Ranger Pets and Spirits
They will never do this. Do you know why? Cos it would make too much sense.
It’s sad but i believe writing suggestion on this forum is just a waste of time. I like how you guys are so passionate about the game. I like this game as well ofc and i partecipate in forum discussions etc, but every time i do this i feel like i’m wasting my time, trying to improve the class i like but i know deep inside the devs don’t care at all about what i have to say.
Ranger weren’t originally a pet based class, it used to be a choice. They need to buff pets, i completely agree. But they need to make it so that you don’t passively have a pet as a Ranger as in GW1. They have eles with 4 “stances” and Warriors with a different class special for every Main Hand weapon. If they could do this they could easily make ranger not be pet based like a “Druid”.
I made a thread in the Necromancer forum a few minutes ago and i felt like the pets and minions in GW2 is lacking. They have huge problems that could easily be fixed, that of course stay true to what they are as a class.
The ranger pet dies easily in dungeons and large scale battles, same goes for the spirits. This is a huge problem for the ranger, it makes it less fun to play it and not viable, unless you solo content.
My solution is, the pet and spirits die when the leader dies, you. Your pet will keep on fighting no matter what till you are dead, same goes for the spirits. Once you’re dead, your pet and spirits will die with you.
This will make the ranger pet and spirit builds more viable, useful and more fun to play.
Of course this would need balance as always, but it will be more viable and useful, aswell as fun.
They intend pets and minions to be killable, that’s how they want it. You have to work to keep them alive, or enjoy the brief help you do get. Ranger class is based around taking care of two characters at once. One is obviously more important than the other though (the ranger).
They intend pets and minions to be killable, that’s how they want it. You have to work to keep them alive, or enjoy the brief help you do get. Ranger class is based around taking care of two characters at once. One is obviously more important than the other though (the ranger).
The thing is, they shouldn’t be pet based and shouldn’t require to take care of 2 characters. It should be a choice.
They intend pets and minions to be killable, that’s how they want it. You have to work to keep them alive, or enjoy the brief help you do get. Ranger class is based around taking care of two characters at once. One is obviously more important than the other though (the ranger).
The thing is, they shouldn’t be pet based and shouldn’t require to take care of 2 characters. It should be a choice.
On what grounds? Some of the players’ wishes? This isn’t a democracy, lol.
I can’t decide if you are actually serious in proposing something like this… an immortal pet that would kill the enemy for you while you are hiding? That would be a bit too much both in PvE and PvP, don’t you agree? This is basically how Guardian spirit weapons used to work like, but they never had 100% default uptime or the damage.
There are SO MANY instant kill abilities in the game I can’t bother to look after my pet. In a boss fight, it’ll get one shotted for sure (and so will I, so I’d rather pay attention to what I’m doing).
I would be okay with pets taking substantially less damage from attacks that didn’t target them (like AOEs and the like) so any traits involving my pet would be worth it, but right now, not even close.
Also I hate that my pet birds flies so far in front of me it pulls agro on mobs I don’t want to fight.
I definitely would appreciate an aoe nerf towards pets and minions since they have no ability to dodge. It puts a lot more pressure on a ranger to have to dodge for spirits or f3 moniter the pet during an intense fight.
Rangers are a pet class. If you dont want a pet dont pick a ranger. Pets are not as weak as mez clones or necros undead. To be a ranger you have to be able to multi-task. Be aware of where you and your pet are. To be a ranger you need to learn your weakness and the weakness of your pets.
Learn the AI. For example if you jump off a hill will your pet follow or run around. what about a cliff. How far does your pet have to be from you before it auto teleports to you. What is the range on guard. Is it affected by the auto teleport range.
Does guard time out.
If dodge this bosses aoe will the protection my pet gets from my dodge roll stop it from dieing. Can my pet daze or kd this Boss to interupt its big attack. Can Interupt its big attack to same my pet. Will my heal save my pet. Doe swapping my pet recharge its non f2 skills (still).
These are just some basics. Knowing little things like this are why good ranger are good. Why some people think rangers are fine and other think they are useless.
Now the other trick is to use what you know. I am positive that those of you who know all the little tid bits and can execute the effectively are the one who like the class and do very well. And those of you Who cant do both are the ones having trouble.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
(edited by Serraphin Storm.2369)
Ranger pet build is good in SPvP and in smaller fights in WvWvW and PvE solo content, that’s it.
Unusable in dungeons,large pve fights and large scale WvWvW, same with spirits and necro minions.
Update Notes?^^
Spirit health increased by 25%.
Maybe a Spiritbuild is now viable in large Battles?
The greatest solution at this stage would be to remove pets. Yes it’s admitting defeat, but who cares?
1. They don’t work as they should.
2. They’ve never improved since closed beta.
The likelyhood of them improving is slim to none. As a result, remove them and buff the rangers damage accordingly.
Rangers are a pet class.
This mentality right here is the problem. People don’t seem to get that GW2 isn’t, or at least shouldn’t be, designed as a gamist system; it’s a system which plays off of verisimilitude. Classes are broad in scope and encompass a number of gameplay options which fit the underlying theme of the class. This is why, unlike in a crappy gamist MMO like WoW, Thieves can use bows and guns and why Rangers can melee well. Peoples’ inability to grasp that classes should be more than a simple designation of “melee” or “ranged” or “pet” is just astounding to me.
Pets should not be as pigeon-holed into the Ranger ability set as they are, and Rangers should not so dependent on them, period. In truth, it would make way more sense for pets to be short-duration utility skills while the “special” F skill set would revolve around the broader Ranger theme of tracking and survival which didn’t force a needlessly specific (and ineffective) play-style onto the class.
(edited by Einlanzer.1627)
It would be fine if going 100% pet build for ranger or necromancer meant you could actually have functional, viable pets that don’t get slaughtered by bosses or aoe no matter what you do. You should be able to gimp yourself if you want to have great pets, make it even out that way. But thats not the case, melee pets get butchered no matter what, and ranged ones dont fare much better because every boss and their dog has to have lol100redcirclesonthegroundlol attacks. You can’t design a game around dodging big attacks and staying out of AoE, then design 2 classes to where their main source of damage/defense/utility….is kittening incapable of dodging big attacks and staying out of AoE. Its the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. Sigh.
This is why, unlike in a crappy gamist MMO like WoW, Thieves can use bows and guns and why Rangers can melee well. Peoples’ inability to grasp that classes should be more than a simple designation of “melee” or “ranged” or “pet” is just astounding to me.
In truth, it would make way more sense for pets to be short-duration utility skills
That’s the way it was in GW1. If you wanted a pet, you had to slot it as one of your utility skills (though it was permanent instead of short duration). And people complained they didn’t want it taking up a utility skill, they wanted the pet out all the time. So that’s what we got in GW2. =) Either way you do it, there will always be complainers.
You can’t design a game around dodging big attacks and staying out of AoE, then design 2 classes to where their main source of damage/defense/utility….is kittening incapable of dodging big attacks and staying out of AoE.
Agreed. However, the solution (improving the AI so it can dodge and avoid big attacks) might not sit so well with people who don’t play pet classes. They might not like it if the mobs start dodging their big attacks and running out of AOEs before they land.
Don’t get me wrong, I think it would make for a better game. But there are all types of different players in the game, and an overall AI improvement could upset more non-pet players than it mollifies pet players. I imagine these forums would light up with posts about how their big attack skills are now “useless” because the mobs are dodging them.
Simplest fix in the world which Anet refuses to implement: 50% to 75% AOE damage reduction. Pets should have to be targeted by players or bosses to get killed.
Wraath – [DDH] Darkhand
Ranger of Blackgate
Lol i love theorycrafters. Sadly the “real” game doesn’t work that way. Pets are good/ok in small scale fights. That’s all. Are you one of those “i’m a ranger, lvl 20 atm, the pet is awesome!!!111” guys?
Simplest fix in the world which Anet refuses to implement: 50% to 75% AOE damage reducti. Pets should have to be targeted by players or bosses to get killed.
there is a trait that on dodge roll your pet gains protection. If you have a solid pet this protection will allow your pet to tank whatever AoE is thrown at it and survive to swap. I’ve done multiple dundgeons now and the dodge roll will allow the pet to survive spikes, particulalry if you have a solid pet like a wolf drake bear or pig.
The only times I have lost pets are when I wasn’t paying attention to the TELL TALE signs that the boss was about to spike. This is the fault of the ranger, not the pet. The ranger class in THIS game is designed around fighting with two characters at once.
Pets are extremely sturdy when built right and cared for. I’ve had my wolves tank champs without ever having to swap. I’ve solo’ed [group] events that groups won’t even take on because of insane damage. Pets are great when you use them properly. I’ve solo’ed one of the lovers keeping it busy while my party took care of the other.
If you like cats, great. Send them in for burst and pull them back, in and out, in and out. Its like a thief trying to duke it out with the boss… it ain’t going to end well. If thieves can’t pull it off, don’t expect your pets too either. Especially if you take said glass pet.
The more and more I play ranger and adapt my play, the more I see pet survivability as a user issue. GW2 has given us the tools to make it work (fractals excluded here, Arena needs to fix this). Use them.
Simplest fix in the world which Anet refuses to implement: 50% to 75% AOE damage reducti. Pets should have to be targeted by players or bosses to get killed.
there is a trait that on dodge roll your pet gains protection. If you have a solid pet this protection will allow your pet to tank whatever AoE is thrown at it and survive to swap. I’ve done multiple dundgeons now and the dodge roll will allow the pet to survive spikes, particulalry if you have a solid pet like a wolf drake bear or pig.
The only times I have lost pets are when I wasn’t paying attention to the TELL TALE signs that the boss was about to spike. This is the fault of the ranger, not the pet. The ranger class in THIS game is designed around fighting with two characters at once.
Pets are extremely sturdy when built right and cared for. I’ve had my wolves tank champs without ever having to swap. I’ve solo’ed [group] events that groups won’t even take on because of insane damage. Pets are great when you use them properly. I’ve solo’ed one of the lovers keeping it busy while my party took care of the other.
If you like cats, great. Send them in for burst and pull them back, in and out, in and out. Its like a thief trying to duke it out with the boss… it ain’t going to end well. If thieves can’t pull it off, don’t expect your pets too either. Especially if you take said glass pet.
The more and more I play ranger and adapt my play, the more I see pet survivability as a user issue. GW2 has given us the tools to make it work (fractals excluded here, Arena needs to fix this). Use them.
