is kittening absurd even when playing zerk like I did. I’m death from 1500 or more and the pressure I impose on extremely low cool down to my opponents is hard to outplay. I call massive BS on any ranger nerf. The thought it was more powerful before is mind numbing to me.

Ahaha an ele coming to ranger forum to say ranger is OP lool.
You probably were downed by several rangers while in water because of 1500 range nukes and it feels so weird cos no other calss/build can down that easily the godmode d/d ele.
If you encounter a zerker ranger and don’t suck you should find a cover and there’s plenty in pvp maps.
The only map where it works resonably well are legacy and silent storm.
And all other specs don’t work anymore soo no ranger isn’t fine.
Even the best spec we have available (longbow) is bugged because all skills will stow at full cooldown if interrupted. So for mesmer it’s full cooldown+15sec.
And greatsword 4 and 5 need serious improvement as I and others said already

I don’t play d/d much and I roam solo on zerk staff… so much for “godmode”…

As for me coming to your forum, I visit all forums, ele being the most visited by me of course. Beleive me, the Mesmer forum have received quite a few of my post recently.

What I said earlier is my experience in WvW. I went LB zerk and GS with Beastmastery / Marksmanship / Survival.

I picked troll ungent, lightning reflexes, entangle (3 survival skills, therefore condi cleanse, one being a stun breaker) as well as signet of the hunt and of stone (speed and invul). All these have reduced cool down because of traits.

My DPS as a zerk LB is simply ridiculous and on such low cd and range. My survival is that of a medium armor and life (I’m used to do good with the worst possible armor and life pool so it feel kittening awesome) that has a lot of condi cleanse. If I’m under regen I take 5% less damage and if my life is above 90% I take 33% less damage… the synergy with the traits and the skills have never been this good for ranger.

I love my ranger, and I’m glad of the change they made but when I hear ppl say they were nerfed I’m like WTF!? Yes, there are bugs, but that is not a nerf.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, I forgot. The beast master line is not what it was… Not at all. Now, my kittening hawk/eagle that can spam it’s F2 ability every kittening 4 and 3/4 sec. will not only bleed but blind, weaked and taunt (15 sec cd on taunt but still)!!!!!! Every 4 and 3/4 sec… AaaaaAAAAUrggg!? Can I get more nerf like this plz?

PS. I wonder what happens when the wolf howl and the enemy get both fear and taunt at the same time… hummm

(edited by Sirbeaumerdier.3740)

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


I guess I am more of a WvW player so I do not see the PvP issues. They do definitely appear to be there, and probably because PvP is a team based mode. I do agree Ranger brings little to nothing in the way of team help…we do at least have some shout help now, but I know ‘X class is so much better at that!’.

That’s why I said roaming, as this forum would have anyone visiting it believe that Ranger is useless everywhere. I think other than the aforementioned ‘broken’ builds, Ranger is an asset to any small havoc team, and can hold its own 1v1 with a few specs.

It is a problem not to have a dev actively working on Ranger though. We see what Robert did for Necro, and I hope one day someone will rebalance this class that way.

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


i have 2300 armor 21k hp

thief did stunlock and heart seeker 10k++ damage ( couldn’t remember everything happen to fast )

guardian did 18k burning damage in 1 shot ( blink and spin )

please explain how am i suppose to deal with this kitten

even i setup traps to prevent them from charging towards me they still manage to reach me and i have NO ESCAPE ability, the only escape ability i have is using GS swoop and PRAY god i could fly like a eagle !

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Coarr.3286


i have 2300 armor 21k hp

thief did stunlock and heart seeker 10k++ damage ( couldn’t remember everything happen to fast )

guardian did 18k burning damage in 1 shot ( blink and spin )

please explain how am i suppose to deal with this kitten

even i setup traps to prevent them from charging towards me they still manage to reach me and i have NO ESCAPE ability, the only escape ability i have is using GS swoop and PRAY god i could fly like a eagle !

lightning reflexes

[care] Coarr Ix – Ranger
Stomp some Piken!

