Many people will recall a Ranger Balance thread that spanned almost 30 pages by its finish and had in it more constructive conversations and information than the culmination of the entire Ranger CDI topic it prefaced.
The goal of this thread is not to try to recapture that conversation, but evaluate the Ranger class post April 15th balance update and as a collective, by using specific anecdotes as analysis, determine the core issues that players have with the ranger class, starting with my own opinion, and developing the conversation into a generic summary of where the community believes the class to be and/or should be.
Some initial ideas:
A Punishing Pet Mechanic
30% of our output, as stated by the developers, is directly tied to the pet, before even factoring in trait investment. The positive side to that is that the pet is one of rangers few tools that doesn’t require heavy investment to be functional. The negative side to that is that your output is directly tied to an AI entity that you don’t have full control over, is generally only single target damage, and scales almost exponentially poorly as the quantity of opponents or damage/difficulty of an encounter increases.
Now, that isn’t to say that the class mechanic needs to be replaced. But there are encounters in the game that are definitely not designed to be mindful towards the mechanics of the classes that populate the game, and upon pet death, there is no way to decrease the penalty (cooldown) of letting the pet die. Being able to completely disable a mechanic that at base level reduces the class by 30% of its output for a fairly extended period of time when no other class in the game is so extremely punished by their mechanic is absolutely ludicrous and needs to be addressed immediately. There is no excusable reason to punish players multiple times with the same mechanic, especially against situations that can’t always be dealt with by the player.
Personal Solution: Take away most, if not all of the damage split between the pet and the player at a base investment level, leaving the pet as almost a purely utility tool at base level. Then make Beastmastery scale well with pet performance, but force the player to take fair damage reductions in their own output but building for the pet over their own damage.
Low Utility Glass Builds
Building full glass as a ranger is a very poor opportunity cost compared to other classes built the same way. You basically sacrifice all team support, team utility, and self utility (damage increasing utilities, etc) in order to gain a damage boost. It’s an extremely linear tradeoff that doesn’t affect other classes as strongly, which is a combination of different factors (poor utility without heavy trait investment, damage traitlines having too minimal of an impact, etc). This isn’t an argument of damage output, this an an argument of “all things equal.” Looking at the damage output of rangers, investing for full glass doesn’t skyrocket us to the top of the DPS charts, so not only is the damage not entirely top tier, but we aren’t bringing the same utility that other classes can bring while those other classes can still do equal or greater damage.
Personal Solution: Not every utility option for rangers should require such heavy investment so that those utilities can be used with a wider variety of builds. Signets could be made to affect the player by default, shouts could be reworked to be more beneficial to the player, or etc.
Heavy Investment Issues
This is a two-part issue. Part 1 is the requirement of heavy traiting for utilities to have full effect, or even be effective. So, between 2 utility types, Signets and Shouts, there are 6 total utilities (Signet of Renewal and Protect me actually work on a base level) that don’t interact or only have 50% effectiveness with the player. Add in traps that are basically worthless without Trap Potency, and Spirits who without traits only have ~4k hp and 1000 range (meaning either they die before they are useful, or have to be manually killed which can’t be done in all content for them to be useful for more than just 1 fight every 80 (60 lifespan, 20 second cooldown) seconds) and that’s 14 utilities that are not effective (or not fully effective, but certainly not a competitive option) at base level, only 13 possibly because Signet of the Hunt could be argued since it is a 25% movement increase and is more often used for its passive than active.
13-14 traits not effective or useful at base level. That’s appalling. My last sections remedy works here as well though, and while the red flags in my own brain if I was a developer would be screaming “red flag, redesign now,” I don’t work for ANet so I’ll keep it simple. For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc