Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


So, anyone want to help me think up some totally awesome Ranger weapons and Skills before we go posting them in the Suggestion forums? (Anet reads these forums too, but there is a reason for the Sugestion Forums.)

Let me be Clear – I am not disappointed with the way the Ranger Class currently is or anything, I’m just bored, and I spend alot of time thinking up new weapon and skill ideas for this game, though Mainly the Ranger,….but most of them suck or are halfbaked…

And I am well aware that Anet probably already has like every weapon and skill for every class planned for, like, Ever! But its still fun to enertain ourselves with new weapon ideas! So I though I would create an Idea/Brainstorming Thread to see what other Rangers want to see their class doing in the future. I want some feedback on the weapon ideas I have to see if they are too OP, (…or not OP enough), and I want you guys to post your own weapon ideas!

a few rules::

  • If you think of a New Weapon (or existing weapon for the Ranger), post the skills you want to see the Ranger using with those weapons, and explain how they would work and what makes it unique.
  • Same for new Skills and Pets.
  • If you can’t think of an entire new weapon, just list the weapon, and a skill or two you want to see it do, and I (or others) could probably think of the rest.
  • Don’t neglect the pet (well, not all the time atleast)! Most Ranger weapons have atleast one skill that includes our pet in some way.
  • That said, this is for New skill and weapons (and Pets and Pet Skills). We all know pets need their A.I. tweaked, and many people (including myself) have complaints about how they work, but mentioning it a million more times isn’t going to get it fixed any faster

Current Ideas (quick links for those who are TL;DR)
My Mainhand Torch Idea
(See Post Below this)
Atherakhia’s Staff
My Staff Idea
Lobo’s Staff and Mainhand Dagger
My Mace Mainhand, and Wall of Thorns Skill Ideas
My Trap Bundle Idea

Great Ideas from Other Threads:::
Durzlla’s Elite trap Ideas
Castaliea’s many weapon ideas (Staff, Pet, Spirits, etc.)
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/ranger/Comprehensive-Ranger-Suggestions/2550550 (read the first 3 posts)

(edited by Chrispy.5641)

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


Mainhand Torch

  • Ranger’s need another Mainhand weapon, but it shouldn’t be a retread of other Class weapons, as that would only serve to cheapen the class.
  • Lots of Condition Potential, which is sort of the Ranger’s thing. (…sort of…)

What makes it unique?

  • Mostly Skill #3, which puts out your torch (two if dual wielded), and it changes all of your attacks for a short time into causing Blindness instead of Burning.
  • Skill #1 applies specific effects only if your target is moving, which makes it great for chasing down enemies that like to run away, but it also doesn’t have any wierd rooting that sometimes doesn’t work reliably, (but this also means that those effects don’t apply to stationary enemies)

Skill #1 : Chain Attack : Autoattack (Mainhand Torch Skill)

  • Throw (1)
    Throw your torch at foe. Cripples if target is moving.
    -> Swing (2)
    Swing your torch at foe. Applies Torment if target is moving.
    -> Stab (3)
    Stab foe with your torch. Applies Burning.
    -> Smother (3)
    Stab foe with your torch, Blinding them.

Skill #2 : (Mainhand Torch Skill)

  • Salamander’s Ring
    Evade in a circle around your foe, applying vulnerability. Also applies Burning to foes that enter this area.
    Salamander’s Breath
    Evade in a circle around your foe, applying vulnerability. Also applies Blindness to foes that enter this area.

Skill #3 : (Mainhand Torch Skill)

  • Extinguish
    Douse your Torch’s flames. All Torch attacks that cause burning cause Blindness instead. (Note: New skills are in Italic text that are changed)
    -> Ignite (2)
    Re-Ignite your Torches early, surprising surrounding foes and applying Vulnerability. Your Pet’s next attack also applies Vulnerability.

Skill #4 : (Offhand Torch Skill)

  • Throw Torch
    Throw your Torch and Burn your foe.
    Throw Torch
    Throw your Torch and Blind your foe.

Skill #5 : (Offhand Torch Skill)

  • Bonfire
    Set a fire around you, Burning foes. (combo field : Fire)
    Kick up a cloud of ash and dust, Blinding foes. (combo field : Smoke)

Other Ideas, Thoughts, and Considerations

  • I was thinking that Skill 3, could give you and your pet stealth instead of changing all your skills to causing blindness, but it wouldn’t make much sense in broad daylight, but this is a game, and it would be kind of interesting to think of that possiblility as well…(If we go with this, then the Ignite skill in the sequence would still be there, its just used to cut off your stealth early, and apply extra conditon and damage!)
  • (More ideas to come later)

…well, first off, What do you think of my weapon idea? I want to know if other rangers can see themselves using a weapon like this or if it needs adjustments. I haven’t put any damage amounts, activation times, or recharge times because that doesn’t matter so much at this stage, just looking for more ideas to build up this weapon into something we can actually see in Guild Wars 2.