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


i have 2300 armor 21k hp

thief did stunlock and heart seeker 10k++ damage ( couldn’t remember everything happen to fast )

guardian did 18k burning damage in 1 shot ( blink and spin )

please explain how am i suppose to deal with this kitten

even i setup traps to prevent them from charging towards me they still manage to reach me and i have NO ESCAPE ability, the only escape ability i have is using GS swoop and PRAY god i could fly like a eagle !

lightning reflexes

done it before and how far you think you could get away

lightning reflexes, signet of stone, Muddy Terrain and Spike trap still fail as other classes could EASILY catch up with you

i ever deal with a elementalist he use Lightning Flash and Ride the Lightning to catch up with me even with timed lb knockback still doesn’t demoralize him but i was lucky as i was close to the keep the NPC guard saved me

the problem is lightning reflexes 40 sec cd that’s too long compare with Rocket boots which is way better

signet of stone traited 64 sec cd at least this saved my life many times

Muddy Terrain can be avoided easily

Spike trap they can SEE and avoid thats what i believe many time i see chaser avoid it

the only time i got lucky is using traps with rune of trapper the invis of 3 sec and super speed really helped alot however this mean im losing alot of stats as power lb

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Mia Crazymike.1780

Mia Crazymike.1780

Rangers in WvWvW are not bad at all. Ranger is that profession that requires end game gear to be on par with the other professions that don’t essentially need that end game gear (ascended) to be on par.

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: MattyP.6954


I roam on my Ranger (T2), and I don’t usually have any problems. Granted, my build has 2 stunbreaks, signet of stone, and the ability to cleanse 8 conditions, so there’s that.

Server — Fort Aspenwood
Mains — Mathias of the Wood [Ranger]; Collaborator Bluatt [Engineer]
Alts — Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Coarr.3286


the problem is that 99% of the rangers use lb+gs. lb+s/a is superior in every aspect
- singel target dps
- 2x evade with sword 2, works with imo on you
- evade on sword 3, works with imo on you
- axe 4 does up to 9k dmg
- axe 5 is great when focused by other projectile users to safe some time on other cooldowns. downside is you are no more mobile ( dont understand why )

mesmers and eles are currently a pain in the kitten . the rest of the classes / builds are beatable ( equal player skill level in wvw roaming ).

[care] Coarr Ix – Ranger
Stomp some Piken!

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: DHawk.2687


I will concede that rangers are in a better place than they were previously, but I will also argue that all the progress this class has gained is far and beyond overshadowed by the immense improvements other classes received thereby negating any semblance of balance that there once was.

Rangers may be decent roamers, only behind thieves, mesmers, elementalists, and medi guardians, but 5th place isn’t bad if you consider that “top tier”

If you really can’t handle the ranger post patch I’d consider leaving Guild Wars 2, try something like Tetris or Candy Crush

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


PS. I wonder what happens when the wolf howl and the enemy get both fear and taunt at the same time… hummm

Since the taunt starts when you press F2 the target is taunted and start to go into wolf direction, when the fear starts the taunt usually ended or was cleanse before that then the target run away normally.
That combo is a beauty.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: MattyP.6954


I will concede that rangers are in a better place than they were previously, but I will also argue that all the progress this class has gained is far and beyond overshadowed by the immense improvements other classes received thereby negating any semblance of balance that there once was.

Rangers may be decent roamers, only behind thieves, mesmers, elementalists, and medi guardians, but 5th place isn’t bad if you consider that “top tier”

If you really can’t handle the ranger post patch I’d consider leaving Guild Wars 2, try something like Tetris or Candy Crush

My power Ranger eats medi guards for breakfast :-)

The only professions I have issues with still are thief and mesmer.

Server — Fort Aspenwood
Mains — Mathias of the Wood [Ranger]; Collaborator Bluatt [Engineer]
Alts — Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Redemer.2601


the problem is that 99% of the rangers use lb+gs. lb+s/a is superior in every aspect
- singel target dps
- 2x evade with sword 2, works with imo on you
- evade on sword 3, works with imo on you
- axe 4 does up to 9k dmg
- axe 5 is great when focused by other projectile users to safe some time on other cooldowns. downside is you are no more mobile ( dont understand why )

mesmers and eles are currently a pain in the kitten . the rest of the classes / builds are beatable ( equal player skill level in wvw roaming ).

that has a lot to do with romorseless being on marksmanship and beastmastery is pretty much mandatory for a LB build and there you have you GS trait which has a 50% chance of granting fury which reactivates you remorseless its an amazing synergy

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: DHawk.2687


I will concede that rangers are in a better place than they were previously, but I will also argue that all the progress this class has gained is far and beyond overshadowed by the immense improvements other classes received thereby negating any semblance of balance that there once was.

Rangers may be decent roamers, only behind thieves, mesmers, elementalists, and medi guardians, but 5th place isn’t bad if you consider that “top tier”

If you really can’t handle the ranger post patch I’d consider leaving Guild Wars 2, try something like Tetris or Candy Crush

My power Ranger eats medi guards for breakfast :-)

The only professions I have issues with still are thief and mesmer.

mesmer i can understand, but not thief, 1 single thief is so weak it’s sad, and since 99% are still running full zerk because they are too dumb to get the memo that it’s not viable anymore they die with about 3 autohits from anything, LB#2 will kill any zerk thief as long as he’s in range and doesn’t have anything to kyte behind.
thief is kinda pathetic atm, you need 2,3 thieves to dish out the damage 1 did pre patch
if you don’t believe me play it, then you’ll really have something to cry about

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: MattyP.6954


I will concede that rangers are in a better place than they were previously, but I will also argue that all the progress this class has gained is far and beyond overshadowed by the immense improvements other classes received thereby negating any semblance of balance that there once was.

Rangers may be decent roamers, only behind thieves, mesmers, elementalists, and medi guardians, but 5th place isn’t bad if you consider that “top tier”

If you really can’t handle the ranger post patch I’d consider leaving Guild Wars 2, try something like Tetris or Candy Crush

My power Ranger eats medi guards for breakfast :-)

The only professions I have issues with still are thief and mesmer.

mesmer i can understand, but not thief, 1 single thief is so weak it’s sad, and since 99% are still running full zerk because they are too dumb to get the memo that it’s not viable anymore they die with about 3 autohits from anything, LB#2 will kill any zerk thief as long as he’s in range and doesn’t have anything to kyte behind.
thief is kinda pathetic atm, you need 2,3 thieves to dish out the damage 1 did pre patch
if you don’t believe me play it, then you’ll really have something to cry about

It’s less an issue of 1v1 than being +1ed by them. Getting hit by Basi venom multiple times (when they run venom sharing) kind of ruins my day, as I run zerker.

Server — Fort Aspenwood
Mains — Mathias of the Wood [Ranger]; Collaborator Bluatt [Engineer]
Alts — Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: DHawk.2687


I will concede that rangers are in a better place than they were previously, but I will also argue that all the progress this class has gained is far and beyond overshadowed by the immense improvements other classes received thereby negating any semblance of balance that there once was.

Rangers may be decent roamers, only behind thieves, mesmers, elementalists, and medi guardians, but 5th place isn’t bad if you consider that “top tier”

If you really can’t handle the ranger post patch I’d consider leaving Guild Wars 2, try something like Tetris or Candy Crush

My power Ranger eats medi guards for breakfast :-)

The only professions I have issues with still are thief and mesmer.

mesmer i can understand, but not thief, 1 single thief is so weak it’s sad, and since 99% are still running full zerk because they are too dumb to get the memo that it’s not viable anymore they die with about 3 autohits from anything, LB#2 will kill any zerk thief as long as he’s in range and doesn’t have anything to kyte behind.
thief is kinda pathetic atm, you need 2,3 thieves to dish out the damage 1 did pre patch
if you don’t believe me play it, then you’ll really have something to cry about

