RE: More pet control not new pl friendly
Regarding pet evade:
The pet can automatically evade 1 red ring attack every 10, 15 or 20 seconds for 1 second and 1 direct attack every 10, 15 or 20 seconds for 1 second. The time can be reduced with each point in beastmastery.
My take on pet evade is that whenever you evade, the pet evades as well (in some form of giving evasion for 1-2sec for example). This could be a permanent change to the class or a trait option.
My take on pet evade is that whenever you evade, the pet evades as well (in some form of giving evasion for 1-2sec for example). This could be a permanent change to the class or a trait option.
Although I understand why you’d say so, I disagree here..
If I have to dodge with my ranger, that means that I’m getting aggro’d.
So I don’t want my pet to dodge together with me at that time, on the contrary, I want it to keep hitting my aggrressor, so I can (possible) de-aggro..
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe
My take on pet evade is that whenever you evade, the pet evades as well (in some form of giving evasion for 1-2sec for example). This could be a permanent change to the class or a trait option.
Although I understand why you’d say so, I disagree here..
If I have to dodge with my ranger, that means that I’m getting aggro’d.
So I don’t want my pet to dodge together with me at that time, on the contrary, I want it to keep hitting my aggrressor, so I can (possible) de-aggro..
Hi there, just want to clarify my suggestion. I think as it is right now, pet cannot literally dodge like the player (it would be a cool feature, but unnecessary). What i meant is to give the pet evasion (like Blurred Frenzy mesmer skill or other ranger skills that attack and evade at the same time), so yeah your pet still keeps on attacking.
(edited by keenlam.4753)
Hi there, just want to clarify my suggestion. I think as it is right now, pet cannot dodge. What i meant is to give the pet evasion (like Blurred Frenzy mesmer skill or other ranger skills), so yeah your pet still keeps on attacking.
Ok, this I can live with.. :-)
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe
Hi there, just want to clarify my suggestion. I think as it is right now, pet cannot dodge. What i meant is to give the pet evasion (like Blurred Frenzy mesmer skill or other ranger skills), so yeah your pet still keeps on attacking.
Ok, this I can live with.. :-)
One can only wish, right =)
Seriously if this happened, one would have no excuse to let your pet die unless they’re a bad player.
In fact, I leveled my ranger before my Elementalist, because I got confused with how many skills the ele has.
at the same time, I cursed my pet so often…
Update 5.9.2013: getting better ANet, still way to go!
A Lannister always pays his debts – For everyone else, there’s Mastercard.
Well, unfortunately for you and all of us, John Sharp has stated in the STOG interview that we will not get more pet controls because it scares the nubs. That’s just one of the reasons I loathe him and the balance team. Incredibly ignorant reasoning from a player’s stand point.
If I could yell at my canine to make him KD on command, or my Moa to heal on command, or my bird to use Swiftness on command (or you know, NOT) that’d be amazing!!
Suggestion: make it so the pet skills controlled by F3, and F4 are able to be “toggled” IE you can set them to auto cast (which they would be by default) so new players could just do that and play ranger as it is now instead of being forced into playing it the more difficult way.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Well, unfortunately for you and all of us, John Sharp has stated in the STOG interview that we will not get more pet controls because it scares the nubs. That’s just one of the reasons I loathe him and the balance team. Incredibly ignorant reasoning from a player’s stand point.
This is exactly the type of replies I do not want in this thread. What do you get out of this? What have you to gain?
ArenaNet, you missed one thing.
-Gives a very good reason to become a beastmaster.
WRONG. It isn’t a choice.
We aren’t even given that choice. We’re forced into that playstyle by our profession mechanic.
We’re the only profession where they said, “Oh hey, how about having a mechanic that accents the Ranger we give it one that defines the Ranger.”
ArenaNet, you missed one thing.
-Gives a very good reason to become a beastmaster.WRONG. It isn’t a choice.
We aren’t even given that choice. We’re forced into that playstyle by our profession mechanic.We’re the only profession where they said, “Oh hey, how about having a mechanic that accents the Ranger we give it one that defines the Ranger.”
I still wish that we had preparations as our F skills and could have a pet with us via an elite skill cough cough Charm Animal cough or even just Heal as One…. I know there are some times I’d like to not have my pet…
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
PvP needs to be considered in all of this as well. With players micromanaging the pet skills anet will have to rebalance all of the pet skills, because some skills may become overpowered with conscious use.