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Good ideas, and mainhand torch would be interesting and a perfect fit for ranger actually.

I’d really like to see crossbows introduced and added to ranger and a few other classes.

Personally I’d like to be able to give my ranger a hammer xd but I know that doesn’t really fit haha


Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086



#1: Shoot ghostly wolves at the target.
#2: Summon Sun Spirit.
#3: Summon Frost Spirit.
#4: Summon Storm Spirit.
#5: Summon Stone Spirit.

Sun Spirit: Drop a combo-field: fire at target location. If an enemy runs through the field it will collapse and spawn a sun spirit which attacks the target for 5 seconds. After 5 seconds, or once killed, the sun spirit explodes blinding everyone around it.

Frost Spirit: Drop a combo-field: ice at target location. If an enemy runs through the field it will collapse and spawn a frost spirit which attacks the target for 5 seconds chilling and weakening them. After 5 seconds, or once killed, the frost spirit explodes chilling all targets around it.

Storm Spirit: Drop a combo-field: Lightning at target location. If an enemy runs through the field it will collapse and summon a storm spirit for 5 seconds. Each hit will daze the target. If the spirit dies or after 5 seconds, it will explode stunning all targets for 1 second.

Stone Spirit: Place a Combo-Field Water at target location. If the field is triggered will summon an earth spirit for 5 seconds putting vulnerability on the target with each strike. After 5 seconds or when the Earth spirit dies, all friendly allies nearby gain protection and the earth spirit leaves behind a mud trap.

The fields alone are powerful, so they won’t deal any damage unless triggered. It would allow for the skills to be replaced with something else more AE/Burst oriented, and the timing on this weapon could be balanced to have about as much overall power as the spirits untraited.

Could introduce traits to increase the health and duration of spirits. Have one so when they explode they have a chance to summon a new spirit. Just random stuff.

Just want something to give this class more utility and this is probably too much in one place, but a year of having nothing will lead to overcompensating.

But like I said.. the main goal is to free up some skill slots to give this class much needed burst and AE. I think a perfect solution would be quivers. Where thieves have poisons that make their next few attacks do something, the Ranger could have quivers that make their next few attacks do something.

Flame Shot: Next 5 shots will cause 1 second of burning and explode on hit dealing AE damage (limited to first target struck).

Baited Shot: Next 2 attacks will grant opening strikes to your pet and allowing them to have a 100% chance to crit for the next 5 seconds.

(edited by Atherakhia.4086)

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrispy.5641




  • Rangers need a weapon that Solidifies the fact that they know “Nature Magic”.
  • Rangers need a way to stay relevant even after their pets die, because Ranger pets can be anywhere from 30%-70% of your total damage depending on your build, and some utility skills require a pet to work.

What makes it Unique?

  • Weapon skills change depending on whether your pet is alive or dead, changes as simple as changing boons and targets, some more complex.

I couldn’t decide between melee or range, so I have a different autoattack skill for both. I also couldn’t decide on other skills either, so I have 8 different weapon skills total to present to you, instead of 5. (admittedly, I don’t play a staff much on my other characters, so I’m not sure of how it works exactly in relation to other weapons.)

Note : Skills with a dead pet are in Italics

Skill 1 : Auto Attack (Range Staff)

  • Thorns
    Cause thorns to grow, hitting multiple foes with a chance to inflict poison. Applies Cripple to your pet’s target.
    Cause thorns to grow, hitting multiple foes with a chance to inflict poison. Applies Cripple to your target.

Skill 1 : Chain Attack : Autoattack (Melee Staff)

  • Strike
    Strike your foe. Your pet’s next attack inflicts Bleeding.
    -> Swing (2)
    Strike your foe again. Your pet’s next attack inflicts cripple.
    -> -> Power Strike (3)
    Strike foes around you in a complete circle. Your pet gains Might for every enemy you Strike.
    Strike your foe. Your next attack inflicts Bleeding.
    -> Swing (2)
    Strike your foe again. Your next attack inflicts cripple.
    -> -> Power Strike (3)
    Strike foes around you in a complete circle. You gain Might for every enemy you Strike.