It’s less an issue of 1v1 than being +1ed by them. Getting hit by Basi venom multiple times (when they run venom sharing) kind of ruins my day, as I run zerker.

that doesn’t make the thief strong, but a group of thieves, i could call ranger op if 2 rangers use their roots on me one after the other so i can’t move and am pew pewed without anythink to do
and only a few run venom sharing, at least on EU servers, don’t know about US, but that doesn’t make the thief op, it just means you need to learn to counter that, lightning reflexes for example would counter the venom if I’m not mistaking

thief alone is very weak atm and you’ll see that if you try him out yourself, he’s only strong in a group with multiple thieves

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: MattyP.6954


I will concede that rangers are in a better place than they were previously, but I will also argue that all the progress this class has gained is far and beyond overshadowed by the immense improvements other classes received thereby negating any semblance of balance that there once was.

Rangers may be decent roamers, only behind thieves, mesmers, elementalists, and medi guardians, but 5th place isn’t bad if you consider that “top tier”

If you really can’t handle the ranger post patch I’d consider leaving Guild Wars 2, try something like Tetris or Candy Crush

My power Ranger eats medi guards for breakfast :-)

The only professions I have issues with still are thief and mesmer.

mesmer i can understand, but not thief, 1 single thief is so weak it’s sad, and since 99% are still running full zerk because they are too dumb to get the memo that it’s not viable anymore they die with about 3 autohits from anything, LB#2 will kill any zerk thief as long as he’s in range and doesn’t have anything to kyte behind.
thief is kinda pathetic atm, you need 2,3 thieves to dish out the damage 1 did pre patch
if you don’t believe me play it, then you’ll really have something to cry about

It’s less an issue of 1v1 than being +1ed by them. Getting hit by Basi venom multiple times (when they run venom sharing) kind of ruins my day, as I run zerker.

that doesn’t make the thief strong, but a group of thieves, i could call ranger op if 2 rangers use their roots on me one after the other so i can’t move and am pew pewed without anythink to do
and only a few run venom sharing, at least on EU servers, don’t know about US, but that doesn’t make the thief op, it just means you need to learn to counter that, lightning reflexes for example would counter the venom if I’m not mistaking

thief alone is very weak atm and you’ll see that if you try him out yourself, he’s only strong in a group with multiple thieves

I never said that Thieves were OP, I just said that I have issues with some of their tricks in roaming. When I get hopelessly outnumbered, I can usually dodge/disengage before I get blown up (and usually sneak back and pick someone off). That first basi-venom from stealth, particularly when my utilities are on cd, makes things more difficult.

That being said, I can usually get away, but I’m less likely to get a kill.

Server — Fort Aspenwood
Mains — Mathias of the Wood [Ranger]; Collaborator Bluatt [Engineer]
Alts — Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: DHawk.2687


I will concede that rangers are in a better place than they were previously, but I will also argue that all the progress this class has gained is far and beyond overshadowed by the immense improvements other classes received thereby negating any semblance of balance that there once was.

Rangers may be decent roamers, only behind thieves, mesmers, elementalists, and medi guardians, but 5th place isn’t bad if you consider that “top tier”

If you really can’t handle the ranger post patch I’d consider leaving Guild Wars 2, try something like Tetris or Candy Crush

My power Ranger eats medi guards for breakfast :-)

The only professions I have issues with still are thief and mesmer.

mesmer i can understand, but not thief, 1 single thief is so weak it’s sad, and since 99% are still running full zerk because they are too dumb to get the memo that it’s not viable anymore they die with about 3 autohits from anything, LB#2 will kill any zerk thief as long as he’s in range and doesn’t have anything to kyte behind.
thief is kinda pathetic atm, you need 2,3 thieves to dish out the damage 1 did pre patch
if you don’t believe me play it, then you’ll really have something to cry about

It’s less an issue of 1v1 than being +1ed by them. Getting hit by Basi venom multiple times (when they run venom sharing) kind of ruins my day, as I run zerker.

that doesn’t make the thief strong, but a group of thieves, i could call ranger op if 2 rangers use their roots on me one after the other so i can’t move and am pew pewed without anythink to do
and only a few run venom sharing, at least on EU servers, don’t know about US, but that doesn’t make the thief op, it just means you need to learn to counter that, lightning reflexes for example would counter the venom if I’m not mistaking

thief alone is very weak atm and you’ll see that if you try him out yourself, he’s only strong in a group with multiple thieves

I never said that Thieves were OP, I just said that I have issues with some of their tricks in roaming. When I get hopelessly outnumbered, I can usually dodge/disengage before I get blown up (and usually sneak back and pick someone off). That first basi-venom from stealth, particularly when my utilities are on cd, makes things more difficult.

That being said, I can usually get away, but I’m less likely to get a kill.

I wasn’t direclty refering to you with thief being op, more to all those in the forum that die to thieves becauset they can’t counter or react to him and start whining…

but yeah as you said, it’s very easy to get in and out as ranger, and i really don’t see why so many ppl are crying for a buff..

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I wasn’t direclty refering to you with thief being op, more to all those in the forum that die to thieves becauset they can’t counter or react to him and start whining…

but yeah as you said, it’s very easy to get in and out as ranger, and i really don’t see why so many ppl are crying for a buff..

You cannot counter a 20k backstab from stealth.

Does Ranger hold a place in top tier PvP? No. Therefore, it needs a buff. Simple stuff.

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: DHawk.2687


I wasn’t direclty refering to you with thief being op, more to all those in the forum that die to thieves becauset they can’t counter or react to him and start whining…

but yeah as you said, it’s very easy to get in and out as ranger, and i really don’t see why so many ppl are crying for a buff..

You cannot counter a 20k backstab from stealth.

Does Ranger hold a place in top tier PvP? No. Therefore, it needs a buff. Simple stuff.

there we go xD
you do know thief cannot reach 20k on a backstab anymore right?
no matter what you do it’s not possible
do the math

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: DHawk.2687


I wasn’t direclty refering to you with thief being op, more to all those in the forum that die to thieves becauset they can’t counter or react to him and start whining…

but yeah as you said, it’s very easy to get in and out as ranger, and i really don’t see why so many ppl are crying for a buff..

You cannot counter a 20k backstab from stealth.

Does Ranger hold a place in top tier PvP? No. Therefore, it needs a buff. Simple stuff.

there we go xD
you do know thief cannot reach 20k on a backstab anymore right?
no matter what you do it’s not possible
do the math

well unless he has 25 might, all stacks and you are lv one without any gear and 25 stacks of vuln..
are you?

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I was informed otherwise. I’ll retract that statement about backstab.

My other point stills stands.

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: DHawk.2687


I was informed otherwise. I’ll retract that statement about backstab.

My other point stills stands.

then you were informed wrong, I’ll give you an example, i have 3k power on my thief, 250% crit damage and i always crit my backstab (100%crit in stealth)
i use dagger dagger so I’ll use CnD first to give the enemy 3stacks vuln and then backstab
the highest i ever had was about 13k while having about 5-10 stacks might

so if i hit you with a backstab like that i am revealed for 4 sec, all you need to do is use LB2 and it will kill me if i can’t kyte behind an object or step out of the 1500 range fast enough, shadowstep only has 1200 btw
even if i dodge its about 3 missed arrow, it will still kill me, btw i have about 21,5k health, and stealthed won’t do kitten because it traces…
so either it’s just me or you just need to learn how to utilize your skills better

Prove to me Ranger is bad at roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

21.5k Rapid Fire? I see you are also misinformed.