Q: Pet's Speed and Nature's Protection
don’t think so because there is max speed so the pet will move faster only if the player does not have swiftness which is wrong because the pet can’’t hit at all this way
about the 2nd Q im sure that u will take some heavy hits but u need to test it first
play with it for a while and see if u need it or not
but if you command the pet to chase someone who is running and you use on your pet switfness(33% movement speed)+ the passive trait Agility Training (30% movement speed) it should run 63% faster, am i right?
respect to Nature Protection its not soo good with a decent defense, im going to change it because i take a lot of condition damage instead.
Agility training doesn’t give your pet 30% speed increase in the first place – it’s bugged, which many rangers don’t know. It’s more like 14% speed increase, which makes this trait useless in it’s current implementation.