Skill 2

  • Hornet’s Nest
    Strike the ground with your staff, causing hornets to surface, dealing damage to foes every second, while healing your pet every second.
    Hornet’s Nest
    Strike the ground with your staff, causing hornets to surface, dealing damage to foes every second while healing you every second.

Skill 2 (Alternate)

  • Symbiotic Bond (PBAoE Channeled Skill)
    Damage surrounding foes while drawing natural energy from the earth. Your pet is healed if it has less health than you. You are healed if you have less health than your pet.
    Symbiotic Bond (PBAoE Channeled Skill)
    Damage surrounding foes while drawng natural energy from the earth. Cure a condition on surrounding allies. You are healed during this time.

Skill 3

  • Circle of Life
    Mark a foe. The more Damage that foe takes before it dies, the more Health and Might your pet gains.
    Circle of Life
    Mark a foe. When that foe dies, create a healing spring at foe’s location. The More damage that foe takes before it dies, the longer this healing spring lasts.

Skill 4

  • Energizing Wind
    Damage foes and grant your pet Protection, Health Regeneration, and Stability. Grants Vigor and Health Regeneration to yourself and surrounding allies.
    Energizing Wind
    Damage foes and grant Protection and Stability to yourself. Grants Vigor and Health Regeneration to yourself and surrounding allies.

Skill 5

  • Edge of Extinction
    Create a blast around your pet, Knocking back all enemies. Deals more damage the less health your pet has. Fully Restore your pet’s health. (Combo : Blast Finisher)
    Edge of Extinction
    Create a blast around yourself, Knocking back all enemies. Deals more damage the less health you have. Revive your Pet. (Combo : Blast Finisher)

Other Thoughts, Ideas and considerations

  • Well, I kind of need some help here with this one, since all that really changes on the weapon are where the heals and conditions go, plus I don’t know staves very well in this game…

(edited by Chrispy.5641)

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


(stupid short post length…..)

Good ideas, and mainhand torch would be interesting and a perfect fit for ranger actually.

I’d really like to see crossbows introduced and added to ranger and a few other classes.

Personally I’d like to be able to give my ranger a hammer xd but I know that doesn’t really fit haha

I like the Torch the way I was thinking of it, but its still halfbaked, and it still needs to be refined a little. (Any ideas would be greatly Appreciated!!!)

I also had an idea for the Crossbow, but its even less halfbaked than halfbaked, if that makes any sense. Also, I can’t even see how a Ranger would use a Hammer at all, but it is neat to think about.


#1: Shoot ghostly wolves at the target.
#2: Summon Sun Spirit.
#3: Summon Frost Spirit.
#4: Summon Storm Spirit.
#5: Summon Stone Spirit.

The fields alone are powerful, so they won’t deal any damage unless triggered. It would allow for the skills to be replaced with something else more AE/Burst oriented, and the timing on this weapon could be balanced to have about as much overall power as the spirits untraited.

But like I said.. the main goal is to free up some skill slots to give this class much needed burst and AE. I think a perfect solution would be quivers. Where thieves have poisons that make their next few attacks do something, the Ranger could have quivers that make their next few attacks do something.

Flame Shot: Next 5 shots will cause 1 second of burning and explode on hit dealing AE damage (limited to first target struck).

Baited Shot: Next 2 attacks will grant opening strikes to your pet and allowing them to have a 100% chance to crit for the next 5 seconds.

Shooting Ghost Wolves! Awesome!

Also, Your Quiver’s idea sounds alot like Preparation skills that Rangers had in Guild Wars 1 (as well as the Sharpening Stone we have now). Which I completely agree, we need more of those, such as Choking Gas, Ignite Arrows and Kindle Arrows from gw1. I have a theory that the reason we never saw more of them was because each class only has 20 utility skills, and they needed to be pushed aside early in devellopment for other skills.

Also, now that we have two different staves, lets see what we can do with them, and devellop one of the ideas into a full fledged weapon, or combine them together into a single weapon!

Edit :::
Comming Soon!!!(Tuesday)

  • I show you my idea for a Mace weapon, but, lets call it a club.
  • New Skill ideas

(edited by Chrispy.5641)

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Lobo.1296


I have always loved the idea of a staff for the ranger so it can embrace the nature magic/druid side of their character and fill a niche that the ranger can’t right now through weapons…full support. Also, condition removal is a ranger weak spot right now and they have no way of dealing with high boon bunkers right now so this could help with that role.

Here’s mine:

Skill 1:
Strike: 1 Strike foe for moderate damage
—>Club: Club foe for moderate damage pet gains fury
—->Shillelagh: Swing staff in an arc knocking back foes around ranger and removing one boon. (Blast finisher)

Wall of thorns: Summons a wall of thorns at target area. Foes passing through will be crippled, and suffer from 2 stacks of bleed (5s).
—->Bloom: Wall of thorns will bloom flowers causing foes to suffer from poison and regen for allies (5s)

Skill 3:
Lunar/Solar Flare: Effects will change depending on day/night cycle or ranger can “charge” ability to pick cycle when out of combat.
Targeted AoE with combo field that lasts 5s.
Lunar Flare: Bathes area in the light of the moon curing one condition every second while in field and giving allies retaliation (1s). Allies have a 15% chance of healing with their attacks. Light field.
Solar Flare: Bathes area in the intense rays of the sun causing blindness to foes (1s) and stripping one boon every second from foes. Causes burning for 1s for each boon removed.
Allies gain 1s of vigor and attacks have a 15% chance of causing burning (2s) while in the area. Fire field.

Skill 4:
Edge of Extinction: PBAoE: Causes 5s torment and grants pet swiftness and 5 stacks of might for 10s. Refresh stacks of might if you kill a target during effect.

Skill 5:
Primal Focus: Strikes enemies in front of ranger. Grants allies protection and vigor (8s). Also enlarges pet granting it stability for 8s

For kicks and giggles I did an OH Focus skills also focusing on the druid/support theme.

Skill 4:
Nature’s Stride: Grants 15s of swiftness and vigor to allies. Pet gains stability

Famine: PBAoE: Causes weakness and cripple and removes a boon every second in area. (dark field). Pet conditions are converted to boons.

Main-Hand Dagger:
It’s hard to find another main-hand weapon that doesn’t already copy what sword or axe does and still fits with the OHs. Because my previous entries were caster specific I decided to make the MH dagger a support oriented weapon that could easily be paired with the warhorn, torch or my new focus.

Because it’s a dagger, it still requires close to medium ranged attacks.

Skill 1:
Jab: Jab forward with the dagger causing moderate damage and bleeds for 2s
—>Ferocious Strike: Stab for with dagger marking target for pet causing pet’s next attack to do 15% more damage and causing 5 stacks of vulnerability (5s)

Skill 2:
Scavenger’s Focus: Slash in front of you and summon crows that deal additional damage for each condition on a target. Pet’s next attack causes blindness. (This can have a bird animation similar to rune of the mad king.)

Skill 3:
Storm Chaser: Leap backwards leaving a lightning field behind you and causing causing weakness to foes (4s). Foes are stunned if struck at the end of the leap.

That’s it for me. I really like some of the ideas of others, I hope we see a staff in the future. I’d love a full support/spirit build for my ranger.

(edited by Lobo.1296)

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


I like some of your Staff idea. I would like to suggest a change or two. For Skill 2, with Bloom, you could add a 4 second posion field for some combo effects.

For my Staff, I added a few things based on suggestions from elsewhere (not on these forums)… Skill 3 has a Ice Field now on Frozen Soil, and Skill 5, Edge of Extinction now does Damage based on how much life your pet (or you) have left. The less health, the more damage. The more you can hold out before healing/reviving your pet, the greater damage you can potentially do.

any other changes someone would like to suggest?

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


Yep, I’m still around, working on this stuff..
I changed a few things around with the two weapon ideas I made already, but the only real difference is that I removed the Alternate Staff Skill 3, because it was just slightly more ridiculous than the rest of my staff idea. I’ll repost it later if anyone asks about it.

Now for the Club!….er…Mace!

My idea with this weapon was that if your attack fails, whatever boon or condition you would have recieved or applied, your pet would do it instead on their next atack. Really simple, nothing really to this weapon honestly compared to the other two I posted.



  • Ranger’s need another Mainhand weapon, but one that isn’t condition(axe) or movement(sword) dependent.
  • Ranger’s still need a weapon that have greater Synergy with their pet.*

What make’s it Unique?

  • If your Skill fails, skill effects are applies on your pet’s next attack instead.

Skill 1 : Chain Attack : Auto Attack

  • Club Smash
    Smash your foe
    Club Bash
    Bash your foe.
    Reflecting Blow
    Spin around, striking your foes, reflecting projectiles and gaining retaliation for the duration of the attack. If this attack fails, your pet will recieve retaliation instead.

Skill 2

  • Skull Smash
    Leap at your foe to strike them, dealing damage and inflicting Confusion. If this attack fails, your pet’s next attack will cause confusion instead.

Skill 3

  • Ram’s Strike
    Headbutt your foe, knocking them back. If this attack fails, your pet’s next attack will Knock Back instead. (Of course, this should have a cool ghost model of a ram surrounding you as you ram into an enemy headfirst, which would be AWESOME!!!)(model like the Eagle during swoop, or the Snake during serpent’s strike)

Other thoughts, ideas, and considerations
That’s really all there is to the Mace. oh, and when I mean fail, I mean block, miss, interrupt, etc. So if you are fighting enemies or players that like to make quick and go invulnerable or stealth, or blind you, or interrupt you, you can bring the mace along instead of the sword, and ensure that your skill effects hit.

You can even just put your pet on passive to just save the effect for later if they fail (40 to 60 sec duration), and you can even stack the three different effects (atleast how I’m thinking of it) this way for opening up combat against an especially tough foe or players in WvW.

Wall of Thorns
My Original Idea for the Wall of Thorns was to have a targetable wall that stops enemy movement and inflicts bleeding. To keep it with the Ranger’s Entangle Skill though, Enemies can attack and destroy it and it doesn’t have a great deal of health. It would also last a long time if it wasn’t destroyed.
Then Lobo had an idea for his staff that had a similar skill on his #2, but it had a Bloom utility that would poison enemies and heal allies, just it was a much more temporary skill. There was some things I really liked in the skill, so I integrated it with my Wall of Thorns skill. Here it is::

Utility Skill
Wall of Thorns
Create a Wall of Thorns at Target location. Foes cannot pass, and take bleeding if they get close.(1s act.)(60s dur.)(60s recharge)
-> Bloom
Your Wall of Thorns Blooms, granting health regeneration to Allies, then wilts away, dealing damage and inflicting Poison to foes.(1/2 act.)(Combo Field : Poison (4s))(15s recharge)

Future Stuff::: (Wed. or Fri.)

  • Rifle – I have it envisioned more as a Tranquilizer gun, and I think its unique enough to warrant the weapon’s existence…. Definitely a support weapon though.
  • Spear – About 80% done, (it was harder than I thought…) – Control Weapon.
  • Warhorn Mainhand – Because,…Why not? (20% done) – envisioned as a summoning weapon for Utility and Support.
  • More Utility and some Elite skills to come later

Edit : P.S.

If anyone has ideas to add or take away from the weapons people posted here, please say them.
Or if you want to say this thread is horrible, it belongs in suggestions or it should be nuked from the face of the earth,….hey it’s your opinion and it wont hurt my feelings. go on and say it!

(edited by Chrispy.5641)

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: The Boz.2038

The Boz.2038

I’d LOVE staff (GW1 beastmaster) and hammer (GW1 thumper) as new ranger weapons.

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


I’ll add it to the list (which I still need to do for other recent threads with weapon ideas too). I also had an idea for a few weeks now for an Elite Trap skill. I was going to name it the Trap Bundle, and it would replace all of your Weapon Skills with 5 New Skills. All these traps can be used only once, and once you use the last one, you go back to your regular weapon skills. I’m not completely done with it yet, but I’ll show it off anyways, and see if anyone has any ideas to develop it further.

Trap Bundle

  • Rangers have an Elite Survival Skill, and an Elite Spirit Skill. We should also have an Elite trap Skill (as well as an Elite Shout and Signet for total build Synergy across all our skills since so many trait lines depend on only one of those skill types, but that’s for another time!)
  • I also think that Rangers should have the option of carrying 4 trap skills into battle with them, for the condition damage.

What makes it Unique?

  • An Elite Skill that gives you 4 one time use skills for various effects.

Elite Skill (Trap)
Trap Bundle
Replace your weapon with a Bundle that has Four one time use Trap skills.(30 sec. duration)

Skill 1 : Auto Attack

  • Snare
    Set a Snare trap that Immobilizes foes. If foes triggered this trap while moving, they also take damage.
    (You can use this repeatedly until you use your other 4 trap skills. Use it to immobilize foes while you set your other traps!)

Skill 2

  • Dust Trap
    Set a Dust Trap that Damages and Blinds foes. (Combo Field : Smoke)

Skill 3

  • Fire Ant Trap
    Set a trap that Damages foes and inflicts Torment.
    (Of course one of them has to be animal related! Why not fire ants? They are Annoying, and I would be Terrified if I was covered in them!)

Skill 4

  • Choking Gas
    Set a trap that Interrupts foes attempting to use skills.
    (Rangers had a preparation skill in Gw1 called Choking Gas)
    (…But its a thief skill now too, so this name needs to change, or a new one put here alltogether)

Skill 5

  • Healing Spring
    Create a Second Healing Spring that heals you, your pet, and your allies. It also cures conditions on allies.

Other Thoughts, Ideas, and Considerations

  • I’m not sure if Healing Spring should even be there. It was a Trap in Gw1, and I thought it would be a cool idea to spend an Elite Skill to give yourself an Extra heal (not to mention the other stuff that comes with it!). If no one likes the Healing Spring on Skill 5, thats the main thing that needs to change about this skill idea.
  • Also, the skills might not be strong enough, or they may be too strong.

Future Updates (later Wed. or Fri.)

  • Rifle – My Rifle has evolved into a hybird of Condition and Support, and like the Staff, I have several alternate skills because I couldn’t decide what to put in it exactly and what exact role it should have. Depending on the skills, it could go full condition or about 80% a support weapon. The main mechanic behind it is the same though, and involves tranquilizer darts as opposed to nothing but bullets.

Later on…

  • Elite Shout and Signet – Because why not? I just showed an Elite trap Skill, and I have a few ideas already…
  • Spear Weapon – 90% done. Control Weapon.
  • Warhorn – 30% done. Summoning Weapon.

Edit : Made a few corrections and extra notes.

(edited by Chrispy.5641)

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Longbow skill #3 reworked.

instead of shooting an arrow that stealths you upon hit, your ranger could do a very quick, sharp twist while becoming crouched then after that animation the ranger has 3 seconds of stealth, getting rid of needing a target for rangers to stealth. idk, just my .2 cents

(inspired by this photo)


Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Longbow skill #3 reworked.

instead of shooting an arrow that stealths you upon hit, your ranger could do a very quick, sharp twist while becoming crouched then after that animation the ranger has 3 seconds of stealth, getting rid of needing a target for rangers to stealth. idk, just my .2 cents

(inspired by this photo)

Get some final fantasy action going on where you twirl real fast, leaves rustle all around you, you AE blind everyone, and the leaves disappear and you’re not there!

Then we can get rid of pets and get some capcom vs sf action going and you point at the target and spirit animals come leaping out of nowhere running over targets!

I’m only half kidding

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Lobo.1296


I would rework KBS and Hunter’s shot thusly:

KBS: Just add the stealth effect to this skill. I like the stealth and it fits nicely with the disengage of KBS.

New Hunter’s Shot: Ranger draws the bow, damage, range and missile speed is based on how long the Ranger draws the shot up to a max of 5 sec for max damage, range and speed. If shot at max draw (5 sec) target is immobilized (3s).

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


The only problem I have with hunter’s shot is that if you use it while Barrage or a Trap is going off, you never get stealth. That’s not a bad thing, you just have to put more consideration into how you use your skills and when to use them.

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrispy.5641




  • Ranger’s are technically Hunters, and you would think that in 250 years, they would adopt some more modern technology to Hunt with?
  • I mean, seriously, The Char are an Industrialized Nation, that produces Iron and Steel weapons. The Asura are a Hyper Advanced Techno-Magical Society that has Laser cannons/guns. Humans have advanced by huge amounts in the last 250 years as well.

Why Not? (yeah….Still have reservations about Rangers and Rifles…)

  • If Human Rangers in Gw2 are descended from Gw1, then that means that Human Rangers were worshippers of Melandru. Melandru is the Goddess of Nature, and things that destroy Nature, such as Industrialization and the products of that industrialization, she probably wouldn’t support.
  • Norn Rangers/Hunters might think of a Rifle as “Easy Mode” Because it takes only a few months to train yourself to use a Rifle. A Bow on the other hand, takes many years of practice training in order to use properly, and would be much more of a challenge for them, and the prestige of killing that Giant Ice Wurm with a Bow instead of a rifle might earn them more respect in the long run.
  • If Rifles were only develloped 250 years ago, and technical evolution follows the same way the real world does, then the Rifle just wouldn’t Compare to the Bow in terms of Range, Accuracy, or Fire Rate. (Since this is a Fantasy World though, with Magic, and hyper advanced Asura.. I can see Rifles being just as good at range as any bow.)

What Makes it Unique?

  • (Version 1) Tranquilizer, a Mechanic applied by the Ranger’s Rifle that increases the duration of Conditions and increases damage applied by the Ranger’s Rifle.
  • (Version 2) Tranquilizer Darts and other rifle attacks filled with various natural poisons and other substances that weaken’s your foes and supports your allies.