Thank you. If you are not mastering your class mechanic in this game, you are not a good player of that class. The Ranger in GW2 is a beastmaster. Period. You are playing for two, and so anyone who is neglecting their pets should leave the class. If pet’s aren’t your style, then maybe the Ranger isn’t for you…because it’s kind of their class mechanic and therefore an essential part of their fundamentals. The Warrior got several of the old GW1 Ranger skills in his skill set, and all classes can hit from range so take your pick. If you aren’t making heavy use of your F1-F4 skills throughout a fight then you aren’t doing a kitten thing right as a Ranger. If I lose a pet, I made a mistake. Period.
Whatever the Ranger is lacking, a pet can usually cover. Stop thinking of your pets as additional spammable DPS and take a look at the utility they can provide. If you haven’t realized yet that you need to trait so as to benefit your pet as well as your own kitten then you will be handed that kitten over and over again.
Don’t be dumb. A thief can melee 24/7 just fine, don’t pretend he has to go in and out like the cat should. Ditto with my mesmer and ele.
What kind of stupidity is this.
No, your pet will not survive against the Ascalonian generall or warriors or ele in lv20+ fractal even with protection. Nor will it survive the Lupicus pull or CoE aoe spikes.
It’s kinda adorable that you think wasting a dodge roll to give pet prot is fine because you somehow sit at range with your little bow not needing the dodges, but some rangers actually choose melee and have to conserve their dodges for when THEY need it.
It’s very simply. The Ranger’s current incarnation requires use of/reliance on Ranger pets.
If you don’t like this, your options are:
(1) Stick with the Ranger and learn to live with it … maybe even learn to like it
(2) Stick with the Ranger in the hopes this will change … but don’t hold your breath
(3) Play a different class. There are plenty of classes out there to choose from; all with their own pros/cons
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
Simplest fix in the world which Anet refuses to implement: 50% to 75% AOE damage reducti. Pets should have to be targeted by players or bosses to get killed.
there is a trait that on dodge roll your pet gains protection. If you have a solid pet this protection will allow your pet to tank whatever AoE is thrown at it and survive to swap. I’ve done multiple dundgeons now and the dodge roll will allow the pet to survive spikes, particulalry if you have a solid pet like a wolf drake bear or pig.
The only times I have lost pets are when I wasn’t paying attention to the TELL TALE signs that the boss was about to spike. This is the fault of the ranger, not the pet. The ranger class in THIS game is designed around fighting with two characters at once.
Pets are extremely sturdy when built right and cared for. I’ve had my wolves tank champs without ever having to swap. I’ve solo’ed [group] events that groups won’t even take on because of insane damage. Pets are great when you use them properly. I’ve solo’ed one of the lovers keeping it busy while my party took care of the other.
If you like cats, great. Send them in for burst and pull them back, in and out, in and out. Its like a thief trying to duke it out with the boss… it ain’t going to end well. If thieves can’t pull it off, don’t expect your pets too either. Especially if you take said glass pet.
The more and more I play ranger and adapt my play, the more I see pet survivability as a user issue. GW2 has given us the tools to make it work (fractals excluded here, Arena needs to fix this). Use them.
Thank you. If you are not mastering your class mechanic in this game, you are not a good player of that class. The Ranger in GW2 is a beastmaster. Period. You are playing for two, and so anyone who is neglecting their pets should leave the class. If pet’s aren’t your style, then maybe the Ranger isn’t for you…because it’s kind of their class mechanic and therefore an essential part of their fundamentals. The Warrior got several of the old GW1 Ranger skills in his skill set, and all classes can hit from range so take your pick. If you aren’t making heavy use of your F1-F4 skills throughout a fight then you aren’t doing a kitten thing right as a Ranger. If I lose a pet, I made a mistake. Period.
Whatever the Ranger is lacking, a pet can usually cover. Stop thinking of your pets as additional spammable DPS and take a look at the utility they can provide. If you haven’t realized yet that you need to trait so as to benefit your pet as well as your own kitten then you will be handed that kitten over and over again.
I’m sorry sir but I’m guessing you’re a PVE ranger, high fiving your leet self for your mastery of the pet. Anyone who traits heavily into pets or thinks that F1-F4 skills will save them in WvW or fractals (primary end game of GW2) is a joke and a liability to their team.
Wraath – [DDH] Darkhand
Ranger of Blackgate
I half agree with this, Pets no, spirits yes. They should make them work more like the Warrior’s banners. I would love to play a support oriented spirit build with my ranger but as is spirits are terrible.
I feel like the best way to handle this is simple: Make it so pets and spirits take no damage from AoE.
Then, as long as they don’t aggro in dungeons, etc. (as they shouldn’t in group content) they will survive just fine. Same as for PvP.
At the same time, people can’t just have their pet run at a person while the person hides in PvP, because then the enemy can target and kill your pet.
Just make it so pets and spirits are immune to AoE damage, and they have to be specifically targeted and attacked in order to take damage.
Lol i love theorycrafters. Sadly the “real” game doesn’t work that way. Pets are good/ok in small scale fights. That’s all. Are you one of those “i’m a ranger, lvl 20 atm, the pet is awesome!!!111” guys?
He wasn’t theory crafting he was giving legitimate advice. So was DaisyRodgers. Just accept their advice and try it out instead of rejecting without reason.
I would like to see it that the ranger have the option of having a pet or no pet. Maybe make it a single utility skill called, “Pet: you gain the ability to tame two pets and keep them…blah blah blah exactly what they are now, but maybe a bit stronger to balance out using a utility skill.”
This would make it so people who want to play a nature-based class COULD. Well at least it would be a step in the right direction. We still need something like a staff.
I would like to see it that the ranger have the option of having a pet or no pet. Maybe make it a single utility skill called, “Pet: you gain the ability to tame two pets and keep them…blah blah blah exactly what they are now, but maybe a bit stronger to balance out using a utility skill.”
This would make it so people who want to play a nature-based class COULD. Well at least it would be a step in the right direction. We still need something like a staff.
It would be cool, yea. But in GW2 ranger = pet. Its integral and unfortunately for some it won’t change.
Yeah, and my dreams to be more of a druid-ranger than a hunter-ranger could still happen even with having a permapet. So I don’t mind.
I do think pets and spirits should be immune to AoE, though.
They need to look at how other games handle the ranger class. I believe in WOW the hunter class has an option to stow pet in exchange for a slight stat boost.
It’s very simply. The Ranger’s current incarnation requires use of/reliance on Ranger pets.
If you don’t like this, your options are:
(1) Stick with the Ranger and learn to live with it … maybe even learn to like it
(2) Stick with the Ranger in the hopes this will change … but don’t hold your breath
(3) Play a different class. There are plenty of classes out there to choose from; all with their own pros/cons
Show me another class that can use a bow and be efficient with it other then just using it for AoE in this game other then ranger.
They need to look at how other games handle the ranger class. I believe in WOW the hunter class has an option to stow pet in exchange for a slight stat boost.
GW2 Ranger = WoW hunter with only BM Spec
They need to look at how other games handle the ranger class. I believe in WOW the hunter class has an option to stow pet in exchange for a slight stat boost.
I don’t think hunters in WoW get a stat boost from not having their pet.
Lvl 80 Sylvari Elementalist
This “argument” made by those defeinding pets, that people should trait and specc for the pets or they should change classes, is hilarious. I really can’t believe that you’re trying to claim that Rangers being forced to specc for pet survival is understandable and anyone who doesn’t is just bad.
It doesn’t strike any of you as wrong, that the ranger is the only class which is forced to specc a certain way? To play in one specific style? No of course not, you just happen to enjoy the one enforced style of play, so you don’t care how it works for other people. Your answer:
“I’m fine, if you’re not play something else”.
Of course, what you don’t see is the long term damage that this incredibly narrow-sighted view does. People like the Ranger class, they should have the same opportunities with that class as others do with theirs. I don’t mean playing in the same style or in similar mechanics. I mean having the choice of how they want to develop the class and make it fit them. Ranger is by far the most limited in this manner. It’s the only class that is forced to incorporate their build into the class mechanic, instead of building the mechanic into their build.
Where’s the fun in having no choice but playing second fiddle to what is essentially an NPC?
GW2 Rangers aren’t Beast-Masters, they’re Beast-Servants.
An AoE dmg reduction for pets and minions is definitely in order, they shouldn’t be totally immune but every other mmo out there has had this problem and nearly all of them fixed it by giving pet classes an option to have 50-90% AoE reduction traits. I don’t see why that’s so hard to do.
They need to look at how other games handle the ranger class. I believe in WOW the hunter class has an option to stow pet in exchange for a slight stat boost.
I don’t think hunters in WoW get a stat boost from not having their pet.
You’re right, but they had better skills and talents to make up for it. The pet could be put away, without it coming out randomly. Between player skill and builds, Hunters could do extrememly well without pets or with pets. What’s more, pets were waaaaay more configurable, with skills that could be made auto or player controlled, at will of the player. They had more behaviour modes and eventually got their own talent trees. I loved finding and using pets in WoW. I chose BM when everyone else chose Marksman.
GW2 Pets, make me wish I could go marksman.
They need to look at how other games handle the ranger class. I believe in WOW the hunter class has an option to stow pet in exchange for a slight stat boost.
I don’t think hunters in WoW get a stat boost from not having their pet.
You’re right, but they had better skills and talents to make up for it. The pet could be put away, without it coming out randomly. Between player skill and builds, Hunters could do extrememly well without pets or with pets. What’s more, pets were waaaaay more configurable, with skills that could be made auto or player controlled, at will of the player. They had more behaviour modes and eventually got their own talent trees. I loved finding and using pets in WoW. I chose BM when everyone else chose Marksman.
GW2 Pets, make me wish I could go marksman.
I just try to remember that it’s a rather new game. It doesn’t have years under it’s belt like WoW. It has the potential to grow, evolve, and give us new options or abilities. I don’t really think it will happen right away, but we will get there. Just like how WoW pets eventually got their own talent trees.
Personally, I can’t wait to see how this class changes and grows throughout the time this game is running and hopefully it stays running for a very long time. I have hope and a bit of patience.
Lvl 80 Sylvari Elementalist
This “argument” made by those defeinding pets, that people should trait and specc for the pets or they should change classes, is hilarious. I really can’t believe that you’re trying to claim that Rangers being forced to specc for pet survival is understandable and anyone who doesn’t is just bad.
It doesn’t strike any of you as wrong, that the ranger is the only class which is forced to specc a certain way? To play in one specific style? No of course not, you just happen to enjoy the one enforced style of play, so you don’t care how it works for other people. Your answer:
“I’m fine, if you’re not play something else”.Of course, what you don’t see is the long term damage that this incredibly narrow-sighted view does. People like the Ranger class, they should have the same opportunities with that class as others do with theirs. I don’t mean playing in the same style or in similar mechanics. I mean having the choice of how they want to develop the class and make it fit them. Ranger is by far the most limited in this manner. It’s the only class that is forced to incorporate their build into the class mechanic, instead of building the mechanic into their build.
Where’s the fun in having no choice but playing second fiddle to what is essentially an NPC?
GW2 Rangers aren’t Beast-Masters, they’re Beast-Servants.
I just don’t agree they are forced to spec in order to succeed. I do agree that you should always include the mechanic into your build. It definitely doesn’t force you to spec for it though. Just look at the number of GC rangers.
They intend pets and minions to be killable, that’s how they want it. You have to work to keep them alive, or enjoy the brief help you do get. Ranger class is based around taking care of two characters at once. One is obviously more important than the other though (the ranger).
The thing is, they shouldn’t be pet based and shouldn’t require to take care of 2 characters. It should be a choice.
On what grounds? Some of the players’ wishes? This isn’t a democracy, lol.
on the grounds that it is said you can build your character anyway to handle a situation , i want to build my character to be more focused as master of the bow , not a beastmaster. Beastmaster is FORCED on the ranger hence going against the statement that were supposed to be able to handle problems in any way we can/want. Necromancers can atleast choose not to be minion masters (as with this post has said minion / pets just die in an instant in dungeons and its not worth it , which truly makes me sad.) Pets , Minions , Spirits do NOT have the intelligence to avoid a boss ground stomp , or aoe spams , where you can sometimes end up struggling to avoid the aoes yourself and ignore your pet because of this.
This “argument” made by those defeinding pets, that people should trait and specc for the pets or they should change classes, is hilarious. I really can’t believe that you’re trying to claim that Rangers being forced to specc for pet survival is understandable and anyone who doesn’t is just bad.
It doesn’t strike any of you as wrong, that the ranger is the only class which is forced to specc a certain way? To play in one specific style? No of course not, you just happen to enjoy the one enforced style of play, so you don’t care how it works for other people. Your answer:
“I’m fine, if you’re not play something else”.Of course, what you don’t see is the long term damage that this incredibly narrow-sighted view does. People like the Ranger class, they should have the same opportunities with that class as others do with theirs. I don’t mean playing in the same style or in similar mechanics. I mean having the choice of how they want to develop the class and make it fit them. Ranger is by far the most limited in this manner. It’s the only class that is forced to incorporate their build into the class mechanic, instead of building the mechanic into their build.
Where’s the fun in having no choice but playing second fiddle to what is essentially an NPC?
GW2 Rangers aren’t Beast-Masters, they’re Beast-Servants.I just don’t agree they are forced to spec in order to succeed. I do agree that you should always include the mechanic into your build. It definitely doesn’t force you to spec for it though. Just look at the number of GC rangers.
yet ive seen my pets hit WAY harder then anything i throw out (besides condition stacking). Beastmaster is forced on us no matter how you try to argue about it , its our strongest and yet most annoying spec that is forced because we cant choose to forgo the pet to be more focused on another build. And i wouldnt mind this if the pet wasnt just a waste of time since it gets almost 1 shotted by anything in a dungeon and ends up with the 60 second pet swap vs the 16 or so seconds pet swap if its not dead.
(edited by Enundr.9305)
This “argument” made by those defeinding pets, that people should trait and specc for the pets or they should change classes, is hilarious. I really can’t believe that you’re trying to claim that Rangers being forced to specc for pet survival is understandable and anyone who doesn’t is just bad.
It doesn’t strike any of you as wrong, that the ranger is the only class which is forced to specc a certain way? To play in one specific style? No of course not, you just happen to enjoy the one enforced style of play, so you don’t care how it works for other people. Your answer:
“I’m fine, if you’re not play something else”.Of course, what you don’t see is the long term damage that this incredibly narrow-sighted view does. People like the Ranger class, they should have the same opportunities with that class as others do with theirs. I don’t mean playing in the same style or in similar mechanics. I mean having the choice of how they want to develop the class and make it fit them. Ranger is by far the most limited in this manner. It’s the only class that is forced to incorporate their build into the class mechanic, instead of building the mechanic into their build.
Where’s the fun in having no choice but playing second fiddle to what is essentially an NPC?
GW2 Rangers aren’t Beast-Masters, they’re Beast-Servants.I just don’t agree they are forced to spec in order to succeed. I do agree that you should always include the mechanic into your build. It definitely doesn’t force you to spec for it though. Just look at the number of GC rangers.
yet ive seen my pets hit WAY harder then anything i throw out (besides condition stacking). Beastmaster is forced on us no matter how you try to argue about it , its our strongest and yet most annoying spec that is forced because we cant choose to forgo the pet to be more focused on another build. And i wouldnt mind this if the pet wasnt just a waste of time since it gets almost 1 shotted by anything in a dungeon and ends up with the 60 second pet swap vs the 16 or so seconds pet swap if its not dead.
I don’t believe that you are forced into BM to succeed. And you don’t need to spec BM for your pet to hit high.
I am lvl 80 range. It wasnt theorycrafting. To say a ranger is not a pet class is to say Mesners are not an illusion class or trickster or to say engineers are not a gadget class.
My pet serve me very well and I only have 5 point in Beast Mastery. I am not saying my pets never die but when they do 90% of the time it is something I could have prevented.
Why do pets die in large scale battle becuase ranger treat their like Leeroy Jenkin. All the player are staying for the most part on the edge of the battle (except thieves). Mez clones and ranger pet are the targets that rush and die.
Certain pet are suited for large scale battle I like using My panter. Between Guard Its stealth ablities,Signet of stone and troll ugrent and my own dodge rolls its not hard to keep him alive.
It seems to me that those who understand ranger are a pet class tend to do better with rangers than those who do not. I dont rely on my pet to do all may damage.
The reduction in aoe is asking for problems. You will see pets attack treb and siege with now way off stopping them becuase they will be invisible becuase of stealth and guard and since you cant see them you can only with aoe but wait now they have aoe reduction or immunity. Also note alot of weapon skills have aoe damage.
Ranger are not the same as they are in other games. Accept the class as it is. Learn its strenghts. Over come its weakness. Master your playstlye in concert with this class (not the class you want it to be). Pets can stay alive vs Veterans, Elites, Champions and Legendary Bosses. Now mind you If its a mob that downs 90% of players then its going to kill atleast that many pets.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
This “argument” made by those defeinding pets, that people should trait and specc for the pets or they should change classes, is hilarious. I really can’t believe that you’re trying to claim that Rangers being forced to specc for pet survival is understandable and anyone who doesn’t is just bad.
It doesn’t strike any of you as wrong, that the ranger is the only class which is forced to specc a certain way? To play in one specific style? No of course not, you just happen to enjoy the one enforced style of play, so you don’t care how it works for other people. Your answer:
“I’m fine, if you’re not play something else”.Of course, what you don’t see is the long term damage that this incredibly narrow-sighted view does. People like the Ranger class, they should have the same opportunities with that class as others do with theirs. I don’t mean playing in the same style or in similar mechanics. I mean having the choice of how they want to develop the class and make it fit them. Ranger is by far the most limited in this manner. It’s the only class that is forced to incorporate their build into the class mechanic, instead of building the mechanic into their build.
Where’s the fun in having no choice but playing second fiddle to what is essentially an NPC?
GW2 Rangers aren’t Beast-Masters, they’re Beast-Servants.I just don’t agree they are forced to spec in order to succeed. I do agree that you should always include the mechanic into your build. It definitely doesn’t force you to spec for it though. Just look at the number of GC rangers.
yet ive seen my pets hit WAY harder then anything i throw out (besides condition stacking). Beastmaster is forced on us no matter how you try to argue about it , its our strongest and yet most annoying spec that is forced because we cant choose to forgo the pet to be more focused on another build. And i wouldnt mind this if the pet wasnt just a waste of time since it gets almost 1 shotted by anything in a dungeon and ends up with the 60 second pet swap vs the 16 or so seconds pet swap if its not dead.
I don’t believe that you are forced into BM to succeed. And you don’t need to spec BM for your pet to hit high.
if your pet is your strongest aspect would that not make you a beastmaster? =P
I dont believe pets are our strongest aspect. However it is a very versitile one. I can stealth because of my pet. Some people think its nice but not useful. I use it when ever I need to stow(my would you stealth and not stow your pet) my pet and run. Your pet only comes out if you take damge so the stealth plus your dodge roll should be enough to get you to where you need to go.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
It’s very simply. The Ranger’s current incarnation requires use of/reliance on Ranger pets.
If you don’t like this, your options are:
(1) Stick with the Ranger and learn to live with it … maybe even learn to like it
(2) Stick with the Ranger in the hopes this will change … but don’t hold your breath
(3) Play a different class. There are plenty of classes out there to choose from; all with their own pros/cons
Show me another class that can use a bow and be efficient with it other then just using it for AoE in this game other then ranger.
A simple way for Arenanet to add some semblance of damage mitigation for pets outside of a few seconds of protection or Signet of Stone is to make it so the pet gains a simple 5s or 6s sec buff that makes it evade attacks for the duration when the owner dodge rolls. If they feel that it is too strong then they can make it one or two attacks.
My main issue with pets is they are far too fragile for the potential they bring and the impact of having a pet on the Ranger play-style. I run 30 BM and have always ran 30 BM and it even then it takes a extreme amount of micromanagement (which is something that Arenanet said they felt that ranger’s should not have to do) to keep my pet and myself alive through quite a few bosses attacks. Some Ranger’s may not like the pet which is their own prerogative and if they want to permanently stow it then they should be able to. I personally enjoy my pets and would just simply like to see them more survivable.
Its not as though we are asking a lot we are simply asking for some quality of life improvements. Little things such as improvements to the pet UI so that we don’t have to take wild guesses or spend the time calculating stats for our pets or saving pet names so that every time I want to use a new pet I don’t have to rename it. Those few things would go a long way in my opinion to making us feel a little less unloved.
Masters Bond
I won’t really speak on any of the traits outside of the BM tree as I do not use Marks or Skirmishing too often. As it was posted before Masters Bond has become a source of much annoyance to me. It has the potential to be a great trait, but in its current form its just worthless for anything outside of running through the world. It should simply be a static number even if it is slightly lowered from the potential amount it can give at 25 stacks. I can’t really being to count the time I’ve spent the time grinding 25 stacks only to have to switch pets out for varied reasons. Then of course there are bosses who see your 25 stacks and laugh at you for being a silly Human, Charr, Norn, Asura or Sylvari and coming in their instance with your 25 stacks.
In the end I just would really like to see a few more improvements to the Beastmaster play-style that I enjoy and also to the Ranger class as a whole. I would also like to hear from whoever is in charge of the design of the class that they hear our plight and care.
This “argument” made by those defeinding pets, that people should trait and specc for the pets or they should change classes, is hilarious. I really can’t believe that you’re trying to claim that Rangers being forced to specc for pet survival is understandable and anyone who doesn’t is just bad.
It doesn’t strike any of you as wrong, that the ranger is the only class which is forced to specc a certain way? To play in one specific style? No of course not, you just happen to enjoy the one enforced style of play, so you don’t care how it works for other people. Your answer:
“I’m fine, if you’re not play something else”.Of course, what you don’t see is the long term damage that this incredibly narrow-sighted view does. People like the Ranger class, they should have the same opportunities with that class as others do with theirs. I don’t mean playing in the same style or in similar mechanics. I mean having the choice of how they want to develop the class and make it fit them. Ranger is by far the most limited in this manner. It’s the only class that is forced to incorporate their build into the class mechanic, instead of building the mechanic into their build.
Where’s the fun in having no choice but playing second fiddle to what is essentially an NPC?
GW2 Rangers aren’t Beast-Masters, they’re Beast-Servants.I just don’t agree they are forced to spec in order to succeed. I do agree that you should always include the mechanic into your build. It definitely doesn’t force you to spec for it though. Just look at the number of GC rangers.
yet ive seen my pets hit WAY harder then anything i throw out (besides condition stacking). Beastmaster is forced on us no matter how you try to argue about it , its our strongest and yet most annoying spec that is forced because we cant choose to forgo the pet to be more focused on another build. And i wouldnt mind this if the pet wasnt just a waste of time since it gets almost 1 shotted by anything in a dungeon and ends up with the 60 second pet swap vs the 16 or so seconds pet swap if its not dead.
I don’t believe that you are forced into BM to succeed. And you don’t need to spec BM for your pet to hit high.
if your pet is your strongest aspect would that not make you a beastmaster? =P
I run a BM build. What I am saying is that I am not forced to in order to succeed. Until I got that armor set, I had been running condition/crit ranger, and had just as much success. I had 5 skill points in BM simply for quickness.
A simple way for Arenanet to add some semblance of damage mitigation for pets outside of a few seconds of protection or Signet of Stone is to make it so the pet gains a simple 5s or 6s sec buff that makes it evade attacks for the duration when the owner dodge rolls. If they feel that it is too strong then they can make it one or two attacks.Pets
My main issue with pets is they are far too fragile for the potential they bring and the impact of having a pet on the Ranger play-style. I run 30 BM and have always ran 30 BM and it even then it takes a extreme amount of micromanagement (which is something that Arenanet said they felt that ranger’s should not have to do) to keep my pet and myself alive through quite a few bosses attacks. Some Ranger’s may not like the pet which is their own prerogative and if they want to permanently stow it then they should be able to. I personally enjoy my pets and would just simply like to see them more survivable.Its not as though we are asking a lot we are simply asking for some quality of life improvements. Little things such as improvements to the pet UI so that we don’t have to take wild guesses or spend the time calculating stats for our pets or saving pet names so that every time I want to use a new pet I don’t have to rename it. Those few things would go a long way in my opinion to making us feel a little less unloved.
Masters Bond
I won’t really speak on any of the traits outside of the BM tree as I do not use Marks or Skirmishing too often. As it was posted before Masters Bond has become a source of much annoyance to me. It has the potential to be a great trait, but in its current form its just worthless for anything outside of running through the world. It should simply be a static number even if it is slightly lowered from the potential amount it can give at 25 stacks. I can’t really being to count the time I’ve spent the time grinding 25 stacks only to have to switch pets out for varied reasons. Then of course there are bosses who see your 25 stacks and laugh at you for being a silly Human, Charr, Norn, Asura or Sylvari and coming in their instance with your 25 stacks.In the end I just would really like to see a few more improvements to the Beastmaster play-style that I enjoy and also to the Ranger class as a whole. I would also like to hear from whoever is in charge of the design of the class that they hear our plight and care.
I can see giving pets more defense in dodging ability or something like that, but perma-stow pet would make a ranger not a ranger. This is how the class is designed to be, the most integral and basic aspect of it won’t be just erased because the player feels like being a warrior with ranger skills.
A simple way for Arenanet to add some semblance of damage mitigation for pets outside of a few seconds of protection or Signet of Stone is to make it so the pet gains a simple 5s or 6s sec buff that makes it evade attacks for the duration when the owner dodge rolls. If they feel that it is too strong then they can make it one or two attacks.Pets
My main issue with pets is they are far too fragile for the potential they bring and the impact of having a pet on the Ranger play-style. I run 30 BM and have always ran 30 BM and it even then it takes a extreme amount of micromanagement (which is something that Arenanet said they felt that ranger’s should not have to do) to keep my pet and myself alive through quite a few bosses attacks. Some Ranger’s may not like the pet which is their own prerogative and if they want to permanently stow it then they should be able to. I personally enjoy my pets and would just simply like to see them more survivable.Its not as though we are asking a lot we are simply asking for some quality of life improvements. Little things such as improvements to the pet UI so that we don’t have to take wild guesses or spend the time calculating stats for our pets or saving pet names so that every time I want to use a new pet I don’t have to rename it. Those few things would go a long way in my opinion to making us feel a little less unloved.
Masters Bond
I won’t really speak on any of the traits outside of the BM tree as I do not use Marks or Skirmishing too often. As it was posted before Masters Bond has become a source of much annoyance to me. It has the potential to be a great trait, but in its current form its just worthless for anything outside of running through the world. It should simply be a static number even if it is slightly lowered from the potential amount it can give at 25 stacks. I can’t really being to count the time I’ve spent the time grinding 25 stacks only to have to switch pets out for varied reasons. Then of course there are bosses who see your 25 stacks and laugh at you for being a silly Human, Charr, Norn, Asura or Sylvari and coming in their instance with your 25 stacks.In the end I just would really like to see a few more improvements to the Beastmaster play-style that I enjoy and also to the Ranger class as a whole. I would also like to hear from whoever is in charge of the design of the class that they hear our plight and care.
I can see giving pets more defense in dodging ability or something like that, but perma-stow pet would make a ranger not a ranger. This is how the class is designed to be, the most integral and basic aspect of it won’t be just erased because the player feels like being a warrior with ranger skills.
*Ranger (character class)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (October 2007)
A Ranger (also known as Hunter, Scout or Tracker) is an archetype found in many fantasy fiction and role-playing games.
Rangers are usually associated with the wisdom of nature. Rangers tend to be wise, cunning, and perceptive in addition to being skilled woodsmen. Many are skilled in stealth, wilderness survival, beast-mastery, herbalism, and tracking. Archery and (often dual-wielding) swordplay are common to rangers, though there are many instances where rangers use a variety of weapons, skills, and sometimes magic or have a resistance to magic.*
I’ll not sit and argue semantics with you but the name “Ranger” has more meaning then having a pet. Being able to permanently stow your pet would in no way subtract from the meaning of the word “Ranger”. It is simply a matter of freedom to play as the player see’s fit.
A simple way for Arenanet to add some semblance of damage mitigation for pets outside of a few seconds of protection or Signet of Stone is to make it so the pet gains a simple 5s or 6s sec buff that makes it evade attacks for the duration when the owner dodge rolls. If they feel that it is too strong then they can make it one or two attacks.Pets
My main issue with pets is they are far too fragile for the potential they bring and the impact of having a pet on the Ranger play-style. I run 30 BM and have always ran 30 BM and it even then it takes a extreme amount of micromanagement (which is something that Arenanet said they felt that ranger’s should not have to do) to keep my pet and myself alive through quite a few bosses attacks. Some Ranger’s may not like the pet which is their own prerogative and if they want to permanently stow it then they should be able to. I personally enjoy my pets and would just simply like to see them more survivable.Its not as though we are asking a lot we are simply asking for some quality of life improvements. Little things such as improvements to the pet UI so that we don’t have to take wild guesses or spend the time calculating stats for our pets or saving pet names so that every time I want to use a new pet I don’t have to rename it. Those few things would go a long way in my opinion to making us feel a little less unloved.
Masters Bond
I won’t really speak on any of the traits outside of the BM tree as I do not use Marks or Skirmishing too often. As it was posted before Masters Bond has become a source of much annoyance to me. It has the potential to be a great trait, but in its current form its just worthless for anything outside of running through the world. It should simply be a static number even if it is slightly lowered from the potential amount it can give at 25 stacks. I can’t really being to count the time I’ve spent the time grinding 25 stacks only to have to switch pets out for varied reasons. Then of course there are bosses who see your 25 stacks and laugh at you for being a silly Human, Charr, Norn, Asura or Sylvari and coming in their instance with your 25 stacks.In the end I just would really like to see a few more improvements to the Beastmaster play-style that I enjoy and also to the Ranger class as a whole. I would also like to hear from whoever is in charge of the design of the class that they hear our plight and care.
I can see giving pets more defense in dodging ability or something like that, but perma-stow pet would make a ranger not a ranger. This is how the class is designed to be, the most integral and basic aspect of it won’t be just erased because the player feels like being a warrior with ranger skills.
*Ranger (character class)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThis article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (October 2007)
A Ranger (also known as Hunter, Scout or Tracker) is an archetype found in many fantasy fiction and role-playing games.
Rangers are usually associated with the wisdom of nature. Rangers tend to be wise, cunning, and perceptive in addition to being skilled woodsmen. Many are skilled in stealth, wilderness survival, beast-mastery, herbalism, and tracking. Archery and (often dual-wielding) swordplay are common to rangers, though there are many instances where rangers use a variety of weapons, skills, and sometimes magic or have a resistance to magic.*I’ll not sit and argue semantics with you but the name “Ranger” has more meaning then having a pet. Being able to permanently stow your pet would in no way subtract from the meaning of the word “Ranger”. It is simply a matter of freedom to play as the player see’s fit.
Regardless of other definitions you find, A-net has its own definition. This is GW2, not anything else. Read the class philosophy for the ranger class from a-net itself.