Race and Gender
I’m using the Shiro’s exotic set in this sceenshot http://imgur.com/Hm0au
Well I pretty much only like human look haha but check the sticky thread show your ranger. Medium armor in the higher level looks quite decent. But Id say more so for guys bc male characters can put on more range of things and it still looks nice. Everything looks big and thick on females, even heavy armor for females are a lot more form fitting… Some are ok but there’s only a select few pieces that look quite good.
I’ll be aiming for the underboob-showing human medium tier 3 cultural armour: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Divinity-Scout-Tier-3.png
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!
For me, the human female medium armour I have seen so far (level 61) is the ugliest I’ve seen in a game for a very long time… I do not like the ‘coats’ thing, and the level 60 cultural armour is even worse!!
I have 45 transmute stones and nothing I want to transmute …
My character is female. So:
In my opinion a lot of the available ranger armor looks same-ish, Sylvari cultural sets (for me) are the only sets to break away a little from that generic look (my character is a Sylvari.)
The worst medium armor I have seen comes from the karma armor vendors in Orr, everyone vends the identical look set with different stats. Yes it is exotic, yes its stats are decent but wow it really is ugly.
(edited by Parvati.5780)
Norn female because of the awesome tattoos and because the male norms are rediculously big. If you make a female nord and check out the cultural armor for them the tier 3 set on a lady looks utterly amazing! I also like the female armor models because they show more skin thus revealing more of the body tattoo.
Not to mention the norn are natural hunters, favour animals as gods and have beastmode elites and other animal type race abilities for added flavour.
(edited by Edenwolf.6328)
Norn T3: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Norn-Female-WolfSet-Medium.jpg
Human T3: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Divinity-Scout-Tier-3.png
I prefer the human (and think it has more skin on display)
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!
Yes i really want the Tier 3 for human female ^^ so expensive, going to take a long time to save up > <
From early level, i’ve been transmuting the normal rawhide vest with some cool shoulder pieces. which is more form fitting and lighter looking than any other thing i’ve encountered. The color I made it was really anime/final fantasy like, so i stuck with that until i found better high level gear.
It’s certainly hard to avoid the trenchcoat look in medium armour while leveling up.
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!
the armor set i’m trying to build up is
silvary -Male
C2 – hand
C2- Leg
C3 – shoulders
Nightmare helm
Nightmare – boots
nightmare – arms
Nightmare – chest.
using, precision, power, and toughness sets.