Skills (VERSION 1)

Skill 1 : Auto Atack

  • Tranquilizer Shot
    Shoot your foe, and apply 1 stack of Tranquilizer. You attack Faster for each stack of Tranquilizer on Foe (10%).
    -At 3,4,5 Stacks of Tranquilizer, Apply Confusion for (2sec.)
    -At 6 Stacks of Tranquilizer, Apply Weakness and Reset stacks of Tranquilizer.
    (Alternatively, your foe could activate skills 5% slower on Stacks 3,4 and 5 to reflect the effect of the Tranquilizer.)

Skill 2

  • Deceptive Dart
    Shoot your foe, Causing Blindness. Your Pet’s Next Attack Also causes Blindness.
    -At 0 Stack, 2 sec.
    -At 3 Stacks, 8 sec.
    -At 6 Stacks, 16 sec. Remove all Stacks of Tranquilizer

Skill 3

  • Stinging Dart
    Shoot your foe, applying Poison and Bleeding.
    -At 0 Stacks, 2 sec.
    -At 3 Stacks, 8 sec.
    -At 6 Stacks, 16sec.

Skill 4

  • Tormenting Dart
    Shoot your foe, applying Cripple. Your Pet’s attacks apply Torment to any foe it attacks for the duration of this Cripple.
    -At 0 Stacks, 2 sec.
    -At 3 Stacks, 8 sec.
    -At 6 Stacks, 16 sec.

Skill 5

  • Killing dart
    Shoot your foe with a Dart loaded with deadly Venom. This skill will do greater Bonus Damage for every stack of Tranquilizer on foe.
    -At 0 stacks, 1% Bonus Damage
    -At 1 Stack, 2% Bonus Damage
    -At 3 Stacks, 4% Bonus Damage
    -At 4 Stacks, 8% Bonus Damage
    -At 5 Stacks, 16% Bonus Damage
    -At 6 Stacks, 32% Bonus Damage.

Other Thoughts, Ideas, and Considerations (Version 1)

  • This is a slow firing, deliberate weapon. Wasting your #2-5 Skills without atleast 3 stacks of Tranquilizer is pointless.
  • Unfortunately, this is a 100% Condition/Damage weapon, and we already have plenty of these, so it needs some tweaks and such to be of any use over other weapons.

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


Skills (VERSION 2) (No wierd Tranquilizer Condition Mechanic)(But this version is even more halfbaked than the previous version…)
Skill 1 : Auto Atack

  • Tranquilizer Dart
    Shoot your foe, Applying Vulnerability and Confusion.
    (same name as Engineer’s Elixer gun Skill 1, but lots of skills have similar names!)

Skill 2

  • Adrenaline Darts
    Shoot a Spread of 5 Darts infront of you. Foes hit by these darts take Damage. Allies are Healed and gain Swiftness for Each Dart They are hit by.
    (Piercing attack like shortbow and Axe #2.)
    (Allies include Players, your Pet, your Spirits, Npc’s, etc.)

Skill 3

  • Stinging Dart
    Shoot your foes with a natural poison that slows their ability to heal, inflicting Poison and Bleeding.

Skill 4

  • Tormenting Dart
    Shoot your foe, crippling them. The next three attacks from Allies that hit this foe inflict Torment.
    (Allies can be you, your pet, other players, their pets, npc allies, etc.)

Skill 5

  • Chalk Marker
    Shoot Target area creating a Dustcloud, Blinding nearby foes and Marking them. Marked foes leave a bright Trail of White Chalk and take 5% extra damage from Allies. (Combo Field : Smoke)
    (An Alternate way of doing this skill would be that the dustcloud that gets created kicks enemies out of stealth, but the revealed debuff is a little too powerful without a ridiculous cooldown.)
    (The Dustcloud should last as long as any other combo fields, about 4-8 seconds.)

Other Thoughts, Ideas, and Considerations (Version 2)

  • This is a little more like other Ranged weapons in the game as opposed to the 1st version.
  • This Weapon has more Support Capabilities, but it could be better…

Comming Soon
Spear – Low Damage, Low Condition Control Weapon, with some Dazes, Stuns, and Knockbacks. (Sunday)
Warhorn – Summons Nature’s Creatures to attack for you, and deals continuous Damage over time. (Tuesday)

(edited by Chrispy.5641)

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


Halberd (Or Polearm, or spear, or whatever)


  • Polearms would be a great addition to Guildwars 2 as two handed weapons.
  • There isn’t really any Terrestial Polearms yet in the game, and while they might share the same game models as Spears (like how Short Bows and Long bows are similar), there could be a whole lot of new models made, like Halberds, Partisans, etc, and instead of just spears.

Why Not?

  • Spears are Already an Underwater Weapon, and Polearms would be visually similar weapons in almost every way. The weapon skins could even be interchangeable…)
  • We have too many Two handed weapons (LB, SB, Rifle, Hammer, Greatsword, Staff)(lame excuse, I know…)

What Makes it Unique?

  • For the Ranger, our Skirmishing Naturist Marksman Beastmaster,..person (seriously? What is their ‘archtype anyways?!?’), I have the spear evisioned as a Two handed Control weapon, pinning enemies to the ground, knocking them back, Down, and all over the place. No Base Condition Capability (other than some immobilizes, cripples and Vulnerabilities), because too many of our other Ranger weapons are good at that already.

(This is a Two handed Idea, Though it could be cut down and Skills 1-3 be used instead for a 1 handed spear. Or maybe it should be re-imagined as a ranged Javelin? Ideas anyone?)

Skill 1 : Autoattack : Chain Attack

  • Stab
    Stab your Foe, applying Vulnerability.
    -> Jab
    Stab your Foe again, applying Vulnerability again.
    -> -> Thrust
    Spin around and Stab your Foe a Third time, reflecting projectiles while you attack.

Skill 2

  • Charge
    Ram into Foes, knocking them back.
    (Should totally have the green ghost model of a Dolyak, Ram, Rhino, etc. charging surrounding you, much like the skills with animals in the animation on Greatsword, Aquatic Spear, and Sword.)

Skill 3

  • Pole Vault
    Leap Foward through the Air, Bringing your spear into Target Foe. Foe is Immobilized.
    -> Pull
    Pull your spear out of target foe, crippling them even longer.
    (only if target is still immobilized and before other spear attacks)
    (And I mean leap Into The air a good height alone with the distance, not just foward.)

Skill 4

  • Sweep (has a long activation time)
    Stand in place, preparing yourself for a sweep attack. Gain Stability for 2 seconds.
    -> Front Sweep (after 1.9 seconds or less)
    Sweep your polearm infront of you, tripping all foes.
    -> Full Sweep (after 2 Seconds)
    Sweep in a Full Circular motion, Knocking back all foes around you.
    (Inspired by the Sweep skill you can do in Assassin’s creed II)

Skill 5

  • Primal Fury
    Perform a Long Chain of Attacks, Granting Fury and Quickness to you and your pet for each sucessful attack. The Final Attack Knocks back all foes.
    (My Idea for this skill is for you to perform a Chain of 5-10 Attacks, dealing great damage over time (Which Ranger’s are great at), and if you hit sucessfully you start granting fury and quickness to yourself and your pet. Quickness only lasts for the duration of this skill so its almost useless for you except for ending this 6 second skill quicker, but its even better for your pet, F2 skills, and skills like Sharpening Stone!)

Other Thoughts, Ideas, and Considerations

  • An alternate Idea would be for one of your skills to throw your spear into a foe
  • A Spear being a Spear, and being longer than other 2handed weapons, should have a longer attack ranger. Ranger Swords are 130, Greatswords are 150. Spears should be 170+ to make it more unique, and give better utility to some of its skills whose animations would exceed the shorter ranges (such as sweep)

Comming Soon!

  • nope,….that’s it!!!

(edited by Chrispy.5641)

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Raven.9603


I’d much rather see staff as a hard hitting evasive melee weapon, like the DAoC Friar, than some magical weapon. none of our other weapons are magical other than that they seem to embrace the fighting style of an animal (swoop like a bird, bite like a snake, sting like a bee + float like a butterfly, etc).

Melee Staff:
1. 3 swing auto attack Last hit is an evade, inflicts weakness.

2. Falcon’s Assault: Hop over your target, swing repeatedly while evading (leaping death blossom). pets next attack chills target 2s. Falcon’s diving overhead animation.

3. Leopard’s Leap: Lunge at your target (600) daze (leap finisher). Faint feline pouncing animation.

4. Winds of the North: Spin staff around, parry attacks while damaging and chilling nearby foes.

5. Stalker’s Charge: Charge your target (900). If you hit your target from the front, stun, behind, knockdown. Faint wolf running animation.

-better control than any other ranger weapon
-complete lack of boons
-capable of standing ground in melee
-less mobility than GS
-has evades/blocks, but they are tied to the heavy hitters, so players have to make a real choice between using those cooldowns offensively or defensively (compared to sword/dagger/greatsword, whose evades/blocks are almost strictly saved for defense).

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds